Modoru Redgrave

Kenwald's page

6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Atm i tend to go NG but we'll probably c where we end up when the game launches. Still lot of time till then.

Yeah i believe they were going for a more Guild Wars 2 approach where you only have 10 slots to put skills/feats in and according to which abilities/skills you slot your playstyle changes.

Costumable UI to move around chat screens, minimap etc would be nice. It gives you a personal touch. Same for keybinding.

I'm not that fond of mods/plugins but that's a personal opinion. If they go that way they'll probably be available for everyone so you have a choice if you want to use them or not.

I got to agree with Slaunyeh on this. The death penalty shouldnt be to harsh. Losing your things out of your inventory and unthreaded gear should be enough. I would be sad exploring on your own with good gear not all threaded being ambushed bye a large band of PC and not having a shot of getting back to your corps and losing all gear you worked hard for. Or am i seeing this wrong i'm not into pvp that much, i only used to play it in lotro where there's no penalty for dying except for some coins for repairs i believe.

Thnx Bringslite, i will have a look there to then

Hi all, found out about pfo when looking around on the internet for sandbox mmo. Started reading the blog from goblinworks and wanted to learn more about the game, the pathfinder universe so decided to join the forums.
I'm really excited about the game and want to be a part of its community and eventually meet all of you in game,
Noob question here is it or will it become possible to back this project again at kickstarter? Missed the first ones. Where can i find more info about the lore of this game

In lotro only cooks use mats from low level tiers in some higher tiers. I hope in pfo new players can be vital suppliers for high levelled crafters