>>Blame *Cosmo* for ALL your problems here<<

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*Completely un-Monroe-ish voice from within cardboard box*

Happy Birthday, Mr Slaa-aad!...

Silver Crusade

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

{wanders in, continues to sniff air} Mmmm, peppermint.

{spots peppermint candy on the ground} Oooo, piece of candy! {spots peppermint trail} Oooo, piece of candy! Oooo, piece of candy! Oooo, piece of candy! Oooo, piece of candy! {triggers cardboard box trap}

Ah, nuts. Not again. I blame Cosmo. Or Solid Snake.

*dumps freshly packed Slaad into half-empty peppermint cauldron*

*throws Bubba castoff into furnace*

*lets peppermint cool into giant spherical candy with gooey Slaad filling*

*gives to Succumaid to put on Cosmo's pillow after cleaning his room*

Seee? There was a Cosmo related reason for all of this.

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Rysky wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

{wanders in, continues to sniff air} Mmmm, peppermint.

{spots peppermint candy on the ground} Oooo, piece of candy! {spots peppermint trail} Oooo, piece of candy! Oooo, piece of candy! Oooo, piece of candy! Oooo, piece of candy! {triggers cardboard box trap}

Ah, nuts. Not again. I blame Cosmo. Or Solid Snake.

*dumps freshly packed Slaad into half-empty peppermint cauldron*

*throws Bubba castoff into furnace*

*lets peppermint cool into giant spherical candy with gooey Slaad filling*

*gives to Succumaid to put on Cosmo's pillow after cleaning his room*

Seee? There was a Cosmo related reason for all of this.

Is Rysky the head of the Succumaid Services? I blame Cosmo for not knowing this.

Silver Crusade

Tels wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

{wanders in, continues to sniff air} Mmmm, peppermint.

{spots peppermint candy on the ground} Oooo, piece of candy! {spots peppermint trail} Oooo, piece of candy! Oooo, piece of candy! Oooo, piece of candy! Oooo, piece of candy! {triggers cardboard box trap}

Ah, nuts. Not again. I blame Cosmo. Or Solid Snake.

*dumps freshly packed Slaad into half-empty peppermint cauldron*

*throws Bubba castoff into furnace*

*lets peppermint cool into giant spherical candy with gooey Slaad filling*

*gives to Succumaid to put on Cosmo's pillow after cleaning his room*

Seee? There was a Cosmo related reason for all of this.

Is Rysky the head of the Succumaid Services? I blame Cosmo for not knowing this.

How do you think I afford all this sweet stuff?

*begins nibbling caramel off of Master Pugwampi*

Dark Archive

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Set blames Cosmo for whatever has become of this thread.

Also people who refer to themselves in the first person. Pretentious wankers, the lot of them!

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I Blame Cosmo for having to take Floyd to the Vet this morning...getting him into the cat carrier is not fun....and requires lots of bandages.

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I also blame Cosmo for poor Floyd needing to go to the vet, and for poor Master Kretzer not having a ring of regeneration.

Sovereign Court

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{wanders in, with the job listings rolled up under one arm} I blame Cosmo for Jeremy Clarkson being a self-absorbed inconsiderate orangutan-y pillock.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

I'd blame Cosmo for it, but I'm pretty sure not even he would stoop so low as to take Sir Terry away from us much too early.

You'd think a disease that was fun to have would be amazingly successful. Everyone would want it!

Why, then, have they all evolved make you feel like smurf? Who is responsible?

Who else?

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Miss Kitty wrote:
I also blame Cosmo for poor Floyd needing to go to the vet, and for poor Master Kretzer not having a ring of regeneration.

t was a normal check up and for his shots...mmmm

I Blame Cosmo for rabies thus making cats having to get shots, which led to me having to taking Floyd to the vet today.

Wow only Cosmo machination could span thousands upon thousands of years like that.

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Richard "Hamster" Hammond wrote:
{wanders in, with the job listings rolled up under one arm} I blame Cosmo for Jeremy Clarkson being a self-absorbed inconsiderate orangutan-y pillock.

I blame Cosmo for "Hamster" Hammond being insulting to orangutans.

...and pillocks too, for that matter.

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I blame Cosmo for tin foil being so NOISY!

I also blame Cosmo that I'm too broke to afford black-out curtains and thus must tape tin-foil to my windows to make it dark enough to sleep.

I'm not entirely sure Cosmo is to blame for my photosensetivity either, but I'll blame him for it nonetheless.

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I blame Cosmo for the rotten person that stole beer off my truck today.

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I Blame Cosmo for not favoring any post since last Monday....

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I Blame Cosmo for being so angry and frustrated right now that I can't read, watch TV, write, or go to sleep.

Silver Crusade

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John Kretzer wrote:
I Blame Cosmo for being so angry and frustrated right now that I can't read, watch TV, write, or go to sleep.

... Then how did you type up this Blame?

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Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
I Blame Cosmo for being so angry and frustrated right now that I can't read, watch TV, write, or go to sleep.
... Then how did you type up this Blame?

Interpretive dance.

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I blame Cosmo for the fact I'll never be able to rock a tutu as well as John did during his interpretative dance.

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I blame Cosmo for his interference in my crusade to get rid of the so called 'art' of the interpretive dance in a wave of RIGHTEOUS FLAME!

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Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
I Blame Cosmo for being so angry and frustrated right now that I can't read, watch TV, write, or go to sleep.
... Then how did you type up this Blame?

I did not write it....I typed it as your own statement suggested.

I Blame Cosmo for Rysky answering her own question.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tels wrote:
Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
I Blame Cosmo for being so angry and frustrated right now that I can't read, watch TV, write, or go to sleep.
... Then how did you type up this Blame?
Interpretive dance.

As I said many times on my own thread. Kretzer men Don't Dance.

I Blame Cosmo for Kretzer men don't dance.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Kretzer wrote:
Tels wrote:
Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
I Blame Cosmo for being so angry and frustrated right now that I can't read, watch TV, write, or go to sleep.
... Then how did you type up this Blame?
Interpretive dance.

As I said many times on my own thread. Kretzer men Don't Dance.

I Blame Cosmo for Kretzer men don't dance.

I blame Cosmo for John not understanding, that, while the word 'dance' is used, it's not really a dance. It's the telling of a story through movements of the body. Totally not a dance.

Silver Crusade

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John Kretzer wrote:
Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
I Blame Cosmo for being so angry and frustrated right now that I can't read, watch TV, write, or go to sleep.
... Then how did you type up this Blame?

I did not write it....I typed it as your own statement suggested.

I Blame Cosmo for Rysky answering her own question.

I Blame Cosmo for Kretzer Men being pedantic.

I Blame Cosmo for me having to use the word pedantic.

Such a stuffy word.

I Blame Cosmo for pedantic.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tels wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Tels wrote:
Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
I Blame Cosmo for being so angry and frustrated right now that I can't read, watch TV, write, or go to sleep.
... Then how did you type up this Blame?
Interpretive dance.

As I said many times on my own thread. Kretzer men Don't Dance.

I Blame Cosmo for Kretzer men don't dance.

I blame Cosmo for John not understanding, that, while the word 'dance' is used, it's not really a dance. It's the telling of a story through movements of the body. Totally not a dance.

I Blame Cosmo for Tels doing that thing he just did. And failing.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I Blame Cosmo that my internet connection is currently waffling between meh and pathetic.

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I Blame Cosmo for a paper cut I got on a box today at work.

If you get a package with blood on it now you know who to blame.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
I Blame Cosmo for being so angry and frustrated right now that I can't read, watch TV, write, or go to sleep.
... Then how did you type up this Blame?

I did not write it....I typed it as your own statement suggested.

I Blame Cosmo for Rysky answering her own question.

I Blame Cosmo for Kretzer Men being pedantic.

I Blame Cosmo for me having to use the word pedantic.

Such a stuffy word.

I Blame Cosmo for pedantic.

Wait...does that mean I am no longer your stool?

If so than Cosmo must be to blame.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Feros wrote:
I Blame Cosmo that my internet connection is currently waffling between meh and pathetic.

I blame Cosmo (and Leslie Knope) that Feros has made me hungry for waffles.

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And now that I've starting thinking of waffles, I'm also hungry for bacon. Again, I blame Cosmo.

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I blame Cosmo for rust and the oxygen that causes it. Why must you make something we need to live also our enemy?

I also blame Cosmo for my sister pushing her dog on me to watch while she's in the Florida Keys for three weeks while I'm in the cold. She has sent pictures of it down there to rub it in to the people she knows here. I'm now assuming she's either a fan of Cosmo, or worse, was one of his secret agents all along. I do get the benefit of having a bunch of crap in my yard for when spring comes. The first lawn mowing this year is going to be so much fun.

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I blame Cosmo for making me blame cosmo. For i had no reason to blame anyone. Until i saw this thread and its magic pull to make me blame cosmo. For what i do not know just yet. I'll have to get back to you for it.

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Darn you Cosmo! How dare you!? You evil, evil little imp! You know I'm easily addicted to video games! Why!? Why!? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO MAKE POKEMON SHUFFLE?!

... Also, you have corrupted my fiance by making her finally blame someone... Corrupting her was MY job!

So now you're taking my job and making me an addict... You are the one... I really blame...

Drock11 wrote:

I blame Cosmo for rust and the oxygen that causes it. Why must you make something we need to live also our enemy?

I also blame Cosmo for my sister pushing her dog on me to watch while she's in the Florida Keys for three weeks while I'm in the cold. She has sent pictures of it down there to rub it in to the people she knows here. I'm now assuming she's either a fan of Cosmo, or worse, was one of his secret agents all along. I do get the benefit of having a bunch of crap in my yard for when spring comes. The first lawn mowing this year is going to be so much fun.

Could she be a Cosmo Consort?

Silver Crusade

John Kretzer wrote:
Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
I Blame Cosmo for being so angry and frustrated right now that I can't read, watch TV, write, or go to sleep.
... Then how did you type up this Blame?

I did not write it....I typed it as your own statement suggested.

I Blame Cosmo for Rysky answering her own question.

I Blame Cosmo for Kretzer Men being pedantic.

I Blame Cosmo for me having to use the word pedantic.

Such a stuffy word.

I Blame Cosmo for pedantic.

Wait...does that mean I am no longer your stool?

If so than Cosmo must be to blame.

Eh, I'm thinking on it.

Paizo Employee Sales Imp

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Artemis Moonstar wrote:
You evil, evil little imp!


Silver Crusade

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Cosmo wrote:
Artemis Moonstar wrote:
You evil, evil little imp!

He's big where it counts!


His ego.

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Rysky wrote:
Cosmo wrote:
Artemis Moonstar wrote:
You evil, evil little imp!

He's big where it counts!

** spoiler omitted **

And here I thought Rysky was referencing...


I Blame Cosmo for this...disturbing thought!


Silver Crusade

Master Pugwampi wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Cosmo wrote:
Artemis Moonstar wrote:
You evil, evil little imp!

He's big where it counts!

** spoiler omitted **

And here I thought Rysky was referencing...

** spoiler omitted **

I Blame Cosmo for this...disturbing thought!


Please, I would have used a little more tact than that MP (pronounced Impy incase anybody was wondering), such as calling it...



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Poog blame Cosmo for adventurers not ack-ackn...ADMITTING..GOBLIN GREATNESS!

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Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
I Blame Cosmo for being so angry and frustrated right now that I can't read, watch TV, write, or go to sleep.
... Then how did you type up this Blame?

I did not write it....I typed it as your own statement suggested.

I Blame Cosmo for Rysky answering her own question.

I Blame Cosmo for Kretzer Men being pedantic.

I Blame Cosmo for me having to use the word pedantic.

Such a stuffy word.

I Blame Cosmo for pedantic.

Wait...does that mean I am no longer your stool?

If so than Cosmo must be to blame.

Eh, I'm thinking on it.

The suspense is killing me...

I Blame Cosmo for suspense.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Kretzer wrote:
Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
I Blame Cosmo for being so angry and frustrated right now that I can't read, watch TV, write, or go to sleep.
... Then how did you type up this Blame?

I did not write it....I typed it as your own statement suggested.

I Blame Cosmo for Rysky answering her own question.

I Blame Cosmo for Kretzer Men being pedantic.

I Blame Cosmo for me having to use the word pedantic.

Such a stuffy word.

I Blame Cosmo for pedantic.

Wait...does that mean I am no longer your stool?

If so than Cosmo must be to blame.

Eh, I'm thinking on it.

The suspense is killing me...

I Blame Cosmo for suspense.


Fine, you can still be my stool, but you're on probation!

I Blame Cosmo for me being such a softy.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I blame Cosmo for... For.... Well, nothing particularly horrible or distressing has happened in the past... Since I posted, so....
I blame Cosmo for nothing interesting happening!

Silver Crusade

Artemis Moonstar wrote:

I blame Cosmo for... For.... Well, nothing particularly horrible or distressing has happened in the past... Since I posted, so....

I blame Cosmo for nothing interesting happening!

*pops a wampi-flavored caramel into mouth*

That's your cue MP.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Artemis Moonstar wrote:

I blame Cosmo for... For.... Well, nothing particularly horrible or distressing has happened in the past... Since I posted, so....

I blame Cosmo for nothing interesting happening!

*pops a wampi-flavored caramel into mouth*

That's your cue MP.

Isn't caramel already a certain flavor so if its a different flavor then that it wouldn't be a caramel anymore?

Also what is a Wampi flavor anyways?
I blame Cosmo for these questions and i will take the initiative and blame him for the answers and if the other option happens. For them not being answered.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:

Wait...does that mean I am no longer your stool?

If so than Cosmo must be to blame.

Eh, I'm thinking on it.
Rysky wrote:
*pops a wampi-flavored caramel into mouth*

If you keep eating Master Pugwampi caramels, then won't MP soon be your stool?

I blame Cosmo for now wanting to stat up a poopwampi gremlin.

Silver Crusade

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Amby's Brain wrote:
Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:

Wait...does that mean I am no longer your stool?

If so than Cosmo must be to blame.

Eh, I'm thinking on it.
Rysky wrote:
*pops a wampi-flavored caramel into mouth*

If you keep eating Master Pugwampi caramels, then won't MP soon be your stool?

I blame Cosmo for now wanting to stat up a poopwampi gremlin.

Quiet you! Your peppermint now, your opinion doesn't matter!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Kretzer wrote:

I Blame Cosmo for a paper cut I got on a box today at work.

If you get a package with blood on it now you know who to blame.

I once caused about 200 people to get bloodied morning newspapers. Obviously this was all due to the machinations of Cosmo.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I blame Cosmo for attaching those spicy pictures on those papers.

Obviously you had a nosebleed looking at them, thus getting them bloodied.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'll save you Amby! *sees peppermint on the ground* Ooh, a piece of candy! *ends up in box trap* Dang it.

I blame Cosmo for falling for this trap.

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