>>Blame *Cosmo* for ALL your problems here<<

Off-Topic Discussions

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I blame Cosmo for Gencon not being here yet. I want to blame him to his face.

Liberty's Edge

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I blame Cosmo for me not having a built in shotgun arm.

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lucky7 wrote:
I blame Cosmo for me not having a built in shotgun arm.

I am sure Cosmo would be happy to take your arm...so you can get a cybernetic replacement with a shotgun when they get invented.

I Blame Cosmo for The Game.

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John Kretzer wrote:
lucky7 wrote:
I blame Cosmo for me not having a built in shotgun arm.

I am sure Cosmo would be happy to take your arm...so you can get a cybernetic replacement with a shotgun when they get invented.

I Blame Cosmo for The Game.

I blame Cosmo for forcing John to make me lose The Game. Seriously, I was on a long term streak. Meanie.

Liberty's Edge

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I blame Cosmo for all the fancy cheese in the fridge.

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I blame Cosmo for George RR Martin's writing pace.

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And Detroit going bankrupt as well.

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Kajehase wrote:
And Detroit going bankrupt as well.

When I heard about this, my mind immediately thought, "Robo-Cop".

I blame Cosmo for Ed-209.

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I Blame Cosmo for stating up a mustache familiar on my thread...sigh what depths have I sunken too *weeps*

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Tels wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
lucky7 wrote:
I blame Cosmo for me not having a built in shotgun arm.

I am sure Cosmo would be happy to take your arm...so you can get a cybernetic replacement with a shotgun when they get invented.

I Blame Cosmo for The Game.

I blame Cosmo for forcing John to make me lose The Game. Seriously, I was on a long term streak. Meanie.

I Blame Cosmo for Tels not being a better play at The Game.

The Exchange

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My dog left a little surprise for me on the floor this morning. Cosmo, why didn't you take her out last night before bed?

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I Blame Cosmo for being clusmy at work today and slaming my head of the concrete side of the the truck bay at work today...though I had a cool blood trickle running down the side of my head.

I Blame Cosmo comic book sucking now a days.

I Blame Cosmo for companies 'firing' their fans.

I Blame Cosmo for 'Nerd Rage'.

I blame Cosmo for being Cosmo.


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I know he's cute and all, but did you REALLY have to replace every worthwhile American news segment with reports about the "Royal Birth," Cosmo? Sheesh.

Paizo Employee Sales Imp

The thread has slowed down. Evidently, my machinations are becoming too subtle.

Dark Archive

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I blame Cosmo for intimidating people from posting in this thread with his dapper hat and creepy child-eating grin.

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I blame Cosmo for my 2-day suspension from work for something that happened a month ago.

The Exchange

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I blame Cosmo for all the nat 1s the "random" dice generator provides my PCs. My last(former) PC rolled two consecutive nat 1s and he died an ignominious yet very loud death. Subtle, Cosmo, real subtle.

Does Cosmo have a Wall of the Dead chock full of hashmarks? He should.

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I blame Cosmo for Thursdays.

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I blame Cosmo for this thread not being at 1000 posts yet.

Liberty's Edge

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I blame Cosmo for...nothing, actually. Life's pretty good. I'm content.

But not Euphoric.

I blame Cosmo for that.

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*slow clap for lucky*

I blame Cosmo for not being entertaining enough.


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I blame Cosmo for Erik Mona's lack of free time. Its not cool of you to lure him into your basement every weekend with White Castle hamburgers, dude!

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I blame Cosmo for Erik Mona being immune to arm twisting.

Liberty's Edge

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I blame Cosmo for being my next campaign's BBEG.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I blame Cosmo for my Pirate Skull & Shackles/Freeport/Razor Coast mash-up campaign being delayed until the new year.

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Calex wrote:
I blame Cosmo for my 2-day suspension from work for something that happened a month ago.

Yea, that happened to me too, but it was last weekand. Cosmo must have hacked into their surveillance system and had it all set up.

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Cosmo... was it really necessary to break my code on the last day of the iteration, when I'm supposed to have the thing done by the end of today?

Paizo Employee Sales Imp

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Oladon wrote:

Cosmo... was it really necessary to break my code on the last day of the iteration, when I'm supposed to have the thing done by the end of today?


Liberty's Edge

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I blame Cosmo for destroying Tokyo.

He is NOT a friend to children.

Ooooooooh no, they say he's got to go, Go Go Cosmolla!
Oooooooh no, there goes Tokyo - Go Go Cosmolla!

I blame Cosmo for not destroying Vänersborg - if there's any place that has it coming it's there.

Paizo Employee Sales Imp

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Kajehase wrote:
I blame Cosmo for not destroying Vänersborg - if there's any place that has it coming it's there.

I would never harm the birthplace of Axel Eriksson. Never.

COSMOOOOO!!!! *shakes fists*

Liberty's Edge

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I blame Cosmo for possessing Howdy Doody.

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Cosmo wrote:
Oladon wrote:

Cosmo... was it really necessary to break my code on the last day of the iteration, when I'm supposed to have the thing done by the end of today?


And I suppose it was also necessary to break it in a way that's impossible to find, even with the help of people who know more about this library than I do?

Digital Products Assistant

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I blame Cosmo for bees.

Liberty's Edge

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I blame Cosmo for wasps.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
lucky7 wrote:
I blame Cosmo for wasps.

Now that's downright mean.

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BEES???!!!! COSMO!!!!!!!!! *shakes fist*

I blame Cosmo for bees being jerks.

Liberty's Edge

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I also blame him for the spider on my keyboard...now it's under ctrl.

Silver Crusade

I blame Cosmo for this unnecessary bias, racism, loathing, and hatred toward spider-kind.

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I blame Cosmo for setting the movement to get people to trust those with evil sinister looking mustaches back thousands of years.

Grand Lodge

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I blame Cosmo for Buttermilk. And for buttermilk.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I blame Cosmo for being Cosmo and I ALSO blame Cosmo for not being drunk and I also Blame Cosmo for this thread being tooo long

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I blame Cosmo for FWTL!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I blame Cosmo for this thread not being long enough to express all the things that we can blame him for.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lucky7 wrote:
I blame Cosmo for wasps.

Hey!!! I like wasps...and wasp like me(never have been stung by the cute little critters...bees on the other hand...a couple of times). You take that back.

I blame Cosmo for Lucky7 unreasoned hatred for wasps.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
John Kretzer wrote:
lucky7 wrote:
I blame Cosmo for wasps.

Hey!!! I like wasps...and wasp like me(never have been stung by the cute little critters...bees on the other hand...a couple of times). You take that back.

I blame Cosmo for Lucky7 unreasoned hatred for wasps.

I blame Cosmo for John Kretzer's unreasoned failure to understand the pure malevolence that is the wasp.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I Blame Cosmo for thunderspirit lack of understanding of the majestic Wasp.

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I blame Cosmo for the unbearable heat today. It shouldn't get that hot here.

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