>>Blame *Cosmo* for ALL your problems here<<

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Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:
Well then clearly I must blame Cosmo for undermining His own joke.

His ways are betimes subtle, and we may not understand the endgame until we've run out of pieces...

Probably not even then.

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John Kretzer wrote:
I Blame Cosmo that that I don't have a game on Thursday...every other day I have a game why not Thursday, Cosmo?

And of course Cosmo strikes again as my Wed. Game has been canceled.

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I blame Cosmo that I don't have a Wed. game. or any game for that matter. >SOB!< Cosmo!

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I Blame Cosmo that it seems my file says at work says to put me in the most annoying heavy trucks possible...

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I blame Cosmo that I am behind in the "Ask James Jacobs" thread by 18,153 new posts.

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I Blame Cosmo that for the heatwave this week.

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So the city finally decided to repair the damage they did to the driveway to the parking lot of my apartment building. They started last Thursday and were finished Tuesday, but we still can't park in the parking lot. And do you know why? Because the city decided to wait until Wednesday to also repair the sidewalk that crosses through the driveway and won't be done until some time next week instead of doing both at the same time - and in doing so they once again damaged the driveway which they will need to repair. Now whose bright idea was it to do that?

* looks at Cosmo *

Oh and if that weren't bad enough the [censored] workers cut the AT&T cable yesterday afternoon so I had no TV, phone, or internet for several hours because they chose to ignore all of the little markers sticking out of the ground indicating that there was buried cable. And why were they digging in the first place?

* glares at Cosmo *

Silver Crusade

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Cosmo, there are. Already. People. WEARING. Santa. Hats.

Dafuq, Dood?

Rysky wrote:

Cosmo, there are. Already. People. WEARING. Santa. Hats.

Dafuq, Dood?

Welcome to the 2000+ AD!

Dood? Wait, Cosmo is a Disgaea character? Might explains a few things.

Silver Crusade

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Nutcase Entertainment wrote:
Rysky wrote:

Cosmo, there are. Already. People. WEARING. Santa. Hats.

Dafuq, Dood?

Welcome to the 2000+ AD!

Dood? Wait, Cosmo is a Disgaea character? Might explains a few things.

This has absolutely nothing to do with being the 2nd millenium but everything to do with Cosmo.

What other insanity would cause people to celebrate Christmas before Halloween?

Rysky wrote:
Nutcase Entertainment wrote:
Rysky wrote:

Cosmo, there are. Already. People. WEARING. Santa. Hats.

Dafuq, Dood?

Welcome to the 2000+ AD!

Dood? Wait, Cosmo is a Disgaea character? Might explains a few things.

This has absolutely nothing to do with being the 2nd millenium but everything to do with Cosmo.

What other insanity would cause people to celebrate Christmas before Halloween?

When it started (to get worst), aka, the turn of the millenium?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Nutcase Entertainment wrote:
Rysky wrote:

Cosmo, there are. Already. People. WEARING. Santa. Hats.

Dafuq, Dood?

Welcome to the 2000+ AD!

Dood? Wait, Cosmo is a Disgaea character? Might explains a few things.

This has absolutely nothing to do with being the 2nd millenium but everything to do with Cosmo.

What other insanity would cause people to celebrate Christmas before Halloween?

[Sir Attenwampi] Pumpkin spiced everything infects their brain with cordyceps. Eventually the fungus bursts from their noggin in a red Santa cap shape, they mindlessly climb up their chimney, and then they wait for a passing were-reindeer to swoop down and peryton them off. After the were-reindeer digests them, tinker gnomes harvest the cordyceps spores from the poop and sell it to coffee places, who grind up the spores to release the "pumpkin-y spice" flavor. And thus, the circle of life is complete. [/Sir Attenwampi]

Silver Crusade

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Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Nutcase Entertainment wrote:
Rysky wrote:

Cosmo, there are. Already. People. WEARING. Santa. Hats.

Dafuq, Dood?

Welcome to the 2000+ AD!

Dood? Wait, Cosmo is a Disgaea character? Might explains a few things.

This has absolutely nothing to do with being the 2nd millenium but everything to do with Cosmo.

What other insanity would cause people to celebrate Christmas before Halloween?

[Sir Attenwampi] Pumpkin spiced everything infects their brain with cordyceps. Eventually the fungus bursts from their noggin in a red Santa cap shape, they mindlessly climb up their chimney, and then they wait for a passing were-reindeer to swoop down and peryton them off. After the were-reindeer digests them, tinker gnomes harvest the cordyceps spores from the poop and sell it to coffee places, who grind up the spores to release the "pumpkin-y spice" flavor. And thus, the circle of life is complete. [/Sir Attenwampi]

... fact that that explanation makes sense is more f$%#ed up than the explanation itself.

Rysky wrote:
Nutcase Entertainment wrote:
Rysky wrote:

Cosmo, there are. Already. People. WEARING. Santa. Hats.

Dafuq, Dood?

Welcome to the 2000+ AD!

Dood? Wait, Cosmo is a Disgaea character? Might explains a few things.

This has absolutely nothing to do with being the 2nd millenium but everything to do with Cosmo.

What other insanity would cause people to celebrate Christmas before Halloween?

I Blame Cosmo for the people who also skip over Thanksgiving to celebrate Christmas.

Thanksgiving always has a special place in my heart as I was born on it.

I Blame Cosmo for the inevitable avalanche of Turkey jokes coming this way.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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I blame Cosmo for Brownie Brittle.

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Sara Marie wrote:
I blame Cosmo for Brownie Brittle.

I blame Cosmo that brownie brittle has become a thing that Sara Marie can blame Cosmo for! How could you pervert this taste treat into something that she can blame you for? Evil is neither a broad nor deep enough word to describe your machinations, Cosmo!

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Rysky wrote:
Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:
[Sir Attenwampi] Pumpkin spiced everything infects their brain with cordyceps. Eventually the fungus bursts from their noggin in a red Santa cap shape, they mindlessly climb up their chimney, and then they wait for a passing were-reindeer to swoop down and peryton them off. After the were-reindeer digests them, tinker gnomes harvest the cordyceps spores from the poop and sell it to coffee places, who grind up the spores to release the "pumpkin-y spice" flavor. And thus, the circle of life is complete. [/Sir Attenwampi]
... fact that that explanation makes sense is more f!&!ed up than the explanation itself.

It helps if you distill your absinthe in a car battery and turn the radiator into a gigantic bong.

I blame Cosmo that I lacked the self-restraint not to create this alias.

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I blame Cosmo if my players are going to pick a fight with Grandmaster Torch.

I'd be forced to get them sent to jail. :P
It would be a fight in public, for crying out loud....with witnesses!

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I Blame Cosmo for taking a job from a African-American...does he not know we are suppose to be blaming everything on Obama. ;)

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I blame Cosmo for taking a job from a woman... does He not know Trump said HRC is to blame for everything?

I also blame Cosmo for making this political-ish post.

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Sara Marie wrote:
I blame Cosmo for Brownie Brittle.

I expect the Brownies are more upset about it.

I blame Cosmo for Kilmoulis Et Frites, which is very popular with Neutral Evil Belgians.

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I don't get why people like that stuff.

Seems like someone's to blame for it... but who... Tom Cruise!!

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What have I done to earn your wrath????

Today was already going to be a busy day: I am already behind at work this week, and I had also volunteered to pick up and bring 18 pumpkin pies and 12 canisters of whipped cream to a choir event, and then the wheels came off:

  • Our network started acting up, so I called tech support yesterday, and an AT&T guy is coming... TODAY
  • My wife has a costume party tomorrow, and the clothing she needs is in our storage unit, so I have to go there... TODAY
  • My son didn't do enough homework yesterday, so I have to help him wrap it up... TODAY
  • I gave the hotel we recently stayed at a one-star review on Orbitz... so they double-charged us... TODAY
  • Plus pumpkin pies, plus running the kids' game tonight!

    Curse you, Cosmo! Spread out your "love" a little!

    Dark Archive

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    There's a giant irritating ball of blinding light out in the sky today, as if often the case, *but* it usually makes it at least pleasantly (if not unpleasantly) warm and / or hot outside. Today, it's all cold. And still uncomfortably bright.

    The giant-light-what-sits-in-the-sky is broken, Cosmo, and I blame you, hovering between it and Earth, sucking up all the warmth!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Limeylongears wrote:
    I blame Cosmo for Kilmoulis Et Frites, which is very popular with Neutral Evil Belgians.

    I went searching for "et frites" so I could figure out a joke-y quasi-culinary comment on how to prepare kilmoulis... and the top hits were all for moules et frites. And now, all other thoughts have fled from my noggin, replaced by an overwhelming craving for a pair of delicious foods I have eaten separately but never together... and it sounds life-changingly good. So good.

    I blame Cosmo and His servant Limey for my current hunger, even though I just ate a half-hour ago.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I blame Cosmo for accidentally tormenting a slaad.

    On the other hand, looks like I have a new job as an Agent of Misfortune, so whoopee!

    I expect that I will regret saying so.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I blame Cosmo that there has been no posting in the Overheard at the Paizo office thread in 10 days.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I blame Cosmo for the hasted Peegs of Tindalos swarm overrunning the Paizo office.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I blame Cosmo for my brother's dog Vestibular Disease.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I Blame Cosmo that there is no easy way to count the number of my posts on this thread.

    Is it ten.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    C Yesterday, Spoiler Tag Police wrote:
    Is it ten.

    I Blame Cosmo the that is definitely more than ten...as if only ten bad thing ever happen to me.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I'm still unclear why Cosmo enjoys giving dogs diseases...

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    Thomas Seitz wrote:
    I'm still unclear why Cosmo enjoys giving dogs diseases...

    Because the borderline murderous apathy and absolute certainty of superiority cats possess is more akin to Cosmo than the affable and loving nature of dogs?

    I Cosmo for people not understanding this.

    ...You are so weird Tels.

    Also cats aren't superior. They just think they are.

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    I Blame Cosmo that this Thomas Seitz fellow seems to be delusional.

    I am sorry to hear about your dog. I hope your pooch has a speedy recovery.

    Thomas Seitz wrote:

    ...You are so weird Tels.

    Also cats aren't superior. They just think they are.

    I didn't say they were, only that they are certain that they are.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    My gods! Tels has been effected by the same thing Thomas Seitz has been. It is making delusional in thinking cats are not superior.

    This disease has to be the brainchild of Cosmo!

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    I Blame Cosmo everyone seems to be finding somebody special..except for me.

    They say that they is somebody out there for you...obviously Cosmo's has kidnapped my somebody.

    Silver Crusade

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    John Kretzer wrote:

    I Blame Cosmo everyone seems to be finding somebody special..except for me.

    They say that they is somebody out there for you...obviously Cosmo's has kidnapped my somebody.

    Or Cosmo is your somebody.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.
    Rysky wrote:
    John Kretzer wrote:

    I Blame Cosmo everyone seems to be finding somebody special..except for me.

    They say that they is somebody out there for you...obviously Cosmo's has kidnapped my somebody.

    Or Cosmo is your somebody.

    .... b..... n....c.....b...


    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I Blame Cosmo for autocorrect.

    I Blame Cosmo if I have all ready blamed him for autocorrect.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I blame Cosmo for the cold one of my players has caught, which has kept him out of the game, literally, since last week.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I blame Cosmo for the fact my mom's friend/former teaching colleague's son gave me a cold.

    Also thank you to Emperor Floyd. My brother's dog IS doing better, but vestibular disease (while not fatal or chronic that I'm aware of) is pretty impairing. (Think constant vertigo for starters along with the fact balance and older dog incontinence/diarrhea isn't great on carpets.) So..it's not over but it's better.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I blame Cosmo for the procedure my daughter had today not taking, thereby resulting in their having to repeat some very unpleasant prep work and do it again. This means my daughter has to stay in the hospital another day, making six total, and the doctors still don't know what's wrong!

    Cosmo, I know you hate us, but must your displeasure extend to our families as well?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I Blame Cosmo that when I got to work today there was no parking. Usually it does not get this bad till after Thanksgiving. I am going to need to leave very early in the morning.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I Blame Cosmo that after the mass post removal on a certain thread I lost 3 posts that was favorited by others.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I blame Cosmo for the - how do I put this nicely - idiots at work who don't do their job properly, think the system's broken, and then expect my team to fix it. If you did your job correctly, like we've already walked you through how to do a half dozen times or more you wouldn't be having this non-existent issue.

    I also blame him for the lazy idiots who don't even do their jobs and expect my team to do it for them.

    I shall continue to blame Cosmo for both previously mentioned groups who falsely believe their "issues" are so important that we have to drop whatever we're doing and help them (hint: they're not) and like to reopen issue tickets after we resolved them because they don't like us reminding them the system isn't broken or that it's your job to do that, not ours.

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    I Blame Cosmo for leaves falling off trees...and having to clean them up.

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    I blame Cosmo for a surprise chemistry test. They have a talent for crushing hopes and dreams.

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