About Elathras NarcinalInitiative: 1 = 1 [dex]
AC: 26/29 = 10 + 12 [+ 1 plate] + 1 [dexterity] + 1 [trait] + 2 [ring] + 3 [+1 shield]
Fort: + 12 = 1 [base] + 2 [constitution] + 3 [resistance]
Base Atk + 10/5
Melee: + 16 = 10 [base] + 6 [strength]
Stats: Str. 22, Dex. 13, Con. 14, Int. 10, Wis. 12, Cha. 10,
Race Traits: Military Tradition: Several human cultures raise all children (or all children of a certain social class) to serve in the military or defend themselves with force of arms. They gain proficiency with up to two martial or exotic weapons appropriate to their culture. This racial trait replaces the bonus feat trait. Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level. Traits:
Class Traits:
favored class bonus: + 1 HP
70 = 10(4 [class] + 1 [human] + 2 [background]) The Cavalier's class skills Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), and Swim (Str). Order skills: Knowledge (local) and Survival. Acrobatics - 4 = 1 [Dex] - 5 [armor] Climb 5 = 6 [Str] + 1 [rank] + 3 [class skill] - 5 [armor] Heal 1 [wis] Intimidate 1/17 = 0 [Cha] + 10 [rank] + 3 [class skill] + 1/2 lvl. (@ full HP) Escape Artist - 4 = 1 [Dex] - 5 [armor] Knowledge (all monsters) 5 [½ cavalier level] Knowledge (Geography) 13 = 0 [Int] + 10 [rank] + 3 [background skill] Knowledge (local) 11 = 0 [Int] + 8 [rank] + 3 [class skill] Linguistics 12 = 0 [Int] + 9 [rank] + 3 [background skill] Perception 15 = 1 [Wis] + 10 [rank] + 3 [class skill] + 1 [trait] Ride 0 = 1 [Dex] + 1 [rank] + 3 [class skill] - 5 [armor] Sense Motive 13 = 1 [Wis] + 10 [rank] + 3 [class skill] Stealth - 4 = 1 [Dex] - 5 [armor] Survival 13 = 1 [Wis] + 9 [rank] + 3 [class skill] Swim 5 = 6 [Str] + 1 [rank] + 3 [class skill] - 5 [armor] Gear:
Mundane Items Explorer’s outfit: N/A, N/A Parade armor: 20 lbs. +3, +5, -1, 30 ft. MW Fauchard: 10 lbs. 1d10, 18-20/x2, S reach, trip MW Crossbow, Repeating Heavy: 12 lbs. 1d10, 19-20/x2, P 120 ft. (holds 5 repeating crossbow bolts.) Gauntlet, spiked: 1 lb. 1d4 x2, P, attached Cold Iron Longsword: 4 lbs. 1d8, 19-20/x2, S Alchemical Silver Warhammer: 5 lbs. 1d8, x3, B sub-total 52 lbs. Consumables:
Magical Items:
Items found/picked up
Total weight of all gear: 142 ? lbs, Carry Capacity
3,000 gp. - 2,995 gp. = 5 gp. + +2,225 gp. - 1,800 gp. w/10% discount = 430 gp. + 22,245 gp. - 22,260 = 415 gp. + 11,651 gp. - 10,000 gp. 2,066 gp.remaining - 2,000 gp. = 66 gp.
Elathra's mother is Andria Drovust, who as a young woman traveled with her older sister Audara Drovust to "Fort Inevitable." Andria served her sister the Lady Commander as her personal secretary and Matron of her house, looking over her sister's domestic affairs. There in Fort Inevitable, Andria met Elek Narcinal, a trader and member of the local Wolfmane tribe. Much to her sister's consternation they were wed. Elek had a small business there in ‘Inevitable’ and they lived happily in the small upstairs; Elek running the shop and Andria reporting to the Citadel everyday to take care of her sister’s affairs. Soon Elathras was born, in time followed by his younger brother Lorne and two sisters Lynnette and Jennifer. Growing up at the fort, Elathras was very fond of the retired pathfinder named Corwin MacDugal who lived there in town. He was almost as fond of Corwin as he was his aunt Audara. Not that he ever called her ‘Aunt Audrara’ she was the Lady Commander to everyone in ‘Inevitable.’ But he loved her and wanted to be a Disciple of the Pike as she. As soon as he was old enough to not be underfoot he would go to the Citadel with his mother and he soon began training with the pages there at the fort. Seeing how well he did against the other boys, it didn’t take long for his aunt to declare him her page. In the evenings he would return home with his mother, going to MacDugal’s house hearing stories about the ‘Pathfinders.’ As a child he knew that Aunt Audrara followed Asmodeus, while his parents honored Abadar. Elathras respected how organized the Hells were, and he understood why the 'Hellknights' revered them. But to Elathras, who by nature was kind hearted, it just seemed so mean. After his thirteenth birthday Elathras was promoted to ‘squire’ and from then on would stay in the Citadel with the other squires and Armigers. When his aunt learned that he requested to go to the ‘Temple of the Golden Key’, the local Church of Abadar, they had a long difficult conversation. When she was unable to convince him to change his deity, she ordered that for piety sake, on his ‘free day’ he would serve the temple as a guard. So Elathras living in the Citadel learned the strategies of the Hellknights and especially the use of thi pikes and polearms of the order of the PIke. He would spend his ‘day off’ at the temple being a guard. The rest of what little free time he spent with his family or visiting the retired pathfinder MacDugal. When Elathras’ squireship was over he was promoted to full armiger. His friendly, helpful nature made him popular with some of the Hellknights but his aunt saw him differently. Though he was strong and a good fighter, she felt he was soft hearted, a detriment to being a hellknight. She had contacted the Master of Blades at the tower of Citadel Ordeial, requesting Elathras be permitted to transfer to the orders base and continue his training there. Her request was accepted and after his 'graduation' he was sent into the Whisperwood. Elathras served several years at the tower, going on many missions into the Whisperwood. Focusing on active patrols along the western edge of the forest to hunt down any creatures that emerge from the woods. The master of Blades was intentionally hard on Elathras, having him serve as a guard on both his ‘days off’ and on ‘extra shifts’ to show piety to Abadar, trying to turn him against the ‘Merchant’ god. But instead of changing Elathras’ viewpoint, Elathras would volunteer for guard duty when others were too sick to work. For his part Elathras enjoyed the ‘hunts’ into the western woods and started inquiring if there were any pathfinders around who may give them knowledge about the cause of the monsters. Eventually, realizing that Elathras would never develop the heart of steel that he needed to be a true Hellknight, but unable to accuse the young man of anything wrong, the Master of Blades came up with an idea. He would send Elathras to join the Pathfinders. Providing the young man with a letter of introduction he sent Elathras to Westcrown, the last city to have a known Pathfinder lodge. (Not sure of the calendar date, I don’t know if Delvehaven is open or not.) Finding the lodge that fit him best, Elthras served at the lodge, going on small missions. When in town he would serve with the City guard in honor of Abadar. Having read the letter from Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch, he volunteered to go to Magnimar and aid the venture-captains.
Elathras' aunt would often call him a mutt, she'd roll her eyes and tell him not to get his feelings hurt. He knew in a sense it was true. He had the pale skin, high brow, thin nose and cleft chin of his chelaxian side. But his curly brown hair, heavy browed green eyes and stocky build were from his river Kingdom Father. He wears his 'Disciple of the Pike' uniform with pride under his regular plate armor with it's open faced helm. His gear is meticulously kept, though well used and would appear worn if not for the times he'd paid wizards to repair and clean it. When ready to travel, he'll march in his plate armor, sword, hammer and crossbow-bolt boxes on his belt, his rucksack high on his shoulders, with shield and crossbow in easy reach, and his Fauchard in hand.
Elathras is organized and intentional, a strong supporter of following the law, but also doing the right thing. His aunt called him altruistic, she meant it as an insult, but he never took it that way. He is proud of his Chelish background, being a part of an order that exists to kill monsters, and his ability to fight. His one vice is a desire for glory. On the Myers Briggs scale Elathras is a Protagonist.
Pathfinder stuff
Fame: 8 + 12 prestige points = 20 Prestige: 8 - 4 PP = 4 PP remaining + 12 - 2: 750 gp. value (snap leaf) - 1 (title) = 13 PP. remaining Armor parts ideas:
dodge? Cornugon Smash (Combat) purchase Gloves of Dueling Slot hands; Price 15,000 gp; Weight — |