![]() The camp erupts in pandemonium as the fight begins and spells and arrows are spread throughout the camp. The sentry watches as a arrows flies near him and hits the wooden outpost. A splash of acid hits the wood beside him and begins to ooze some of the wood away in plain view of the party. The sentry has the thunderstone in his hand when a bolt and then arrow strikes his chest by Alan and Ranzo as he commands the group. The sentry opens his mouth into a scream before falling down on to the floor of the watchpost and he is out of view. A ladder is seen below near the gear that leads up to the watchpost. The treant misses his target who is now awake and not completely aware of the situation stand up from being prone for a attack of opportunity. None of the bandits you have seen sleeping are wearing armor. Perception 20:
You hear horses and movement on the other side of the tree where the other camp is placed. It sounds like a voice or two waking up other men. Posting this in the morning before work. Sorry again for the lack of activity. May have problems in post that will try to check later. Have a new job and family home from military so have frightening busy week with only a few moments of computer time a day. ![]()
![]() Before I get people asking me questions I thought I say why I posted what I did on the gameplay thread. I thought your plan was going quite well until you decided to walk right into camp. None of you rolled disguise checks or stealth checks to hide who you were or roleplayed that you were trying to hide your appearance other then Alendiri hiding his ears and Ranzo acting as if he had a limp. I rolled for Quentin as he did not make another bluff check and I rolled a one. If he had succeed he may have come down before noticing everyone not being people he knows but that did not happen. As a sentry he is suspicious of everyone and can be assumed to always be having a ten on perception. He is close friends or associates with the bandits and this only adds to his perception. Anyway, battle has started so please I'll be using the initiative I rolled earlier. Hope no one is mad if I appear to be the "evil" DM. ![]()
![]() I don't see why not. Doesn't say it has to be lethal damage. Quentin's Bluff1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
The sentry seems bored when the man who appears to be Happs and gave a slow nod before turning over to look at the approaching group. Quentin can clearly tell something is wrong when the guard eyes widen as he looks between the group and can tell some of these men are not the other bandits. Quentin may make a believable Happs and his disguise is nearly perfect but the man is not blind. He can clearly tell that the men with no hoods are not their guys as they have no disguises. He appears confused at first as if wondering why Happs brought these unknown men with him but opens his mouth. "INTRUDERS! INTRUDERS!" he yells and goes to his pouch as if to grab a object. Bandit Status and Perception: Bandit 1 (Sleeping near campfire)1d20 ⇒ 14 Bandit 2 (Sleeping near campfire) 1d20 ⇒ 11 Bandit 3 (Sentry E)1d20 ⇒ 8 Bandit 4 (Sleeping)1d20 ⇒ 6 Bandit 5 (Sleeping)1d20 ⇒ 1 Bandit 6 (Sleeping)1d20 ⇒ 2 Bandit 7 (Awake, Tent)1d20 ⇒ 14 Bandit 8 (Sentry W)1d20 ⇒ 19 Kressle (Awake, Tent)1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15 ![]()
![]() The sift spell reveals no traps or hidden items. It seems all the loot the bandits have acquired are simply stuffed in crates and chests with no protection under the tarp. After exploring the rest of the camp he notices three more bandits at K4 sleeping. A tent is currently pitched with another campfire nearby. Kressle is no where in sight. When Quentin returns he notices that the two men that were playing cards are gone and that two men are now sleeping in bedrolls near the campfire. One of the men now asleep was the sentry that had welcomed him earlier. It seemed that the group arrived right after the sentries were switched off and this was why the two men from before were awake this early in the morning. The new bandit peeks over the rail of the watchpost when he returns and simply goes back to looking bored while keeping watch. Their is little to no sound coming from beyond the east watchpost other then the sound of water and snores. ![]()
![]() Perception:1d20 ⇒ 15
The sentry turns towards Happs and lowers his guard by dropping his weapon and giving a wide grin and hustles Happs over to the bottom of the watch post. When Quentin approaches the camp he notices tents,firewood, food and other supplies are under a canvas tarp below the watch post. Two bandits are sitting lazily around the campfire while the sentry opens his mouth to speak to who he thinks is Happs. "Sounds just like that bastard. Always slowing us down. The boss is over by the wagon talking to Neik. Migh ta been replaced!" he laughs to himself as if he had made a great joke. Quentin Perception:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10 As Quentin comes closer to the camp he does not hear or notice any more bandits from beyond the trees but this does not mean that they are not simply spread beyond the camp. The man speaks again as if just remembering Happs other question. The other two bandits near the fireplace seem to be playing cards against each other and while gazing at the scene once they resumed to their game. "Everythin quiet here. Did ye all get lots of valuables? Was that lass any good?" he snickers while leaning against the rail of the watch post to look down at Happs. ![]()
![]() 3rd day of Pharast, outside of Thorn River Camp. Jimmy is appreciative of Quentin conversing with him and acting like he is a equal. He starts to the view the man a bit better and this may come in handy later on. For now, the former bandit converses with the man and elf and does not seem very upset when tied to the tree. The group travel for a few more minutes and come across the camp that was described in great detail from the captured bandits. To view more the group must come closer but one guard on each watch post is visible from a distance. They do not seem alerted to any presence as of yet but may notice if the group or someone approaches. If approached, the Thorn Ford camp is noticeably large, and well defended by numerous platforms placed in trees. The camp itself is about 60 feet from the Thorn's north bank- a path winds alongside a shallow creek that leads directly to the campsite. Ranzo:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Combat has not started at the moment. Initiative is for future reference. Will wait for your all to come closer or Quentin to try out his disguise. Map of area is listed in discussion. ![]()
![]() Jimmy lets Alendiri know that the ring was still in the bandit treasure horde as far as he knew. They hand't delivered anything to the Stag Lord yet so it should still be at the camp. Oleg overhear Alendiri asking about his wife's ring and offer's 1000gp in store credit for the return of the ring. He explains that she doesn't show it but the theft hit his wife hard and he would grateful for the return of the ring. He gives a small description and heads off to his own business. The adventuring party packs their horses gets ready to depart the Trading Outpost. Jimmy decides to come with the group as he wishes to keep his brother safe and wouldn't mind making sure Kressle is dead. Now that he has "switched sides". He wants to make sure she can't come back to kill him. The party encounters nothing on their journey to the Bandit camp or that night but sleeping and guard watches. It is the following morning and has been two days since the bandits arrived. The group it at the foot of the woods and are only a few hours away from the camp. Jimmy lets the party know that if they are gone for another day the other bandits may get worried. Rolled for encounters and nothing. Oh well. You are close to the Bandit Camp. Go wild. :P ![]()
![]() Yes. I will be rolling for you all when you are not activity searching. I will let you know if you spot something if you encounter anything. You disguise is in place and I will note that down. You are taking one of the brothers with you so unless you want him to slow you down you will need a horse for him or to ride with one of you. EDIT: I forgot to mention that we are on the fast track for experience and for the first encounter you earned 150xp each. ![]()
![]() Jimmy turns towards Alendiri and nods his head before opening his mouth to reply. "We have. When we first came to this joint we had a much larger group but it slowly dwindled down. Logan and I liked getting out of camp when we could..." Sveltana nods to the group and Ranzo's response and goes back to the trading post. It seems that she is going to start making some food for everyone. O'Brian lets Quentin know that Happs was a crude and -foul-mouthed man but didn't know much about him personally. The only new information he gives is that it appeared that Happs was sometime the lover of Kressle, the leader of the bandits in the area. As the day progresses the group discusses their plans for the following evening and decides to leave early the next morning. Unless told otherwise I have posted that you guys have chosen to leave the next morning. I have no problem with changing this if the group decides to leave that night. Their is always a chance of random encounters so for the next few posts please roleplay riding to the camp. If you would like to make more plans or wanted to make actions for the previous day you may post it in the discussion. Just wanted to push us forward. ![]()
![]() Oleg paid full price for the equipment he bought off you guys. He was feeling generous. Alendiri is correct that each hex is 12 miles. On horse back it takes 3 hours to travel the plains(1 hex) and five hours for the woods(1 hex). I understand. Just give a heads up if you expect to be too busy. I wont be surprised if we don't hear from you after your wedding for awhile. Happs had the strength composite longbow on him and the stag amulet. He was known to always have a green cloak on. ![]()
![]() All of the men nod and look relieved that their injures will be looked at.
"After you take care of the bandits. Please come back. Now that we don't have to worry about that group of men we should have much more traffic of trappers and such and they could have information about the area to help you all. " Svetlana points out to Ranzo. She wishes to help them but also would like them to check up on them if their guards did not come to help keep and eye on these new indentured servants. ![]()
![]() You guys have 475gp in store credit. Oleg is unable to give you money at this time because he does not have the money on him. Now you all are tasked to explore and map out the greenbelt as part of your charter. In the players guide for Kingmaker their is a hex map that you will use to show where you have explored. Exploring a entire hex will take much longer then simply traveling through it. This is a map of the greenbelt. To make this easier on you all we will use letters and numbers to list each hex. From Left to Right simply go A1 to A7 on the top, B1 to B7 for each layer of hexes and so on. Only count the full hexes. Oleg's Trading post is in B5 and the Bandit's Thorn River Camp is in D4. I'm going to post and then we can move forward to you all start traveling towards the camp. ![]()
![]() The men are silent for a moment and seem to look at each before making hand gestures to each other. Its filled with shrugs, pointing and facial expressions. They seem to ponder over Ranzo's request but seem much more open after Alendiri straightens things out. Svetlana looks a bit taken about from Quentin question and shakes her head while whispering back to him. "We don't have anything like that here. We could maybe build one or order it if needed. We are still in building stages here. My husband I think could take care of us as long as they aren't given weapons but.....I'm not sure."she didn't think she would ever like the men. They had stolen her wedding wing their first visit after all. One of the brothers finally speak and by the tone of voice he seems a bit more open. "Names Jimmy and this body next to me is Logan. You already met O'Brian." he replied giving the frighten man a sneer. "Well, I suppose we will give you that information. I just hope you keep your end of the bargain. Now where to start...."he sighs as if truly wondering where to start. "O'Brian was new so he didn't know as much as me. Our boss is a monster of a man. Calls himself the Stag Lord, he is a deadeye with a bow, and I saw him crush a prisoner's hand to mush in one fist. Come to think of it, I've never seen him without his creepy stag helmet on;some of my friends think he ain't got no face under it,but not me, I think that creepy helm is his face!" He relays some information you have already heard but he also gives a lot of new things that will definitively help the group out such as the guards having Thunderstones to alert of intruders and that the Stag Lord is a drunk. They have apparently been gathering a lot of shipments of alcohol to be shipped to the Stag Lord. He tells of rumors that the Stag Lord is even being controlled by a old man too. He lets out a gem that may prove useful later on and he hopes it will help his brother and himself. "It's hard keeping track of who working for the boss, so we use a master phrase as a sort of password to get in to the fort on the northeast shore of Tuskwater. Unless it's been changed recently, the current phrase is'By the Bloody Bones of St.Gilmord, who wants to know?' And no, I have no idea who St.Gilmorg is." ![]()
![]() "I told you how to get there! I can't do anymore! I swear!" O'Brian pleads to Ranzo. He hand't been lying about how to get there. As far as he was concerned if they killed those bandits and not him it only make him safer. He liked living thank you very much. Svetlana goes to speak to the group while they are discussing what to do about the prisoners. She overhears what they are talking about and while she doesn't much like having the men that wanted to steal from them nearby she does see the benefit for free labor if the men were truly willing to change. "We hopefully should get the group of guards we asked for soon. I don't see much problem as long as they behave. We could always use more help building this place up." she replies. She takes a small basket out and gives it to Ranzo. "This is a gift for helping us. It isn't much but we hope it helps" Gift: 2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds
1 Potion of Shield of Faith +2 50gp ![]()
![]() Question of Doom: Giving a smile to the questioner that was cut off by a very loud and embrassing growl from his stomach, now THAT made him blush and turn his head, “I think, I need something to eat…” Niek softly said as he tried to avoid the thought and turn back towards the man. His mouth open and formed a O shape as he thought over the question. Now that wasn't a very nice question! He didn't know much about this man but it seemed he needed to lighten up. Poor man. He was losing his head from being near so many beautiful women!
That must be it! "Well, hello! What a depressing question you ask! You must think of better things my dear sir! Perhaps, thinking of women or....ladies will make you feel better? No, well I suppose I will answer you question, yes?" "I would show them what they are missing of course. Why make battle and war with thieves and terrors when they can be making love and peace! I can use my suave lips to convince them to give up and turn this government into one that shines beautiful life from its windows! " he exclaims with arms opened wide. Looking at the man as he chuckles Niek looks confused and frowns for a moment before continuing. "I suppose if I must I could use my skills with magic and archery to imprison these men who don't accept the power of love but that is a fate I would not wish on anyone. I much prefer using my acting skills to fool and convince these evil men to turn from their path but sadly the gods do not always grant all the wishes of their most beautiful creature..." ![]()
![]() Both of the now awaken bandits look at the elf and look at each other as if silently communicating before one of them opens his mouth to speak. "One of those men you killed was a close friend. We ain't going to answer anything unless we are promised more then just our lives. We aint killed nobody and we ain't afraid to die."he repies and then spits on the ground. They all listen to the threats by Ranzo. While the bandit who has so far promised to answer all their questions looks visibly scared the others only appear grim as if their fates are already decided. "It seems like you folk are worse then us lot. We ain't ever torture no one. We might have better information then that coward O'Brian but we at least have some honor..." O'Brian the bandit who has been the most helpful so far has told the entire truth as far as you can tell but it does seem he only gives the bare minimum to the questions asked and does not elaborate unless specifically told too. The brothers refuse to betray each other and agree only to talk if they are allowed supplies to travel and both their lives. They seem to be telling the truth about knowing more then O'Brian but were lying when they said they were not afraid to die. Cannot take ten on this perception. Sorry. ![]()
![]() Quentin. There are only 3 bandits. The talkative bandit and the two brothers. The talkative bandit gives up the information you ask but doesn't volunteer information unless specifically asked a certain question. The two brothers refuse to give any information if it means the death of the other. Due to your sense motives you know that the talkative bandit is speaking the truth. Where is your camp/fort: Thorn River Camp is a few days ride away.
Does anyone or Oleg have paper, so we can have a perm copy of the map and camp?: Yes he has paper. Map above. ![]()
![]() "Oh, this is worth 20 gold pieces." Alan remarks about the Stag amulet. The lone bandit gives a small sigh of relief as Endrance backs off but is soon shaking in his boots once more when Quentin takes the stage. "I'll tell ye whatever you want to know! Promise! Just ask! Jus't don't kill me! " This pleading of the thug makes the the other two more aware as they find themselves alive and awake. They attempt to struggle against the binding to escape even if they are half naked and injured. It seems these two thugs are bit more keen on escaping then the sniveling coward who wishes to spill his guts to the group. Escape Artist:
They both fail utterly and slump against each other. Their injuries only looking worst after they struggled against the rope. Both mens faces become stubborn and it seems these two wish to keep their mouths shut. Perception Check DC 15:
If looked upon closely, these two bandits that attempted to escape look related to each other. They both have similar features. Both are also looking around as if for a body. If you want better information your gonna have to ask better questions. :) These men aren't the smartest if the lot. ![]()
![]() Here is my submission of Niek. A Hippie Bard that loves life and to love. Who wishes to change the city he lives in to a city of love and peace. Character Infomation:
Niek Cobriana
Male Human Bard 1 NG Medium Humanoid (Human) Init +3; Senses Perception +3 -------------------- DEFENSE -------------------- AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13. . (+3 armor, +3 Dex) hp 8 (1d8+0) Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1 -------------------- OFFENSE -------------------- Spd 30 ft. Melee: Longsword +2 (1d8+2/19-20/x2) Ranged: Composite Shortbow (Str +2) +4 (1d6+3/20/x3) Spells: 0 Level: Detect Magic Prestidigitation Mending Light 1st Level: Cure Light Wounds Sleep -------------------- STATISTICS -------------------- Str:14, Dex: 16, Con: 10, Int: 12, Wis: 8, Cha: 16 Base Atk: +0; CMB: +3; CMD: 16 Feats: Bard Weapon Proficiencies, Point Black Shot, Precise Shot Traits: Child of Infamy: Perform (Act), Armour Expert. Skills: + 7 Acrobatics (Dex), + 7 Diplomacy (Cha), + 7 Intimidate (Cha), + 5 Knowledge (Local) (Int), +3 Perception (Wis), + 8 Perform(Act) (Cha), +5 Spellcraft (Int), and +7 Stealth (Dex) Languages Common, Elven, --------------------
Countersong (Su): At 1st level, a bard learns to counter magic effects that depend on sound (but not spells that have verbal components.) Each round of the countersong he makes a Perform (keyboard, percussion, wind, string, or sing) skill check. Any creature within 30 feet of the bard (including the bard himself) that is affected by a sonic or language-dependent magical attack may use the bard's Perform check result in place of its saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform check result proves to be higher. If a creature within range of the countersong is already under the effect of a non-instantaneous sonic or language-dependent magical attack, it gains another saving throw against the effect each round it hears the countersong, but it must use the bard's Perform skill check result for the save. Countersong does not work on effects that don't allow saves. Countersong relies on audible components. Distraction (Su): At 1st level, a bard can use his performance to counter magic effects that depend on sight. Each round of the Distraction, he makes a Perform (act, comedy, dance, or oratory) skill check. Any creature within 30 feet of the bard (including the bard himself) that is affected by an illusion (pattern) or illusion (figment) magical attack may use the bard’s Perform check result in place of its saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform check result proves to be higher. If a creature within range of the Distraction is already under the effect of a non-instantaneous illusion (pattern) or illusion (figment) magical attack, it gains another saving throw against the effect each round it sees the Distraction, but it must use the bard’s Perform check result for the save. Distraction does not work on effects that don’t allow saves. Distraction relies on visual components. Fascinate (Su): At 1st level, a bard can use his performance to cause one or more creatures to become fascinated with him. Each creature to be fascinated must be within 90 feet, able to see and hear the bard, and capable of paying attention to him. The bard must also be able to see the creatures affected. The Distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents the ability from working. For every three levels a bard has attained beyond 1st, he can target one additional creature with this ability. Each creature within range receives a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the bard’s level + the bard’s Cha modifier) to negate the effect. If a creature’s saving throw succeeds, the bard cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If its saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and observes the performance for as long as the bard continues to maintain it. While fascinated, a target takes a –4 penalty on skill checks made as reactions, such as Perception checks. Any potential threat to the target allows the target to make a new saving throw against the effect. Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a weapon at the target, automatically breaks the effect. Fascinate is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability. Fascinate relies on audible and visual components in order to function. Inspire Courage (Su): A 1st level bard can use his performance to inspire courage in his allies (including himself), bolstering them against fear and improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must be able to perceive the bard’s performance. An affected ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. At 5th level, and every six bard levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +4 at 17th level. inspire courage is a mind-affecting ability. inspire courage can use audible or visual components. The bard must choose which component to use when starting his performance.. Background: It was clear from a young age that Niek's life would be filled with enormous amounts of love. There is so much passion, compassion and of course love in him, filling him from the top of his head right down to his toes. This love has made a major impact on his personality, shaping him into the young man he is today. He is very much a believer in 'make love not war', believing that everything can be fixed with a hug and cuddle. However naive this view may be, it's not totally flawed beyond the reach of sanity; but rather a dream which is likely to never manifest. The word Hippie would fit him well in someway. However, there is a serious side to him, and in life or death moments he has no problem using his bow or magic to protect those he calls friend. He is guilt stricken after though, whether or not he's actually killed people. But it would take a lot for such a side to come out, and simple name calling or insults wouldn't do it. Someone would have to put his or someone else’s life in danger to get him to strike out in anger. But usually he is the voice of reason during conflicts of both emotional and violent intent, no matter how annoying "Hey guys, just find the love!" gets. But despite this deep down personality trait which scares him beyond belief, he is a giddy person, easily excited and also easily liked by certain people. All of this shows how different he is compared to the rest of his family. His family, with the exception of his mother; who he likely gets his fun loving nature from, are all incredibly strict and disciplined. This can get very boring for someone like Niek at times, and so he has constantly had to make his own fun from a young age. His Brother used to find his antics humorous, yet too sophisticated and intelligent to join in of course. Niek was born into a family of actors, his mother and father spending most of their time acting at what theater would take them . Niek was the younger of two brothers, and was usually in the shadow of his older brother, who was a superior actor. While Niek had charisma, his acting alone lacked compared to the rest of his family. When he realized he would never beat his brother, he decided to plow through the city and create his own path. He began training in archery and magic, as well as swordplay, thinking he could perhaps join the Thieve's Guild and be a Robin Hood character. He hadn't really thought that one through. However, his brother met a embarrassing end, and Niek was brought back into his families job path. His brother decided to sleep with a very well-off noble's wife and got caught. Sadly, the husband had guards and they got rid of his brother permanently. Now, he is is always known as Alan Cobriana's brother and while he enjoys the attention sometimes he would like to make a name for himself another way. He does not discriminate, not against anybody. You cannot dislike someone until you've met them, stupid things such as race and blood are meaningless; the person inside is what counts. Most people who exhibit evil behaviour, are not evil at all. This is merely a shield of nastiness, set up by parents and social upbringing. This isn't to say that there aren't evil people in the world, but Niek can quickly tell the two apart. This is possibly the only real intelligent trait he has. Unfortunately, his Fathers and Brothers gift of wisdom and intelligence fell short for Niek. He is in no way stupid, just a little 'blonde' at moments, not very bright and a little challenged with academics most of the time. His smarts are found elsewhere, which he wouldn't change for the world. Things such as empathy, he is especially good at that. He is also very good at pleasing people, changing around his words to suit others better or telling them things they want to hear. This could easily be used for purposes which are not totally 'good', but to be frank; thoughts of upsetting people or using these talents to weaken others and aid himself just don't enter his head. He couldn't imagine trying to hurt someone, either emotionally or physically. He couldn't possibly wonder why another human being would hate someone else so much that they would want to cause them pain, no matter what type. This is a very sweet view, but something which will defiantly cause him heartache in the future. This also means he can trust people easily and quickly, because his mind is programmed to think they couldn’t be out to betray him. He is defiantly an eccentric, his flamboyant behaviour and choices of clothing very much expressing this with total ease. It is very unlikely someone would come across Niek upset or depressed, it would be an incredibly strange sight for anyone who knew him. Some people could find this explosion of excitement and zany behaviour annoying, a lot of people do; however it has made him very popular within community and fairly well liked on stage. However, the intellectuals usually just roll their eyes and return to their studies, and the thieves and thugs pf the city finding it blood curdlingly agitating. But none the less, they could say anything to him, and he'd still give them a warm smile the next time he saw them. He just can't fathom holding a grudge, it's pointless. Everyday is new, everyday is another adventure. Why dwell on the past? It doesn't make sense. This is one of Niek's strongest views, which he tries express to anyone who will listen. This is why he usually finds himself bewildered with the thieves, for if you wrong a thief in anyway shape or form… prepare for a lifetime of hate. Niek just shrugs it off though, he respects other peoples opinions, even if they aren’t so nice. Most of his views make him an incredibly poor soldier, but that suits him to his core. Along with peace and love, acting is most defiantly Niek's third most important passion. Getting lost in the rhythm, in the melody of good acting. It’s just something someone can’t comprehend without doing it first. Whatever type of performance it is, Niek has respect for it, as it brings happiness to so many different types of people across the world. Moving on from acting, comes dancing; which is obviously one of the most exciting activities for Niek, the lovable little Hippie. Sometimes he doesn't even know what he's doing... like he's just high on the music himself and in a total trance. He loves to do this outside; which also brings us to the outdoors. Niek is an outdoorsmen at heart, and feel a strong connection to nature. He dislikes spending long periods of time indoors; experiencing strange things such as inability to express himself while locked away in his home. Of course, it's not always appropriate for him to run around the city all day; but when he's back home... don't even try to find him at his house before 8pm o'clock, he wont be. ![]()
![]() Oleg nods to the adventuring group and runs into his storeroom to bring out enough rope to bind the bandits. In Oleg's his head he is already planning out hanging some of the bandits bodies to warn off other miscreants away from his trading post. He hands the rope over to Ranzo. "That should be enough for the three. Can't thank you all enough for this. Your welcome to stay free of charge for as long as you want. We will even provide for the meals! My wife was putting together a small reward for you all too. I'll go let her know what has happened."[b] he replied eagerly as he almost skips to the trading post where Svetlana awaits to hear what has happened. Two of the bandits are injured while one looks as if he is in terrible pain. The one bandit conscious enough does as ordered by stripping and pleads for his life. He is made silent by Endrance's intimidation but only starts to plead again. "I tell ye anything yall want! Just don't kill me! I got kids to feed! I'll tell ya everything. About Kress, Happs, and I'l...ill..take ye to the camp! I promise I will!" Found Treasure: 2 Alchemist Fire (5)Leather Armour Dagger Composite Longbow(+2 Str) 100 Arrows (4)Longbow (4) Short swords 10 days of rations 75gp Silver Stag Lord Amulet(Appraise 15 DC) 6 Horses(With Standard Riding Gear) 1 Mule ![]()
![]() Round 1 Quentin's acid splash lands on the bandit as he attempts to flee. He lets out a scream of pain as the acid starts to burn him but continues to try to run. This only motivates the rest of them to run faster. They don't make it. Endrance shouts out and cats his spell. His color spray hits all of the men. Tactical decisions or experiences fighting arcane casters were not on these men list. Bandit 1 Will:1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13
Two of the bandits drop unconscious while one attempts to continue running. He is shot by a arrow from Alendiri and falls to his knees. Noticing he is now alone and that the man who killed their leader is between him and freedom the man promptly surrenders. The young treant attacks the man first and brings him to a halt. The bandit falls to the ground dead from the attacks from the treant before Ranzo can make it to the man. Oleg ducks his head out from his hideout and looks around the carnage with a grin beginning to cover his face. He looks quite satisfied with the bodies. Enemy Status:
Happs, Dead B1, Heavily Injured, Unconscious B2, Injured, Unconscious B3, Injured, Surrendering B4, Dead Battle is over. Good job everyone. I will list experience in my next post. ![]()
![]() No one is in the way of the trap Alan and you went last because for the initiative roll because I rolled a 2 for you. Also Bandit 4 is not in the line of fire he is outside the gates with the horses. Surprise Round. Initiative:
Quentin successfully completes is spell and the thugs are so surprised they seemed stunned at the appearance of men. Before the hooded man has any time to react, Endrance attempts to close the gates which is met in failure but the bandits realize what is being attempted. Oleg runs for cover as the battle begins. "OLEG!! What do y' think you are pullin' here?! Y' know Kressle will have y'r head!" Happs, the hooded man, grunts in pain as a arrow sticks into his upper chest. He attempts to draw his weapon but his life his cut short when Ranzo attacks him and neatly cuts his arm off. The body of the hooded man falls with a thud. The thugs stare for only a moment before they attempt to flee through the still open door. They are met with the 'twang' of the Arrow traps going off. The lone bandit outside screams as a actual small tree unroots itself and attempts to slam into him. The bandit dodges and turns to look at the rest of his group either down or bring attacked by a volley of arrows of which all seem to hit. Enemy Status::
Happs, Dead B1, Heavily Injured B2, Injured B3, Slightly Injured B4, Healthy The bandits inside are 1,2,3. They are not attempting to fight but flee. When it is their turn I will show this. Thanks to your planning and natural 20s you took out most of the trouble. We will now begin Round 1! ![]()
![]() 1st day of Pharast, inside of Oleg's Trading post. The sun is a hand's breath in the sky when the two on the roof first spot them. As they get closer they can make out five men on horseback, leading another horse, and a mule. The lead one is as Svetlana described, a hunter wearing a hooded leather jerkin. They ride their horses quickly across the hills stopping outside the fort. As they are dismounting the group can spot one of them grinning from ear to ear, "I'm glad we got on Kressle's good side, eh? We get to be the first ones to have a go with Oleg's wench. 'bout time she let us bring her 'spoils' back with us." One of them looks past where Ranzo is crouched, with no sign of noticing. He takes the reins of the horses and stands outside. The other four walk through the gates, the last is carrying a length of rope. Happs stops within ten feet of the trader, it had been worked out the night before, that Oleg would lure them in, "Oleg, your wares are starting to come short with Kressle. She's decided to take an extra tithe this month. Call out that pretty wife of yours, or we burn this place to the ground." Oleg is looking considerably less distraught then Happs thought he would be. Standing straight he puts his hands to his hips and calls, "It's time to bringer her out!" The bandits look around a little warily, some putting their hands to the hilts of their shortswords. Kidnapping a woman is nervous work. Time for the fight! Here's the initiative. Post your actions in any order. I'll straighten them out when I do the summary of the round after everyone has acted. If you attack someone who's already dead I'll just have you attack the next target. etc. Please include attack rolls and damage assuming you hit. Ranzo 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
![]() Svetlana stays in the background and lets the group discuss their plans. She knows little of such things but is glad that these men decided to help them. "We only have two crossbows. The bandits have been taking most of our stock so we don't have much. We will provide what we can to help."she replies to Alan before he takes his leave. Turning towards Ranzo she gives a nod and begins answering the other questions. "We have plenty of lumber to build with. It's just....wont they notice these things when they ride in? " Svetlana din't know a lot about fighting but she thought it just be simpler for them to ambush the bandits from the stable or guest house. That is fine Alan. By taking a 20 your check is fine and the materials needed for a trap like this are here. I have the same question as Alendiri though. Will these trigger with a wire when they enter or by yourself activating it. ![]()
![]() I understand. Was going to contact you soon but glad you checked it out. Hope you feel better soon too. Also, you may change your language Ranzo. Better to get it out of the way now before things really get started. Story wise. You may continue to plan what you all will do gameplay wise or here. I will be moving time to the next day soon. ![]()
![]() She nods at Ranzo and opens her mouth to speak once again. "They always enter. They often bring a extra horse or two to carry everything. Back to their camp I assume, sir." Realizing the group will help them the women takes a small sigh of relief and thanks the men repeatedly. She even brings some wine out and offers it to them. She will have to discuss with her husband a suitable reward if they are able to take care of the bandits. "We aren't fighters. If I wasn't here, I'm quite sure my husband would have tried something foolish.....but no sir. We are simple folk here. I told you all we know about them." ![]()
![]() Svetlana was quite glad her husband was not in the room. If he was in the room and learned they originally had not known of the bandits he would have been quite angry. Meanwhile, she would answers all the questions she could. This was their only hope was finally being free of those ruffians. Even if one of the men thought she was not being truthful. " They have come each time within a hour of sunrise on the first day of the month. We usually have our "taxes" ready because they seem eager to leave for their camp in the Greenbelt......A day's ride away I would assume." She turns towards Alendiri and recounts the time they arrived the first time. "There were a dozen the first time sir. Ten were quite clear to be simple thugs but the other two....Oh reckon they scared me they did sir. A cloaked man with a bow and a women with two hatchets. The miss did most of the talking and she quite clearly almost cut of my dear Olegs hand with her hatchet. She took my wedding ring right off and tossed it too her men....."she replied looking distant and frighten. As if the telling of the tale had taken her back to that period of time. She took a deep breath and continued on. "They didn't have so many the next few times. The hooded man came with six the second time and four the last month. I believe they think we been had and given up but we haven't! No sir, not for a moment." ![]()
![]() "One moment..." she announces to Alendiri. It appears she wishes to wait for the rest of the adventuring group to arrive. The lady continues to serve the group as they start arriving to the dining hall. A large stew is set out with a fresh out of the oven baked bread to join it. A pitcher of water is set out for the travelers as Svetlana ponders on how to start her tale. "Bandits have been taking all of our trade goods and furs for the past three months. They threaten to take me and burn down the fort if we don't hand over everything. We don't have any guards here and we have been asking to have guards of some kind to arrive but they have yet to be sent. "she pauses to take a breath and looks at the men with a worried face. It is a clear sign that these people are quite desperate for help. "They come at the beginning of each month....which is tomorrow. I beg of you. Please help us. We can give you free room and board for the night."