Ravingdork's Crazy Character Emporium


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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Welcome to my Crazy Character Emporium, brought to you by popular demand!

I make a lot of characters just for fun in my free time (roughly one a week, over a hundred currently sitting in my personal archive), many of which never get to see the light of day. Therefore, I decided to make this thread as a place where people can see all of my concepts, all of my builds, in one place.

It was originally my intention to sell them all in the form of a "PC Concepts PDF," but I'm afraid I don't have rights to sell much of the art that I use as character portraits, and I cannot afford to hire an artist to recreate them all. Not willing to produce a boring looking product without art, or let them all sit in the dark for eternity, I've decided just to let everyone see my work, as is stands, for free. Lucky you! Having this thread will also allow me to update regularly with new character ideas and corrections, something that I could not easily do with a standalone PDF product. It will also better allow you, the many fans who follow my work, to assist me in finding potential problems, such as typos or rule snafus that may need to be corrected. What's more, you can download only what you want or need, without having to slosh through a huge ungainly PDF.

Please feel free to use the following characters in your home games in whatever manner you wish (but please don't use them elsewhere, such as in your personal novel). All of my creations exclusively use Paizo's Pathfinder and Golarion Campaign Setting rule sets and assume a high fantasy campaign. They thus use the 25-point buy method for determining ability scores and a have 75% of the maximum variable hit points (4 for wizards, 7.5 for fighters, etc.), rounded up to the nearest hit point. They otherwise follow all of the standard rules of the game as I interpret them. None of these characters use any intentional house rules, though as with any complex game, please expect, and allow for, some leeway for interpretive differences of the rules (for example, I have no problem with combining two magical items in one slot as per the magical item creation guidelines, or completely changing the description of a given game element). Therefore, please be sure to check with your GM before using any new character or concept from my Emporium. Also, please feel free to change the characters to better suit your use.

And one last thing. "Character Emporium" is something of a misnomer as I shall be including things other than player character concepts here (such as NPCs, eidolon concepts, homebrew monsters and items, etc.). Nevertheless it is named such due to the fact that the overwhelming majority of my work are in fact player character concepts. Game elements that are NOT characters designed for use as PCs, will be clearly labeled as such and will look something like this.

So, without further ado, please take a gander at my marvelous creations, leave comments, critiques, and corrections in the little white box near the entrance marked "reply," and be sure to check back in regularly for new updates and characters.

Open your gift:

Angol Ceredir - 15th-level elven abjurer/artificer, a paranoid wizard and custom stone golem guardian that are ready for anything

Araonna Chorster - 15th-level human death oracle, leads an army of non-evil undead, including a purple worm zombie that functions as a makeshift "ground-craft carrier"

Daren Mott - 5th-level human martial arts magus, a veteran with a penchant for ice magic

Dayer Rann - 15th-level human master archer, a man whose accuracy and damage potential knows no equal

Deacon Rann - 15th-level human trick archer, famed for his combat versatility and trick shots

Durin Wrang - 15th-level half-elf eidolon rider, a powerful summoner with close ties to the natural world

Fleshwarper, The - 10th-level venerable half-elf summoner, touched by fell beings from the great beyond and given over to madness

Fultor Spellbreaker - 13th-level dwarven berserker, skilled in the arts of crushing wielders of magic and those that protect them

Gilgeam Grayhem - 15th-level human mage killer, a solem and pracitcal wizard known for his many quick and decisive victories

Gudruun - 4th-level human master of chains, an exotic weapons master unequaled in his broad knowledge of flail weapons

Guymelef Dilandou - 10th-level human warrior magi and stormlord, his powers matched only by his fury and intellect

Haloy Wrang - 16th-level half-elf possessed being, arcane warrior trained by both powerful summoners and magi alike

Hama - 11th-level human master manipulator, a sorceress and witch feared by those few who know of her existence

Hecaton - 11th-level eidolon, a massive multi-armed monstrosity destined to escape the master that enslaves it to one day grow into the feared Hecatoncheires

Helegûr - 15th-level aasimar ice witch, a sorceress widely feared for her simulucrum spies and absolute mastery over the north

Kang Makhai - 20th-level human destroyer of armies, a magus transmuter of legendary power

Kirom Lancaster - 15th-level human duelist, reputed to have never been cut by an enemy's blade

Lataf - 12th-level undead bull eidolon, a massive monster filled with darkness and a raging flame that desires to consume all life

Lily Oleander - 16th-level half-elf plant druid, as pleasent as poison ivy to her foes, this sensuous druid's kiss is poison

Lwaxana Lore - 10th-level elf alchemist archer, an alchemist who skillfully applies her many alchemical bombs to her arrows

Macellano Alamander - 7th-level human trick fighter, a 7-foot tall giant known for his feminine demeanor and deadly flail

Magora Coldheart - 5th-level grippli frog rider, an unusual cavalier hailing from the swamps who hops erratically about the battlefield, lance in hand

Meredith Nerissa - 10th-level merfolk landbound aquatic sorcerer, seeks adventure by means of a giant flying fishbowl

Milerna Nanneel - 10th-level human halberdier, a capable warrior whose halberd is nearly impossible to escape from

Mister Owl - 10th-level human gunslinger, a grim fellow of unknown origins and stranger weapons

Moving Castle - CR 11 colossal animated object/construct for the truly wealthy and discerning home buyer

Myconid - A strange race of fungoid men little known to the larger world

Myrmidon - CR 7 troll fighters, an elite unit of highly trained soldiers who use their regenerative abilities to become nigh unstoppable

Nives Burer - 7th-level human Razmiran priest, a master manipulator and exile of the church of Razmir

Nudel the Protector - 15th-level half-orc nature guardian, a barbarian druid with an affinity for hard-hitting dinosaurs

Obrist Lang - 11th-level human phalanx guardian, an oriental mage-knight skilled at wielding polearms one-handed and rumored to be only one of triplets

Paegin - CR 10 gnoll sorcerer, diabolist sage and leader of gnolls everywhere

Pollivar Mormont - 16th-level halfling giant slayer, small in stature, big on bringing suffering to evildoers

Raven King, The - 18th-level human shadow herald, undisputed lord of fletchling-kind

Roshgog - 15th-level half-orc fire mage, leader of his tribe and undisputed master of cleansing flame

Ruel Whealon - 8th-level half-elf summoner, skilled in archery and undead slaying

Sela Kurn - 15th-level human grand vizier, undisputed mage duel champion and master of deceit and magic

Seregon - 20th-level human juggernaut, a legend whose naked skin is said to be harder than the oldest wyrm's scales

She'er Falen - 15th-level fire genasi, a sorceress with a fondness for cute animals and fiery explosions

Shioji Petilom - 16th-level halfling mage-knight, a great hero who readily laughs in the face of evil

Siinsa Tosscobble - 9th-level human thug, a rapacious rogue with a brutal fighting style

Sloy Garak - 15th-level tengu pontiff, powerful sorcerer and religious leader

Taur Thelyn - 13th-level human forest warden, a hero and highwayman with an unnatural bond to his forest home

Valaelas the Black - 5th-level tengu master chymist, a mutant crow whose disgusting nature causes his foes to recoil

Yiankun Lee - 15th-level halfling sorceress, a spellcasting adventurer said to have learned her magic from an enclave of medusas

I'm afraid that's all I've been able to upload today, but don't fret! This is only a fraction of those to come, so please check back often!


For those of you new to the gallery, you should know that many of the links in this post and in the next few hundred posts are no longer supported since my web hosting service subscription expired. For access to the new and improved character gallery, please use the new "master link," which contains all of the gallery's characters old and new, as well as several additional useful roleplaying tools and artwork, all in one easy to find location. I suggest you bookmark the master link and check back to this thread frequently for new characters and updates. Thank you so much for visiting the Emporium! Please feel free to leave your thoughts and comments, point out potential errors in the character sheets, or share your own character concepts and ideas.

This online repository of characters, concepts, and tools uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc., which are used under Paizo's Community Use Policy. We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. The content of this online repository is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo Inc.

For more information about Paizo's Community Use Policy, please visit paizo.com/communityuse. For more information about Paizo Inc. and Paizo products, please visit paizo.com.

Thanks Ravingdork, why did you decide to put them up, don't get me wrong I'm happy but I thought you wanted to sell them. Sorry, I messaged you yesterday about putting a list on paizo together so was surprised to see this message-board.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Said the poster who didn't bother to read the opening post. :P



Seregon has one small statblock for a level 20 character.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Jaxtile wrote:
Seregon has one small statblock for a level 20 character.

A common trait among many fighters.

Shadow Lodge

Excellent work RD, thanks for putting this up. Well done! Just as useful as any guide, I hope you don't mind if I link to this from my meta-guide to the guides. I shall look through these in great detail.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Sure thing, BZ! Thanks for the exposure!

Wow, this is a lot of work. I look forward to spending some time working my way through these and looking at what you have created.

Thank you for this kind gift.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
danielc wrote:
Wow, this is a lot of work.

Forty characters in the first batch if I counted right.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Actually RD, you don't have any rights to the artwork in question. If you don't have the rights to publish them, you don't have the right to exhibit them in any form even as part of another work.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ravingdork wrote:
Jaxtile wrote:
Seregon has one small statblock for a level 20 character.
A common trait among many fighters.

Especially when done by players who don't put that much interest in characters without funky magic powers.

Lord Robilar was only a single class fighter, but his writeup was just as memorable as any memeber of the Circle of Eight.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
LazarX wrote:
Actually RD, you don't have any rights to the artwork in question. If you don't have the rights to publish them, you don't have the right to exhibit them in any form even as part of another work.

As a professional graphic designer, I likely know more about my legal rights to other artists' works, or rather the lack there of, than you do. For the most part though, you are correct. It was never my intent to imply otherwise.

That's why I've gone through a lot of trouble to get permission from the various artists prior to using their work. Many of my PDFs even include links back to the respective artist's web sites (simply click the character portraits) to ensure that they get recognition. Though not all of the files have these links yet, it is something that I intend to work towards changing as time goes on.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I probably should dot this, so that whenever I run a homebrewn campaign again, I'll have easy to access to some NPCs who will be able to contend with my players party.

Very interesting characters I see here.

Great and inspirational work... Would love more chars under level 10...or even a breakdown of each char to level 5, 10, 15 & 20... However this is NOT a complaint... Just a humble dream...

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Bacon666 wrote:
Great and inspirational work... Would love more chars under level 10...or even a breakdown of each char to level 5, 10, 15 & 20... However this is NOT a complaint... Just a humble dream...


Geez, those gloves of dueling.

Is there a build anywhere where you don't wear those if you have "weapon training?"

First - dot.
Second - many thanks!! I'm going to enjoy reading your work.

Any chance you can provide a zip file of all the characters at some point? Or one big pdf?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Bacon666 wrote:
Great and inspirational work... Would love more chars under level 10...or even a breakdown of each char to level 5, 10, 15 & 20... However this is NOT a complaint... Just a humble dream...

Keep in mind that he built these characters AT level. They've never actually been played after all.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

take it easy LazarX, they are great mind exercises and RD never claims anything about playability 1-20.

as always RD's characters make great plug and play NPC's, they stretch the rules to their limits (hopefully fostering a closer look during the editing/FAQ/errata process), and they're FUN!

Sela Kurn is my favorite

Pathfinder LO Special Edition Subscriber

Must dot. Could save me a lot of time in the future. Nice stuff!

Your character concepts are always interesting , RD.

Really cool. Love 'em.

Fancy taking requests?

This looks like a good resource, so I am definitely going to keep it around. I did find one little thing that you should probably fix, though.

Looking at the myconids, you say in their description that they show no signs of aging until they reach about 40 years of age, then generally slow down and decay within 5 years. Based on your charts, however, the longest lived myconid dies at 36 years old. Thought you might like to know about that discrepancy.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Bacon666 wrote:
Great and inspirational work... Would love more chars under level 10...or even a breakdown of each char to level 5, 10, 15 & 20... However this is NOT a complaint... Just a humble dream...

Roughly 3/5 of the characters in my archive are high level (11th+), since they generally make for more fun mental exercises. I will make a point of posting the lower-level characters next (those that are 10th-level and under).

sunbeam wrote:

Geez, those gloves of dueling.

Is there a build anywhere where you don't wear those if you have "weapon training?"

If you can fit them in your budget, there is no reason not to get them. They are like Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Focus, and Weapon Specialization all rolled into one, except they also stack with those feats and give you some nice situational bonuses to CMD and saves as well.

Any fighter who doesn't eventually take them when he could have is a fool. They are that good.

LazarX wrote:
...he built these characters AT level. They've never actually been played after all.

I have played several of them before, though your assertion is true for most.

MooNinja wrote:

Really cool. Love 'em.

Fancy taking requests?

Thanks. You are welcome to make them, but others have done so before and it's a rare request that inspires me enough to produce a character.

Dotting. I wonder whose NPC catalog is bigger yours or mine.

I have around 100+ NPCs

Heh some of those are very cool. Think my favorite one is Gudruun, although he is level 6, not 4 :P

Looking forward to see the rest

Question how did you get the Names for Seregon's Weapons? And since I haven't gotten to the others yet any other named weapon in the set.

please and thank you!

Either way nice work as all ways Ravingdork!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Azaelas Fayth wrote:
Question how did you get the Names for Seregon's Weapons?

I don't fully recall, I may have pulled them from the Hiswelókë Sindarin Dictionary.

BuzzardB wrote:

Heh some of those are very cool. Think my favorite one is Gudruun, although he is level 6, not 4 :P

Looking forward to see the rest

Must have had an older version of him up on the server. I've uploaded the correct version.

Ravingdork wrote:
Must have had an older version of him up on the server. I've uploaded the correct version.

Excellent, I think I am going to replace Orik with Gudruun in the RotRL game I am running.

21 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Author's note: If you are planning on using my character sheets, or simply appreciate the existence of this thread, please show the Favorite and reply buttons some love. That will allow me to better track how much attention I'm getting. If I get enough responses (and feel that my characters are largely error free), I may yet make that nice-looking PDF should I get an original artist to help me with it. :P

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm not surprised to see the thread moved, but ADVICE? I'm not really sure how this thread fits in the Advice section.

EDIT: I guess the moderator thought I was asking for advice on the characters. :P

I like, keep em coming. Ideas for making characters are always useful.

No gnomes =(

Def worth the Dot though. Thanks.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ravingdork wrote:

I'm not surprised to see the thread moved, but ADVICE? I'm not really sure how this thread fits in the Advice section.

EDIT: I guess the moderator thought I was asking for advice on the characters. :P

I think it is in Advice for the same reason that the various Guides are in Advice... if someone is trying to find some advice about how to build something, they will go to Advice, see this, and be all like "wow, here's several thousand ideas that might help me towards my goal" :)

Thank you very much for this, it looks fantastic, I am looking forward to when I have enough time to properly peruse the whole thing.

RD, awesome! I am so bookmarking this page!


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Dominigo wrote:

This looks like a good resource, so I am definitely going to keep it around. I did find one little thing that you should probably fix, though.

Looking at the myconids, you say in their description that they show no signs of aging until they reach about 40 years of age, then generally slow down and decay within 5 years. Based on your charts, however, the longest lived myconid dies at 36 years old. Thought you might like to know about that discrepancy.

FILE UPDATE <--- Look for this every so often

I have made some minor changes to the Myconid race's vital statistics section and overhauled Gudruun's stat block.

I will try and maintain the original file links whenever possible. It's a real shame I can't just re-edit the original post over and over. :(

Wow, this is simply amazing. Great work and thanks for posting these RD! I think I may use some of them as villains in games and borrow some of your concepts for personal use as PCs. This is a wonderful resource.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Another Question:

Where do you host these? And if you want help laying out a PDF I will can help.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Azaelas Fayth wrote:

Another Question:

Where do you host these? And if you want help laying out a PDF I will can help.

Zymic Webmaster Resources. I create the character sheets in Microsoft Word 2010, save them as PDFs, and then upload my PDFs to their server via the Filezilla's FTP service.

Should I get around to making a book PDF, however I will be using Adobe InDesign CS6 or later.


Shadow Lodge


Ravingdork wrote:
Azaelas Fayth wrote:

Another Question:

Where do you host these? And if you want help laying out a PDF I will can help.

Zymic Webmaster Resources. I create the character sheets in Microsoft Word 2010, save them as PDFs, and then upload my PDFs to their server via the Filezilla's FTP service.

Should I get around to making a book PDF, however I will be using Adobe InDesign CS6 or later.

Thank you and there are easier and cheaper methods...


EDIT: Awesome! Forgot to say how great your builds are. I really appreciate them.

Have you ever built a gnome illusionist?


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Azaelas Fayth wrote:
Thank you and there are easier and cheaper methods...

What's cheaper than free?

Jubal Breakbottle wrote:
Have you ever built a gnome illusionist?

Illusionists, yes. Gnomes, no.

dotting for extensive borrowing. great post!

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