Magic Item Crafting: any unresolved questions?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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In an upcoming sourcebook, we're going to write additional material for the magic item crafting rules, further explaining and clarifying the nuances of how this works. I'm going to look over existing threads, FAQ entries, and FAQ-flagged threads, but I don't want anything to slip through the cracks, so I'm asking here: Is there anything else about the magic item crafting rules that could use more explanation or examples?

* We are not going to change the crafting rules from how they work in the Core Rulebook, so please don't ask us to. This book isn't going to invalidate the Core Rulebook.

Examples of things that could use some clarification or official rulings:

* What sorts of Requirements can you bypass with the "add +5 to the DC" rule? Racial requirements? Spell requirements? Math requirements like "caster level must be 3x the enhancement bonus"? [I'd love to hear about other, obscure Requirements.]

* Does the caster level listed for an item count as a Requirement?

* If a Requirement spell has different spell levels for different classes, what spell level does it use for the pricing of an item?

* Can I increase the caster level of an existing item if it doesn't have any direct effect on its abilities (like a 1st-level pearl of power)? If so, how long does it take to do so?

* Why can't I make an constant-use ring of true strike for just 2,000 gp?

* Can I craft a new wand with fewer than 50 charges?

* Can I put holy and unholy on the same weapon?

* For armor and weapons, am I limited to just +5 in enhancement bonuses and +5 in special abilities, or can I have a +1 enhancement bonus and +9 worth of special abilities?

* Can you take 10 on the Spellcraft check to craft an item?

* Can you use a harmful spell to make an oil that you'd apply to another creature?

* Can an arcane caster use a divine scroll to fulfill an item's divine spell Requirement?

Any other questions like this?

Can anyone alchemist take craft wondrous items or other magic item creation feats? Or a general case version of that in case PrCs or even base classes with such strange "spellcasting" occur in the future.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Should spellcraft be rolled in secret because of accidentally cursed items?

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I would like to see addition options for GM's to gain control (or at least influence) over the crafting process. Perhaps something like more requirements beyond time+gold.

Also, I think there was some recent confusion about accelerated crafting. Does it allow you to create stuff faster, or just spend less time per day on crafting.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

How does a fighter with Master Crafter and ranks in Craft (metalsmithing) create magic items?

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A concrete example of the process of creating a new one, from GM approving it to pricing it, would be useful.

Going into how to estimate the power level and price of it would be wonderful, although I'm aware codifying that could be difficult.

Constructs. What about the rules are different? Are there any differences?

Reason for this one:
Ultimate Magic introduced the requirement that you MUST meet the caster level of the construct to make it and that you cannot by any means bypass it. This was never a rule before UM came out as far as I can tell by checking Craft Construct, the only place where this would be covered I think. So for example, to create the CR 1/2 Clockwork Spy, you must absolutely have a caster level of 12 before you can make it.

A discussion on using Craft Wondrous Items to mimic the effects of other item creation feats. (One-shot items mimic potions)

How much does a feat cost? (5k + 5k per feat prereq + Don't Do It)

Something about the price discounts and when to apply them.

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How to handle "half the time".


Yeah, accelerated crafting clarifications, especially when you add a Ring of Sustenance into the mix (which gives most adventurers an extra 6 hours to their day), would be nice.

Guidelines for reverse engineering named items/applying unique boons to other base items, or outright stating in print that it cannot be done (named items can only be exactly what they are as written, unless it's an example of a common combination such as Adamantine Breastplate or the Mithril Shirt).


Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

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What would the cost of an item granting a feat or trait to the user? This is mostly for those feats that don't give a numerical bonus.

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Master Craftsman could really use clarification, particularly in the line "You must use the chosen skill for the check to create the item." There are two common interpretations:
1) You can only create items that list your chosen skill as an option for the creation roll (choosing Craft(Weapons) would let you enhance weapons, but not bows).
2) You can use your chosen skill to create any item (you can choose Profession(courtesan) and use your awesome courtesaning powers to make a folding boat)

There is also lots of disagreement on what wondrous items can be made with with what skills, but I can't imagine you being able to settle that one without exhaustively listing the crafts and professions that can be used for each individual item.

Is meeting the requirement through another caster meeting it or not? Can a wizard with brew potion have their cleric buddy bless the brew to make a potion of CLW?

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Does a staff have to have multiple spells?

Is "celestial" (eg. celestial chain mail), an enchantment, a material, both, & how much does it cost...

Funny spell lists and crafting - eg. Summoners and wands of haste for 375*2*4*2 = 4500 gp. A "normal" wand of haste costs 11250 gp = 3*5*2*375

a definition of the limits of UMD with items eg. why or why not UMD works for a sorcerer with a Page of Spell Knowledge (Murderous Command), as compared to say Incense of Meditation, and a Iron Horn of Valhalla (imitate the bardic performance class feature)

to second cheapy, alchemists and magic item creation - can they make wands? Say a wand of Alchemical Allocation or Universal Formulae. How about wonderous items - the potion vial of Alchemical Allocation 1/day ... etc.

Bonus rule suggestions - how to incorporate power components into crafting: Do blue dragon bones make better/cheaper wands of lightning?

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Oh, and before i forget, THANK YOU!

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Sean K Reynolds wrote:
In an upcoming sourcebook, we're going to write additional material for the magic item crafting rules, further explaining and clarifying the nuances of how this works. I'm going to look over existing threads, FAQ entries, and FAQ-flagged threads, but I don't want anything to slip through the cracks, so I'm asking here: Is there anything else about the magic item crafting rules that could use more explanation or examples?

Can you make items of different slots than current ones for same price?

I mean, Gloves of Physical Might instead of Belt of Physical Might.

Is there a limit to number of spells can be put on one scroll (the Core book only shows 3 on the table to be rolled but no limit given officially)?

More fleshed out information related to intelligent items. (Not really a rules thing for the most part... but more info would be great.)

More information on "fixed special" items and if you can improve them or make alternate versions. (Frost Brand, Celestial Armor, etc.)

Can I add +5 DC to craft items at a higher CL than my character's caster level?

For example, I want to make Portable Hole, but I am only 3rd level, can I create the item even though it has a CL of 12? Can I make it at an even higher CL (to protect against Dispel Magic)?

I know you can create items at a higher CL than yourself, but it would be good to clarify it for those who don't follow the threads.

And expanding on cooperative crafting (from BigNorseWolf), but how does it work exactly? Who makes the DC check? Do both characters need to have the crafting feat?

Can you bypass alignment requirements with a +5 DC? Class requirements? Specific casting type (spontaneous) requirements?

If you want to create a custom item, what are the factors you use in determining the CL of the item? Is it only the spell(s) put into the item, or are there more factors?

Those are the questions I can think of right now.

Oh, and thanks for taking the time to answer my questions at GenCon, Sean. :)

Toilcraft trait has very vauge wording.

Choose one Craft or Profession skill in which you have at least 1 rank. Ranks in your chosen skill count as your caster level for the purpose of qualifying for the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat. You may craft +1 armor, weapons, or shields (with no special qualities), substituting your rank in the chosen skill for your caster level. You must use the chosen skill for the check to create the item. Crafting in this fashion takes twice as long as normal. These items cannot be upgraded with new abilities.


a: The trait does nothing till level 3 and a feat, letting you craft +1 weapons/armor/shields then (I think this is the official ruling)
b: You can craft +1 weapons/armor/shields without any investment, and take CMA&A and make anything

What are the limits for the base item for unique magic items? Can you make a flametounge heavy pick (instead of longsword)? A mask of disguise (instead of hat, would protect your face if you got True Seeing'd)?

can you enhance Specific magic items if so what is the procure

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A good example of something already mentioned would be can you really make a ring of three wishes at level 7 (as soon as you get forge ring)?

More generally, can you overcast by using the +5 DC to make a wondrous item that duplicates a spell you don't qualify for yet? For example, a thingamajig of greater create demiplane 1/day could be as cheap as 15,300 gp, something a party could scrounge for by level 5 or 6. (Even if you'd make any particular example more expensive, there are others.)

Do all spells on an item have to be the same CL? (Items in the main books say no, but the question comes up.)

When/how should the price reduction for class/race/etc limits be applied?

Can you make a candy of CLW (or more generally, any wondrous item that duplicates the effect of another craft feat)?

I don't think I've seen any questions about it, but a run through of how the dwarven wizard favored class bonus, the hedge magician trait, the arcane builder discovery and the cooperative crafting feat interact could be useful (really more how does cooperative crafting work with everything else). Edit: Oh yeah, throw the accelerated crafting option and the crafting while traveling option in there too. Which reminds me that there's been some question on whether or not the accelerated crafting option actually lets you get more done in a day, or if it only lets you waste less of your day doing it.

An overview of what is covered by the command-word pricing, use-activated pricing and continuous pricing. (As an example, the sparkwake starknife seems to be priced as a command-word item even though it doesn't need a command word.)

Also, does the duration multiplier apply just to continuous items or to use-activated items too?

Under what conditions do you apply the slotless multiplier? (Lanterns will still work just sitting around or hung on your backpack, but don't use that multiplier.)

How would you price a swift action item, or an item that takes a full round action to use? What about other forms of restrictions?

What if the original spell had a long casting time or other balancing factor?

What kinds of items need a 24-hour attunement period? (The only ones in the book are the non-permanent stat-booters.)

Any guidelines the people who make magic items professionally use for determining what makes for balanced items. For example, no personal range spells, or add some restrictions to any continuous buffs. (Of course, that's a bit beyond what you're asking for.)

Guidelines for allowing the players to more easily make custom items (probably more restrictive than the GM guidelines given in the main book) would be a very nice addition. Of course, I realize that no reasonable guidelines would be enough to completely remove the "GM permission required" tag (not that anything is strictly available without GM permission), but something that would make GMs more comfortable with allowing custom items at all.

There were a lot of questions raised in this thread.

I'm sure it has been brought up, but the whole "Real Time Reduction" through increasing the DC, plus how crafting feats and crafting items (the Gnome's Masterwork Tools from Advanced Race Guide is a prime example) stack up against each other and the ability to craft items would require some further clarification...

Scarab Sages

I think most of the issues that I have run into have already been addressed. The one that has caused the most problems in my group has been what prereqs can be overcome with the +5. Cheapy beat me to the Alchemist question (I'd really like yes, but we've been playing no).

A bonus request: I would really love a short discussion on how the Ring of Three Wishes was priced and as an extension, how one might price a Ring of Three Limited Wishes (it seems a much more reasonable item, but still really useful and fun - I really want to make one).

And finally, I very much look forward to this book. Thanks for doing it.

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Since the Spellcraft skill description clearly states that it is used to craft magic items, can (for instance) a Rogue take the Master Craftsman feat, and apply it to his Spellcraft check? While this still wouldn't allow our Rogue to create magic items other than Magic Weapons and Wondrous Items (as specified by the Master Craftsman feat), it would theoretically allow him to do both, as both types of items can be crafted with the Spellcraft skill.

A couple more things on caster levels.

First, I think it’s pretty clear that you can make items at caster levels listed higher than your own. However, what is the caster level of the completed item? At your (lower) caster level? Or the caster level listed in the book?

For example, I’m a 5th level Wizard and want to craft a Portable Hole. Is the final CL of the item at 5th, or the listed 12th out of the book?

I’m assuming it is created at the creator’s level. If that is the case, can you spend +5 DC to bump up the finished CL of the item? For example, that 5th level Wizard again. I want to create a Wand of Fireballs at 10th level so it does more damage. Can I do so, or is this something you cannot use the +5 DC for? I’m already assuming you can’t just bump up the final CL of an item (above your own CL) without making the DC more difficult, if you can even do so at all.

Grand Lodge

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Can an oracle of Lore use their

Focused Trance:

Focused Trance (Ex): You can enter a deep meditation, blocking out visual and auditory stimuli and allowing you to concentrate on a single problem, philosophical issue, or memory. This trance lasts 1d6 rounds, during which time you can only take move actions. During this period, you gain a bonus equal to your level on all saves against sonic effects and gaze attacks. When you come out of your trance, you may make a single Intelligence-based skill check with a +20 circumstance bonus. You may enter your focused trance a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier.

ability for spell craft checks to make magic items? Most of my other questions you have already posted.

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Custom item creation - Can I make one item that function like another. For example, can I make a ring that functions like a wand? If so (in this example), would this require Craft Wands, Forge Ring, Craft Wondrous Item, or all three feats?

Similar to the Holy/Unholy question - can you have both Sacred and Profane bonuses from a single item? For example, Oracles draw power from multiple gods, so I can see them being "blessed" by these gods via both sacred and profane bonuses.

^^ On a related note, what conditions must a buff meet to work for crafting?

Guidance on Craft checks being a good example, as you make Craft checks at the start of crafting.

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Please expand on guidelines for DMs regarding WBL for newly created higher level characters and item crafting.

Specifically, by default should new characters buying equipment using the WBL guidelines be allowed to pay half-cost for items they can craft themselves, so long as they bought the required crafting feats and have the skills.

If so, is it fair to craft all their WBL items (effectively doubling WBL) or is a cap of 50% (or something similar) fair by default?

I know most DMs houserule this (mine did after I made a lvl 11 Forgemaster Cleric with most of the crafting feats), but some guidelines and explanations would be helpful.

Can you craft an item with spell-like abilities or supernatural powers (for example orc-blooded sorcerer's touch of rage or witches hexes)? If so, guidelines to craft these items would be helpful.

Can you craft items with meta magic feats applied to them? For example, can you craft an item that grants Quickened True Strike once per day?

Apologies if this was brought up earlier in the thread (on break at work and running out of time :) ) but rules for upgrading one item into another related item. (Much like the Synergy properties in DMG II)

Example: Can I upgrade my Pearl of Power I into a Pearl of Power II?
Can I upgrade my Ring of Wizardry II into a Ring of Wizardry IV?

I am sure there are other examples but my break is over. :)

Thanks so much!

P.S. I second Thazar on expanding intelligent item possibilites as well as crafting alternate versions of "unique" items.

When do you apply "multiple similar abilities" or "multiple different abilities" and when do you apply neither?

Related to overcasting, can you make an item that duplicates a feat without having the feat, or an item that grants a skill bonus without having the skill (or a headband that grants the skill without having the skill)? Which of these that are doable require a +5 DC? (The headband doesn't mention the skill as a requirement.)

Also, the text of Arcanamirium Crafter doesn't make much sense. When using metamagic feats to create items? (This might just be a problem with the d20pfsrd's text though. I don't have that book to double check.)

Liberty's Edge

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Most important questions have already been covered, but I want to repeat a couple:

1) It is possible to rise the CL of a magic item above yours and what is the DC "cost" of doing that?
Only having the DC of crafting the item being set at the item CL +5 (base DC)?
As above plus an extra +5 for lacking the caster level (base DC +5)?
Or base Dc +5 for each Cl that you miss from the final caster level of the item? [i.e. you are CL 3, you want to make a item at CL 6, you DC is 6+5 (base DC of crafting a item)+3*5(number of levels you lack*5)= DC 26]

2) it is possible to make a weapon or armor with a enhancement higher than your CL/3 simply adding +5 to to the DC? A lot of people think that it is possible, so they say that a 3rd level caster can make a +2 sword simply taking a +5 to the DC of crafting it.

3( suggestion about managing spell with a range of personal or a target of you when making magic items that allow people that can't cast them to benefit from them.
(and the BRACERS OF FALCON’S AIM are a underpriced object: permanent aspect of teh falcon for 4.000 gp?)

New questions:

1) there was a discussion on the forum about the need for a weapon to have a +1 enhancement before adding other abilities. A couple of persons were convinced that the +1 from the masterwork quality was sufficient. Maybe adding a note about that would be useful.

2) the cost and availability of getting class features like Evasion or to enhance existing class features, like the effect from the gloves of duelling or the monk's robe.

How to repair a magic item could use a bit further explanation (or example).

Example: Pearl of Power 1 (listed CL: 17) decreasing CL to 1 (minimum level for a first level spell).
I think this was covered in the FAQ.

Some guidelines on what qualifies as magic item GP. Example: 'do I need just the GP money that then vanishes' or 'I need to make a trip to the market to get various reagents'. Not expecting a rule here just a guideline.

Also: Thanks SKR :)

- Gauss

Diego Rossi wrote:

2) the cost and availability of getting class features like Evasion or to enhance existing class features, like the effect from the gloves of duelling or the monk's robe.

Wouldn't be based on the existing item? The ring shows price for evasion (double regular since rings are priced as slotless)?

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Seeing this thread makes me giddy...Before anything, I have to say THANK YOU for tackling this set of rules.

1. On +5 DC's...:

1.1) If you add +5 to the DC for not knowing the spell, do you still need to provide the spell in some other form? (via scroll, via another caster)
1.2) If you don't know the spell for the item but provide it (via scroll or other caster), do you still increase the DC by 5?
1.3) If you know the spell but don't want to expend the spell slot each day of crafting to "cast" it, can you still add +5 to the DC?
1.4) Is there a limit to using the +5 to DC based on spell level? For example, can a level 1 cleric add +5 to the DC to craft Miracle into an item (this shouldn't be possible...)? What happens when a class with a spell list that ends at 4 or 6 wants to craft a spell of a higher level--does it still just add +5?

2. On item caster levels...:

2.1) If the CL of an item is technically the CL at which the crafter set it to be (up to a maximum of the crafter's actual CL), then if a crafter who is below the CL listed for an item crafts a named item or effect, is that item/effect actually at the crafter's CL, or does it use the listed CL?

3. On Wondrous items required materials...:

3.1) If you craft a wondrous item, what are the materials needed for crafting?
3.2) If a wondrous item requires a spell that uses material components, are the material components considered to be required crafting materials for the item? (s/a Diamond Dust)

4. On Hedge Magician trait...:

4.1) When do you apply the 5% discount? Is it before the crafting cost reduction (effectively multiplying market value by .45 instead of .5) or after the reduction (effectively multiplying market value by 0.5 and then .95, or just .475*market value)?
4.2) If you craft an item that requires a material component, does this trait reduce the cost?
Mess of a thread here...

5. On cursed items...:

5.1) How do you price them?
5.2) Can a player purposely make a cursed item?

6. On crafting reductions...:

6.1) Please see this thread

7. On specific item pricing...:

7.1) Please expand on how to price out the abilities on Circlet of Persuasion and Breastplate of Command
7.2) Price of a feat?
7.3) Price of a class ability?
7.4) Price to bump a class ability's effective level?

8. On crafting assistance...:

8.1) If you are crafting an item where you don't know the spell needed for it and someone else in the party is helping you by providing the spell, does that person need to provide the spell each day of crafting?
8.2) In the above example, does that person need to be at your side constantly while crafting, or can they provide the spell in 6 seconds and then let you craft for 4-8 hours?

9. On best practices...:

9.1) Best practices on what to never put on an item? (types of spells, feats, etc...not looking for an exact list, just general items)

10. On multiple abilities...:

10.1) Do you add 50% to the cost to add magical properties that aren't priced in a +X bonus onto weapons/armor, or is the price to add it always the listed price?

11. On spellcasting use by day...:

11.1) While crafting an item, do you have to cast each required spell once per day?
11.2) Since crafting can be done in 4 hour blocks, would you actually have to expend the spell energy twice (by casting twice) if you do 2 4-hour blocks?
11.3) Is the spell expended at the start of the day? End of the day? Slowly throughout the whole day?
11.4) Do you actually have to cast the spell each day, or is it just once at the end of the crafting when you make the spellcraft check?

12. On cooperative crafting...:

12.1) How many people can assist at once in crafting an item to speed it up using Aid Another?
12.2) What if they all have the Cooperative Crafting feat?

I had posted this thread a while back. Some of the content in it has already been covered in this thread, but I figured I'd provide a link anyway.

Liberty's Edge

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Another question:
"reworking" magic items, changing their size or shape.

Let's say I have found a large sized +1 keen trident and I want to transform it into a medium sized +1 keen trident, it is possible? And at what cost/DC?

I have found a +1 keen trident, medium sized, and I want to use it as a component to make a +1 keen longsword. It is possible? I get a discount from the sword cost?

Both those examples are from mostly metal items, but what happen if I want to convert a metal item to a wooden one, for example "transferring" a +1 bonus from a sword to a bow?

I am good and I have found a +3 unholy sword. I want to remove the "unholy" part or use the sword as a component for a +3 only sword, it is possible?

The possibility to recover some of the value of the unwanted magic items would be interesting.

Liberty's Edge

Starbuck_II wrote:
Diego Rossi wrote:

2) the cost and availability of getting class features like Evasion or to enhance existing class features, like the effect from the gloves of duelling or the monk's robe.

Wouldn't be based on the existing item? The ring shows price for evasion (double regular since rings are priced as slotless)?

a) There are very few items giving a class ability so it is hard to guess what is the "right" price.

b)If there is a "right" price it should reflect the level at which the ability is generally acquired. Rogue and monk get evasion at second level so this ability can be acquired with a 2 level dip.
A monk acquire diamond body at level 11 and a druid get venom immunity at level 9, I don't recall classes giving it out earlier than that. So it is, arguably, a more advanced ability. It should have a higher price than a ring of evasion? The same? something different and based on the perceived utility of the ability?

c) What is the limit? Giving a fighter armor or weapon training with a magic item seem a bad idea. Giving out the ability to have 1 favoured enemy is acceptable? woodland stride? Hide in plain sight?

Sovereign Court

I'd like to see a discussion on PCs finding magical item loot, selling it at half price, then Crafting the items they actually wanted. I (and others too, I think) am worried about this happening; it just comes across as "ungrateful" or "jaded" when PCs basically melt down stuff to get the stuff they really wanted. I'm not saying change the system, but advice to the DM on the subject would be appreciated.

Is there anything stopping low-level crafters (except DC and money) from making almost anything, even if it's way higher level than themselves? This could come into play with a Cohort Crafter.

How many consumable items is a character expected to use during a given level, as a function of that level's WBL? How is this done in treasure tables/WBL/Crafting discount calculations?

Which "mandatory"/Big Six items are characters assumed to have at a given level, as reflected in how hard creatures of a given CR are?

Apart from higher DC from not satisfying requirements, is anything stopping arcane casters from making items with lots of divine components (like many Constructs), or vice versa?

Optional rules to not only raise DC, but also raise the price for not satisfying requirements.

Ideas on how to use stuff found during adventuring (monster body parts) as ingredients for magic items. Guidelines for how valuable parts from a monster might be, with corrections on the treasure table if necessary because some monsters are now more profitable.

Some comments on what kind of game/world the current crafting rules are intended to represent might make it easier for people to modify the system to suit their own needs.

Sovereign Court

MagiMaster wrote:
Some comments on what kind of game/world the current crafting rules are intended to represent might make it easier for people to modify the system to suit their own needs.

Indeed.. perhaps a package of optional rules for DMs who want less/more MagicMart.

Making more explicit what the game assumes to be normal rarity/availability and distribution of magic items.

The game assumes what the game rules are. Check the settlement rules to figure those out :)

  • How are items priced, when the spells they recreate have a variable cost (such as Simulacrum)?
  • Is there any way to jointly create scrolls or potions, where one caster has the feat and the other the required spell?
  • Can the class who's spells were used to create an item be determined; is a Bard's Cure Light Wounds scroll different from a Cleric's? And if so: is an Evil Cleric's scroll different from a Good one's?
  • Can an item's spell prerequisite be met by expending a charge from a wand, or using a scroll?
  • Is any spell actually cast during item creation; must the crafter have (and use) the material component, even when it's trivial?
  • What are acceptable surfaces to use with the Scribe Scroll feat; can you use, say... a door as a "scroll"?
  • What sort of "materials" are used when creating magical items such as wands and scrolls, and how easy (or hard) would they be to acquire?


DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
How does a fighter with Master Crafter and ranks in Craft (metalsmithing) create magic items?

Can you be more specific with your question? What do you want answered here?

Cheapy wrote:
How to handle "half the time".

Same response.

Others went much more in depth on the topic. I was referring to abilities like the Forgemaster cleric can receive. Accelerated Crafting is the term, I think.


Fergie wrote:
I think there was some recent confusion about accelerated crafting. Does it allow you to create stuff faster, or just spend less time per day on crafting.

We're leaning toward "you can create stuff faster, in that if you spend two 4-hour time chunks to get a total of 16 hours of work done in a day, you're making faster progress toward the total time needed to craft the item."

Can you guys think of any weird or dangerous repercussions to allowing this?

Liberty's Edge

Beside people trying to work 20 hours every day thanks to a ring of sustenance?
Mostly that it enlarge the disparity between how much you can make when trying to make mundane items and what you can make when enchanting items. A couple of GP against 2.000 from a day of work is a huge difference.

- * - * -

"The caster can work for up to 8 hours each day. He cannot rush the process by working longer each day, but the days need not be consecutive, and the caster can use the rest of his time as he sees fit. If the caster is out adventuring, he can devote 4 hours each day to item creation, although he nets only 2 hours' worth of work. This time is not spent in one continuous period, but rather during lunch, morning preparation, and during watches at night. If time is dedicated to creation, it must be spent in uninterrupted 4-hour blocks. This work is generally done in a controlled environment, where distractions are at a minimum, such as a laboratory or shrine. Work that is performed in a distracting or dangerous environment nets only half the amount of progress (just as with the adventuring caster)."

Personally I dislike the idea that a caster can enchant while on guard duty or while setting up camp. As it is there, it would be a good idea to specify what modifier they suffer to their perception checks and if they can "take 10" when working in this kind of sub optimal conditions.

A note specifying that you can "take 10" when working in a laboratory would be good to ((or specifying that it is not possible to take 10 when enchanting if that is the intended rule).

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Fergie wrote:
I think there was some recent confusion about accelerated crafting. Does it allow you to create stuff faster, or just spend less time per day on crafting.

We're leaning toward "you can create stuff faster, in that if you spend two 4-hour time chunks to get a total of 16 hours of work done in a day, you're making faster progress toward the total time needed to craft the item."

Can you guys think of any weird or dangerous repercussions to allowing this?

I think that's how most people (though not everyone) assumed it worked.

Written that way, it allows a dwarf wizard to get things done really quickly. At level 10, with no other feats/traits/assistance, he could get 6,000 gp per 8-hour day. If a ring of sustenance does allow more than 8 hours per day, that'd be 9,000 per 12-hour day. With Arcane Builder and Hedge Magician, that'd go up to an effective 7,894 gp (or 11,842 gp).

I, personally, don't see that as a huge problem though. That's a character that has invested heavily in being able to do one thing well, and crafting on the go will still take a while (though I agree there should probably be a penalty for being distracted while on watch).

I can't think of anything really unbalancing this allows, but it's probably worth noting that pretty much everyone can use accelerated crafting all the time. The DCs for most magic items aren't high enough to prevent people from still taking 10s.

Slight tangent, but I think I mentioned earlier two interpretations of accelerated crafting. I think there are actually three:
- Do 8 hours of work in 4 hours, and then do it again.
- Get an extra 500 gp of work done in 4 hours, or 1,000 gp in 8. (A very loose interpretation, but it serves as something of a compromise between the other two, in some cases at least.)
- Do 8 hours of work in 4 hours, but then you've reached your daily limit.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

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I'd like to see guidelines about reducing the price/cost of an item based upon limited or specific functionality.

This question would best be served with an example, so here goes..

For example: I make an item that allows me to take on the shape of a specific animal 3 times per day. The foundation of that item is fairly easy, say beast shape II.

Looking at the math, it's going to be an expensive item.
4th level spell x Minimum Caster Level 7th x 1,800 gp (or 2,000 gp if you want to dispense with the command word). Subtotal is 50,400 gp. Then you divide that by 1.667 for the three charges per day. The grand total is roughly 30,250 gp rounding up to simple number.

But what I ended up with is an item that is more expensive than I want but should also do more than I expect. With an item like that I would expect to become any type of animal I want that beast shape II applies to. But!!! That was not part of my design goals! I wanted an item that allowed me to just become one single animal and use special abilities of that animal. Not to alternate between snake, lion, eagle, and what have you.

So I'm limiting the functionality of the base spell. Logic says the item should be proportionately cheaper, because I'm actually doing a whole lot less than what the spell would allow me to do.

SO... (Sorry for taking the long way to get to my point), what would be cool is some guidelines for reducing the price based upon limiting the functionality that the base spell would otherwise suggest.

And my regrets if this is a dumb suggestion.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

OFF-TOPIC, so forgive me...

But if wishes were fishes, I'd like to be able to assign a CR rating to a poison.

"OMGWTH WHY? Poisons don't have CRs!"

They don't have CRs until you're building a trap, then the CR of the trap is modified by the CR of the potentially applicable poison. So, a handful of poisons actually do have CRs. And yes, you can definitely compare and make an educated guess.

But you can become constrained by from making really clever uses of some of the more exotic poisons.

For example, Heart of Sargava and The Rivals Guide (thank you Adam Daigle!) have some really kick ass cool poisons that do more than just ability damage. Ones that slowly turn you to stone and stuff, or have interesting secondary effects.

Guidelines to assigning a CR to a poison for the purposes of applying them to traps would be kinda cool. Then you can a more varied trap, and a trap with an accurate CR.

And my regrets if this is a dumb suggestion. I'm just brainstorming.

I think those are great suggestions (although I'm not 100% sure the poison one would fit).

They remind me of another question: How do you price "X rounds per day, does not have to be consecutive, free/swift action"?

My understanding on accelerated crafting is that instead of 1,000gp per day you can achieve 2,000gp per day. Put another way: you can achieve 1,000gp worth of work in a 4hour period. Since the cap on an 8hour workday is not altered you will only have a maximum of 2,000gp per day. The ring of sustenance does nothing to increase the 8hour workday cap.

MagiMaster: I am unsure of how you are achieving 6,000gp in an 8hour day.

- Gauss

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