Rappan Athuk Old School

Game Master brvheart

Initiative Order:


Rappan Athuk Player's Will

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I would to join RA. I have a half-elf rogue that I have already create.

Welcome Daniel:) When you get it created, post it up under your new alias here.

hey Daniel welcome aboard, can never have too many Half-Elves in the party right?

I just realized Elathras picture has kind of a red nose, almost like a foretelling of the nose falling off.

Hello too Daniel.

I'm sure there's no shortage of things for a trap finder and fixer in our group!

Just remember to be nice to Half-Orcs with Falchions!
(and who's taken on the job of treasurer, I might add!) :D

Ok brvheart it is done. What else I need to do?

Thank you guy for having me.

You need to create a new alias under your account for your character and add your profile to that.

I do have Norwood ready. If you want to look over him to make sure, he ready to go or not.

Whoops wrong one

I think you pulled up something besides the BBS code from Hero Lab. Need a little cleaning up. Go ahead and move over to discussion now.

Norwood, none of these guys have anything like cold iron, mithral or masterwork so please drop those items for regular materials. The party is still rather broke. I think they have 2 +1 daggers and a +1 spork between them for anything beyond normal gear! Masterwork backpack and tools are ok.

The magical spork will allow some good eating, I'm sure!

Have you guys got all the players you need?

Here yes, but I need one new player in my other RA game.

Sorry Greg! I forgot my phone at home when I rush out of the apartment this morning. I was still helping out my Grandfather's place.

Looks like we are going to need a trap specialist for RA game. Rogue preferred, level 3, 25 point buy. Old school dungeon needs old school player.

Have the posting requirements you placed on the game in the last round of recruitment changed?
I'd been planing to pitch a Druid previously but the high expected rate of posting(4-5 a day) made me reconsider

If so I'd be interested in applying for the slot. I was thinking an alchemist archetyped to trade out a bunch of stuff (bombs, poison) for the core part of the rogue I'm looking to stay true to. (Sneak attack, Trapfinding)

The game has slowed down considerably over the last several months. I would prefer a daily posting, but that is not completely necessarily with the holidays, just keep up with the group as best as possible.

Hey, here is my old school hobbit burglar that is stranded at the moment as DM Grimmy is quite busy.

Let me know if Sam can join the group. I was hoping to use unchained if you allow it, but if not, will pay the heavy feat tax to use my dex building a standard two weapon rogue.

I have heard that rogues suck and all classes do their job better, but hey, Sam got a treefolk animal companion!! The only limits are those you put on yourself.

Is this the ground rules? Power Attack, Deadly Aim, Combat Expertise and weapon finesse as combat options

What is this knotty and how to do you get an animal companion as a rogue? Might have a animal friend. For this game he would be level three and appropriate gear.

It is a long story-- kind of fit the character and the DM was great at improvising. I would not have the animal companion for this.

Anyway, since French Wolf is quite a good player, please let him have the first slot. If another game needs a rogue or another replacement player let me know. I did not plan on 'rogue blocking' him.

I usually like to play full casters -- classic wizards and clerics.

When this game first started I was skeptical and passed on the first recruiting, but checking out the gameplay, you have done a great job with it. I applaud anyone taking over a stranded game.

He will most likely get the spot in the other RA game, but it seems I need two rogues as the one from this game is AWOL for over two weeks now. I can't keep waiting on him.

If it is OK, if selected I will make a fetchling rogue and keep Samduc alive in the hope that his game restarts.

This would be a fetchling with a single mom who has never told him who his father was after she returned from the shadow plane. He only knows he is quite at home in the dark. His mother had somewhat lost her mind, and he had to steal to get money for her medical care and an attempt to cure her growing insanity. As aliases can be at a premium, my stat array would be ST=13; DX=19; IN=13; WI=10; CH=14; CON=12

Races Human, elf, half elf, dwarf, halfling, gnome, goblin, half-orc and orc.

Make it a human rogue with a fetching like background for flavor. Counterfeit mage archetype.
ST=13; DX=20; IN=13;WI=12; CH=12; CON=12

Well that is interesting!

Here is a rough alias for my counterfeit mage rogue. I do not know what the plan is for starting material. I will follow your lead, but a prepared rogue tends to be equipment intensive.

I was hoping for an old fashioned elven cloak, the first item I used to like and it was a staple in the lord of the rings books. But if the party has no magic items yet, that would be out.

As a counterfeit mage Beltin uses magic devices to pretend to be a mage. At level four he can attune a wand, so I was hoping to be able to get a wand by level four from a magic-user (invisibility or vanish would be preferred).

He also learned to craft alchemy, so I was hoping he could make some acid flasks, thunderstones, and alchemists fire.

Beltin also has concentrated on disable device, and was figuring his primary role was to disarm dangerous traps. He also planned on rigging dangerous traps for enemies. I was going to bring along a few trap components.

Essential equipment
Lt Crossbow
chain shirt (hopefully masterwork)
thieves tools (hopefully masterwork)

Welcome aboard Beltin!

hey brv any reason Kirbye couldn't have provided Beltin with Virgils Masterwork Chain Shirt and Masterwork extending Thieves' tools on top of whatever other gear he needs?

Welcome Beltin! You start with 3000 GP worth of equipment (No more than 25% on any one item) so it should not be a problem getting the essential items on your list including the masterwork items. Virgil's items would have gone with him. 3000 GP is a lot more than any of you have!
He will need a portable alchemy lab at minimum to craft items AND eventually a full lab somewhere (the castle?).
The party has very little magic at this point so try and keep it to a minimum. I think one has a +1 spork for a magic weapon and little in the way of even masterwork weapons.

I was thinking I could have met Irenicus before, having had him write some scrolls for me. He probably saw Beltin with his arm in a sling claiming he couldn't write his own scrolls after breaking his arm. Beltin may also attribute his spell failures to wearing a chain shirt, as we all know metal can interfere with magic.

I will spend much of my money on consumable magic (scrolls and wands) as that is in keeping with the counterfeit mage theme. I chose disable device for my specialization with a +15 now with masterwork tools.

Sounds like a plan to me.

Irenicus has a library at the castle and needs a work station for crafting also, so we can rig one up in the near future.

Due to losing a player due to RL we are once again recruiting to fill one spot.

Ok Brvheart,

How much money should I start with. I know this has an old school feel to it so does 1500 work?

What role are you looking to fill or is all filled and class doesn't really matter?

Up front fighter type. Lost a barbarian.

Morning Brvheart,

Here is the write up for my fighter.

He is a polearm master archetype. I used under a 1000 gp to equip him. His prize item is a masterwork bardiche followed by suit of agile breastplate.

I wasn't sure how you did hp so I have left that blank. Also I have given him a trait for Ultimate Campaign called reckless. Makes acrobatics a class skill for him.

Daal Regad:

Daal Regad
Fighter (Polearm Master) 4
NG Medium Human
Init +3; Perception +1
AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +3 Dex, +1 Dodge)
hp ??
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +2
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee '2handed' masterwork bardiche +10 (1d10+8/19-20x2)
Melee '1handed' masterwork bardiche +6 (1d10+6/19-20x2)
Melee kukri +8 (1d4+4/18-20x2)
Melee short spear +8 (1d6+4/x3)
Ranged short spear +7 (1d6+4/×3)
Str 18, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 20

(1) Combat Reflexes
(B) Toughness
(R) Dodge
(B) Weapon Focus (bardiche)
(3) Mobility
(B) Weapon Specialization (bardiche)

Traits: Reckless, Scholar of Ruins

Skills (4): Climb +11, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9, Swim +11, Acrobatics +11

Languages: Common, Elf, Dwarf

Gear: masterwork bardiche, breastplate (agile), light steel shield (quickdraw), short spears (3), kukri, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), traveler's outfit, journal, writing charcoal (3), torch (5), trail rations (5), waterskin, whetstone, iron spike (5), hammer, flask of oil (2), 8 gp, 5 sp
Special Abilities
Pole Fighting (Ex): At 2nd level, as an immediate action, a polearm master can shorten the grip on his spear or polearm with reach and use it against adjacent targets. This action results in a –4 penalty on attack rolls with that weapon until he spends another immediate action to return to the normal grip. The penalty is reduced by –1 for every four levels beyond 2nd.

Steadfast Pike (Ex): At 3rd level, a polearm master gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls with readied attacks and attacks of opportunity made with a spear or polearm. The bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 3rd.

Daal Regad was born into the nomadic tribe of Kellahases in the Vast Desert. He is the fifth born of Mahan Regad.

As is customary of the tribe, Daal was trained to fight from a young age both to defend the tribe and to later be a source of income for his family and tribe. At the age of sixteen he was hired out by his father to join the Crimson Sands mercenary company. He was commissioned to work for three years and in that time learned to work with polearms as one of the company's heavy axemen.

Following the end of his commission instead of returning to his tribe he travelled south to the fabled dungeon of Graves in hopes of returning back to his tribe and family with enough fortune to lives their lives as emirs.

Hit points are max at level one and reroll 1's for the rest. WBL for equipment. Please finish and post here so you can post in discussion.

For hp

1d10 ⇒ 3
1d10 ⇒ 3
1d10 ⇒ 10

Sorry just wanted to clarify if you are using Favored Class. I didn't see any mention so I left it off.

Alright here is the sheet. I know you said WBL but that seems inappropriate given some of the equipment I saw on the rest of the group. I just added a bardiche +1 and cure light wounds healing potion.

Yes, you can use your FC bonus.

Ok Daal, go ahead and dot gameplay please so I can add you to Roll20.

NPC Rogue

Looks like we need a new 5th level wizard for our Rappan Athuk game. This one is an old school Pathfinder game.

Any particular brand of wizard? I like them, specially the Evocation happy ones, but I would like to know what the party needs the most.

Also, original character creation rules would apply, I guess. But what's the starting gold for the 5th level character?

brvheart wrote:

1) Character creation:

A) Characters will be created with a 25 point buy.
B) Classes and weapons are restricted to European only.
C) Classes are Core Only, plus Inquisitor, Swashbuckler, Warpriest and Alchemist. I might consider Gunslinger, but the gun powder rules are the simplified rules from Razor Coast and not Ultimate Combat. I might discuss others if they fit an old school theme.
D) Sources: Core Rules, Advanced Players Guide, Ultimate Combat and Ultimate Magic after 5th level on DM approval on a case by case basis only. Additional Sources: Freebooter's Guide, A Brace of Pistols, Book of Magic Pirate Spells, 101 Pirate and Privateer Traits, Fire As She Bears, Pirates of the Inner Sea, Heart of the Jungle, Inner Sea World Guide, Isle of the Shackles and Dead Man's Chest.
E) Races per Core rules only.

I'm assuming all of this still applies? I am putting together an elven wizard (diviner) for you to consider.

Edit: Hit points after first: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 6, 6) = 20

Yes, that is correct. Nice rolling. You will need it!

This is the alias profile for markofbane. I still need to select spells and equipment and write up his background, but this is what I am looking at. For major purchases, I was looking at: cloak of resistance +1, handy haversack, ring of sustenance, wand of disrupt undead and wand of magic missiles (CL3).

Okay, I've updated this profile to add spells, equipment and a background. He should be ready to go. I tried to minimize his overlap with Wdrozgrúk's spells, and he's got at least a +11 in all of the knowledge skills.

I purchased gear based on WBL. I didn't cut the cost for wondrous items that he could have crafted, but I did assume that he scribed all of his scrolls, so let me know if that needs to be changed.

Thanks for considering me!

Here's the cleric I'm working on, not sure if you're still recruiting but this is what I have so far.

Haven't done gear.

Looks good Grimmy, but this is RA. Please post in the Lost Lands game for the Splinters of Faith:)

woopsy. lol

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