reydragk |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
I feel like Pathfinder has done a pretty amazing job of keeping the class bloat down--the new classes they've added beyond the core 11 have all done a good job of allowing players access to new class concepts, without stepping on the toes of other classes.
That said, what classes would you still like to see?
I'm still hoping for:
- Psion/Psychic/Esper - Some kind of psionic mind-magic class. I hope they keep this very distinct, rather than making it feel like a variant wizard. I know Dreamscarred Press has done some awesome work, but I want to see what the Paizo folks could do with Psionics.
- Psychic Warrior - Gish class for psionics. I hope they can come up with a better one-word name than 4e did.
- Artificer - Not a magical artificer like in 3.5 and 4e, which really just feels like a crafting wizard, but a full-on steampunk-style engineer/tinker type class, with options for building gadgets that replicate spell effects from a spell list, iron-man style armor options, and the ability to build mechanical/clockwork companions.
- Metamorph/Shapeshifter - a class that specializes in shapeshifting, without the "nature" schtick of the Druid. Definitely needs options to allow it to feel very aberrant, I love the idea of sprouting new eyes and tentacles. Coolest homebrew class I've seen that has some overlap with this flavor is the Ozodrin.
- Commander/Warlord - a class that specializes in directing allies in battle. Although I think this might actually work better as new options for martial classes rather than a fully separate class.
- Shaman/Witch Doctor - a spontaneous caster with the Druid spell list, and a tie to Spirits. 4e did a cool take on a similar concept, and I know 3pp and homebrew versions of this idea have popped up, but I'd love to see Paizo's take on it.

Kolokotroni |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I feel like Pathfinder has done a pretty amazing job of keeping the class bloat down--the new classes they've added beyond the core 11 have all done a good job of allowing players access to new class concepts, without stepping on the toes of other classes.
How do you feel about 3rd party options, since they are all more or less covered by reliable 3rd parties.
That said, what classes would you still like to see?
I'm still hoping for:
- Psion/Psychic/Esper - Some kind of psionic mind-magic class. I hope they keep this very distinct, rather than making it feel like a variant wizard. I know Dreamscarred Press has done some awesome work, but I want to see what the Paizo folks could do with Psionics.
- Psychic Warrior - Gish class for psionics. I hope they can come up with a better one-word name than 4e did.
Dreamscarred press has you covered here Take a look
Artificer - Not a magical artificer like in 3.5 and 4e, which really just feels like a crafting wizard, but a full-on steampunk-style engineer/tinker type class, with options for building gadgets that replicate spell effects from a spell list, iron-man style armor options, and the ability to build mechanical/clockwork companions. Metamorph/Shapeshifter - a class that specializes in shapeshifting, without the "nature" schtick of the Druid. Definitely needs options to allow it to feel very aberrant, I love the idea of sprouting new eyes and tentacles. Coolest homebrew class I've seen that has some overlap with this flavor is the Ozodrin.
Isnt this exactly what the synthesist summoner is? I mean its not technically shape shifting but you'd only need to slightly reflavor the class to accomplish that.
Commander/Warlord - a class that specializes in directing allies in battle. Although I think this might actually work better as new options for martial classes rather than a fully separate class.
The warmaster from super genius games matches up pretty neatly with this concept.
Shaman/Witch Doctor - a spontaneous caster with the Druid spell list, and a tie to Spirits. 4e did a cool take on a similar concept, and I know 3pp and homebrew versions of this idea have popped up, but I'd love to see Paizo's take on it.
Several options here. One of the best is from kobold press The expanded shaman
There is also

Lord Worcestershire of Perrins |

I'm fine with the classes that exist but I would like to see the following three archetypes that a few people have already touched on.
Swashbuckler! Maybe a fighter archetype that allows Rogue Talents in addition to Bonus Combat Feats. The Rogue Archetype of the same name didn't really do it for me. I would even be happy with a Fighter/Rogue Prestige class where maybe levels stacked with Rogue for Sneak Attack and Fighter for Combat Feat eligibility.
Artificer/Engineer! I think Alchemist would work best but a straight up steam punk version as mentioned before. We have the Mana Wastes in Golarion lets have some Steam Punk fleshed out.
Western Monks! I really would like to see some options for some non Tian/Vudran unarmed fighting styles.
I know this is not answering the questions of "New Classes" but that is my two cents. I think there are enough classes already.

Kjeldor |

I'm not sure why the move to Homebrew. I would like to see an official Paizo Artificer, Warlock, CG and CE Paladin variants, Nature variant of Oracle maybe?
Thinking about it there are few classes that I would like to see, but more archytypes maybe instead. I don't want a list of more classes, more classes would result in more archetypes im sure for each class. There are only specifics that I want to see.

Alaryth |

I really like the selection of classes we currently have, specially the new ones originals from Paizo (love Oracle, Inquisitor and Witch). But I would really like to see a duelist / swashbuckler 20 level class, and maybe some kind of artificer. Many other ideas can be done with archetypes, but the agile fighter ones are... less than spectacular.

Atarlost |
Spontaneous druid
Prepared bard
Spontanous magus
Prepared summoner
Prepared inquisitor
Spontaneous witch
A replacement for Arcane Trickster would also be nice. I'd go for a medium BAB mostly-rogue with 4 level arcane casting mostly focused on noncombat utility.
Those are the holes right now. Most other missing stuff is either psionic or only needs an archetype, but a change to the casting tables doesn't really fit into the archetype framework.

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus |

Why was this moved to Houserules/Homebrew? The discussion was specifically "What classes would you like to see produced by Paizo in the future", not "What classes would you homebrew".
Get used to it. They don't seem to like threads like these unless it is part of the Bestiary wish list. Very odd form of discrimination.

master_marshmallow |

i'd like to see a full BAB arcane caster to complete the RPS cycle with paladin and ranger
paladin- religion caster
ranger- nature caster
in 3.5 there was the hexblade, but he's kinda weak compared to the witch or magus now
the attributes he'd have would look like this:
Full BAB
d10 HD
casting progression starts at lvl 7 and offers 1st-4th level spells
CL = level -3
Good Saves- Reflex, Will (Pally is Fort/Will and Ranger is Fort/Ref)
INT is primary casting stat (to oppose the Paladins CHA and the Rangers WIS) most likely leading to it being a prepared caster
Some bonus to attacking- comparable to the pally's smite or the rangers FE
option of a companion-esk bond- most likely a familiar, or an arcane weapon bond
class needs to be thematically different from the magus- designed more for combat with spells for utility and assistance rather than spells for combat
most likely proficient with simple and martial, and only with light armor for ASF problems
access to CLW, as lvl 2 spell, CMW as lvl 3
class features designed to be unique, and not just a parallel to the other classes (ranger and paladin) as the hexblade was
i'd like to see something like that be done

Christopher Delvo |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I created an Engineer: Engineer v4.3
An alternate nice option is the MachineSmith by LPJr publishing (PDF available on this site).
I've also seen various full-BAB arcane casters floating around the Homebrew forums, including the Electus (which feels a little Magus-y to me) or the Arcane Legionary. I made my own, called the Sentinel, but it's thus-far untested.
Dreamscarred Press has produced some of the most thorough and awesome psionics rules I've seen to date, including all the awesome stuff in their Advanced Psionics Guide.
The War Master from SGG really is a good option for a Warlord/Marshal-style class.
I can't speak to shaman classes, as I've never been too interested in them.
Shapeshifters...always seem to be difficult. At the moment, skinning the synthesist seems to be the best choice.
Paizo has been pretty vocal about not making any more classes (at least for a while). So the best you're likely to get is with 3pp or homebrewed content.
...Catch Phrase,

Doggan |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'd have to say a hard no to anything psionic related. Never liked psionics in 3.5, and have no real interest in seeing them in Pathfinder. Something like an Artificer might be nice, but I could almost see it being an Alchemist archetype of some sort. Instead of infusions for self, it's replaced with infusions that can enhance armor/weapons. Building alchemical mini-golems and the like could be doable. It'd be closer to the sort of Ninja/Samurai alternate classes than a straight archetype maybe.
I'd love to see a true Shapeshifter, but I don't know how well it'd be pulled off. Shapeshifting is already a part of Druids with wildshape, and sort of also done (albeit through the eidolon) of a Synthesist Summoner.
Commander/Warlord. Again, I think an Archetype would be more fitting. Either a Bard losing spellcasting for specialized types of battlefield performances, or a Fighter/Cavalier getting some kind of Bardic Performances in place of some class features.
A Shaman (or some other sort of spontaneous Druid) would be amazing. It's the one class I truly feel this game is missing. Once that was put into game, I think I'd be happy.
I've been wanting a class, or at least an archetype that's really focused on throwing weapons. I know it's generally a sub-optimal choice for combat, but I'd love to play some kind of short range thrower.

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A Shaman (or some other sort of spontaneous Druid) would be amazing. It's the one class I truly feel this game is missing. Once that was put into game, I think I'd be happy.
Spontaneous druid
Although it has been mentioned before in this thread, may I suggest that you take a look at
The Expanded Shaman from Kobold Press?I think those wishing for a shaman / spontaneous druid class will be pleased :)

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i'd like to see a full BAB arcane caster to complete the RPS cycle with paladin and ranger
paladin- religion caster
ranger- nature casterin 3.5 there was the hexblade, but he's kinda weak compared to the witch or magus now
the attributes he'd have would look like this:
Full BAB
d10 HD
casting progression starts at lvl 7 and offers 1st-4th level spells
CL = level -3
Good Saves- Reflex, Will (Pally is Fort/Will and Ranger is Fort/Ref)
INT is primary casting stat (to oppose the Paladins CHA and the Rangers WIS) most likely leading to it being a prepared casterSome bonus to attacking- comparable to the pally's smite or the rangers FE
option of a companion-esk bond- most likely a familiar, or an arcane weapon bond
class needs to be thematically different from the magus- designed more for combat with spells for utility and assistance rather than spells for combat
most likely proficient with simple and martial, and only with light armor for ASF problems
access to CLW, as lvl 2 spell, CMW as lvl 3
class features designed to be unique, and not just a parallel to the other classes (ranger and paladin) as the hexblade was
i'd like to see something like that be done
Hey master_marshmallow (great name, by the way!)
Keep an eye out for the Expanded Battle Scion class from Kobold Press, which should be out in a few weeks. It is a class that literally fits every one of your criteria!
As I read down your list, I was actually mentally ticking off each requirement as I read it. It's a class I am very happy with and it sounds like you might be particularly interested in checking it out! :)

Doggan |

Doggan wrote:A Shaman (or some other sort of spontaneous Druid) would be amazing. It's the one class I truly feel this game is missing. Once that was put into game, I think I'd be happy.
Atarlost wrote:Spontaneous druid
Although it has been mentioned before in this thread, may I suggest that you take a look at
The Expanded Shaman from Kobold Press?I think those wishing for a shaman / spontaneous druid class will be pleased :)
I'm hoping for something more along the lines of official class. I try to avoid third party content as much as I can, because none of my DMs will allow it.

Albatoonoe |

Well, an engineer is at the top of the list. If not a full class, a prestige class would be nice.
I feel like most things are covered by existing classes, really. I like that Paizo focuses on archetypes rather than new classes. Each class feels unique and separate from eachother, and I don't think a lot of these class ideas (or even 3rd party classes, for that matter), really fit in well with the class set up.

reydragk |
Classes I originally suggested:
Psion - I know this one is controversial in the D&D fandom, but Paizo has already made a place for Psionics in Golarion, so I think we will see it at some point one way or another, though it sounds like it'll be a while.
Psychic Warrior - same as Psion
Artificer - There seems to be a pretty significant amount of support for an artificer/engineer/tinker type class
Shapeshifter - Seems as if there's some support, although not a lot of conviction that a full class would be doable. Personally, I'd just love to see Paizo-quality art for a class like the Ozodrin. Not sure if that's what other people mean when they refer to a "shapeshifter" class, but I think it could cover the concept.
Warlord - Seems as if the general opinion is that this should be a fighter archetype rather than a class. I personally think it should be a little more extensive--maybe a feat chain AND an archetype.
Shaman - This class seems to be up there with the Artificer concept in terms of popularity.
Classes/options other posters have suggested:
Swashbuckler - I've always liked the idea of a swashbuckler as well, but thematically it really feels like it should be a rogue option. Perhaps more archetype support and more rogue talents that support swashbuckler-style play? If that doesn't seem like enough, what would you be looking for to make a swashbuckler feel "right"?
Monk - more effective options, "western" unarmed fighting styles. I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want these new monk options, monks definitely need more love.
Warlock - mechanically, I'm assuming you want something similar to the 3.5 warlock. Thematically, it feels a lot like the witch to me...could work as a witch archetype, maybe? Convert invocations to hexes, replace familiar with Eldritch Blast?
other alignment Paladin options - I've never understood why Paizo didn't change Paladins to have to be the alignment of their god, and provide a "code of honor" for each major god in Golarion.
Oracle - nature archetype(s) seem like a great concept
Arcane Trickster - this seems like it might work best as a magus archetype, as a full class it seems to me like it would step on the toes of the Magus
Heavy Armor Gish - Seems like this could probably be done pretty easily as a magus archetype, although I suppose there is room for a "heavy" gish class with different mechanics from the Magus
Thrown weapon - This strikes me as a great option for ranger and barbarian archetypes, seems to narrow to be a full class
Soulknife/Soulbow - The Magus has a soulknife-esque archetype already, and the soulbow seems like it would be an interesting archetype as well...replace spellstrike with the ability to manifest a "force bow", modify spell combat to allow spells to be delivered through the bow rather than via the off-hand

Yora |

I really don't see a point in Paizo making a book that would be pretty much identical in content to what is already in Psionics Unleashed. Most of it is a direct conversion from the d20 SRD anyway.
I really see only two options:
1. They do the same thing again with minor differences, leading to endless confusion about people not being aware of those differences or mixing the two versions up.
2. They print exactly the same material from Psionic Unleashed, which would just a dick move, and I really can't see any company in the business doing that, Paizo being the very last one I would suspect.
The situation as it is now seems to be the optimal way to do it. Having a book that does not have the Paizo logo on it among the Pathfinder books isn't the end of the world, and as far as I can tell, the entire PU stuff is in the SRD anyway.

magnuskn |

Swashbuckler - I've always liked the idea of a swashbuckler as well, but thematically it really feels like it should be a rogue option. Perhaps more archetype support and more rogue talents that support swashbuckler-style play? If that doesn't seem like enough, what would you be looking for to make a swashbuckler feel "right"?
Pretty much this here, which is my own take on the concept. Rogues use sneak attack, which does not feel right for a Swashbuckler and I see the class as a full base attack frontline fighter to boot.

Cheapy |

I believe Paizo will eventually need to publish their own psionics when they start setting APs in Vudra since those would be expected to have psionic NPCs. I believe they have used third party OGL monsters in APs, but using third party classes is a bit of a stretch.
They've done it a few times, mostly in Rise of the Runelords.

Atarlost |
Atarlost wrote:I believe Paizo will eventually need to publish their own psionics when they start setting APs in Vudra since those would be expected to have psionic NPCs. I believe they have used third party OGL monsters in APs, but using third party classes is a bit of a stretch.They've done it a few times, mostly in Rise of the Runelords.
Third party classes? In Pathfinder, not the 3.5 version?

northbrb |

I would very much like to see a shape-shifter class that is not nature based. I would really like to see them as a non-caster. I like the idea of someone who can transform and do supernatural things without relying on spells. To fill this void I have been making my own shape-shifter class but I would rather play one made by Piazo.

Byrdology |

rainzax wrote:3.5 assassin.Atarlost wrote:A replacement for Arcane Trickster would also be nice. I'd go for a medium BAB mostly-rogue with 4 level arcane casting mostly focused on noncombat utility.+1...
has this been done?
Spell thief from 3.5.
Honestly, I think a Magus that is more "roguey" than "spell combaty" would be good.
For the swashbuckler, I would take the duelist and aldori sword lord PrCs and combine and flesh them out as 1 base class.
Psions should use a ki like system to cast.
Warlock is a witch or hexcrafter magus

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i was thinking something like this:
Arcane Trickster (base class)
Arcane Trickster
BAB 3/4
HD d8
Skills 4
Class Skills as rogue, add Spellcraft
Saves Ref + Will
Proficiency as Rogue
Spellcasting 4-level progression, prepared
1 - Knack (Cantrip), Sneak Attack +1d6
2 - Arcane Pool (CHA), Trickster Talent
3 - Sneak Attack +2d6
4 - Knack (1st level), Spellcasting (INT)
5 - Trickster Talent
6 - Sneak Attack +3d6
7 - Knack (2nd level)
8 - Trickster Talent
9 - Sneak Attack +4d6
10- Knack (3rd level)
11- Trickster Talent
12- Sneak Attack +5d6
13- Knack (4th level)
14- Trickster Talent
15- Sneak Attack +6d6
16- Knack (5th level)
17- Trickster Talent
18- Sneak Attack +7d6
19- Knack (6th level)
20- Trickster Talent
the arcane trickster may select a spell from the Sorcerer-Wizard list to gain as a spell-like ability usable once per day. which means it has no Verbal or Somatic components, and works as if with Eschew Materials.
Arcane Pool
points equal to 1/2 level plus CHA
may use knack cantrip at will while arcane pool positive
may refresh a knack or prepared spell by spending a number of points equal to it's level
may use a prepared spell as if it were a knack by spending points equal to it's level
Trickster Talent
this is a list like rogue talents
all basic rogue talents and class features (Evasion, Uncanny Dodge)
all Arcane Trickster prestige class features here too (Ranged Legerdemain, etc)
prepared INT caster with a Spellbook as a Wizard
starts with 1 + Int spells, gains 1 per level, may learn new ones
some spells from Wizard/Sorcerer list that serve a function that overlaps with typical rogue skills, like Spider Climb and Knock and Locate Object, are one level lower