Witchwar Legacy PBP recruitment


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RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

My Realm of the Fellnight Queen PBP is nearly finished AND getting ready to go on hiatus as one of the players goes offline for a month, so I've decided to run Greg A. Vaughan's "Witchwar Legacy" as my new third game. It's a 17th-level adventure, that will take place primarily in a frozen dungeon in Irrisen.

I'm looking for 5 players, who can post 5-10 times a week.

I'm actually leaving on vacation myself Wednesday night, returning Monday, so you'll have some time to come up with some fun concepts. I'm less worried about the crunch at the moment, but rather about concept. I'll go for ideas I think are the most fun, but I also tend to pay a lot of attention to your writing since I think that's very important for game play. I usually try to make sure I have each of the fighter/arcane/divine/skill archetypes filled, with a floater, though obviously at this level there could be a lot more overlap than usual -- feel free to multiclass.

The adventure will start when you learn that Queen Elvanna of Irrisen and Kostchtchie, the demon lord of giants and cold, are racing to recover an artifact, the Torc of Kostchtchie from an icy necropolis called the Veil of Frozen Tears, so you'll be assumed to already know each other and be working together. (There are a couple alternative plot hooks that I might use depending on the characters I end up picking, but that shouldn't be a big issue.)

Character creation:

25-point buy, 17th level, 410,000 gp starting funds, HP is max at first level, then average+1

Races: Core. You can pitch other races, but they'll have to have a good story to get picked since I like the core races. I might have one non-traditional race or even possibly two, but I'm not going to have a party makeup of an oreid, a grippli, a kenku, a kobold and a catfolk, for example.

Classes: Anything from the core rulebook, APG, UM and UC. Archetypes are fine. I assume ARG will be fine as well, though haven't seen it yet. (So I guess if you want to do something from it, you'll need to give me more detail about it and I'll consider it on a case-by-case basis.)

Traits: Two of your choice.

Got an idea for a monk.

Let's do this thing!

Shadow Lodge

I am interested in trying out a high level game if it is an open call. Cleric or maybe Paladin, so I'll cover the Divine archtype

I am in, especially since I will never get to do this otherwise.

I am thinking bard or wizard at the moment.

Dwarven fighter(Armor Master or Tower Shield archetype) or dwarven barbarian.

Ok, very intriguing

Elf Arcane Trickster. I wrote the guide. It'll either be really cool, or make me look like a complete moron! XD

50/50 chance of either...

Shadow Lodge

I'm curious what materials ould be allowed, what you are looking for (besides writing) in the characters and the party, and if you have any house rules or anything (when you have time) we should know before hand, such as alignment/race/class restrctions or the like.

Also, are you wanting a character write up prior to?


Like the eyes of the cat in the black and blue... something is coming for you...

Paladin people, might I suggest Divine Hunter! At that high a level... turns everyone in the group into an archer!

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Beckett, good questions. I guess the big thing I want is fun ideas. If someone just tells me "half-orc inquisitor," I don't really know enough to pick (I assume the folks who've already posted are mostly just dotting/letting others know the basic idea of what they're thinking, and will fill out their entries, which I have no problem with). Since this is a one-shot, it's not like we're going to be in a long Adventure Path where your character can really develop. I'm looking for someone who I think has a fun idea right now. One of my favorite recruitment pitches can be found here, though obviously that also included development plans over the course of the Adventure Path.

I'm maybe a little more concerned about PBP experience than usual, since this is so high level, but that would probably only factor into a tie-breaker decision. We all start as PBP novices sometime, after all.

Not sure what you mean by materials? Extra books? All the core books are definitely OK (I'm not a huge fan of the flavor of the UC classes, but will consider them if you can give me a good writeup). Anything else will need approval, though that's mostly a formality for any Paizo product. I'd look more closely at any third-party products (and definitely no psionics; sorry).

No alignment restrictions, though I expect the group to work together/not have intra-party conflict that will rise to the level of drawing weapons (I have no problem with a character who's a bit of a squeaky wheel as long as it's in the service of everyone having fun). No class/race restrictions other than previously mentioned.

Don't have any house rules that I can think of.

I'm getting back from vacation about Monday (June 18) so I'll look over everything once that day and hopefully post my picks by Tuesday evening at the latest. I won't need a fully statted character, then (though obviously won't penalize anyone who wants to do that), but will need enough of a writeup that I can get a feel for your character concept.

Ryarg here has tried two games, neither of which lasted very long. He's a druidic bear shaman who doesn't relate well to animals (except bears), instead preferring plants and making fruit wines. His Charisma is in the toilet: he's quite likeable, just incredibly shy and will go along with pretty much anybody who makes sense and speaks well. That being said, he's incredibly funny once he trusts folk enough to open up.

Part of his charm is the straight man-funny man relationship he has with Bern, his bear companion, who likes his drink a bit too much (especially mead), is somewhat lazy, and usually doesn't bother doing what Ryarg tells him (unless it's important).

Obviously they both need to be leveled up to 17. Ryarg will be into wild shaping into bears and summoning them. Can we say 1d3+1 advanced giant dire bears, plus a tricked out 17th level bear companion and a druid wildshaped into a huge spell-casting bear himself?

Motteditor... How many game days do you think this adventure will take... days, weeks, months? I'm considering "crafting magic items". If the character is focused heavily on crafting, is there any consideration to the GP allocation?

If anyone takes Collaborative Crafting we can get up to about 5000gp worth per day.

17th level Wizard give access to 9th level spells, might just do the trick character-wise.

Ryarg... a Polar Bear? Might fit the backdrop.

This sounds cool. Been a few years since I did some play by post but looking to get back into it. I will submit

Garris Aetius a boy stolen away from his family and sold into slavery. Garris had no one to lean on but his faith. Faith in himself and his god, and that one day this would be enough to see his family again.

As the boy aged it was apparent he was a perfect specimen for the arena, and would draw a nice price. His master was quick to sell and Garris again had to lean on his faith. His faith answered as the vile men he came up against were easily smitten as the innocent ones were spared. Garris's renown spread and soon got the attention of the Church. The High Priest saw in Garris the calling of a Divine champion. He bought freedom for the boy and set him on his true calling to battle evil in the name of the Church.

Garris Aetius:
Paladin 7/Stalwart Defender 10 Ride on his heavy war chariot pulled by his trusty mount Titan a Great Lion (TRex).
Will post build if selected. Thanks.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

I think in game terms, it's a single-day outing, though it's more than possible characters might need to bivouac for rest/recovery purposes. You won't have time to stop and craft anything large in the middle of the adventure.

Hmm, good question about the crafting feats. I'm going to say you can apply up to a quarter of your wealth (i.e. 102,500 gp) to crafted items, but I'm certainly willing to listen to arguments for why that should be increased.

Polar bear? This isn't a tropical island.

Going Monk(Martial artist)
Though I am deciding on race
(either Aasimar, Changeling, Half-elf, Human or Tiefling)

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Ashe, just FYI, this adventure probably won't really accomodate a war chariot very well. Also, which god/church would you be a follower of.

Can we have more than one submission?

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Swagger, sure, why not?

I'm thinking a half-elf ninja. Dotting for now. I will post a character In a few hours

I do have a question for feats. Do you allow the Leadership feat. Also, I would like to know if it is ok to take the Dervish Dance feat from the Inner Sea World Guide.

Ok, I've got a concept for a Kellid Oracle, Mystery of Flame, with the Tongues (Ignan) curse.

I don't have the sheet all leveled up yet, but since you mostly want the concept and that came to me pretty quickly, I thought I'd just plop it down here.

Krokod Firetongue
The Kellid of the Mammoth Lords are a primitive savage people, still worshiping not just gods but the spirits of ancestors, and spirits of wind, water, stone and ... of course, fire.

Krokod was claimed by the fire at a young age. He had stared at it too long, and when one of his elders asked him if he was well... Krokod did not understand him. When the youth spoke, none understood him either.

Eventually his tongue returned to him, but his elders were mightily afraid. Unsure if the boy was blessed or punished by the fire, they drove him away on the darkest moon and told him not to return until the moon spun round to full then empty yet again. If he survived the freezing mountains alone for that long; he could return.

At first, Krokod was sure he might die, but he managed to start the smallest of fires and it warmed not just his body, but his soul. He slept by the fire. It should have gone out, but it did not. When he awoke, he felt the power of the fire within his very soul.

His newly found oracle powers had turned out to be most useful to him. Krokod would return to his clan and be welcome as blessed. They called him Firetongue.

But he would not remain long. A few years later, a group of troublemakers who sought danger and then seemed to complain when they found it (They called themselves "Adventurers") had lost a member guarding a caravan traveling south. When they discovered the flames allowed him to heal. They invited him along. Perhaps, they hinted, Krokod would learn more of what it meant to be an 'Oracle'.

He accepted. He learned much. Not all civilized people were soft, and some who were soft could yet be cruel. Krokod faced monsters his people would not likely believe if they were told about and saw wonders he did not believe himself.

He resisted for a time, but finally learned to read and write. And with knowledge, he gained sorrow, for he learned that gods he had never heard of might be as much behind the gaining of his gifts as the fire spirts themselves. One of them, Asmodeous, had poisoned wisdom. Drink too much of it, and your soul could die inside of you. The other was more to his liking, or grew to be, but she was fierce and demanding like a lover who expected greater and greater things of those men around her. At times he felt the civilized gods were threatening to tear him asunder and him with no say. He felt most at home with the firespirits of his ancestors.

The power does not seem to be something he can escape, however. Now, mightier than he ever expected to be, he finds himself in the lands of ice witches with his fellow companions. No doubt, they mean to cause trouble and will complain when they find it.

It is the way of things.

Let me know what you think and if you have any questions. I'm not as experienced as some at Pathfinder, but hopefully Lefrik gives you a rough idea of my writing style and gaming ability.

So...I have an idea for a Gunslinger.

Is such a class okay?

I know you, motteditor, said the Ultimate Combat book was allowed -though I understand some DM's and players dislike black powder in their fantasy settings.

Character Theme/Inspirational music: LINK

Until I know more, I shall await your response. *Bows*

Class Development/Breakdown:

1st Lvl Barbarian "Titan Mauler" Link
2nd Lvl Barbarian "Titian mauler"
3rd Lvl Monk "Martial Artist" Link
4th lvl Gunslinger Link
5th Lvl Magus "Kensai" Link

And alternating between Gunslinger and Kensai for all levels after these. Effectively giving it seven levels in both Gunslinger and Magus(Kenasi) classes.

So Gunslinger 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th.
And Magus(Kensai) 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th, 17th.

Your thoughts? Ideas? Desires? (^_~)

Greg A. Vaughan's "Witchwar Legacy"... not knowing it, how bad is that for me?

What is the background and what gods are there?

If you let me join, I am thinking about an Inquisitor, maybe multiclass into cleric or rogue, or perhaps paladin (although unlikely)

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

I currently have a lvl 1 gnome archaeologist bard who is at the start of the Legacy of Fire adventure path. Can I submit a flash-forward version of him, which implies that he has successfully finished that campaign and chose this mission as his next adventure? Correspondingly, the LoF events will be mentioned in his backstory and he will start with some LoF-specific items. Will such a character be considered?
Here's his lvl 1 version: Raulzig
I'm thinking about branching him into the Pathfinder Delver prestige class, so he is going to aim for the skill spot.

I've got an idea for a Gunslinger 1/Wizard (spellslinger) 5/EK X. Would be an eccentric, but lovable character, who carries a single pistol and ponders blending magic and technology.

Thanks for your time!

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

FYI, all, Ridge's submission is the type of thing I'm looking for at this point. Nice, full, well-written background that gives me some idea of what he's intending to play.

Narkari: Sorry, I think I'm going to say no leadership -- or more specifically, you can take it but you won't have a cohort/followers with you on the adventure. It just makes it that much more difficult to keep track of everything, IMO.

Sunset: It really comes down to your concept. I don't feel like gunslingers really fit into the standard fantasy RPG concept. That said, there are exceptions. I wouldn't worry about them at all in a Skull & Shackles game, for example (and in fact am actually planning to multiclass as one in a S&S campaign I'm in). If you come up with a story that can justify the classes you're picking (and I have to admit barbarian-gunslinger-magus seem like an odd combo to me, though I could see someone saying the same about my S&S character), I'll consider it. (And thanks for the music link; interesting.)

Joriandrake: Not bad at all. It's a Pathfinder module set in Irrisen in Golarion, so would have the standard Golarion gods. I won't be checking in much after today until I get back from vacation, but hopefully others can answer any further questions you have on it.

Flykiller: Sure; I was thinking of starting the campaign by saying you were all returning from visiting your friend Ameiko in Minkai, as if you'd just finished Jade Regent (despite not really knowing anything about that Adventure Path), so I like the idea of assuming you've just finished an AP. I'd say just try not to spoil LoF that much for anyone who might not have played it and give me a reason why you've made it to Irrisen now.

Copied over from his profile (after minor editing)...

For centuries, the Gravemaker clan has been among the lowest of the low in the dwarven town of Lee Vale – not outcasts by any means, just not respected. The clan’s history is filled with mediocre blacksmiths, unexceptional stonemasons, unlucky prospectors, and soldiers who never made it past their second year of service before meeting a grisly end. The one vocation the family found any success in was gravedigging, leaving them the butt of many dwarven jokes and snide remarks. Polite society shunned them, and they were never prosperous. Despite all that, they were decent, honest, hard-working dwarves, content with their station in society, yet ever fearful of that station falling even further than it already had. The status quo could have continued for many centuries to come, if not for Ryarg.

Ryarg was never right, a fact which renewed any and all of the derisive chatter about the Gravemaker clan. The town of Lee Vale, deep within the Mindspun Mountains, was built within the base of a mountain, and overlooks a steep mountain valley complete with a babbling stream and verdant trees and grasses. Most of the town residents looked on the Vale as an acceptable source of clean water, fresh fruits and game, and a place to grow a smattering of crops if necessary (dwarven farmers being in much the same social situation as Gravemakers, very few dwarves took up this line of work). Ryarg saw this natural wonder as much more than a source of water; where the other dwarves saw beauty in gold, gems, and well-carved stone, Ryarg saw it in the interplay of dew drops on a spider’s web, the song of a mountain thrush, and the lazy meanderings of autumn leaves on a shining pool.

Ryarg was identified at an early age as having excellent potential as a priest of Torag, albeit a grumpy one, but the emphasis on warfare and other traditional dwarven ideals was too much for the young rebel. It was quite a shock to the elder priests when their new young charge began to ask about nature worship instead. Agreed, some rare few priests had embraced the realm of natural caverns over dwarf-made, but that could be understood. No, Ryarg was looking for worship of the trees and animals of the surface world, like an elf. Ryarg quickly went from the first real hope of the Gravemaker clan for a contributing member of society, to the worst laughing-stock ever. Throughout the town, word quickly spread of the dwarf who wished he was an elf, and the ale houses rang with laughter at the expense of the Gravemaker clan like it never had before. The Clan elders felt they had little choice but to kick Ryarg out on his can and banish him from ever returning to Lee Vale.

Ryarg soon found that it would be impossible for him to remain within the confines of Lee Vale, so off he went across the Mindspun Mountains to the east, arriving in what would eventually become Nirmathas. Here, he found paradise. In only a few years, the people of this land began its quest to break free of Molthune (an endeavour he accidentally found himself helping), but for now, he found vast tracks of unbroken wilderness to call his home. He began to study the animals, the plants, and weather, taking a special interest in the mighty grizzly bear. Such a powerful beast, strong and brave, yet tender with its family and protective to the death. As his druidic powers began to manifest, Ryarg found that his normal inability to relate to any living creature did not apply so much with bears, that bears would not attack him and would tolerate his presence. One bear cub in particular seemed to like him, playing with Ryarg like he was a member of the family, and Ryarg eagerly watched this young ursine grow up. When Ryarg finally decided it was time to move on, the bear cub followed him, and would not be dissuaded. By this time, Ryarg had learned the secret of speaking with animals, and the bear cub pledged his loyalty to Ryarg, the first living being to ever want to be with Ryarg for purely selfless reasons. Ryarg named him Bern, and the two began to travel.

Ryarg lent his skills (unwillingly at first) to the fight for independance from Molthune, rising in power, until the rangers of what would be Nirmathas made the horrendous mistake of placing such a well-respected hero in a leadership role. A complete disaster, Ryarg led many good souls to a horrible end, only able to escape himself by masquerading as local wildlife. Since then, he felt unwelcome among his companions in arms, and fled north, across Varisia, to lands so remote, he might never have to see another sentient soul again.

So...I have a 'Look in', nice. (^_^)

Work up for character:
So...the reasoning behind the classes? Sure, that's easy.

The Titian Mauler allows a character to wield a two handed weapon one handed. (This allows the character to wield a very big @rsed gun.)

The Monk allows a character to have 'No off hand penalties'. (This allows the character to wield a very big @rsed gun in each hand.)

The Gunslinger? Allows the character to shoot, maintain and build guns.
(Hence the wielding of guns previously.)

The Magus? Gives some awesome spell like abilities to magically aid in not only the ranged part of the combat....but to effectively use the gun as a melee weapon if things get that close. (Allows for even more feats, spells and 'arcane pool; to be spent on top of 'Grit' to create truly stunning display of 'fantasy' type gun action.)

Now...you want the 'Role playing' behind the classes and that's the hard part of the work.

Please let me know if you are still interested and such that I should continue to expand and expound upon the character.


RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Sunset, I'm still willing to consider the character, but it'll definitely depend on the role-playing behind the classes. I'm going to want something that feels like it's a full character, not just a way to get all the cool class features/mechanics.

I'll be building the character in the evening
as I find certain feats, class features or racial traits can help in defining a character when I make the backstory.

Latharien "Lefty" Setiva:

CN M elf Rog 3/Wiz 4/Arcane Trickster 10

“Come now, Latharien. Duty calls.”
Queen Telandria Edesseril knew how to get her agents to do her bidding. She knew Latharien, wild card though he was, felt a strong loyalty to Kyonin, and hadn't failed to deliver when she'd called upon him. He'd spied, explored, and even killed for her in the past, and he'd been compensated well. He wouldn't say no.

The elf stood defiantly before her, arms crossed over a starry robe (which she had given him) with a rapier at his side (which she had also given him), his unruly shock of white hair tossing as he shouted.

“I've only been home a week. Can't an elf get a little rest around here? I've got scrolls to restock! I'm just now walking normally again! My plants died! I'll need a year to get things in order. Can't you send someone else?”

“No, Lefty, I can't. There is no one else to send. Queen Elvanna has a serious problem, or she wouldn't have asked for my help like she did. She's desperate, and keeping her on her throne will keep things stable between Kyonin and the north. I know you're tired, but you're the elf for the job. You're to rendezvous with your last party in Whitethrone tomorrow-”

“Those clowns? I guess she is desperate! Can't I just work alone?”

“Lefty, I'm told they're some of the best adventurers in Golarion.”

“They won't let you forget it, either. Try scouting for that bunch of clanking braggarts, and see how you like it!”

Telandia went on. “You're to rendezvous with them and see the queen. Her message was short, but she's expecting my help. I'm sending you, in confidence. Don't disappoint.”

She followed Latharien as he paced out onto the veranda overlooking the opulent gardens of her palace. He'd lived in Kyonin all his life, and in all his travels, he'd found no place that compared. He stared at the elegance of it all, sighed, and nodded.

“Okay. I'll be there tomorrow, but you'll owe me.”

“You'll be rewarded, as always,” she said.

“I've got to go back to Greengold, first. With your permission...”

The trickster bowed, then, with a single word, disappeared in a flash of magic, teleporting back to his modest home at the other side of the kingdom.

“See? He wasn't going to say no,” Telandra said, smiling at Nyranen, her hawk familiar. “He never says no to me.”

I'll be adding levels to this:

CN M Elf Rogue 3/Admixture Evoker 3/Arcane Trickster 5
Init +11; Senses low-light vision; Perception +14

AC 24, touch 17, flat-footed 19 (+7 armor, +2 deflection, +5 dex)
hp 70 (3d8+8d6+11+11+3)
Saves Fort +9 Ref +14 Will +7 (Base: 4, 7, 7)
Defensive Abilities evasion, trap sense +1 Immune magic sleep effects

Speed 30
Melee +1 rapier +11 (1d6+1, 18-20x2), masterwork dagger +11 (1d4, 19-20x2)
Ranged masterwork dagger +11 (1d4 19-20x2), ranged touch +10
Special Attacks sneak attack +4d6

Str 10 Dex 20 Con 12 Int 22 Wis 7 Cha 9
Base Atk +5 CMB +5 CMD +20
Feats Arcane Armor Proficiency, Greater Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Scribe Scroll, Spell Penetration, Toughness, Weapon Finesse
Skills (Base: 50) acrobatics +19, appraise +10, bluff +7, climb +4, diplomacy +7, disable device +21, escape artist +19, fly +9, knowledge (arcana) +20, knowledge (all other knowledge skills) +10, linguistics +10, perception +14, sense motive +5, sleight of hand +19, spellcraft +20, stealth +24, swim +4, use magic device +13
Traits Magical Knack, Reactionary
Languages Celestial, Common, Elf, Draconic, Dwarf, Goblin, Orc, Sylvan, Varisian
SQ elven magic, impromptu sneak attack 1/day, ranged legerdemain, rogue talent (surprise attack), trapfinding +1, tricky spells 3/day, weapon familiarity

Wands Cure Light Wounds, Shield, True Strike, 25 charges (1125)
Rods Silent Spell (minor) (3,000)
Potions Cure Serious Wounds (750)
Scrolls Comprehend Languages (x3), Glitterdust (x2), Displacement, Mage Armor, Wind Wall (x2)
Other Gear Belt of Dexterity +4 (16,000) Blessed Book (12,500), Boots of Speed (12,000), Cloak of Resistance +2 (4,000), Handy Haversack (2,000), Headband of Vast Intelligence +2 (4,000), Mithral Chain Shirt +3, Shadow (14,850), Rapier +1 (2320), Ring of Invisibility and Protection +2 (16,000)
MW Dagger (302), MW Thieves’ tools (100), Explorer's Outfit, Spell Component Pouch (5) Spellbook Spells (3,500?) (Total: 92,552)
Arcane Bond If Elfy attempts to cast a spell without his ring, he must make a concentration check (DC 20 + the spell’s level) or lose the spell. Once per day, Elfy may use his ring to cast any single spell from his spellbook, even if it is not prepared, as if he had memorized it that morning.
Elven Magic, Spell Penetration Elfy adds a +4 bonus to all caster level checks to overcome spell resistance.
Versatile Evocation (Su) When Elfy casts an evocation spell that does acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage, he may change the damage dealt to one of the other four energy types 9/day.

motteditor wrote:
...I was thinking of starting the campaign by saying you were all returning from visiting your friend Ameiko in Minkai, as if you'd just finished Jade Regent (despite not really knowing anything about that Adventure Path...

Hmm, I think I have a character that would fit that. Something I had started working on before at a lower level.

For this game he'd probably be a Magus (Bladebound, Kensai) 15/ Monk (Master of Many Styles, Sohei) 2 and his Kensai focus weapon and Black Blade would be the Katana.

I'll have to adjust his abilities, level, and background. I'll work on the background first and post it when ready.

Wizard Submission Specialization=Conjuration
Enchantment(loses out).
There is a discovery in Ultimate Magic that makes it so that I only have to choose one prohibited school. This character is also in another game, but at a lower level, and I don't know if it will work out so here he is.


Nathan Lovecraft is tall and has a medium build with dark brown skin and brown eyes. He is not particularly handsome, but people do notice him. His appearance nor his physical gifts are enough to bring him any notoriety though.

Nathan's gifts are his intellect and patience. His intellect and charm came from his father, Thomas, but his patience came from this mother. Nathan's father is a sorcerer, prone to act on whatever thoughts come to his mind. Nathan saw the inherent chaos, noticed the trouble that came with it, and wanted nothing to do with it. It was not that Nathan never had his moments of spontaneity, but for the most part his ideas are well thought out. This philosophical difference on how to live life kept the two from getting along as well as they would have liked. His father saw him as someone who was afraid to truly live. Nathan saw his father as someone who was to eager to die. With both men being strong willed, but with wildly different viewpoints on life they butted heads often over the years.

The one thing they did agree on was that they both believed in getting the most out of life, even if it the level of caution differed. Nathan always wanted to go on adventures with his father, but Thomas refused to bring anyone with him who did not have “proper training”. The fact that Nathan was still a teenager did not help either.

After one such debate on what exactly “proper training” entailed Nathan found himself invited to The Acadamae in Korsova, a place of education for those choosing to be wizards. It seemed a recruiter had over heard the debate which was had gotten rather loud, while they were in the market area that day. It did not take much convincing to get Nathan to agree. Nathan's mother did not want him to go, but his father Thomas, was more than willing to pay the tuition thinking his son would do quiet well with his high level of intelligence, and then maybe when he graduated in 3 or 4 years he would be able to adventure with him. Well that 3 or 4 years came in just over 1 year. Thomas was impressed, but he was about to go on a mission, and he felt Nathan was still not ready, but he promised him he would take on out on his next trip.

While Thomas was gone Nathan got invited to help take care of some goblins who had been robbing caravans coming into the city. Without going into details, the mission was a success, and he began to receive more offers. When his father returned in 6 months the young man had already mastered Haste a spell that took many wizards quiet a few years to be able to cast correctly. He congratulated Nathan on his success at mastering magic and for his recent adventure. The young man barely 18 at the time was on the fast track to being one of the Korvosa's most popular adventurers.

Eventually another mission came up for Thomas, and he invited Nathan. He was eager to see how his son would handle himself in the face of real danger. The mission was to send escort a noble to tribe of ogres who had kidnapped his daughter. Thomas did not expect for a peaceful resolution, and he was correct. At some point negotiations broke down, and the men found themselves in combat. Thanks to the way in which Nathan and Thomas worked together while casting spells, only one member of the team was lost. The young lady was rescued, which led to a generous reward, more than enough for them to take a few years off.

These two were not the type to sit around for years at time so after a year of inactivity they were, well, actively looking for trouble is the best way to put it. They found the trouble in the from of a quest from a cleric of Pharasma who needed help looking into a group occupying an abandoned building in one of the poorer sections of the city. Thomas's research through an arbiter(inevitable) known as Auto, let them know know they were dealing with a cult. The exact nature of the cult was not known, but the two men were confident they could handle it with a little more help. They recruited a few mercenaries whom they had worked with before, but it was not enough as they were forced to retreat. They had thinned the ranks considerably though, but the cult was able to escape before a second attack was made, mostly due to outsiders who had been called in. The arbiter was impressed at the bravery of the young man, and offered to serve as his familiar. Facing demons, and clerics of Orcus, and being brave enough to go back a second time was not a small thing.

Nathan searched for the cult for the next 3 years, but never found them. Eventually he moved on to other areas, many of them on the material plane.

Nathan is the type of person to cross every “T” and dot every “I” when it comes to thing of business like nature. He is borderline OCD when it comes to how he wants things to be done. When someone tells him of how many fights they won to put him at ease he simply counters with the fact that you only need to lose one fight to die. When he is not doing anything work related he is a lot more laid back, and and play practical jokes on people. This annoys Auto(the inevitable) since he is the normal target of such pranks.

Auto: familiar
His attitude is much like Nathan's so they get along together, at least when planning for serious things, but unlike Nathan the inevitable almost never relaxes, always considering what may come next. He got the name Auto, which is short for automatic, because he sometimes does things without waiting to talk with others first which seems strange from a being so worried about everyone being on the same page.

Recapping character creation:
25 point buy
2 traits

PS:I don't know if I am keeping the familiar or not. If I do not then I will write him out of the story. For now I do plan to keep him though. :)

The bard will come later today or tomorrow.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Narkari, sorry just realized I didn't answer your feat question. ISWG is fine as a sourcebook.

Hello! I am new here, and I have little experience with Pathfinder. I find your campaign attractive, and I was wondering if you would accept my presence as a player? I know I would need a lot of help, but I am a decent writer and like to roleplay...

My concept is a Twice-cursed Human Oracle, Kalmah Pentaghast the Death Hag of Urgathoa. She would find the quest appealing due to it's involvement with magical artifacts, not to mention the opportunity to exercise her powers (which she loves to do - she never tires of learning more about her Mystery).

I would like to play an RPG at such a high starting level, I would just need assistance building her and playing the game. If this is too much stress, I understand - but let me know if you can accommodate me!

Thank you! :)

Shadow Lodge

The idea I am tossing about is a Mendevian Battle-Priest whose calling (viions?) are leading him to destroy the Hag. I know only the basics of the adventure, but not enough to spoil it and am guessing the Baba Yaga is important. I'm thinking of trying out a dualist Cleric of Pharasma, taking the Feat that lets me Channel both Positive and Negative (weaker) Energy, and the Archtype that lets me pick another Domain not on the list Fire and Water.

Otherwise I want to play a ombination of party buffer, face, and Gish, probably in that order. I'm thinking he will play like a NG character, but actuallly TN due to harnessing some darker energies, and sort of a gothic knight sort.

I'll give a background story soon, I'm just working things out still, and open to comments and ideas.

One thing I do want, mostly for story purposses, is to create my own plane, (Ult Magic, Greater Creat Plane) to have a small pronal sanctuary. The only real advantage I can think of is if the group is nearing a TPK, I would use that as a secure site for Word of Recall, and maybe storage, but otherwise it is my home and for fun.

If other characters are friendly with mine and have a history together, I wouldn't mind them visiting as well, or possibly even working with them to epand it for their own smalll sections.

DM motteditor:

Ah...Opening up and reading the Pathfinder OGC I see they've tweaked the wording slightly. *Nods*

No worries, I shall be happy to factor in the penalties for shooting with the second gun in the 'other' hand. *Bows*

Now...back story. I have an awesome character of Sunset in a couple of 'Fan-fictions' which you may enjoy reading, though this won't help with the back ground exposition for your particular game.

Hunter's Hunted

Pirate's Sunset

Now...how to re-create such 'bad-@ssery' in your campaign. *ponders*

So...the Elf who will become known as 'Sunset' remembers little of her formative years. Why she was left to mature in the care of the Shoanti barbarians is something she is no longer in the position to seek answers for.

Her birth parents wee gone before she came to question her 'differences' within the tribe and now, many years and trials and tribulations later, her 'Birth-tribe' itself has succumbed to the harsh rigors of the Cinder-lands wastes.

As she matured, her differences were enough that she became an 'outsider' to even her tribe members...Causing her to drift closer to the more 'Civilized' lands...where, for a time, she encountered similar, fellow 'Warrior spirits' in the form of 'Street Fighters', who took her in as she learned the complicated ways of 'City folk'.

Here, she met -and fell into adventuring with- the group who would take her over the 'Crown of the world', a journey of discovery, trials, victories and losses of which a whole other tome might be written.

Through out it all it was her 'Self sufficient' personality that was a major part of her she survived, dealt and triumphed over the many adversities the journey threw at her.

Once within the far away lands of Tian, more discoveries and learning awaited her.

Here, she discovered the power of both the chemistry of 'Black Powder' as well as the slumbering power of the magic within herself.

Mastering both the Tian weapons of 'The Gun' along with her blossoming arcane talent, she has fused both into something new and 'More' than the sum of its parts.

Sunset has become Golarion's first 'Gun-mage'.

Of note....see also Iron Kingdom's "Gun-mage" type classes and figures.

Gun mage D20 open-source

Um...does all that help some what? (^_^)

Much cheers to you and yours. *Bows*

Grand Lodge

Any Spots Open still?

I have class(es) and advancement planned out good enough, but I am not sure how to make a character on this site, I played in the past using myth-weavers online char sheets, but as I see it here people don't use that

DM motteditor
for HP, what do you consider average+1.

I'm working on the equipment and backstory.

Shadow Lodge

joriandrake wrote:
but I am not sure how to make a character on this site, I played in the past using myth-weavers online char sheets, but as I see it here people don't use that

If you go to the PFS LINK and select Register A Character (on the right), you can make an alternate lias and use it for play. That's what most people do so they can have a different avatar. Otherwie it should be like Myth Weavers, just type in all the info, usually as spoilers.

Doing that, any time you write a post, you just select that alias before posting, near the send button.

Scarab Sages

Like so. This is an old character. If you click on his name, it will take you to the page and you can see full stats and the like.

I see, thanks. Will use that as a template and try to make the char using this site's tools.

I consider to drop the inquisitor idea as I just made such a character for an other game and there is already an oracle and a battle priest in the plans anyway, now I consider a "spellcraft assassin" concept, basically a multiclass rogue/sorcerer

Nice layout Prophet.

working on char now, I decided upon classes and level:
6 level Rogue, 8 level Battle Sorcerer, 3 level Assassin

Not sure about Archetypes yet, but the character won't be the typical "Trapfinder" most likely.

bard submission:

Authan Aldataur(Archaeologist Archetype)

Appearance: Authan is rather large especially for a half-elf. He is about 6'3 230 pounds. He has a certain intensity in his eyes, but rather than giving him an intimidating presence it makes it seem as though he is looking into your soul, and people tell him things even when they should not be doing so.

Authan grew up in a middle class family. His mother stayed at home while his father worked as a professor. It was this early influence that made him want to read and learn more than most of his peers. His father always suggested that he join the military. “A man of your size and intellect will do well”, he always said. Authan was never to enthused about being ordered around though. He chose to go to college instead. It was there that he had his first opportunity to do fieldwork. One of his professors had finally raised the funds to unearth Zimul's Tomb, an unholy place that was rumored to be the resting place of an necromancer cleric said to have scarified an entire city to Zon Kuthon. A body with a few lesser magic items were found, but nothing to support that the body was Zimul, and if so he did not seem to have what was needed to level a city. The importance of this trip though is that Authan caught the eye of an elven bard, who eventually became his mentor, teaching Authan how to tap into the universe so that he may know its secrets. Authan however had no interest in using musical instruments or weaving magic into any performance, but he did have an interest in learning how to channel the same power to make himself a better fighter. He paid attention to the magical training over the years, and tailored it to his own end so that he might be better equipped for future, more dangerous endeavors.

Upon graduating he was invited to several more missions, but the pay was never good since he was just tagging along. Authan did not have the connections to get his own expeditions funded. What made it worse was that his father always told of what might have been, had he gone into the military. “At least those foolhardy adventurers get paid well when they risk their lives”, was what made him decide to look into adventuring as a means of acquiring funds. He took whatever jobs he could over the years to build his reputation. There were even times when the adventures consisted of finding long lost relics. His ability to handle himself in combat, combined with this knowledge on various subjects made him a specialist in such situations, and he is called on when 1st in such situations.

Authan is a very relaxed person, some say too relaxed. Even when he is in danger he has been known to have a smile on his face. He is always quick to give a “Don't worry about it” or “We will be ok”, even when nobody else is nearly as much confident. Many say that is only because he has never really faced the possibility of dying. Other say it would not even matter.

This looks like fun, and my high level campaign I was in kinda just died. Maybe this will do the trick.

Bruden McJagger, Ulfen General


Often sent from the Linnorm Kings with intent to aid war efforts among their allies, Bruden has performed admirably in his task. Well renowned for leading troops into battle, the general does not cease to impress on or off the battlefield. Known for his accurate and colorful portrayal of wars into print, he has constant demands to write depictions of battles even if he has only read of them. Spending time in Lastwall, Mendev, amongst the Shoanti and the Ulfen, he has spoken to many war leaders, immortalizing them in literature.

Eventually he was approached by the Pathfinder Society and they purchased some of his materials. He ended up getting along quite well with the contact and eventually traveled to Absolom where he was somewhat treated like a celebrity. He helped the society out with some local troubles and received accolades from them as well. They made him a de facto member of their society, and he remains quite close with them to this day.

He started dabbling in falconry while in Absolom and it came easy to him. Over time, he met a new falcon which surpassed all his others, but he soon found out that it wasn’t a falcon after all, but a tiny angel named Xarana. She was a fan of his stories and asked him if she could accompany him on his adventures. Not liking to be tricked, he refused. However she persisted and because he did not want to kill her, he had to accept her company. Eventually they became quite good friends. She often plays her flute for him in the morning and he tells her stories at night. Between the two of them they keep morale quite high wherever they go.

4Cavalier, order of the tome, Emissary
1Bard (Arcane Duelist)
10Pathfinder Chronicler
2Battle Herald

Still working on the specifics, but I figured some good ole fashioned Inspire Courage might be useful to people. I am planning on taking advantage of Horse Master to have a mount as well as Eldrich Heritage: Arcane for a familiar and Improved Familiar for the Azata Lyrakien. He should be a tremendous asset for anyone on the battlefield and I should have enough skill points to max out his social skills as well.

Hi! AHRE here. Crunch is under the Avatar, fluff is here:

"Lefty" Setiva was born 120 years ago. He's old enough to just barely remember the beginning of the Age of Lost Omens.

He was born to a family of farmers who ran an orchard that grew apples, pears, and nuts. While he enjoyed the idyllic lifestyle, he never had the green thumb his parents and siblings (1 brother, 1 sister) did, and like many young elves, felt the urge to wander. He began adventuring as a young rogue, relying on his keen dexterity and intellect to uncover and unravel mysteries and puzzles.

He was still quite new to adventuring when he began studying wizardry. Combining magic with his preternatural rogue skills proved useful enough that he was soon noticed by Queen Telandia herself. It took some bribing, but she soon enlisted him as one of her personal agents, tasked with handling "sensitive" missions. Over the last 14 years, he's traveled far and wide throughout the inner sea, often undercover, sometimes alone, sometimes with other elven agents, and sometimes with adventuring parties.

For the most part, only he and the queen know what he's up to. Over the years, he's shown himself to be trustworthy, and knows many secrets that could injure her reign if they were revealed. He's tight-lipped, though, and his neighbors know little about him.

She keeps him busy, and pays him in magic items, rather than gold, to make sure he's got the tools to do her bidding. He's not "good," like most elves, and has no qualms about doing even very "dirty" jobs, if the situation demands.

He's a long way from retirement, and while he grumbles about getting little time off from his work, he also feels that he's making a difference for his people, and that's something he's proud of.

I'm interested in submitting a Arcane Archer. Thinking of doing Monk/Bard/Arcane Archer. I'll see what fun stuff I come up with tonight.

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