Looking for a few good dwarves--Pathfinder Homebrew--Core Only--Lvl 5


The battle scarred dwarf hammers on the long, ale soaked table: "I need more dwarves, or at least some wily gnomes. A human might do in a pinch, but I don't know if I can trust them."

We are 16 months into a Homebrew campaign.
There are a dwarf and elf group that have been adventuring in the same world. They are 'competing', but not directly. The dwarves are down two players, and need TWO replacements. Characters will enter at level 5 with a 15 point buy and we are using Core Rules Only. Starting gear will be provided by the existing party, which is quite well equipped.

Some party members are adjusting their characters, but the new recruits will be expected to fill party gaps. Primary needs are a cleric. The party has most of the other roles filled, so the other character probably wants to provide more arcane firepower or frontline staying power.

Most interesting. If I get a chance, I might throw together some frontline staying power. Don't have much experience with cleric types, unfortunately.

Questions: When you say "core rules," do you mean core rulebook "core" or PRD "core"? Might the party have/acquire "dwarf" weapons (waraxe, longhammer, etc.)?


"Aye lad! I am in!"

Dotting for interest!

Liberty's Edge

Might try to get that dwarven earth wizard rolling again. tried to put one together once, but never could quite get the concept right in my head.

Could definitely put together a dwarven cleric though. Have to see what strikes me.

Core rulebook only--it is a retro campaign--dwarf builds can also choose +2 STR, +2 CON and -2 DEX for their stat mods. Some of the clans are bred for battle.

I can level Morg. Crafting OK?

I will look into this. Core is great with me.

A core dwarf game? I have a fair bit on my plate this week, but I couldn't let this by. I've been peeking at that game thread for almost a year now.

Cleric or Fighter for me. My dwarves have to clank, with no prissy badgers or spittle and loincloths.

15 pt buy

Str 12 (2 pts.) 12
Dex 14 (5) 14
Con 12 (2) +2 race 14
Int 8 (-2) 8
Wis 14 (5) +2 race 16
Cha 13 (3) -2 race +1 4th lvl bonus 12

how are you handling HP? saw on ur recruitment about the one of three feats. I'd like to take dwarven toughness.. also do I need to choose one of your campaigns gods if so what are they and their domains

He is a combat medic and primarily focuses on keeping the party from taking damage and then healing. If all looks well he throws acid darts or dwarven "arrows" (throwing hammers) depending on whats hitting easier.

Ghanrik Earthshield
Male Dwarf Cleric of Torag 5
NG Medium Humanoid (dwarf)
Init +2; Senses Perception +3
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp ??
Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +7
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Unarmed strike +4 (1d3+1/x2 nonlethal)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 6/day (DC 13, 3d6)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th; concentration +3)
6/day—acid dart (1d6+2 acid)
6/day—resistant touch
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 5th; concentration +3)
3rd—protection from energy(D), dispel magic(2)
2nd—shield other(D), resist energy(3)
1st—sanctuary(D), divine favor, shield of faith(3)
0 (at will)—detect magic, guidance, resistance, stabilize
D Domain spell; Domains Earth, Protection
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 12
Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Dwarven Toughness, Toughness, Extra Channel, Point Blank Shot
Skills Diplomacy +5, Heal +10, Knowledge (history) +3, Knowledge (religion) +3, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +3, Use Magical Device +5
Languages Common, Dwarven
SQ aura of law and good, +2 on saving throws(Domain), and all the other dwarven specials

No traits, but everyone starts with a bonus feat. I had three feats that could only be chosen at level one. Only a fighter then, could choose all three bonus feats. Everyone else could choose two.

Dwarves mainly worship Torag, Angradd and Magrim. The dwarves had an encounter with Magrim early, and his is the patron of the expedition for now, so I recommend Magrim. All dwarven clerics choosing the War Domain receive proficiency with the dwarven war axe as a one handed weapon. If they have this due to some other reason (levels in fighter for example), they receive weapon focus dwarven war axe instead. This makes a 'war cleric' a good melee build. I have adjusted Magrim to the following:

Magrim LN


War, Law, Earth, Death, Knowledge, Rune

Favored Weapon


These feats were available as choices ONLY at first level, and everyone begins with an extra feat.

Luck of Stonecrusher: you gain +1 to AC (touch and flatfooted too), and you gain +1 to all saves. If you die, there is a small chance the dwarven gods will intervene and save you. If this happens, you lose all benefits of this feat. This feat can only be chosen at first level.

Dwarven Toughness: Just as regular toughness, but this feat can stack with Toughness too. This feat may only be chosen at first level.

Trained by Rock: You gain +1 to hit with all weapons (ranged and melee) and unarmed combat. This does not include touch attacks for spells. This feat may only be chosen at first level.

Crafting as Ok, and note a level 5 wizard can have craft wand. I will point out the party has many wands now thanks to a former well-prepared gnome sorceror.

Ok here are changes

Ghanrik Earthshield
Male Dwarf Fighter 1 / Cleric of Magrim 4
LN Medium Humanoid (dwarf)
Init +1; Senses Perception +3
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+1 Dex, +1LoS)
hp 50
Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +8
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Unarmed strike +7 (1d3+2/x2 nonlethal)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 6/day (DC 13, 2d6)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th; concentration +2)
6/day—acid dart (1d6+2 acid)
6/day—battle rage (+2 dmg, 1 rd)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 4th; concentration +2)
2nd—spiritual weapon(D), shield other, resist energy(2)
1st—magic weapon(D), divine favor, shield of faith(3)
0 (at will)—detect magic, guidance, resistance, stabilize
D Domain spell; Domains Earth, War
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 12
Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 17
Feats Dwarven Toughness, Trained by Rock, Luck of Stonecrusher, Weapon Focus(Dwarven Waraxe), Toughness, Extra Channel
Skills Diplomacy +5, Heal +9, Knowledge (history) +3, Knowledge (religion) +3, Sense Motive +7, Survival +7, Use Magical Device +5
Languages Common, Dwarven
SQ aura of law

Also, do we need to roll for hit points or are u doing the half+1+con/other stuff?

if that's the case

level 1 15hp
level 2 22 (1d8 4+1+2CON)
level 3 32 (1d8 4+1+2CON+3T)
level 4 41 (1d8 4+1+2CON+1DT+1T)
level 5 50 (1d8 4+1+2CON+1DT+1T)

"By Magrim's beard are ye in good luck to come across me!"
Ghanrik smiles real big then begins to talk in a calmer voice.
"If you need some heals, I got yer back. I am a warpriest of Magrim and would like to accompany ye on yer travels. I can provide skill in a waraxe to chop those in yer way and provide ye wit defensive and offensive spells ta get the job done. I may need some equipment though, mine got misplaced somehow and I can't recall where the life of me I put it."
Ghanrik chuckles and shrugs.

Name: Heldin Halfhelm
Class: Fighter


Feats: Dwarven Toughness, Toughness, Weapon Focus(Greatsword), Power Attack, Weapon Specialization(Greatsword), Step Up.

Rolled Health:

Level 1 Hp:20
Level 2 Hp:1d10 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Level 3 Hp:1d10 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Level 4 Hp:1d10 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Level 5 Hp:1d10 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Level 5 Total Hp:61

Averaged Health:

Level 1 Hp:20
Level 2 Hp:9
Level 3 Hp:9
Level 4 Hp:11
Level 5 Hp:11
Level 5 Total Hp:60

I will do up a full character later tonight!

Hrm, my last dwarf was a dirty, grubby, xenophobic miser, but playing such an unflattering stereotype with a group of such proud dwarves (especially as a cleric) is probably not the direction I want to take. I'll go for a proud and very old dwarf of a lofty clan for now. But as for that something to make him stand out from those other grim bearded buggers, I'm at a loss for tonight. Unless I were to make him a lady? I want a little more time to mull over the flavour. Regardless, the mechanics of my submission will follow:

Class: Middle-Aged Cleric of Torag (I want to worship the Dwarven Pantheon as a whole, but if you wouldn't object I might worship one of the other deities sch as Kols the Oathkeeper and change my domains accordingly)
Domains: Good, Protection

Str: 14
Dex: 8
Con: 18
Int: 10
Wis: 16
Cha: 9

Typical Spells Prepared:
3- Stone Shape, Summon Monster III, Magic Circle Against Evil(D)
2 - Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Sound Burst (DC 15), Shield Other (D)
1 - Divine Favor, Magic Weapon, Shield of Faith, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary (DC 14)

Feats: Toughness, Dwarven Toughness, Heavy Armour Proficiency, and either Power Attack//Craft Magical Arms and Armour (Depending on how much oomph the party needs on the front lines)

Hp: 59

Rough Equipment: Fullplate, Warhammer, Heavy Shield, smithing gear, extravagant holy text and an abundance of scrolls.

Role: To get in between his allies and danger, despite his abysmal initiative. A rock defensively, he'll bullrush, run through threatened squares, whatever it takes to keep his allies out of harms way. He can take it. In the thick of things he prefers to swing his hammer than cast spells, for somewhat respectable damage, using his spells out of combat like only a priest of the god of strategy can.

He typically summons earth elementals or a lantern archon to assist him in pitched battles, and might even stone shape together a little fortification. He favors party-wide buffs like magic circle, although the core cleric list is missing some of the better ones. I intend to have a good many support spells and utility in both scroll form and ready to cast. Unless the need is dire, he'll save the heals until the enemy are beaten.

Holy crap clerics kick ass why do I keep forgetting.

I like what I see. Ghanrik looks ready. HD/2+1 after lvl 1 which is Max.

Twigs here. I just had the forum monster gobble up an entire statblock that I didn't have the good sense to add to the clipboard. That's me spent for tonight. I only just now read upthread re: Magrim. I'll either take him or Torag as my patron, (with Law, Knowledge and Good, Protection respectively) and worship the whole pantheon. No matter who he worships, if the gods wish something done any honourable dwarf would answer the call.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Seems like clerics are handled, so they still need "arcane firepower or frontline staying power". How about a dwarf Gish?

Barth Spellhammer:

Class: Fighter 1/Transmuter 4 (going for EK)

Str: 17
Dex: 10
Con: 14
Int: 16
Wis: 10
Cha: 6

Went with your +2 Str variant.

1: All three Dwarf feats
2: Scribe Scroll (bonus)
3: Improved Initiative
5: Power Attack

Hp: 52

Lots. One rank in everything that is class for either a fighter or wizard (yes, that includes Profession: soldier) except Craft, which has none, and Spellcraft, which is maxed.

Spellbook: On its way. Prohibited Schools: Necromancy and Enchantment.


Barth is the third son of the eponymous leader of the famed mercenary company Hard Hadigan's Heavy Hammerers. His father trained him in martial skills so that one day he could join the company and take up the family banner. However, Barth found that the mercenary lifestyle led one to being killed on the battlefield more often than he'd like, and wanted to stay home learning a safe skill like magic. His father would have none of that, however and locked up all his books until he could "be a true dwarf, worthy of your beard!" His brothers, Handsome Harald and Tough Torvik both got into the trade, and persistently mocked him for his ineptitude on the battlefield. They would call him names like "Blundering Barth" and "Belching Barth", all of which convinced him to leave home as soon as he was able.

Once free of his father's home, he was able to go find a tutor to learn magic from, particularly magic that would make it easier to survive battles. He met an adventuring party, and they were exploring some ancient ruins when they ran afoul of a pack of rust monsters and oozes. Not everyone made it out, and Barth's gear became food for the creatures, but he kept hold of his most prized possession - his spellbook. The rest of the survivors retired after that unfortunate incident, but Barth is quite uneasy by himself, so is eagerly awaiting another group of adventurers that can help a down-on-his-luck wizard.

Not sure the milieu of your campaign setting, since I just found this thread today and wanted to jump on it before it filled up, so that's why the "adventuring" part of his background is kinda light on details. Can provide a full character sheet in 24 hours.

Appearance, Mannerisms, and Quirks:

Ghanrik is a little shorter than the average dwarf and has long black hair that he keeps tied up in the back. He is blind in his right eye due to an attack from a black dragon when he was travelling with his dad. He has adjusted to it now and luckily was left eye dominant.


Ghanrik tends to laugh a lot in conversations with new people to calm his nerves. Ghanrik makes up words to make him sound smarter. Ghanrik tends to be straightforward on his feelings about things and doesn’t hide them very well.


Ghanrik is a tad ocd and has to pray so many times a day, sharpen his weapon every day, clean his beard.. etc. Ghanrik has a lucky copper coin of unknown currency he keeps in his shoe that he got as a child. Ghanrik loves animals and tries to take care of stray ones he comes across and then finds them homes.


Ghanrik is left-handed and fights with his weapon in that hand while his shield is in his right. He tends to be more of a healer in combat and provides the party with defensive buffs second. If all is fine he focuses on attacking and tries to keep enemies on him and off less armored allies. If faced with a foe that hits him easy he fights defensively until other party members come to aid him.

Out of Combat

Ghanrik is a skilled healer and can bandage wounds well. He is also a diplomat and likes to try to keep the peace. He is knowledgable in history and religion. He also is skilled in surviving in different areas due to the travelling him and his father did during his life.


Ghanrik Earthshield is the son of Ahr Earthshield and his mother died during his birth. His father doesn't know his past and only recalls waking up in a forest with a large earth elemental named Pebbles that called him Master Earthshield. Ahr only remembered his name starting with an r hence went with the name Ahr. He travelled around until he met others of his dwarf kind and amazed them with his unique pet earth elemental and his earth magic he conjured without study or practice.

Ahr settled down with a wife for a short while until his son was born. Ahr stayed until Ghanrik was able to walk and they ventured off to find out answers about this world and Ahr's memories. They stayed with some elves for a long while until Ghanrik was old enough to fight and wanted to be trained by dwarves. So, they ventured off again and took an old pathway to a dwarven clan (Rock Stonecrusher's). They were attacked by a black dragon and Ghanrik was injured, but was saved by Pebbles.

Ghanrik decided he wanted to be as dwarven a dwarf could get. He got trained by the great Rock Stonecrusher. He drank every chance he got till he passed out. He attempted to be a blacksmith, but was horrible at it and only managed to craft a mug of good quality and got it enchanted with an evercooling rune (so that his beer is always cold). He later decided to become involved with the religion and studied the history of dwarves and picked Magrim to follow since it was he who first taught the dwarves to commune with their gods.

Goals and Secrets:

Ghanrik wants to make a name for the family since it is a new lineage. Ghanrik would like to get his own pet earth elemental one day.


Ghanrik likes elven culture and in particular elven women but dares not tell his dwarven brethren. A secret Ghanrik or his father don't know is Ghanrik’s father was imprisioned in stone for 300 years before he was released by Pebbles and had his memories erased when brought back.

Ghanrik is in. Recruiting is not closed yet, so don't lose hope.

I present Conner Hawthorne, Male Ranger Skirmisher for your consideration.

The cleric says "Drat". I might withdraw from the proceedings, in that case. I'm already too busy for my two active games. Have a great game.

Ghanrik raises his evercooling mug up into the air with a cheer then takes a drink and says "Its a true pleasure! Ye will not be disappointed. Suit me up and I'll pay ye back with my aid."

I know that I submitted a Human for a Dwarven based campaign, but I assumed that was allowed. Have all selections been made?

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.

Cleric already selected. I will pick one more when the party decides who it is returning and how they will be leveling.

Cleric spot is filled. Next spot can be anyone--divine, martial, arcane or skilled. Will notify shortly.

Thanks for the update!

Hmm, Gnome Cleric anyone?


Sorry how about a Gnome bard in stead?

Given the posting rate, I am selecting Barth and Morg if they are still interested.

Hedrin is an alternate if one of them has moved on.

Characters selected are prisoners in the frost giant fortress to be rescued. They have been held with little food and no ale for three months :-(

Discussion thread

Barth and Morg can post in discussion thread above.

If by Wednesday one has not reported, Hedrin is in and can post to discussion thread.

hello fellow prison mates, i'm sure we know each other well by now after 3 months.. I just hope my evercooling mug may be found :P.

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