12 is a bit much... (4 attacks, +1 haste, +1 Rapid Shot *2 =12), but worse is the 4 attacks, 3 for TWF feats, 1 for haste, 1 for rapid shot... 18 reloads in 6 seconds. The whole weapon cord thing is cheesy anyway. Im pretty sure the "it may interfere with fine movements" covers reloading a muzzle loading pistol. Alchemists growing extra limbs... is just... bizarre. I'd never let a player get far without getting in game grief for it. In any case, i find both options lacks finesse and subtlety. ![]()
Its a standard action to reload a single one handed firearm barrel. Rapid Reload makes this a move action. Paper Catridges reduces this to a free action. So... To reload all 6 barrels of a pepperbox is a free action (well, 6 free actions). (even though it doesnt matter, since you could reload a single barrel pistol 6 times.) To reload each barrel of a double pistol is obviously a free action. To fire both barrels simultaneously os also free, but imparts a -4 penalty. So I can fire a double barreled pistol 6 times (4 attacks, haste, and rapid shot, lets say) which is 12 bullets. Which I can reload as 12 free actions? I have this right... right? ![]()
I am beginning a new game soon with several new players. The GM and i have decided to introduce my character as divine aid. The concept is a cleric assassin/warrior whose god has guided him to the party as a helper, because of the promise of many deaths their adventures will bring. What god and domains/subdomains would be good for this concept? I am not married to the concept of "assassin"... I've just got to be good at killing things while giving divine support. Thanks! ![]()
rkraus2 wrote:
I don't know what you mean when you say it doesn't appear i am using the scout archetype... I very clearly have rogue talents listed. I don't know class or levels, hence asking for advice. my initial response is a 12/8 split in favor of Ranger. The 8 rogue is for Scout's charge and Scout's Skirmish. I did leave the possibility of a 10/10 split above in my build, but it is no certain thing. Please educate me on how i could do better. ![]()
Mort the Cleverly Named wrote:
whatevs, I started a different thread about a similar ranger rogue. I can always use these ideas for NPCs, whether or not they are considered good enough by the forum standards to be PCs. ![]()
Someone suggested in another thread i try something like this. Last time I tried, I didn't get much feedback, so lets see how this goes. 20 point buy, human STR 15(17)
1 Power Attack
Ranger Feats
Rogue Talents
I am not sure how many levels of rogue or ranger to take. I plan on two hand power attacking with a longsword. Scout's Charge and Skirmish should help when i can't get full attack actions. when i can, i will flank and go TWF with a cestus or spiked gauntlet for extra sneak attack damage. Probably going to invest heavily into UMD. Any advice or suggestions are much appreciated! ![]()
Mort the Cleverly Named wrote:
Wouldn't such a build be better with a spiked gauntlet or cestus? Its something I've offered to the gods of the forum for sacrifice, but there weren't many nibbles. Maybe I'll try it again sometime.... ![]()
Nicos wrote: at what level will you start? in what order will you multiclass? I think you shoul not take more than 4 levels in fighter. starting level would probably be 2. Order of classes would be Fighter, Rogue, Fighter, Rogue, etc. until 8 levels of rogue, after which the rest is fighter. Why should i not take more than 4 levels of fighter? Seems to me fighter has more consistent damage than the rogue, hence the Weapon Master, to get that faster. The Rogue is for higher (but situational) damage, and skills which the Fighter very much lacks. If anything, I expect people to argue to take less rogue. ![]()
It's an idea i have had rattling around in my head for awhile. Basically, trying to make a TWF combat "rogue" that is viable regardless of sneak attack conditions. STR 12
1 Finesse
Fighter Feats:
Rogue Talents
The idea here is to full attack as often as possible, preferably with Sneak Attack (obviously). IF I can't, then I will try to charge with the Scout's Charge in an attempt to still get Sneak Attack on at least one attack. Failing all of that, I still have Weapon training and Weapon Specialization. Combined with light armor and Agile daggers, i feel I should do alright regardless. Any advice or suggestions are much appreciated! ![]()
blackbloodtroll wrote: So, fighter and rogue, nothing else, no matter what? eh... no. 1.) skills. (preferably at least 6/level) In my opinion, light or medium armor goes with this hand in hand. 2.) combat prowess. (good damage output, good survivability) 3.) achieves majority of said damage via consistent methods. (i.e. not circumstantial damage, sneak attack, favored enemy, etc.) 4.) preferably non magical... I like to play the underdog. (ranger casting is fine) This is pretty much what I'm looking for. ![]()
james maissen wrote:
I am looking to fighter for good, non situational (sneak attack, favored enemy) damage and melee staying power. I have a switch hitter ranger, and though I like it a lot, I sometimes forgot to apply favored enemy or favored terrain bonuses. So yes. Fighter. Good damage, wide array of feats... ![]()
Since when does Urban Barbarian get all of the class skills that the rogue gets? That is the only reason for the rogue, really, that and a couple rogue talents. Neither of which the Urban Barbarian gets. IF anything, I would say Urban Barbarian or Fighter, since both classes fill a similar role. Rogue, on the other hand, fills an entirely different niche. ![]()
Basically, I want a fighter. However, I want him to be able to sneak about. I don't care for trapfinding, or even laying traps. I just want a fighter that isn't utterly useless when discretion is necessary.
I want to use either a scimitar or a longsword in two hands (or one, if necessary)in conjunction with Power Attack. I want to wear light or medium armor. Sneak Attack is helpful, but i don't like relying on it for damage: it is too circumstantial and difficult to pull off in a round without help. I used to play a lot of rogues, I've been slowly migrating away from that.
Thank you all for your various suggestions, but in a recent thread about making a two handed power attack ranger, someone suggested a fighter with 3-4 levels of rogue splashed in. Here, I ask about such a build, and I am getting suggestions of rangers, alchemists, and ninjas. None of these alternatives fit the bill, IMO. Again ,I thank you all for your ideas, but you are missing the mark a bit I feel. ![]()
StreamOfTheSky wrote:
1.) in my above build, I have 4 levels of rogue, and 8 of Fighter. 2.) neither alchemist nor ninja fit my desired flavor or feel for this character. 3.) I wasn't talking about combining Power Attack with TWF: Power Attack would be for when i can't get a full attack or flanking. Sneak Attack and TWF would be for full attacks when I can get said Sneak Attack. It would not be for both at the same time. 4.) You don't like critical feats? I can see why, seeing as that they are circumstantial. However, what feats would you suggest instead? 5.) I want to be capable as a warrior (maybe not the best) and a capable sneak (perhaps not the best).
SO. I am looking to build a soldier, with a sort of commando/saboteur bent. I figure Rogue is a good place to start. I would prefer a two handed power attack approach. I went with a scimitar instead of a falchion in case i need to use a weapon one handed: holding a potion, wand, scroll, valuable artifact, rope/ladder, dragging an ally, etc. Besides, I only lose out on 1 point of damage, average. 20 point buy, human
STR 15 (17)
1 Power Attack
Fighter Feats
I would pick up a mithril breastplate, a scimitar, and the usual cloaks of resistance, etc. I was also going to invest in a Circlet of Persuasion for UMD and talking to guards/sentries or whatever. Should i stick with the scimitar and critical feats, or perhaps should i branch out to power attacking/TWF with a longsword and a cestus? Anyway, thanks in advance! ![]()
So i have been playing around with the idea of a Lore Warden with a glaive guisarme, armor spikes and a spiked gauntlet. Pretty standard. I love the tactical play such a character provides. You need to think a lot about movement, tactical positioning, and AoO's. However... I feel like i need more tools in my proverbial utility belt. Tripping doesn't work on everything, so I have looked into spending resources on damage output. That only goes so far, and I keep feeling like I need spells of some kind to even the odds, at the very minimum using UMD. so how do I do that while maintaining my high CMB numbers that Lore Warden gives me? I wwas looking at something like this: 20 point buy, human Lore Warden:
STR 14 (16) DEX 14 CON 14 INT 14 WIS 12 CHA 8 traits
1 Power Attack
Fighter Feats
Any help on giving this guy some more tricks up his sleeve would awesome! Thanks everyone! ![]()
First off, HUGE + 1 for anyone getting the reference.
20 point buy, human STR 10
1point blank shot
Gunslinger feats
Rogue talents
The idea here is obviously, a decently effective ranged rogue. Dex to damage helps a lot, as does signature deed with up close and deadly. Combine with the occasional ranged sneak attack, plus a dagger in a spring loaded wrist sheath (hence finesse rogue) and damage should not be an issue. My basic concept is a pistol wielding assassin. Any help or suggestions would be helpful. It's a build I gave had unmindful for a whole, I'd like to make it work. Thanks everyone! ![]()
I would go human, because they are everywhere, you get skill bonuses against them, and yes, they are often involved in cults or as the necromancers themselves. Evil Outsiders are also often a very good choice, broaden your horizons into being a demon hunter. It also makes humans make sense again, as there is often some meddling human cultists trying to raise Cthulhu... I mean, an evil demon. ![]()
IS this possible?
I was wondering if it were possible for this to work? I would assume Finesse, Piranha Strike, and a buckler to compliment the bow. Probably an eventually +1 Agile dagger. So, at level 8 for example, I would be rolling a 1d4+1(magic)+6(Agile, assuming 22 DEX)+6 (Piranha Strike)for an average of 15.5 damage. I would also have a slightly higher AC due to the buckler. Is this competitive enough, assuming I use more of my feats on ranged combat than the usual switch hitting ranger? any advice is much appreciated! ![]()
After looking over the two primary Ranger guides (Treantmonk's Switch Hitter, and Lastoth's Archer) I've been looking over archetypes that compliment such styles of play. After looking at the Nirmathi Irregular, it seems as though they would make great archers: they are limited to light armor, and receive an extra spell slot/ spell level. They are limited to only one Favored Enemy and one Favored Terrain, but it seems to me that the extra spell slots could easily remedy this. (Instant Enemy, Hunter's Howl, etc). Any thoughts are much appreciated, thanks! ![]()
Shuriken Nekogami wrote:
"Arcanist" (sadly) is not a viable favored enemy in pathfinder. Back in 3.5 there was an ACF called "Arcane Hunter" that functioned as Favored Enemy: Arcanist. But like i said, just won't fly in a pure PF game. ![]()
Archery: Easily defeated via Windwall, though probably the best, easiest style overall, however it is easily defeated by casters. Gun or Spear: only 30% chance to be blocked by windwall, but limited range compared to archery. Melee: takes awhile to get there, provides much opportunity for caster to escape, or simply Fly out of reach. However, with Step Up chain, probably the best style against casters, IF you can get within range. If I had to, i would make a sword and board style Fighter. Step Up, Following Step, Step Up and Strike.
Carry a light shield, several spears, and a melee weapon. chuck spears while closing into melee range, even readying actions for when the caster begins a spell. Ray Shield will help against very annoying spells, like Enervation or Disintegrate. (Carry an extra Quick Draw Shield should your primary shield be destroyed). Once in melee range, start smacking them around. Only way to make it better (and not be a FULL caster) is Arcane Duelist Bard. But, thats still a caster so meh. ![]()
Another possible combination is Gunslinger 1/Wizard (Spellslinger) 5/EK X. It is only acceptable as a blaster, and many will argue that a straight spellslinger is better, what with the touch attack guns provide. HOWEVER, with EK you can use Deadly Aim on every shot, Rapid Fire on every full attack, and still probably hit every time. Adding 1-5 to spell DC's because you have a magical gun is pretty sweet too, considering EK's suffer in the DC department. Again, no doubt it is not as powerful as other EK builds (what with the 4! opposition schools) but it is a viable blaster. EDIT: I only mention it because gunslinger is red, but in this case I would petition for Red/Green or Blue. Obviously gunslinger sucks for every other build ever. ![]()
you misunderstand. I don't feel polearms are the best tripping weapons because many of them carry the special "trip" ability. That merely allows you to drop the weapon instead of falling prone. Honestly, Id prefer holding my valuable weapon instead of allowing it to fall into enemy hands anyway. Polearms are the best tripping weapon because of reach, but also because they do respectable damage and can be 2handed with Power Attack for decent damage should tripping not be an option. Sickles, Hanbos, Whips, etc. do not have that unique combination. Sickles and Hanbos can be used with finesse, have the trip ability, and can be used to better effect in conjunction with the Vicious Stomp feat. However, they dont have reach, and being light weapons cannot be 2 handed. Hence polearms are still superior as tripping weapons that can also deal damage. ![]()
Yes, but I can see why the didn't allow for 1.5 DEX to damage. In the Star Wars D20 Revised Edition, one of the splatbooks had a Feat: Ataru Form, or somesuch. It allowed Dex to damage with lightsabers, and allowed 1.5 DEX to damage while two handing it. After that, I don't think there was a serious lightsaber focused build that didn't include it. DEX to AC, to hit in melee, to damage (x 1.5), to reflex saves, to hit with ranged, to initiative, and a plethora of useful skills. I dont mind the lack of 1.5 damage... I feel the real problem is that its difficult to get DEX to damage without a useless hand by your side. (Dervish Dance). Sure, you can spend 8k on a single agile weapon. For a defensive, sword and board dex character, 1.5 to damage isn't the problem. its the tax in feats and gold thats the problem. People SHOULD have a mechanical reason to make STR builds: 1.5 times to damage does that. People SHOULD have a mechanical reason to make DEX builds. Currently that reason(s) is only visible after spending either 2 feats or a feat and 8k gold. And that, my friends is a tax, not a reason. let STR builds have the niche of more damage. Let DEX builds have a niche that isnt a feat tax. ITs sad. every time I try to make a DEX chracter, I get 75% of the way through it, ask myself "why?" and then either continue gimped, make it ranged, or change to STR. ![]()
Thefurmonger wrote:
Also very true, which is why I advocate Ranger 2. it allows Power Attack with Dervish Dance (great as an entry into Duelist, which adds delicious Precise Strike) or Power Attack with elven Curve Blade or Aldori Dueling Sword... both of which you can use with 2-hands for MORE damage, if you invest instead in +1 Agile weapon(s). ![]()
Face_P0lluti0n wrote:
Very true, as I said it was a theoretical build that had no items aside from two +1 Agile weapons. it was merely an attempt to make a viable Finesse build. Truly, the WBL wouldn't allow for such a thing until level 6 or 7, you are entirely right. ![]()
Veldebrand wrote:
I agree, i also usually plan characters to level 12, rarely past that. IF the build isn't doing what its designed to do by then, it's not gonna fly in a real game. Like you said, a character that dabbles will get little out of Power Attack. However, Power Attack is considered an essential feat for melee, and for good reason. This logic still applies to a Finesse melee build. Piranha Strike is also valid, considering its the same feat. However, you can't get the x3 damage potential out of it like Power Attack. ![]()
Face_P0lluti0n wrote:
1.) Aldori Swordlord doesnt allow you to ignore pre-reqs like a Ranger does, thus Ranger is more efficient, as far as Finesse goes. You can also 2 hand Power Attack when Sneak attack won't do. IF you do that with Aldori Swordlord, you lose your bonuses. 2.)I don't like TW Feint because you are basing your damage on a skill check, and it makes TWF even more feat intensive than it already is.
3.)Knife Master is a fail in my opinion. +1 average damage every couple of levels seems nice, but it doesnt rectify the the basic flaw of Sneak Attack, i.e. very specific conditions must be met. It also doesnt allow for Power Attack with 2 hands, the main source of damage for melee regardless of conditions. Thus, D8 SA doesn't close the gap in all but the most optimal of circumstances. AS anyone who plays this game knows, its rare when all goes according to plan. Sadly, rogue seems like it should mesh with Finesse, but it doesnt. Sneak Attack is far too situational for a damage build, regardless of Finesse. Finesse is a still a feat tax and generally a trap, regardless of whether you are using Sneak Attack.
Another interesting bit is that rangers make excellent Finesse warriors. The ability to ignore pre-reqs (such as 13 STR) allows the to pick up Power Attack with their Style feats. I had a theory build that went Half Elf Ranger 2/Rogue (Scout)8. he dumped STR and had a +1 Agile Aldori Dueling Sword, and a +1 Agile Spiked Gauntlet. On a charge or move action, he would TH the Aldori Dueling Sword with Power Attack. On a Full Attack, preferably while flanking or while his foes were flat footed, He would TWF with the Aldori Dueling Sword and the Spiked Gauntlet. The Scout Archetype of course allowed Sneak Attack damage on a charge or move action of more than 10 ft. Power Attack allowed for decent damage on moves and charges,s TWF allowed for good damage on full attacks. On paper i felt it covered a lot of the weaknesses of rogue finesse builds. However, I never got to test it in a game. sad. ![]()
actually with a level 2 Ranger taking the TH style, you can get Power Attack regardless of STR, something I have been playing with recently. Nothing in the style says you MUST use the weapon in two hands but for a couple of the feats. Thus, Ranger 6 is actually the best entry for a Dervish Dance Swashbuckler build, as that you can dump STR. The first level is rough, but once you get Power Attack you are at least competent; by level three when you get Dervish Dance you are doing alright. By the time you have invested in Swashbuckler and Precise Strike, you are only a few points of damage behind a STR fighter. This of course can be done via the Agile weapon enhancement, a light weapon, and Piranha Strike. It takes less feats ,but takes longer and more gold. ![]()
I didnt go for 5 levels of gunslinger due to the heavily delayed spellcasting that would entail. I took Eldrith Knight for the feats and better HD and BAB, while continuing spellcasting. The BAB ensures hitting touch AC, but also allows Deadly aim on every shot once I run out of spells. I just felt the character was more martial than straight wizard would allow. Pistolero indeed may be a good idea, since i have firearm proficiency from Spellslinger. I am thinking perhaps that focus and specialization in rays should be given to pistol, or dropped entirely for better feats, since as you say I can use rays, cones, lines, etc. ![]()
E6 is a good way to go about this: there is a definitive "peak" that isnt so far out there (level 20) that you are a god compared to every other soldier on the field. http://www.myth-weavers.com/wiki/index.php/Epic_6 if level 6 is too low, then make a different level cap that suits you. I've used 8 before to good effect. Also in this way, a level 2 whatever is definitely an experienced veteran, an expert in his field, though by no means the best. ![]()
So, got interested in creating a Gunslinger 1/Wizard (Spellslinger) 5/Eldritch Knight X from my reading some threads about ray specialist wizards. Here is a rough build, I would love some feedback. 20 point buy, Human Gunslinger 1/Wizard 5/Eldritch Knight 6 STR 10
1 Point Blank Shot
So heres the thing: 1.)I have no idea what spells to take, or which schools I should pick as opposition, and I haven't really got the time or motivation to flip through every PF spell. All I now is that I want Evocation (obviously), and Necromancy. 2.)I also plan on using a single pistol, both for thematic reasons and because of the low reload time. I am also not sure what items to pick up as I gain more gold. 3.)Also wondering if i should make room for Arcane Strike, and/or Opposition Reesearch. It obviously gimps the wizard quite a bit, but I don't mind. I love the idea of blending magic and technology. Any help is MUCH appreciated, I love the idea of this character, if i get to play it i have a feeling it might become a favorite. ![]()
my favorite Duelist build is... Ranger 6/Duelist x
STR 10
Ranger Style
Duelist Goodies Basically this gets you Power attack for free with no pre-reqs, access to wands, and all the DEX to damage fun that Dervish Dance gives.