Being wrote:
Umbasa! wrote:
Way over the top. What would ever stop a good player from just going to a place swarming with evil players? If the consequences are that severe there is no good reason ever for an evil player to provoke a good one. If anything, it will just become a way for good aligned players to grief evil aligned ones.
If the area is evil controlled wouldn't the good aligned be subject to evil conditions? If evil conditions include open pvp wouldn't the good be subject thereto?
So you have a good (sorry) I mean strong argument that the good aligned in evil controlled territory should be flagged for war, as they incited and provoked that condition.
Well, lets say there is an evil character and a good one hanging out in an area. Just somewhere in the middle of the wilderness. Nobody is really under a war flag in this example. I as an evil character am just minding my own business, doing evil things. You know how it is. But then a good character shows up and decides he wants in on whatever I'm doing. Maybe he wants to take over my mob camp or my harvest node. As an evil character I only have two options:
1.)Kill the good character. The good character is inconvenienced for a second while I lose my character forever (or have some other huge penalty thrown on me for trying to protect my spot from someone who just happened to be good aligned).
2.)Let the good player have my spot. There is nothing else I can do about it.
I really don't see how evil characters can defend themselves from good characters under this set up.