>>Blame *Cosmo* for ALL your problems here<<

Off-Topic Discussions

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Master Pugwampi wrote:
Drock11 wrote:
It seems as if every time I come to a four way stop I'm the only person that understands the rules about who is supposed to go in what order. Don't even get me started on what happens when more than one person arrives at the stop at once. Really, I'm I the only one that paid attention to this stuff in those driver training classes? I can only assume everybody around me at that time is under some order from Cosmo to make it a hassle. You already have found a way to conspire and make me get stopped at almost every traffic light I come to. Did you really have to go there with this too Cosmo?

Fun Fact: All gremlins are certified electricians and traffic engineers!

For these wonderful skill sets, we must all blame Cosmo! >:D

Having discovered to source of so many issues, heads to walmart to see about a hunting license for Pugwampi...

Engineers secretly being pugwampi would explain so many things about my life and the entire world.

Dark Archive

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I blame Cosmo for rigging the dice rolls against me. I recently had 3 1s in a row and in my last eight rolls I haven't rolled above 10

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Limeylongears wrote:


Army of

This is a preposterous post on so many levels.

1) Cats are not anybody's servitors...that would be dogs.
2) Have you ever tried to train a cat? No? Did not think so.
3) Cats in a army? Have you ever tried to herd cats? No? Did not think so.

The only accurate statement here is about the tail.

I Blame Cosmo for this post.

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It would be preposterous - if we were talking about anyone except Cosmo. He has Powers the nature of which we can only guess at - IF WE DARE.

I have never tried to herd soldiers either, but I imagine cats might be easier, in a way, seeing as they don't have rifles or main battle tanks.

Dark Archive

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He doesn't have to train the cats, if all the cats in the world (and possibly several other worlds) are all single neural cells in the vast evil hive mind named Cosmo.

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I was cleaning out the fireplace and found the husk of a dead naturally mummified bird. I don't know how long its been there, but I'm guessing a long while. I blame Cosmo. I can only assume you sent one of your minions to spy on me and something went wrong. How many minions of yours must fall prey to your insane schemes? Won't somebody think of the minions?

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I blame Cosmo for this Ocarina of Time 'Can-Can Remix' video.



CTRL+V [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHxR92jezck]

What are you doing?





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Silver Crusade

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Azathoth used to have an Intelligence Score. Then he had a meeting with Cosmo.

Dark Archive

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Rysky wrote:
Azathoth used to have an Intelligence Score. Then he had a meeting with Cosmo.

Azathoth is the blind idiot god at the center of the universe, so vast that other gods orbit around him like planets.

Azathoth orbits around Cosmo.

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I Blame Cosmo for the Cthulhu Mythos References in the above two posts.

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I blame Cosmo (and Set) for wanting to make "Your Cthulhu Mythos deities so fat" jokes.

Dark Archive

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
I blame Cosmo (and Set) for wanting to make "Your Cthulhu Mythos deities so fat" jokes.

There's a thread for that.

Two, actually.

Only on Paizo...

Obviously, it's all Cosmo's fault.

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You, sir, are an evil bastard for this one.

Living in Florida as we do, spiders are everywhere, we get along well.

They stay outside and we, inside. We even had one outside the living room window, my girls named it Selena do not ask, they name every thing!!.

So, I am mowing my lawn and Selena moved her web to the side of the house and bushes.

Driving near, I see her in her awesomeness, seriously, the web is as tall and as wide as me and she is a beautiful monster!

Distracted by this, I drive into a another web...

Pulling the ignition key from the mower, I screech in an octave not unlike a castrato as I flail my limbs about like a drunken windmill.

And you sir, you managed to place the spider on my HEAD!!!

For reference, Fraking spider!!

sniff, sniff..not cool yo! I blame you Cosmo.

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Game Master Scotty wrote:

You, sir, are an evil bastard for this one.

Living in Florida as we do, spiders are everywhere, we get along well.

They stay outside and we, inside. We even had one outside the living room window, my girls named it Selena do not ask, they name every thing!!.

So, I am mowing my lawn and Selena moved her web to the side of the house and bushes.

Driving near, I see her in her awesomeness, seriously, the web is as tall and as wide as me and she is a beautiful monster!

Distracted by this, I drive into a another web...

Pulling the ignition key from the mower, I screech in an octave not unlike a castrato as I flail my limbs about like a drunken windmill.

And you sir, you managed to place the spider on my HEAD!!!

For reference, Fraking spider!!

sniff, sniff..not cool yo! I blame you Cosmo.

I KNEW that would work!

Huh, seems like the spider we used is non-lethal. :/

I blame Cosmo for this oversight.

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Game Master Scotty wrote:

You, sir, are an evil bastard for this one.

Living in Florida as we do, spiders are everywhere, we get along well.

They stay outside and we, inside. We even had one outside the living room window, my girls named it Selena do not ask, they name every thing!!.

So, I am mowing my lawn and Selena moved her web to the side of the house and bushes.

Driving near, I see her in her awesomeness, seriously, the web is as tall and as wide as me and she is a beautiful monster!

Distracted by this, I drive into a another web...

Pulling the ignition key from the mower, I screech in an octave not unlike a castrato as I flail my limbs about like a drunken windmill.

And you sir, you managed to place the spider on my HEAD!!!

For reference, Fraking spider!!

sniff, sniff..not cool yo! I blame you Cosmo.

As another Florida resident, I am quite happy with the spider population, even the widow spiders who seem to enjoy biting my brother (three separate times so far). Without them, we (and every other surface) would be covered in insects and skeeters (stirges with the Young simple template).

I blame Cosmo that GMScotty had not thought this through, but I praise Sara Marie that he didn't have access to a wish to make it happen.

Silver Crusade

You're welcome.

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I blame Cosmo that when a couples inches of rain fall in one afternoon, the two sister cats keep looking out the catflap and then meowing at me to complain.

I blame Cosmo that old grumpy cat won't come in off the porch. I also blame Cosmo that she didn't want to sit on the damp concrete, so she climbed onto her food tray... and now has bits of uneaten scrambled egg and cottage cheese stuck to her belly fur.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

I blame Cosmo that when a couples inches of rain fall in one afternoon, the two sister cats keep looking out the catflap and then meowing at me to complain.

I blame Cosmo that old grumpy cat won't come in off the porch. I also blame Cosmo that she didn't want to sit on the damp concrete, so she climbed onto her food tray... and now has bits of uneaten scrambled egg and cottage cheese stuck to her belly fur.

Ah perhaps I can help you translate. What they really were saying was...

"Please go on that strange device you use all the time and Blame Cosmo for the rain."

As for the cat laying in the food...I have no explanation at this time.

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In one hour it will be Thursday.

Not cool, Cosmo. Not cool.

Dark Archive

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I blame Cosmo for that One guy on every TF2 server.

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Emperor Floyd wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
I blame Cosmo that old grumpy cat won't come in off the porch. I also blame Cosmo that she didn't want to sit on the damp concrete, so she climbed onto her food tray... and now has bits of uneaten scrambled egg and cottage cheese stuck to her belly fur.
As for the cat laying in the food...I have no explanation at this time.

One of the sister cats is a bit of an ass and seems to trying to become a passive-aggressive alpha cat. When her sister isn't vigilant, she likes to sleep in her sister's favorite spots, eat her sister's food, and play the "I'm gonna to see how close I can sit/stand & stare next to you without actually touching you" game. Her sister is pretty chilled in general (and not too bright), so this game usually doesn't work. It's possible that passive-aggressive cat is trying to play this game with old grumpy cat, and old grumpy was just protecting her food.

Or not.

I blame Cosmo for cats acting too much like humans.

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I blame Cosmo for the fact that the 2.5kg jar of pickled onions I bought won't fit in my fridge.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Emperor Floyd wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:


Army of

This is a preposterous post on so many levels.

1) Cats are not anybody's servitors...that would be dogs.
2) Have you ever tried to train a cat? No? Did not think so.
3) Cats in a army? Have you ever tried to herd cats? No? Did not think so.

The only accurate statement here is about the tail.

I Blame Cosmo for this post.

It's so cute that you actually believe that.

Another demonstration of how subtle Cosmo can be.

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Chemlak wrote:
Emperor Floyd wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:


Army of

This is a preposterous post on so many levels.

1) Cats are not anybody's servitors...that would be dogs.
2) Have you ever tried to train a cat? No? Did not think so.
3) Cats in a army? Have you ever tried to herd cats? No? Did not think so.

The only accurate statement here is about the tail.

I Blame Cosmo for this post.

It's so cute that you actually believe that.

Another demonstration of how subtle Cosmo can be.

I think all of you are granting more power to Cosmo than he has.

You are also servery underestimating the power of cats.

I Blame Cosmo for having better PR than cats do.

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Yes, you just keep thinking that. Yes. Heheheh. Heheheheh.

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I Blame Cosmo that my friend received his Pazio subscription package today and I have not even got the shipping soon e-mail.

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I Blame Cosmo that my human John failed to get more cat food before it ran out tonight.

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I Blame Cosmo that my cat just scratched me for no reason.

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I blame Cosmo that one of my nephews does not like ricotta cheese, and the other does not like cottage cheese.

I blame Cosmo that I did not know this prior to accepting a dinner invite from my sister.

I blame Cosmo for cutting a nice hunk of homemade lasagna that smells and looks delicious, taking a bite,... and finding the expected delicious gooey-melty ricotta cheese has been replaced with hot runny sour cream?! That is a truly disgusting surprise, Cosmo.

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I blame Cosmo for having a skunk spray my dogs today. I'm not even sure it was a skunk, it might have been Cosmo.

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I cut myself three times at work today. One of them was on top of my thumb's knuckle and made work a pain. It didn't help that things wanted to get into it and rub against it all day in addition to that.

What is it with you Cosmo and your love of having sharp industrial staples sticking out of things I need to work with in places I don't expect. I blame you Cosmo.

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Someone gave me a packet of chewy cola-flavoured sweeties today, which I was happily eating when I looked closely at them and thought, 'Hang on - these look like dried grig testicles!' I finished the pack, but my enjoyment of it had somehow been spoiled. Cosmo's fault, obviously.

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I blame Cosmo that Limeylongears has yet to disclose his expert credentials in identifying dried fairy testicles.

SHHH! PETF might be listening.

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Bah, I blame Cosmo for the over-hyped fear of Perytons Eating Tender Faeries.

The Exchange

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I blame Cosmo that I can't smite you all with divine tofu.

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I blame Cosmo for sinus infections.


Mythic JMD031 wrote:
I blame Cosmo for sinus infections.

I second this complaint.

Alexander Augunas wrote:
Mythic JMD031 wrote:
I blame Cosmo for sinus infections.
I second this complaint.


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I blame Cosmo for revealing my ranks in Knowledge (computers) to all my friends and family, as I am now the unwilling official IT Healbot. In RPG terms, with me as the unwilling cleric, the rest of my party is now constantly dead or near death from repeatedly eating every poisonous substance they come across, drinking sewage water, and rolling their fresh wounds in the town garbage heap. It's not they are failing Will saves and Knowledge checks... they don't seem to even be trying to make them anymore, and they seem to be actively retraining to drop any existing skill ranks they previously had.

Seriously, Cosmo, this is driving me crazy. Stop it. Please. Please?

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

I blame Cosmo for revealing my ranks in Knowledge (computers) to all my friends and family, as I am now the unwilling official IT Healbot. In RPG terms, with me as the unwilling cleric, the rest of my party is now constantly dead or near death from repeatedly eating every poisonous substance they come across, drinking sewage water, and rolling their fresh wounds in the town garbage heap. It's not they are failing Will saves and Knowledge checks... they don't seem to even be trying to make them anymore, and they seem to be actively retraining to drop any existing skill ranks they previously had.

Seriously, Cosmo, this is driving me crazy. Stop it. Please. Please?

*Adding viruses and malware to bag of tricks*

So...where might I find these trusting foo...people?


I blame Cosmo for we gremlins not having this information at our fingertips.

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I blame Cosmo for giving my bicycle a flat tyre, thus turning a 9-hour workday into a 12-hour one.

Master Pugwampi wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
[minor rant]

*Adding viruses and malware to bag of tricks*

So...where might I find these trusting foo...people?


I blame Cosmo for we gremlins not having this information at our fingertips.

Never fear, based on past performance, they'll find you shortly. And then come back for seconds and thirds.


I blame fat cat for being too lazy to get off her cardboard sleeping box to wander 5 foot to her food dish, and so she just looks at the food and then me and meows.


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I could admit that I misspelled my own last name on Age of Electrotech's interior cover page, but we all know that it simply MUST have been Cosmo's fault!

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Alexander Augunas wrote:
I could admit that I misspelled my own last name on Age of Electrotech's interior cover page, but we all know that it simply MUST have been Cosmo's fault!

I blame Cosmo for his third-shift job as the new Spell Binder.

Silver Crusade

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I blame COSMO for the taxes he imposes on the rabble, namely speeding tickets.

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I Blame Cosmo for my Thursday being canceled due to people not able to show up.

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