Disclaimer: I'm going to assume that the stats are still flexible. If not, disregard the text below First, you should consider a lower INT and CHA: If you are considering being both a tank and a healer, then you cannot afford to also be face and skillmonkey. Second, you are using your precious points from leveling up (and even a manual!) to increase your one of your lowest scores from 13 to 16: You'd be much better served by starting with Dex 15, using a level up to get to 16, and use those extra 3 points to start with a slightly higher STR (you can even get to 15 by just lowering 1 point in int or cha). Still, if I were you, I would try to increase your STR a little more: part of tanking is dealing enough damage for your enemies not to ignore you. My suggestion of stats would be Str 20 (16 + 1 manual + 3 level up)
I would like to add my 2cp... Having DMed for both a synthesist and a vanilla summoner, I found that although the regular summoner was indeed more powerful due to action economy, the synthesist was perceived (by me and other players) as more powerful: In my opinion, this difference between numbers on paper and perception comes from how the lack of weaknesses in the synthesist affects the DM when building encounters/challenges. I'll give some examples (The synthesist was played levels 3-9) -Through AC evoluitons + increasing DEX (increasing base + evolutions + spells/items) + mage armor + extra AC ('cause class), the syntyesist's AC was 6+ higher than the fighter, and that is not even counting when he had time to prepare for a fight and cast shield on himself. This disparity in AC for frontliners made it very difficult to choose appropriate challenges, since things that would hit the synthesist would hit the fighter with 8+ on the dice (which meant even iteratives hit), or you were left with enemies that could not hit the synthesist at all. If this had been a normal summoner, I would feel less bad ignoring the pet, since at least I would still get to hit the caster. - Through pounce + multiple attacks, the synthesist was getting full round attacks on round 1, while the fighter was running behind only getting one attack of (usually the combination of the 2 killed most non-boss enemies, so they had to move to the next enemy and once again only one of them got multiple attacks in. Like with the to hit, this made calibrating the enemies AC and HP very difficult. I am aware that a normal summoner makes at least as much damage. But it was just the hopelessly outmatching of the fighter at fighting that made it feel so bad. - Through skilled or evolution surge, the syntheisist could get +8 to any skill check. Combined with a high INT (thanks to placing STR and DEX at 8, which is low but not a super dump) and a more than decent set of class skills, he was at least as good of a skillmonkey as the rogue. And, since skilled allows to get +8 to diplomacy, guess who the party face was? I had to readjust all the diplomacy DCs or otherwise the whole adventure would have turned into "I ask the king for the key to the treasury. He agrees. I win" In a normal summoner, you probably get as many skills, but it doesn't feel like you have an uber character that can do everything better than everyone, and the ridiculous +8 to skills doesn't come into play until later. - Our cleric couldn't make it for a couple sessions. Guess who did not care at all, since they had crafted a wand of restore eidolon? Even after giving the rest of the party a wand of CLW, the synthesist only had to take care of himself, while the others had to share precious resources. Before I am accused of being a bad DM (which I know I could do better)
I could go on (like how the synthesist can switch his immunity evolutiosn whenever a new level comes around, allowing the perfect counter to the elemental themed dungeon), but I think I have made my general point: For me, the problem with the synthesist is that it makes it very hard for the DM to make a balanced encounter where everyone has fun/feels risks, forcing either very easy encounters that will be completely overpowered by the synthesist, or very hard encounters that will make other characters feel useless. ![]()
Rory wrote:
This is very similar to my suggestion of using something like the "X = 2*(X-2)=3*(X-3)" (where X is spell level) mechanic from words of power one level 4 spell = two lvl 2 spells = three lvl 1 spells
Now, keep in mind this still uses up your higher lvl slots as opposed to enabling to cast the lower level spell on top of the high level ones, but I think that giving a caster multiple spells for free would be seriously OP (or should be restricted to campaigns in which you only have full or 2/3 casters) ![]()
Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Thanks! I appreciate you taking the time for answering the question. I agree with Diego that this ruling limits the usefulness of the item, but I'd rather have a less useful, consistent item that an unclear one. ![]()
Bump again. I see that now the FAQ is all the way to 10! See the post above for the problem with the wording. I believe it would be OK for the item to be ruled either way (though I am hoping for the non-standard action activation), but I think it would be better to hear from whoever designed the item, at least to know the RAI. Hit the FAQ! (Please?) ![]()
Bump. Adding link and text to facilitate discussion Quote: Three times per day, on command for 1 round when the wearer makes a 5-foot step, he can move up to 15 feet. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If you are reading this and think the wording is unclear, hit the FAQ at the top! ![]()
Bumping this thread since I have the same question... Though I can see Diego Rossi's argument why the boots would not be completely useless if they do require a standard action to activate, it seems to em that 7.2 k is a LOT for only escaping at the cost of your whole turn... Anyone else would like to hit the FAQ? ![]()
Darkwolf117 wrote:
Thank you! I'm glad you find it interesting. The build should be at least a decent skill monkey, and probably you would also be a good party face since it is so CHA heavy kaisc006 wrote:
Ehhh... I guess the point of the build is to be dip heavy (representing a bit of ADD). A straight caster with a dip of martial is probably a much stronger build, but flavor wise is very different. As to the martial side, it's not like a gun it's a MUST have, but I thought that targeting touch AC was the only way to keep up with the multiple hits to BAB. That being said Quote:
I think you raise a fair point. Maybe I went overboard with the number of dips. I guess that, though thematically the Bard and the Oracle fit the build, what they bring in mechanically is more a hindrance than an enhancement Quote:
Going EK is a fantastic recommendation. Quote: spellslinger wizard is REALLY going to leave you hurting though. i mean yeah it's 1/2 price to improve the gun, but that's hardly worth it when you can just grab craft magic arms and armor and do the same and you have FOUR opposed schools. if you want to use magic with your gun, go (myrmidarch) magus (this also allows you to skip the foray into EK, since you get it's capstone as a level 3 magus). if you want more cha-based casting, go sorc. if you want to be a wizard, then vanilla wizard may be the better option. The main reason I wanted the spellslinger was to get the the wizard ability to reroll. I was planning on just sacrificing the wizards spells to give the gun properties on the fly (this is actually a pretty cheap way of adding +1s to your weapon, since you can recover the spells with pearls of power) I must admit that I avoided taking a magus into consideration since I play one in another game and didn't want the overlap, but you have convinced me that it is probably a superior choice. Based on these recommendations, I can see the build going two ways 1) Just stick to the CHA classes and make a CHA heavy build with low/no magic lvl 1: Gunslinger (mysterious stranger). Point Blank Shot, precise shot
At level 9, you would would have BAB+8, be able to use Smite to add CHA to hit (and +4 to damage), mysterious Stranger for CHA to damage and get a decent number of times per day where you can get an extra attack out of using Ki. For this build the only stat you would need would be CHA, with DEX being secondary and INT and WIS being possible dump stats. If you are in need of skill points, you can probably move the ninja level earlier in the build 2) Make a more INT focused build. Strangely enough, this one might be a better "luck" build lvl 1: Wizard (spellslinger), Divination (prescience School). Take Human luck feats
This allows to really buff your weapon by combining the arcane pool extra properties with the spellslinger ability to sacrifice spells for properties .
Michael Sumrall wrote:
Wow... I had not seen that option... I guess that if the DM allows this, then it's better to spend 1k than using your arcana for close range ![]()
After looking at the human luck feats, I was toying with the idea of a "better lucky than good" build, but as I was building it, a completely different concept appeared. Basically, I want to make a charisma based jack of all trades, master of none. Fluff wise, it would probably be a guy that worships Desna and, because he has always had so much luck that he triumphs over any obstacle, he does not have the self discipline to stick to one area of expertise. This is what I have so far. I have kept the "luck" part of the build since for some reason I see luck and CHA being related to each other lvl 1: Wizard (spellslinger), Divination (prescience School). Take Human luck feats lvl 2,3: Paladin (Divine Hunter or Holy gun, not sure). Get Rapid Shot at level 3 lvl 4: Gunslinger (misterious stranger) lvl 5, 6: Ninja. Use Ki for extra attacks lvl 7: Bard (Acheologist). Take Lingering performance lvl 8: Oracle, battle mystery (war sight for double rolls on initiative) How character would look at at level 8:
+4BAB (+6 if fractional is in place) vs touch AC = 3 attacks per turn with rapid shot and using Ki +CHA to saves (and probably pretty decent saves all around. You can probably dump WIS)
Swift action options
That's all I got so far. It's just a crazy idea, but I would appreciate any feedback on it! .
Disclaimer:: I had posted this in the GitPG forums, but did not get much feedback. Still, if anyone saw it there and it's seeing it again, I apologize. ![]()
You can probably make something work if you have a ton of Eidolons, make them max UMD and give them all wands (you'll probably want the craft wand feat) and have them spam save or suck spells... That's all I can think of. Though ProfPotts idea of crafters might be useful if you don't have enough time in the adventure to sit down and craft ![]()
Just wanted to thank you for a wonderful guide. I have been reading it and have some comments/suggestions 1) For the feats section, psionic body can be a very interesting choice as lvl 1 feat for a psionic race. Since they already get wild talent for free, if they use the psi warrior feat for another psionic feat (like psionic weapon), you are talking of +6HP at level one. It is true that on the long run this feat might be slightly sub par with respect to toughness, but it adds more HP at the early levels when you need them most 2) I respectfully disagree with your assessment of the mind knight path (at least with respect to the weapons master path). First of all, it is a 1 round manifesting time "A spell that takes 1 round to cast is a full-round action. It comes into effect just before the beginning of your turn in the round after you began casting the spell. You then act normally after the spell is completed." This means that you are completely at the mercy of your enemies for a full turn in which they can disrupt the power by forcing you to make a concentration check. On top of that, the duration of call weaponry makes it very difficult to have your weapon out ahead of time before each battle. If you don't know that an enemy is behind the door and have time to manifest, you are constantly walking into fights without a weapon at hand (though ymmv, since I admit that my DMs have a preference for surprise attacks against PCs). I guess if you take the mind knight path you can keep spamming the ability by expending your psionic focus... But if you ever want to use the augmented version (and not fall behind other PCs with their magical weapons), you'll have to spend the first round of every important battle summoning your weapon as a full round action. On the other hand, metaphysical weapon is only a standard action and, as mentioned before, it can even be extended to hours/lvl (though I'm still a bit unclear if spending 5points on the power gets you +1 and hrs/lvl or +2 and hrs/lvl) It is true that call weaponry adds versatility and that the mind knight path is probably the best, but I'm just not sure it compensates for the long manifesting time/short duration 3) As for weapon choices/equipment/builds section, I have been considering the idea of a reach weapon psiwar with combat reflexes. Expand for 10' reach, add 5 from weapon (add another 5 when you can go huge and another 5 from feat lunge at level 9). If enemy attacks, use all AoOs except one as damage, use last one to trip. In your turn, attack expending psionic weapon and use move to recover psionic focus. I'll write more if I can think of any... Thanks again! ![]()
Look into Ablative Barrier (lvl 2 spell). Though it doesn't let you cover for allies per se, it will help them increase their survability Also, consider Bladed Dash (lvl 2 spell) so you can charge straight into the enemies and keep them away from your allies Pilfering hand will disarm an enemy, which also helps with battlefield control Besides that, the pit spells mentioned above are fantastic. What is the rest of your party's composition? If you are the only melee, the rest of your team should have plenty of spells and abilities to hinder enemy movements... ![]()
Hello! I am currently playing a Sacred Shield paladin in a Kingmaker game and I have run into two questions that might need clarification 1) What type of action does it take to activate the Holy Shield ability? Relevant text
At 11th level, this protection expands to cover any allies within 10 feet and the radiance increases to the effects of a daylight spell. At 20th level, any allies within 20 feet are protected. Using this ability consumes two uses of the sacred shield’s lay on hands ability, and the effects last for 3 rounds plus a number of rounds equal to her Charisma bonus (if any). This ability replaces channel positive energy." I can see an argument being made for being a standard action since it replaces channel positive energy, another standard. But I have to say that anything above a move action would make the ability rather sub par 2) What is the extra deflection bonus from Bastion of Good for a level 4 paladin? Relevant text (emphasis mine)
This ability replaces smite evil." I always thought that "by every four levels" meant that you have increases at levels 1,5,9,13,17. But for the maximum to reach +6 at level 20, you must get increases at levels 1,4,8,12,16,20 Is the maximum incorrect or I am not understanding what every four levels means? ![]()
I find myself empowered arcana very useful, but I can see how YMMV. My DM likes to throw at least one boss/mini-boss fight per day, so I've had a lot of use out of it I've never liked arcane accuracy myself, but that's mostly because I made a bladebound magus, so by level 6 I'd rather use the arcana to recover spells than to increase the to hit. Agree on the hasted assault ![]()
Scrynor, I do understand your argument that "I swing my sword FASTAR with the power of magic!!!!" might seem a bit unrealistic, but I would like to point out that the whole number of attacks/round based on BAB is more ridiculous to begin with Who do you think would make more attacks in a 6 second round: a conan-like warrior holding a massive sword in a fight against a dragon - where he knows he is toast if he makes one mistake - or a peasant trying to protect his family against the pillaging goblin? In my head, I find the peasant more likely to go whack-a-mole against the goblin and try to hit it 3-5 times in a six second period That's why I just describe attacks as it makes most sense to me and let mechanics work separately from the fluff. Sometimes it makes sense to describe multiple attacks (a sword thrust to each enemy if you are surrounded, attacks to the joints if you are dealing non lethal), sometimes it doesn't (like a full round the paladin unleashes on a demon is cooler if described as jumping and cleaving through the outsider) My point is: Being more skilled with a blade does not necessarily mean you attack the enemy more times in the same amount of time. Which means all the melee classes are "anti-thematic" and the magus is not doing any worse than the rest That's my 2c, and I hope they don't come as confrontational. I find the topic incredibly interesting but regretably I'm not as smart as cheapy to describe the extra attack in a clever way EDIT: Grammar ![]()
I have a similar question regarding if the +2STR/CON should be applied before or after the stat replacement - The example given for werewolves (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/humanoids/lycanthrope/we rewolf) says it's after Base creature: Str 17, Dex 13, Con 14
So the hybrid takes the 15 from the base animal and adds +2CON - The example given for weretigers adn werebears says it is before Weretiger
I'm not even sure how the stats for the wereboar came to be... And if the +2STR/CON applies to the animal form, does that affect the score you are replacing the base creature's stats with? Also, another question... How do you handle the bonus from level up? Can it be added to the replaced stat? (as in rounding up STR for any of the hybrid examples shown above) ![]()
STR Ranger wrote:
True, and and excellent one at that! Just in case that the link got lost in the shuffle http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2ocev?Warlock-STR-Rangers-Guide-to-the-Hexcraft er Also, just wanted to say thank you to whoever made this a sticky and (in case it's another person), another one to whoever is updating the OP with all these new guides ![]()
Can this http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2nler?A-Guide-to-Touch-Spells-Spellstrike-and-S pell#1 be added under the magus guides? I have seen numerous threads asking about how spell combat and spellstrike work and I think that this guide has an excellent step by step explanation of how it works. Since spellstrike and spell combat are what makes a magus a magus, I think it would be good to have it with the other guides And the stickiness is back! ![]()
Sorry to Necro this (again, it would seem), but I also have the same question regarding the +2STR/CON being applied before or after the stat replacement - The example given for werewolves (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/humanoids/lycanthrope/we rewolf) says it's after Base creature: Str 17, Dex 13, Con 14
So the hybrid takes the 15 from teh base animal and adds +2CON - The example given for weretigers adn werebears says it is before Weretiger
I'm not even sure how the stats for the wereboar came to be... Also, another question... How do you handle the bonus from level up? Can it be added to the replaced stat? (as in rounding up STR for any of the hybrid examples shown above) EDIT: And if the +2STR/CON applies to the animal form, does that affect the score you are replacing the base creature's stats with? ![]()
The utility of that arcana depends on how your DM interprets the use of Arcane Mark in your game. -If you are allowed to get infinite extra attacks with Arcane mark, then close range is rather useless - If you are not allowed to get infinite extra attacks with cantrips (not common, but I have seen it ruled that way), then close range is also less than stellar - If arcane mark doesn't work but cantrips do, close range has its uses. Though keep in mind that by level 7 you probably won't be using it as much (decent number of spells + a large arcane pool + pearls of power = better options to cast each round than cantrips) YMMV ![]()
If you are going for the long run (which it seems you are), I'd suggest you stick to melee rather than ranged. As you level up, you can get more attacks (both natural and/or manufactured) that way. By the same token, your STR will continue increasing, (even more so if you pick up the large evolution) so the benefits that you'd get from weap. Finesse would go down over time Depending on availability of magic items, you can just get a wand of rejuvenate eidolon for the first couple levels as synthesist (you can redirect damage from suit to paladin and then heal with LoH, using the wand only when you run out of your normal healing) Mage Armor is probably your best option for lvl 1. If your wizard is not doing too much battlefield control, maybe you should consider getting grease. My recomendation on feats is to take extra Evolution (it will pay off in every level up, giving you more options). At first get claws on your arms so you get 3 natural attacks, afterwards consider adding other heads/more limbs (or even tails + stings) and reskinning them as snakes attacking from the head ![]()
Well hello there, thank you for dropping by Backstory that doesn't involve the crunch questions
About 10 years ago, me and my high school group had to part ways right as our 3 year old campaign was reaching its climax as the heroes were about to take the fight to the BBEG in its own domain in order to prevent him from opening a gate directly to Hell.
The campaign was interrupted as the group ended up in four different time zones in 3 different countries. Now, with the marvels of the internet, we are about to resume the campaign online and we have chosen to convert all the material from 3.5 to PF. But as you all might now, this is not always an easy task. Even more so since 3.5 had more sources and a lot of them were slightly... broken (which was in part what led me to making a weretiger) and with the years I have dialed down on the power gaming -personal choice, there is nothing wrong if that is your cup of tea-. Bottom line, I am trying to convert my character to PF and I have some questions that I am trying to resolve in order to avoid being too overpowered My 3.5 character (as best as I can remember)
Human with natural lychantrope weretiger template (CR+4 reduced to +2 or +3 with buyback)
Barbarian 1/Fighter 14 Fighting Style: TWF with oversized longswords (had all the TWF tree for off hand attacks), which he proceeded to use to deal tons of damage with a hasted weapon in each hand (not sure if this was valid or a houserule, but that's how it worked) Stats: Basically, when raging and hybrid form, the chump got to 42-44STR (17 base + 12 weretiger + 2 Feat + 3 lvl + 6 belt + 4 rage)
Defense: Basically banked on the DR/silver against things with natural attacks. Some feats to increase AC thanks to TWF. Had also looted an armor that gave fast healing 1, so he started fights at full HP Feats: Monkey grip, TWF tree, savage species feat that allowed for swift action transformation, toughness, some AC boosts (natural armor, dodge, etc)
I've read the pfsrd and the "Same as base creature or base animal (whichever is higher) +1" seems too good to be true, to be honest. For a 1 level investment, I am getting some stat bumps (smaller than before, which is only reasonable, but still...), DR 10/silver, +2 natural AC, large size, pounce (see question 2), scent, low light vision, etc This seems to much... So I would like to check that I am not doing something wrong 1-a) Does being Large in hybrid form give you extra reach?
2) How does the weretiger's pounce interact with manufactured weapons? Is it valid just to charge and unleash all the TWF combo? 3) What would be a good build for a TWF weretiger? (assume ECL 18, don't know the point buy but at least 25) Right now I'm thinking
Weretiger /barbarian (Titan Mauler) 6/Fighter (TWF) 11
Rage powers: Reckless abandon, witch hunter, spell sunder Feats: Toughness, TWF, ITWF, GTWF, Dual slice, Two weapon Rend, Weapon focus, weapon specialization, improved Crit 3-a) Is Titan Mauler a good option? I know that usually going for bigger weapons is sub optimal, but in this case he would be dual wielding Large Greatswords (Which I think do 3d6 damage) Can he use even larger weapons in only one hand? 3-b) Is TWF archetype the best option? I believe so, but I'm not sure if there are other options 3-c) Any other must have feats/rage powers? Thanks for reading! And thank you for any helpful comments you can provide! Short disclaimers
Spoiler: -No, it doesn't need to be a weretiger. I have offered the DM the posibility of just refluffing a human, but he has already planned for fairly powered encounters
- Other party members are a wizard (evocation mostly, will probably move to battlefield control) and a two handed fighter. We have a hired NPC that provides healing - This PC has no spellcasting whatsoever
Sleep-Walker wrote:
You need to be more specific. - Would you cook it?
If the answer is no to any of the above, it's inciting PvP If it is yes to all, you are probably good ![]()
I would suggest talking to your players (both the rogue and your wife) about making a side quest to obtain some way of disconnecting the NPC from the BBEG. You can ask the rogue to try to look for an alternative solution (which you can have him find out through gather information. If the party succeeds (which should happen), then the rogue should have an in character reason not be as worried of keeping the NPC around You can also have the BBEG being boosted by "no longer being chained to the feeble mind of a mortal" or something like that, increasing the tension by giving a bittersweet moment of making your life harder because you took the high road ![]()
I would suggest talking to your DM aboutu making a side quest to obtain some way of disconnecting the NPC from the BBEG. Your character will probably try to look for an alternative solution, so you can have him find out through gather information. If the party succeeds (which should happen), then your rogue should have an in character reason not be as worried of keeping the NPC around now, to the DM thread... ![]()
As NPC, Extra Ki is probably better: an NPC sees a lot less play than a PC, so you want him to have the right tool at the right time while at the same time not running out of gas when you need him to (Vanishing tricks or extra attacks) If you build him with a lot of tricks, it's very likely that you'll have to go out of your way for the NPC to use them all as to not have wasted your time making the build As a PC, the answer is a bit more difficult. I would say the answer depends on player style (You get bored if you repeat the same thing? Go extra tricks. You like to go nova and completely steal the show for only one fight? Go extra Ki), on DM style and on party composition. I've never played a ninja (though I want to), but I've used one as boss: You can never have enough ki, period. I'd assume that as a player, I'd feel the same way, so I'd go for extra Ki ![]()
The concept is amazing, but be warned: If you pull this type of thing against your players, don't be surprised if someone makes a diplomancer (someone with a ridiculous Diplomacy skill that can bypass most combats) as retaliation Build wise, if you don't mind going very cheesy: one level in summoner (synthesist) allows you to get the skilled evolution for a +8 racial to bluff. Not sure if it would fit the concept you have described, but jsut an idea if you want to take the bluff even higher ![]()
Lunge is arguably the best choice for a magus at lvl 9, since it gives you the possibility of using spell combat and spell strike outside of the enemy's reach, avoiding AoOs or concentration checks. Another option (though considerably less useful) is extra arcana, since most arcanas are better than feats and there are 2-3 good arcanas that come online at level 9 ![]()
If it is from ANY class, I'd advice to look in to the paladin or ranger spell list, since sometimes the have the equivalent to lvl2 spells for other classes EDIT: After a quick check, I'd suggest Honeyed tongue (if your GM favors heavy RP) Entangle (If you favor utility) Lead Blade/Gravity bow (if you favor melee or ranged DPS) Hunter's Howl (more to hit and damage than the above, shorter duration. Depends if your ability will scale with hd or will remain at lvl1) ![]()
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/h-l/knigh t-s-pennon Knight's pennon of parley (4500gp) Parley: The white knight's pennon of parley, when displayed approaching a negotiation, grants the bearer a +4 enhancement bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks for 1 hour, so long as the bearer does not initiate any hostile action. ![]()
afaik, the spell has the DC of who casts it Touch of idiocy is a great option (no saving throw) if you are going against spellcasters Not sure if this can work, but if you have the wizard have the Magical Lineage Trait for ToI, you can put empowered ToI in each whip 2x(1d6x1.5) damage to INT, WIS and CHA with no save can really scare a character (Alternatively, this is a good way to lower the Will save of the melee PCs to afterwards dominate them against the casters)