Jazzlvraz's page
Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 957 posts (3,377 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 alias.
"The artillery is a god of modern war."
- Joseph Stalin
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Pax Shane Gifford wrote: Not sure how much Goblin Shark action there will be in the River Kingdoms... Obvious, isn't it?
*knock knock*
"Who's there?"
"Goblin Landshark"
I've tried to create an alias, but I can't find my avatar-pic again. Any hints on a way to do that not involving looking at every page of selections?
Congratulations on Brighthaven having a home!
How the Nihimonicon got buried deep on page 2, I have no idea, but--especially now--it belongs at the top!
Forencith wrote: We specifically planned for that possibility. ...and continue to.
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Broken_Sextant wrote: Why would he be counted with Pax at any point? If I have the sequence correct, UNC was once allied with Pax to the point their counts were combined on the original Land Rush thread. Now they're either more loosely aligned, or not aligned at all, but the UNC votes still counted to give Pax the second choice in today's announced sites.
I find myself wondering whether it'll be any more difficult for TEO, Pax, and T7V to recruit now that we have our sites. It seems there's room for other groups to look for interesting incentives to offer to boost their own group-sizes at the expense of those now "settled".
Fun times coming...starting today.
Alexander_Damocles wrote: And I'll sit in Brighthaven, making sure it all happens without dirtying my hands. You'll dirty them with all that filthy lucre, I'm sure...
Bringslite wrote: Correct me if I am mistaken. You're exploring the borders of the arbitrary-and-capricious GMing we'll have. I, for one, choose to trust that GW will recognise their incentives to very carefully watch their community...and to listen to us.
One polite person may not be enough to offset other voices, activity logs, personal observation by a GM...
Nihimon wrote: Come and take it I pray this doesn't become the motto of the River Kingdoms.
Nightdrifter, I love your numbers as always, but in this case, given Lee's comments that they're going to adjust movement times based on fun and not necessarily reality, we may be a bit pre-mature in working the math right now.
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Lord Zodd wrote: If someone can't handle playing a game with Open PvP then coloring their name for a bit won't change that. That seems to imply that liking or not liking Open PvP is an inherent, and not a learned, characteristic. It feels as if some temporary "protection" could aid people in discovering whether it's an acquired taste for them, possibly mitigating a knee-jerk reaction.
Being wrote: You wouldn't leave your char on autopilot just anywhere... From the stories I hear about Hulkageddon and other suicide ganking in EVE, it seems there's no such thing as safety anywhere humans are involved. If certain EVE players could figure out where you live in real life, I'm sure there'd be reports of home invasion murders, too.
Amazing work, Harad. Thank you for your time.
I'm so glad that Shane Gifford's been transcribing the vlogs, because without his contribution, an increasing number of Summon Nihimon spells would fail. I, for one, read so much faster than people talk that I'm in favour of updates going all-written-all-the-time, but I suspect I'm in a minority.
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Bluddwolf wrote: ...you would have hired enough guards to protect your cargo. Where, in any game, will a character have enough money to pay a sufficiently-large group of human players to protect him? It's hard enough, in the real world, to find people willing to deal competently with the "hours of boredom, moments of sheer terror" involved in guard-work; in a game, who wants to spend the time he paid for in pursuits like that?
I've spent the last few weeks at my real work arguing the benefits of considering sunk costs to be just that: sunk, and not worth following on with further expenditure. Bluddwolf, you're dangerously close to succeeding in convincing me to write off the few hundreds of dollars I've spent on PFO as a poor investment, not worth pursuing further.
The game you write about seems bleak beyond all hope of joy.
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Bringslite wrote: ...in all of the "Drow" fiction that I have read, they seem able and willing to cooperate when there is need and it is in their best interests. Please also remember that the Drow in fiction are exactly that: in fiction. They need to be shown a certain way in the tale to advance the purposes of the storyteller, and there aren't any real human beings controlling each one of them, as there will, of necessity, be here.
Writing about Chaotic Evil societies while recognising all the limitations and logical conclusions about such societies would likely not lead to publication, as entertainment value might end up being minimal:
"A chaotic evil character does whatever his greed, hatred, and lust for destruction drive him to do. He is hot-tempered, vicious, arbitrarily violent, and unpredictable. If he is simply out for whatever he can get, he is ruthless and brutal. If he is committed to the spread of evil and chaos, he is even worse. Thankfully, his plans are haphazard, and any groups he joins or forms are poorly organized. Typically, chaotic evil people can be made to work together only by force, and their leader lasts only as long as he can thwart attempts to topple or assassinate him."
It's hard to imagine a sustainable narrative about a group of serial killers large enough to be called a society.
Kazz Signsoul wrote: ...SWAGs. (Scientific-Wild-Ass-Guess). [That's an actual engineering term, fyi.] In my math-and-stats world, we call them Silly Wild-Ass Guesses, and they're still incredibly useful.
"The Goodfellow" wrote: ...the only real unit of measure. Time!! I've lived in cities my whole life, and I noticed in high school I was already doing that. I've never thought of things in terms of distance-from-me, but only as time-from-me.
Rush hour, road construction, a stop along the way...all those my brain just sort of deals with somehow, but as-the-crow-flies, or other distances? Not a clue.
If we're going to go all pre-industrial with our measurements, why not just let things go the way they used to...each polity assigns its own weights and measures, complete with fines and other punishments for being caught using someone's else's system inside the wrong territory?
Meaningful human interaction could begin with each merchant or crafter conversation settling how they were going to understand one another.
Dazyk wrote: I'm positive that Ryan would have explained in much more depth had he been given the chance. Watched it twice to be sure, and I think he went for a nice pun--that many in the audience seemed not to plumb--as his deliberately complete contribution.
DeciusBrutus wrote: I assume that they would despawn when looted. Rushed for time, so no quote, but haven't we heard that corpses will remain for a time allowing one to try to return to one's own corpse to get whatever wasn't looted or destroyed?
Tyncale wrote: ...a death means you probably lost all your non-threaded stuff anyway... It's been a while, but there was once a thread with many folks saying they planned to equip only the most-useless 2-copper junk other than their threaded items. It'll be interesting to watch developments to see how well that strategy can hold out.
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Having never had perceptible hand/eye coordination, I dread the entrance of twitch. I'm one of those people who can't watch the fight, because I have to make sure I'm watching my UI at the edge of the screen, ensuring I use only the ability I intend, and not the one next to it.
Xeen wrote: He had trillions in his wallet just by playing the market. Sounds like my brother's experience. I just wanted to fly, appreciate the pretty art, and plan out my character's development, while he jumped right into the market-game.
In about 60 days, he'd said he'd "figured out the system", and began making money so fast that boredom set in pretty quickly; he couldn't find anything he was interested in spending his money on, so it just kept multiplying itself.
Giorgo wrote: I flagged them as "Break Other Forum Rules"... Same, but I've also seen the mods here are so on top of things that I figured I was racing to get them reported before deletion anyway :-).
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Here're some of his statements, all from the thread Naming Conventions:
Ryan Dancey wrote: Here's how you do it so its fair.
You begin with a simple set of rules that must be obeyed, which include prohibitions against using the names from popular copyrighted works. Other obvious restrictions are on names intentionally designed to be harassing or insensitive.
But the meta rule is "you can't use any name we don't like, and we can't tell you in advance if we like a name or not."
People with "name review credentials" (whomever those people may be) are empowered to flag any name they think is problematic. This function could be something that is awarded to particularly helpful volunteers. Flagging the name has no effect - the player of the character should be told they've been flagged, but not by whom, and there's no action to be taken until the process has concluded. Asking for an advance decision or trying to go around the system will be prejudicial to the case.
People with "name enforcement credentials" (whomever those people may be, very unlikely to include anyone not on the payroll) periodically review all the names currently flagged. They decide (using whatever criteria are established, some of which may include subjective opinion, and with the ability to bandy the debate around in an internal discussion for marginal cases that deserve it) if the name should be changed or not. If it is deemed necessary to change the name, the name is switched to something meaningless but obviously not a "real name". Such as "Name_Must_Be_Changed_217". A character with such a name will be required to change it before the character can log in again.
If the player involved thinks the change was unwarranted, they can make a single appeal, in writing, which will be reviewed by the supervisory authority of whomever did the name change in the first place, and the decision of that review is final.
A player who consistently generates names that are reviewed and found to be a problem will simply be banned - it will be cheaper to fire the customer than to try and fix the customer.
Ryan Dancey wrote: When we begin Early Enrollment the naming conventions are going to be the equivalent of the Wild West.
You should assume that any name you choose is provisional, subject to change, and remains active only at our discretion.
The rampant abuse of the name system I expect will be massive, but it doesn't make a lot of sense to devote a lot of resources to a more reflective and discriminatory naming review process in Early Enrollment compared to the other tasks on the priority list.
So expect that whatever name you choose is likely to get changed at some point and then you won't be disappointed if and when that happens.
Nihimon asked whether there'd be early name registration:
Ryan Dancey wrote: @Nihimon - we're talking about ways to do that which don't lead to name brokering. Ryan Dancey wrote: Names will have a real-world value (someone will snag a desirable name and then seek to sell the account that name is on; we can't stop it). Because of that we have to be careful to not let someone or some group namefarm the game. That means we have to have some systems in place to control the rate and proliferation of names before we start letting people claim them.
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Bluddwolf wrote: They will methodically use the system, within its parameters to pursue their objective of dominance. I look forward to hearing from the folks who're attempting methodically to use the system within its parameters, only to discover they don't fully understand those parameters, or they lack patience, or any of the other myriad things that may cause whining and moaning in the search for short-cuts, instant or near-instant success, or what they hope will be exploitable advantages somehow denied to their "victims". Those sounds will be joyful to my ears, and I expect the number of failures may asymptotically approach the number of attempts.
My brother and I've had a lot of fun...also in the "lotsa prep" realm...with RPTools, especially with their free MapTool.
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Bluddwolf wrote: This thread for the win!!! Don't forget Crowdforging (the concept) FTW, too. Impressive to balance so many moving pieces, keeping the thread on-topic (mostly), civil (mostly), and productive (Stephen's post #1200 gives pretty solid evidence).
Congratulations again, to all participants and contributors.
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Congratulations, folks, this's now solidly the third-most-posted thread. I honestly can't figure out whether we've learned much or settled anything, and I'm not entirely certain we've advanced the discussion; I can no longer tell what it'd take to accomplish that.
I'll not be the least surprised if most Companies have such a "designated SADer", or whatever other similar function proves the most useful. Some of our Crowdforging may be to see what ways there are to prevent such, or channel in into "appropriate" uses.
DeciusBrutus wrote: Homophones with divergent spelling... Now tell us how many times you re-read that before publishing to make sure you got it right.
One wonders whether vlogs are a way they intended to avoid us quoting them :-).
Drakhan Valane wrote: It's practically required for MMOs. I hope they deem it part of Minimum Viable Product, as I've long-since proven unable to re-train my left-handed brain to use WASD :-).
To have multiple characters, presumably on-par experience-wise, one simply pays multiple fees for their training time, or evenly splits whatever training time one pays for. Each character needs to earn the badges and achievements needed to advance what that character wants, while spending the XP earned by that character's fees.
I'm not sure many folks here are yet thinking about PFO not being Skyrim, when we're interested in getting in-game and exploring what we're going to help build. I'm already trying to figure out what time I can give my Twin, for example, given that I'll find it hard to put away my main when he can do anything and everything he wants.
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Pax Shane Gifford wrote: I guess what I'm asking is how exactly experience is gained and spent. Mu understanding is that XP are gained simply by time's passage, and one spends them only when one chooses. Unless there's a cap on XP storage, I expect one could hold onto a big slug until the right time.
Do we have indication from GW that one will be Evil and the other not? It feels as if we're in "quack like a duck" territory, at least for Reputation; the Gods may have their own ideas on Alignment effects.
Boojumbunn wrote: It is a huge complaint on champions... But Cryptic is the pioneer of the @handle system to allow everyone to play Superman, if they choose. I'm surprised they don't use this key feature of their innovation.
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Boojumbunn wrote: If Friend X makes a new thief character then I want to know my friend is online... But the corollary to that is that there may not be a way for your friend to be on-line and NOT have you know about it. There are times when one wants some privacy, and one also doesn't want to risk hurt feelings by telling others that.
Welcome, Dazyk. Good to have you here.
Being wrote: Well fireballs hit your own I should thing AoE heals would behave similarly. Nihimon may know where the reference is, as it's escaping me, but I thought we'd heard that AOE healing was indeed going to be a direct corollary to AOE damage...affects everyone/everything.
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Tuffon wrote: ...“it will confuse new players reason”... I thought what would confuse new players was the more-complicated system we'd all come up with to avoid carrying liquid assets from place to place. Given that there's no chance we'd not do that if coin were material, having coin be non-material appears, to me, the simplest solution, and easiest to explain and understand.
T7V Lord_Bane wrote: Some members use T7V and others use TSV. Some seem not to've located a reason to settle on one or the other :-).
Harad Navar wrote: ...the skill trees for the OE released characters may not match skills and feats trained for in EE... But, I believe, there'll be nothing restricting you from learning whatever you need to learn to set yourself up in your new role. I've heard nothing that says something like "once you learn to use a sword, you can't learn to use a spell".
On the contrary, we've got, just from yesterday (in the Thunderstrike thread), Nightdrifter pointing out that you can learn both Priest and Mage spells, and Ryan agreeing in boldface. One may not be able to effectively prep *perfectly* for something not yet released, but, as someone pointed out many threads ago, you can train "increased hit points" before, say, Druids are out, without hurting yourself in any possible way.
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Tyncale wrote: We need a wiki. I mean, we have a fantastic live wiki called Nihimon but I feel burdened by always having to look his way for clarification, details and links to the correct blog. :(
Edit: Or Nightdrifter. :)
Nihimon: words
Nightdrifter: numbers
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Here's the link to Harad's astounding work on the map as we've learned it so far. You'll see the starting EE area has no rivers, so we won't have to be concerned Day One.
Nevy wrote: Is there no Destiny's Twin option or Twice Marked? The former, in particular, has been held out from the beginning as a Kickstarter-Backer-only reward; I can't remember off-hand whether the second's been in that category as well.