Sister Maella

Deranged PETA Protester's page

28 posts. Alias of Orthos.


The Exchange

Where's my free stuff???!?!!?!!?

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That bacon is MURDER! *flails angrily*

The Exchange

NobodysHome wrote:
Eddie Lizzard wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

I just got a Lemonade Sprite, and the label says "Made with 1% Real Juice."

I genuinely love the honesty.

"Just give it to me straight, like a pear cider made from 100% pears."
You choices are cake... or death!!!

I ordered the vegetarian plate, actually....

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Murderers! Murderers! You re all murderers!

*flails uselessly*

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Just a Mort wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

My issue with catch and release is you're being cruel to the fish. Imagine if I stuck a hook in your mouth. Then let you go so I could do it again. How would you feel about it?

At least my fishing has a purpose. I'm hungry!

*High paws Vidmaster7*

Not everybody likes fish. Again, it's recreation, not sustenance.
Recreation for you, not the fish. Will you not think about the fishes?


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Scintillae wrote:
...and speaking of great comedies, I need to watch Hot Fuzz again.

It's for the Greater Good.

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Orthos wrote:
Syrus Terrigan wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Also is it just more or is Arby's actively at war with vegans? Have you seen their commercials?
I have and they are hilarious.
crazy they got Ving Rhames.

Is that Ving Rhames?? Doesn't sound like it to me . . . .

Regardless, Arby's commercials are declarations of open war against vegetarianism.

And I'm cool with it! lol

What's funny about it to me is that the only visible message of the commercials is "meat is good, we sell primarily meat products, and our products are better than any alternative, especially meatless ones."

Which yeah is kinda aggressive toward vegan/vegetarians, but that's not their target market anyway.

But trying to do some research quick on the background of these commercials, I quickly found that Certain Parts of the Internet have extrapolated them to also include, in addition to anti-vegan, anti-feminist, anti-gender inclusuvity, and a ton of other antis that if delved further into would make this more political than FAWTL typically cares for.

All from a series of sandwich chain commercials.

The Internet is a silly place.

Your stomach is a graveyard!

The Exchange

Rynjin wrote:

"I want to preserve life. Save the rhino!"

"...By murdering PEOPLE. People don't count as life, right?"


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Grarnold Smu^fenegger wrote:
SCP-682 wrote:
Put my name on the ballot. My campaign platform is "I WILL REND YOUR FLESH FROM YOUR PINSTICK BONES ONE STRAND AT A TIME". I think it'll do well in the primaries.
Hmmm, you're already polling at least 7 points ahead of the other Republican candidates. According to our latest focus groups, you could almost double that lead if you ate one of the others, say Lindsey Graham or Carly Fiorina. We would recommend Trump, but we're worried PETA mistakenly believes he is an orangutan, and would thus boycott you.

Nah, we're good with it.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Rogar Stonebow wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:
By the way, since the subject is actually "ask for favorites" and not "let's just goof off with TL", I should probably point out I'm very proud of this one.
Though it's James' thread, my guess has always been "aboleths, dragon turtles, and kraken" though that's just a "fill in the holes" kind of thing I've appended in my own mind. :D
I really didn't know you can fill in potholes with those things. Think PETA will be mad?

Keeping a list of things that will make PETA mad is a hopeless task.

Instead, try to keep a list of things that will not make PETA mad. It is much, much shorter.

(Incidentally, I really, super respect the idea behind PETA. I think they're just really, really bad at what they want to do, and they actively make more enemies by their dialogue than allies.)


The Exchange

HOW DARE he use animals - LIVE ANIMALS! - in his pathetic parlor tricks! He's as bad as all those wretched circuses, keeping poor innocent creatures locked in cages then parading them before people for money! Or those old organ grinders with their chained and leashed monkeys! Or old carriage drivers with their enslaved horses! Or pet owners who make their dogs and cats wear sweaters!

The next poster needs to clean up all this foam!

The Exchange

Mmmm. Delicious dog.

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I blame Cosmo that I can't smite you all with divine tofu.

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The next poster is on a crusade too!

The Exchange

More animal slavery?! LIKE HELL

The Exchange

Meat is murder!!

The Exchange

Come in, come in! The only way you can understand is to experience it yourself.

There's room for all lovers of animals and haters of men!

The Exchange

Yes! Vengeance! Let's see how they like it!!

The Exchange


sorry couldn't resist

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
{rolls on "Table of Calvin's Dad's Explanations"} Cro-Magnon PETA people kept splashing red paint on the mammoths and screaming 'Fur is Murder!' so often that all the mammoths died of embarrassment.

And we'll do it again in a heartbeat, filthy slaughterers!

The Exchange

HangarFlying wrote:
Jam412 wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
Tasty as long as you aren't a wild animal. (warning, link contains pictures of dead elephant and leopard).
:-( Won't be eating there again.
Why, because the guy goes hunting?

You mean because the guy goes MURDERING!!!!!11!!

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The Exchange

Meat is murder!!!!

The Exchange

No! You're all monsters!!

The Exchange

And you'd deserve it!!!

The Exchange

Your stomachs are graveyards for the innocent dead!!

The Exchange

This whole thread is EVIL! EEEEEEVIL! You bloodthirsty monsters should be ashamed of yourselves!! Sixteen pages of MURDER!