Ravingdork's Crazy Character Emporium


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Hey again, more questions...I was looking over Daren Mott and cant quite figure this out...

Ok so level 1 feats
Standard: Dodge
Bonus: Crane Style
Monk: Improved Unarmed Strike, Crane Wing, Stunning Fist
Level 2
Monk: Crane Riposte
Level 3
Standard: Dragon Style
Magus: Quarterstaff Master

and that accounts for all your feats...no 5th level feat even though its a 5th level character?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You missed the Additional Traits feat.

Lantern Lodge

Do you happen to have a build that replicates Scorpion from Mortal Kombat? I'm having a little trouble coming up with a reliable "Get over here" attack for him myself so I figured I'd ask.

Thraksnik wrote:
Do you happen to have a build that replicates Scorpion from Mortal Kombat? I'm having a little trouble coming up with a reliable "Get over here" attack for him myself so I figured I'd ask.

First thing that came to mind was a whip and a reposition attack.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Probably an undead magus/monk with a wushu dart and the Lunge feat.

I'd give him a homebrew spell that is identical to bladed dash, but rather than dragging you to the target, it drags a large or smaller target to you.

Lantern Lodge

The main problem I'm having with it is combining both moving the target to an adjacent square, and also causing stun with the same attack. It's easy to do one or the other, but not so much for both.

The best idea I've got requires a very strict RAW viewpoint, Hamatula Strike, and a Kyoketsu Shoge that is at least +1 with Ki Focus.

Hamatula Strike requires a piercing weapon, Ki Focus requires a melee weapon, and Flurry of Blows requires a Monk weapon. The Kyoketsu Shoge covers all of that and allows an attack at a range of 20ft.

The strict RAW viewpoint kicks in when you look at the 5th sentence of the CRB's rules for grappling: "If you successfully grapple a creature that is not adjacent to you, move that creature to an adjacent open space (if no space is available, your grapple fails)."

The idea would work like this: Start turn with nearest foe at a distance of 10-20 ft away, use first attack from Flurry of Blows to attack at range with Kyoketsu Shoge+Stunning Fist. If attack hits and does damage, the foe is forced to save vs stun and I get a free grapple check. If my grapple check succeeds, the foe is moved to the nearest adjacent square allowing me to continue attacking with Flurry of Blows.

Now I've never played a grapple based character so my understanding of the rules involving it are lacking at best. More importantly, even if the above rule would work in my favor, I highly doubt I could ever convince any GM to allow it. Couldn't say I'd blame them either.

Sorry for such a long post and thanks for your time.

There's always the Channel Force feat for Aasimar Clerics that lets you hit one enemy with your Channel damage and push or pull them 5 feet per 2d6 of damage on a failed save. Not perfect thematically, but it does give you 9 levels of spells to work with as well. And with the Improved Channel feat and Sacred Conduit trait, that channel's DC is up to 13 + 1/2 HD + CHA! Quick Channel would let you use Channel Force as a move action, and then you have a standard left hit them with some save or suck spell to simulate the "stun" (maybe Forbid Action, Command, or Hold Person).

More to come? This is fantastic, thanks :)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
parizzio wrote:
More to come?

As long as I am playing Pathfinder and making characters, I will continue to post them here.*

Unless I get that Character PDF up to sale status. At that point I will probably take down all the character files in this thread.


Lantern Lodge

agnelcow wrote:
There's always the Channel Force feat for Aasimar Clerics that lets you hit one enemy with your Channel damage and push or pull them 5 feet per 2d6 of damage on a failed save. Not perfect thematically, but it does give you 9 levels of spells to work with as well. And with the Improved Channel feat and Sacred Conduit trait, that channel's DC is up to 13 + 1/2 HD + CHA! Quick Channel would let you use Channel Force as a move action, and then you have a standard left hit them with some save or suck spell to simulate the "stun" (maybe Forbid Action, Command, or Hold Person).

Like the other suggestions I'll look into it, but it just doesn't feel right making Scorpion with an Aasimar. It's certainly one way to break a stereotype. lol

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

You're a sick individual, RD. I like it. :-)

Ravingdork wrote:
You missed the Additional Traits feat.

Lol I must certainly did. I always forget about that i was just like oh there are his traits. So which original 2 traits did you give him? Both times traits are mentioned its magical knack and reactionary

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

He only has two traits. I gave him the feat so he'd have them even in games that don't use traits.

you know Rabbit familiar came out in last months companion. Completely pathfinder legit. It gives +4 initiative as well. You could like have it sit on your head or something.

Ahh I see guess its time to figure out either two new traits...or more likely a new feat...

Did the dwarven Paladin craft all his items himself? I am curious because of his WBL and wonder if his spellcraft skill is high enough.

This is more like a general question. I made some Level 15 and 16 builds myself and wonder how high your Spellcraft skill has to be to craft your items. I always assumed it has to be at a level where you even succeed if you roll a 1 on a check for creating the item with the highest caster level in your gear.

Nevertheless the paladin is a powerful build.

Ravingdork wrote:
parizzio wrote:
More to come?

As long as I am playing Pathfinder and making characters, I will continue to post them here.*

** spoiler omitted **

I'd contact the Paizo legal team before you do this. I've looked it up a few times, but I can't remember where, but

I believe anything you share via the Paizo forums, becomes the legal property of Paizo. It's supposed to protect them incase someone where to share an idea on the forums that would inspire a developer. That way the original poster can't try to sue for infringement.

I'd double check, because I don't know whether or not posting a link to a third party counts as sharing. I doubt Paizo would really care even if it did count on a 'technical' basis. But it never hurts to make sure.

By U.S. Laws: Linking to a 3rd party is exempt. IF you are the owner of the account that you are linking to.

Though the only way to entirely protect yourself is to use the OGL or some sort of Creative Commons License (What I am planning on using for my Characters).

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Exactly. I have not posted any of the characters on the forums themselves, merely linked to them.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The master abjurer, supreme dispeller, and grand vizier, Sela Kurn, now has -1 saves, -3 AC, and +4 CL on all CL checks due to equipment changes. Among other things, this means he can more easily bypass spell resistance and can now auto-dispel a spell effect from a caster three levels higher than himself. He can also use maze, as the spell, once per day now.


Im thinking of using Kharzod as my BBGG in my evil campaign. Thanks again for posting these.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I assume you mean as an anti-paladin?


Nah the characters are evil so ill make a Paladin the bad guy.

Grand Lodge

Antipaladin BBBF?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ah, misread it.

Raving Dork, While this isn't official, JJ says that "Nudel the Protector" would still suffer the non-proficiency penalties in full-plate.

Just an FYI

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Not only is that his opinion and not at all official (as you've already stated), he is somewhat inconsistent on the matter:

James Jacobs wrote:

If a monk/druid is wearing a suit of wild armor, and wildshapes, the armor melds with the character but thanks to the wild enhancement, still povides it's armor bonus. Does this melded armor interfere with monk abilities (such as the wisdom AC bonus or flurry of blows)?

Not when melded.

Where exactly do you draw the line on what penalties to should apply and which should not? With his view, any kind of divide you make up would seem arbitrary (and it is). Better to be all or nothing. It is more consistent and makes more sense whether you are coming from a conceptual standpoint, written rules, or balance.

James Jacobs wrote:
Seraph403 wrote:
When a druid has the WILD enchant to his armor, does this mean when he wildshapes he is restricted to the dex cap of that type of armor?
The armor, once you wildshape, no longer impedes your movement. its max Dex no longer applies, nor does its armor check penalty. This is what helps make the "wild" armor quality a +3 equivalent bonus and not +2 or +1.

Furthermore, his opinion has absolutely zero basis in the rules. It's just what he perceives as balanced. YMMV.

Thank you for pointing it out. :)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I would also like to add that if your Armor Check Penalty no longer applies, it becomes impossible to apply the non-proficiency penalties (since they are based on the Armor Check Penalty).


Well I used Kang Mahkai and Araonna as the final two enemies...there was some definite pucker factor for the group...using magic jar to inhabit my undead was a good way to actually use her spells in combat ;) and Kang was just...deadly...if it wasn't for a staff of life, the party would have died horribly...

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber



Just to be clear, but for Maki having all the crane feats, he already has fighting defensively factored in right? I was a little short on time so I didn't have enough time to double check the numbers...

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I don't believe it is factored in, no


Oh well, I doubt that an extra 1 to hit made a difference :)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Perhaps not, but the +4 bonus to AC might have. If he uses his defending longspear while fighting defensively, the PCs are looking at 57 AC. Can they hit that?


They weren't hitting his 48 without a crit except for the ranger (swift favored enemy spell, also had brilliant energy bow). It would have just meant the crane wing deflections shouldn't have happened, but with a higher AC they would have missed anyway, so for the party I would say that is a wash :)


About deacon rann and agile maneuvers. If Deacon use his bow to perform the maneuvers with his trick shot ability then he do not need agile maneuvers to add his dex bonus to the roll. The same happens for example with weapon finesse and disarm/trip maneuvers.

Nico is correct about Deacon not needing agile maneuvers. Better off getting the pin down feat or something else that can be useful. And now that the ruling for sunder has been dealt with, it like trip and disrm can be used for AoO attempts. So keeping a few actual adamantine arrows, to bypass 20 or less hardness incase you actually range sunder, is very helpful and recommended.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I've had game developers tell me you always use Strength on combat maneuvers, even with ranged weapons like the bola. That's why he has it, to better facilitate his trick shots.

Where are you getting your information from?

The Bola is a Thrown Weapon and tended to rely on STR to trip the target. But for the Bow you do use DEX. I can't remember where I seen it but one of the Devs confirmed it.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Then we have conflicting information. I'll track down my source and post it. I would appreciate it if you guys did the same.

Then we can FAQ it.

EDIT: Did searches on posts by James Jacobs, Sean K Rynolds, and Jason Bulmahn. Even searched my own posts.

I can't seem to find anything either way, least nothing official.

Oddly, right now I can only found a Thread from February that you posted in.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I saw that during my search. My stance on the matter has little bearing on the official rules though.

Well the thing is as far as I can tell it is fairly clear you use the Weapon's Stat Mod when using a Maneuver.

While a Bow might not connect to the Weapon Finesse it is a corner case.


This is a precedent that sometimes you use other stat than str

Sean K Reynolds wrote:

Zark wrote:
This new rule make Weapon Finesse acts as the Agile Maneuvers, right?

Yes, at least for the use-your-weapon combat maneuvers: disarm, sunder, trip. For all the other maneuvers, Weapon Finesse doesn't apply, so Agile Maneuvers is still an option. I'm going to add a FAQ about this.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I don't see what Weapon Finesse has to do with any of this.

Silver Crusade

Weapon Finesse allows you to use Dex for attack rolls with certain weapons, which you already know. A combat maneuver check is a type of attack roll. So any combat maneuver check that uses the weapon uses the stat that weapon uses for its attack rolls. At least that's how I read SKR's post. Combat maneuvers like grapple don't use a weapon, so they evert ousting Str unless you have Agile Maneuvers.


..unless you have greater whip mastery...

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