![]() Oh I took a look and I guess you are right, doesn't look like a Scorpion Whip has a range of 15. Maybe I will just stick with a normal whip then. I might have to just trip armored things. Spells and such, I plan on having the usual haste, glitter dust goodness. the Frostbite is my go to spell when I have to attack, as I will have 1 strike per level, and that adds up later on. Edit: With proficiency, its stated that a scorpion whip can be treated as a whip. Thus 15 ft reach. ![]()
![]() Hey guys I need some advice on my Whip-weilding Frostbite Kensai Magus. The build I have currently is. Stats:
Traits: Bruising Intellect (Int to Intimidate), Magical Lineage (Frostbite) Feats:
Arcana 3/6/9 - No clue what to take, being that I have never played a magus before My goal is to eventually be able to combo Rime Spell and Frostbite, with enforcer, and the Cruel property on my whip. I would start levels 1 and 2 with a Scorpion Whip, as a regular Whip wouldnt do much good while I dont have Whip Mastery. I was also thinking of being a from the Cheliax faction, seems like it would be a decent fit. I originally wante to go Elf, but it would just put my further behind. If anyone has a way I can make this work, I would love to hear it. Also if you find anyway to make this build overall, better, please let me know. ![]()
![]() I am going to bring this up because I am making a PFS character in which I need some help using a Human Winter Witch. Need opinions on a build and a familiar. Goal: Winter Witch 5/Winter Witch 7 Stats:
This should give me the following Hexes:
Traits: Reactionary? Magical Lineage: Snowball? Magical Knack? I dont know what I would pick for a familiar though. Maybe a Bat? I could use some suggestions on what order I should take feats, and if there are any good ones that I am missing. I can try to find a place for Accursed Hex I guess too. Traits? ![]()
![]() Malicious Eye - When a creature fails its save against your evil eye hex, add the effect of your jinx to the effect of the hex. The save penalties from the hex and jinx stack. Using your jinx on another creature does not end the hex or the jinx effect on the hexed target. You dont need Versatile Jinxer, as you wont need to saving throw it. ![]()
![]() If your GM is okay with you making items for other slots, I would split the belt into +4 belt of Str, and +4 Vest of Con or something. Scratch that, you already have the item. Good items to get before advancing anything else:
I do advice you spred your money out getting a lot of minor items for now, in order to increase your overall effectiveness, rather than put it all into 1 or two items. Question: Do you have a party member that will be able to cast haste? If yes, then Boost of speed wouldn't be needed, as they won't stack. How often do you use your mount? Those are my thoughts, hope that helps. ![]()
![]() Funny you mention this, I am playing a Kitsune Gestalt Ninja/Tattoo'd Fey Sorcerer. She uses enchantment magic to get what she needs (favored class bonus goes into Sorcerer), and if she doesnt like the outcome she vanishing tricks and starts to use her ray magic. Super fun build to play, since I used ninja tricks to pick up a combat trick (from rogue) for Point Blank shot, as well as precise shot for a feat. Spending more feats on spell focus/penetration for my enchantment magic. The good thing about Ray spells. is you can get your sneak attacks off with them, and most dont require a save (Or I dont pick ones that do). So between Ray sneak attacks, and Enchantment magic, my kitsune has become a real terror of a gestalt. ![]()
![]() Hi guys, my last pathfinder session ended with the campaign finishing. Our next one is going to be a Gestalt, I have only played 1 Gestalt game previously, and it was a lot of fun. My idea for this character would be to Start Ranger/Rogue and then eventually switch over to Horizon Walker/Assassin. The rules we use for gestalt is if you are progressing one set of classes, and you want to change (whether it be prestige class or a Dip), you have to pick a different class with it, rather then one you are advancing. So If I were advancing Cleric/Wizard, I couldn't Do Cleric/Druid as a level, but I could do say Druid/fighter since neither is gestalts already. Anyways back on topic. My idea for this character was to utilize Horizon Walkers abilities in the terrain to set up death attack. I was basically just going to take as many terrain mastery rogue talents as possible, using favored class bonus to get an additional one by level 6. My problem is I don't know what to do for feats. I know two weapon fighting would be the obvious answer for this build and the sneak attacks. But I dont really want to focus on getting so many dice. I want to be able to land a killing blow. This is what I have so far with Current stats: Str: 10
Human Rogue (Chameleon)/Ranger (Guide) 6/Horizon Walker/Assassin 10 Human Feat: Weapon Finesse (everything else ??)
Rogue Talents:
Combat Style:
I really do like the 2 archtypes I have so far, but as far execution of the build I still need a lot of help. Can't figure out a combat style for ranger, maybe natural attacks (this gives me aspect of the beast at level 2 for low light vision, and a weapon focus at 6?). I was thinking either a Scorpion Whip (would need to take exotic weapon proficiency) or Rapier for fighting. I guess Pirhana strike would work. Please feel free to give me any and all suggestions! ![]()
![]() I personally love the Time Mystery, it doesn't seem to be a very popular option around here, but its got some great flavor to it. Have you decided on a race? There are two ways I see a Time Oracle working out, the first is using Aasimar/Half-Elf favored class bonus to sup up Aging Touch. Really it is a crippling no-save strength damage ability. The early levels have only a few uses, but going an entire 20 levels powering up this ability can lead to 7x a day for 15 str damage. Since in my opinion, Aging Touch is the only good use of the Oracle FCB from Aasimar/Half-Elf the other way is playing and focusing on more of a face/casting perspective. You should be taking dual-cursed so you can get more revelations. I really do like almost all of the revelations. Here is an example of one of my right ups for an Oracle of Time, as a human. Dual-Cursed (Tongues/Legalistic) Human Oracle of Time: Feats:
Other goodies to grab: Greater Eld. heritage, Spell Pens/Greater are nice, Power attack if you plan on being in Melee, Extra Revelations are nice if you dont plan on being dual cursed. Revelations on mine were done as follows:
I hope this helps a little. ![]()
![]() Hi guys, I was just wondering what some of your iconic complimentary builds you've run in games were, for a duo. A friend and I are looking at possibly going to PFS together (both of us are experiences pathfinder players now) We want our characters to work well together, so looking for some ideas and success you guys have had in your games! ![]()
![]() Reynard_the_fox wrote:
This is something along the lines I was looking for! What would you think if I switched that bloodline out for Karmic. He has good luck by giving people bad luck. ![]()
![]() Hi guys, I know this should probably be in the Shattered Star forum, but I was hoping you guys would help me rebuild her. I am DMing Shattered Star right now with 3 people, we have added mythic to make up for the lack of character. The characters just finished the first book with hitting level 5/Mythic Tier 2, and the Bard took the Mythic ability that gave him leadership, i allowed this even though he was level 5. Nothing in the Mythic path says he can't do this. Anyways Natalya is the only one they can take as a cohort right now. I was hoping you would help me rebuild her into something that would help the party. She will be Level 3, Mythic Tier 2. The current party:
Ideally I would keep her in the Sorcerer/Rogue route. Was trying to think of a possible build to make her build around Storm of Blades spell, maybe turn her Sorcerer bloodline into Sage. But I really want to give them something that will really help them out. Please thoughts! ![]()
![]() LoneKnave wrote:
how would you build the character then. ![]()
![]() Okay guys, I have a white-haired witch to Gestalt. I am looking at either Hexcrafter or Tetori monk. I need build ideas, thinking more along the lines of a finesse build. Here is what you have to work with. Before racial modifiers Stats are (18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8) We are currently level 6. We get 2 traits. I was thinking Human, even though elf might be better for the boost to int and str. Would Kirin style work well in this sort of gestalt? ![]()
![]() christos gurd wrote:
ultimate witch and warlock? What will those be in. ![]()
![]() Well if no prestige classes. Who wants to make a knife thrower build using Human favored class bonus for. Knife Master/Scout Rogue with Guide/Trapper Ranger. All the trap stuff thats lost by taking rogue archtype is kind of gotten back with ranger trapper build. We also get rid of spells and the animal companion. Sneak attacks become D8s. Throw in starknives for throwing and I think we have a great knife thrower character. But too lazy to make a build! ![]()
![]() I want to put forth a challenge for a gestalt build. Since its recently peaked my interest to make cool concept gestalt characters. I would like to see someone make a shadow dancer/assassin and red mantis assassin Gestalt character viable. Maybe starting Rogue or Ninja/Ranger gestalt to 10, and then 11-10 going one of shadow dancer/assassin (not both, as both add uncanny dodge/improved uncanny dodge, and the red mantis assassin prestige class, Would like to see 2 of the 3 prestige classes used fully.
About RadhaTyrios, Medium Human Male, Staff Magus 1; 1d8+2; hp 10; Initiative +6; Speed 30; AC 15; Base Atk/ +0; Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 15; Reach 5ft; SA; SQ Arcane Pool, Spell Combat, Spells; Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +3; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 8; Languages Aklo, Common, Undercommon; Alignment Lawul Neutral Feats & Traits: Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Quarterstaff Master; Heirloom Weapon (Quarterstaff), Magical Knack (+2 caster level under hit dice)
Possessions: backpack (2lbs), bedroll (5lbs), blanket (1lb), Caltrops (10lb), explorer’s outfit (8lbs), Masterwork Quarterstaff (4lbs), rations, rope, 100ft (20lbs), scrolls (1 color spray, 1 hydraulic push, 1 sleep), spell components pouch (2lbs), Spellbook (3lbs), Studded Leather armor (20lbs), Waterskin (4lbs); load 79lbs; 19gp 7sp Spellbook: 1—Enlarge Person, Grease, Shocking Grasp, True Strike, Vanish ; 2—; 3—; 4—; Spells (3/1+1; DC 10 + 2 + spell level): 0—Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost ; 1—Grease, True Strike; |