The LGBT Gamer Community Thread.

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Liberty's Edge Developer

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Violet Hargrave wrote:
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
Crystal Frasier wrote:

Really sick of this "crazy trans lady is a murderer" trope, when we're so frequently the victims in violent crimes and so rarely the perpetrator.

Looking for good stories that treat trans-people right and perhaps maybe even as protagonists without Mary Sue/Gary Stu Complex.

What would be a good place to start?

Aside from Crystal's list, the two best recommendations that come to mind are:

Sense8- Full disclosure, I haven't watched past the first episode, but I've seen it talked up by enough people, but it's written and directed by trans women, and if I properly recall the trans character in the main cast is played by a trans actress, so my understanding is it's nicely handled.

I want to like Nomi, but her entitled "I hate labels" lecture in her early appearance immediately soured me on the character, and there's never really been anything compelling or interesting about her character since to help pull back from that.



Lately I feel really pathetic about my lack of sexual experience. I'm 24 now. I started my first relationship just about two years ago, was barely physical with him before we broke up. And now I've been thinking about how to get back into dating and...
I just wish I'd been dating and sleeping around in high school, instead of 'struggling to come to terms with my identity' and 'being stuck with virtually no social life because of homeschooling' and all that.

I just could do with one less thing to feel inadequate about.

Don't worry, TA. I've had precisely one intimate relationship and that ended over 13 years ago. Whilst it's probably partly to do with my being Aspergic, I'm sure my parents have long since abandoned the idea of my expanding the family.

25 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, I did it. I finally f+**ing did it. I know I've said I'd do it a lot of times before, and nearly have, but here it is.

I've come out to my mom, and we're making an appointment with a gender specialist to get my transition started.

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Yay! Congratulations.

Sounds like the coming out went well.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Congratulations! ^_^

Silver Crusade

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TerminalArtiste wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

I literally never even kissed another girl until I was 27. Heck, I hadn't held hands with one until then either. It doesn't make you any lesser for it.
The Doomkitten wrote:

Well, I did it. I finally f#$#ing did it. I know I've said I'd do it a lot of times before, and nearly have, but here it is.

I've come out to my mom, and we're making an appointment with a gender specialist to get my transition started.

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you <3

Liberty's Edge Developer

3 people marked this as a favorite.
TerminalArtiste wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

Life is about so much more than romance or sex. Don't worry about the piddly little details and be proud of the awesome things you've done and achieved.

TerminalArtiste wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

lol. Sex isn't everything. I've been with my life partner for 13 years, and we've never, so how pathetic would that make me?


The Doomkitten wrote:

Well, I did it. I finally f+%~ing did it. I know I've said I'd do it a lot of times before, and nearly have, but here it is.

I've come out to my mom, and we're making an appointment with a gender specialist to get my transition started.

Congratulations! :D

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
The Doomkitten wrote:

Well, I did it. I finally f~!$ing did it. I know I've said I'd do it a lot of times before, and nearly have, but here it is.

I've come out to my mom, and we're making an appointment with a gender specialist to get my transition started.

Good deal!

*binged Magic Pixie Nightmare Girl and... am very humble right now...*

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TerminalArtiste wrote:

Nothing to be ashamed of or feel inadequate about, though I know our reassurance only means so much in the face of your self-esteem being a meanie-head. :) Many, many people skip the high school dating-around phase and turn out just fine, and you've quite likely saved yourself a good deal of grief.

And RadiantSophia, that sounds absolutely fantastic...little old grey-ace me wishes I could be so lucky...

Doomkitten wrote:

Hooray!! *throws confetti*

Case you can't tell, I'm glad to hear it. :)

Scarab Sages

The Doomkitten wrote:

Well, I did it. I finally f$++ing did it. I know I've said I'd do it a lot of times before, and nearly have, but here it is.

I've come out to my mom, and we're making an appointment with a gender specialist to get my transition started.

I hope I read it right that the coming out went well. Congrats and all the best for the journey ahead of you!

Liberty's Edge Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
The Doomkitten wrote:

Well, I did it. I finally f#@%ing did it. I know I've said I'd do it a lot of times before, and nearly have, but here it is.

I've come out to my mom, and we're making an appointment with a gender specialist to get my transition started.

High-F!~!in'-Fives, Doomkitten! That's awesome news, and an awesome and loving way for your mother to respond!

Silver Crusade

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F%~~ yeah, Doomkitten! ^w^

*offers happy hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs one*

Liberty's Edge

The Doomkitten wrote:

Well, I did it. I finally f*&@ing did it. I know I've said I'd do it a lot of times before, and nearly have, but here it is.

I've come out to my mom, and we're making an appointment with a gender specialist to get my transition started.


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Hm. After reading some of those webcomics that Crystal suggested, I believe that Halo is my favorite one. All the others are of good-to-great quality, but I believe Goodbye to Halos has cleared my Threshold simply because although it has a complex trans main character and a queer cast, all of that is represented well and is part of the story rather than the main focus of the story, if that makes sense at all.

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RadiantSophia wrote:
TerminalArtiste wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

lol. Sex isn't everything. I've been with my life partner for 13 years, and we've never, so how pathetic would that make me?

None at all. I don't think it's pathetic, and in some cases I think it may be ideal. I've thought about the future if I outlive my spouse. I said I'd probably prefer getting together with someone more for companionship rather than anything sexual.

My spouse said...good luck with that...but to tell the truth...if one leans more asexual is it such a bad thing to be with someone, even married to someone, but really have no sexual relations?

GreyWolfLord wrote:
RadiantSophia wrote:
TerminalArtiste wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

lol. Sex isn't everything. I've been with my life partner for 13 years, and we've never, so how pathetic would that make me?

None at all. I don't think it's pathetic, and in some cases I think it may be ideal. I've thought about the future if I outlive my spouse. I said I'd probably prefer getting together with someone more for companionship rather than anything sexual.

My spouse said...good luck with that...but to tell the truth...if one leans more asexual is it such a bad thing to be with someone, even married to someone, but really have no sexual relations?

I think that sounds like the best thing ever. (It's not what happened.)

GreyWolfLord wrote:
RadiantSophia wrote:
TerminalArtiste wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

lol. Sex isn't everything. I've been with my life partner for 13 years, and we've never, so how pathetic would that make me?

None at all. I don't think it's pathetic, and in some cases I think it may be ideal. I've thought about the future if I outlive my spouse. I said I'd probably prefer getting together with someone more for companionship rather than anything sexual.

My spouse said...good luck with that...but to tell the truth...if one leans more asexual is it such a bad thing to be with someone, even married to someone, but really have no sexual relations?

far from it.

Silver Crusade

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Hope everyone is having a good Thursday so far ^w^

*offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs one*

Liberty's Edge

Lightning for everyone :-)

Scarab Sages

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Rysky wrote:

Hope everyone is having a good Thursday so far ^w^

*offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs one*

Nay, but thank you for asking. *waves*

Silver Crusade

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*offers more hugs*

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Larry Steinbachek who played keyboards in Bronski Beat dies at 56 years of age

For those who, like me, are a bit too young to remember why his group mattered, here's the 1984 video for Smalltown Boy

Silver Crusade

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FRIDAY THE 13TH! Gonna go find all the pretty kitties.

*offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs one*

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Silver Crusade

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Devoted Pet Kitty wrote:


I'm going to recommend the visual novel 'Va11-Hall-A' AKA Valhalla. It's gay as heck without being a dating game and I love it. In fact, the strictly straight characters might be outnumbered in this one. Romance is a topic in the game but it's not a game about romance.

It's about mixing drinks and changing lives.

As someone that is polyamorous, and has done lots of sleeping around and such over the past 20 years... yet is currently in a dry spell due to being nearly 40 and living in a college dorm.. no.. no you wouldn't want that. It makes your dry spell much worse. I do currently have one 19 yo girlfriend.. but I have been keeping it mostly friends due to the awkwardness of the age difference.

You are young.. you have plenty of time.

TerminalArtiste wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

Silver Crusade

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Hehe, my trainer took my measurements today, and I was giddy as can be that my "hips" measurement (that includes mostly your butt) was a lot bigger than my waist measurements.

When I was young I was self conscious about it a lot, and that's what led me to wearing baggy clothing all the time, but nowadays I happily and proudly state that I have a very f#!%able ass ^w^

Silver Crusade

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Hope everyone's weekend has started off good.

*offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs one*

The Exchange

It seemed corny but understandable your daily postings of virtual hugs. Yet here I am, needing one. Thank you.
Back to the grind of one step forward

Silver Crusade

ReckNBall wrote:

It seemed corny but understandable your daily postings of virtual hugs. Yet here I am, needing one. Thank you.

Back to the grind of one step forward

As long as it's popcorn instead of corn off the cob ^w^


Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Hoping everyone has a great day today as wel ^w^

*offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs one*

Silver Crusade

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Happy Martin Luther King Jr day everyone!

*offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs one*

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber


*offers a link for enjoyment/mirth*


Be *sure* to do the mouseover.

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:


*offers a link for enjoyment/mirth*


Be *sure* to do the mouseover.

So wishes it worked that way.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Meh, Tuesday :3

*offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs one*

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Well somehow last night I decided to just...not be bitter about my ex or our breakup anymore.

I've spent WAY too long being bitter about it, in retrospect.

Silver Crusade

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TerminalArtiste wrote:

Well somehow last night I decided to just...not be bitter about my ex or our breakup anymore.

I've spent WAY too long being bitter about it, in retrospect.

it can be hard to let go sometimes. I'm glad you found a way through.

Scarab Sages

All the best for the way ahead!

Freehold DM wrote:
TerminalArtiste wrote:

Well somehow last night I decided to just...not be bitter about my ex or our breakup anymore.

I've spent WAY too long being bitter about it, in retrospect.

it can be hard to let go sometimes. I'm glad you found a way through.

You're telling me...Really wish I could have just done this 18 months ago and saved myself 18 MONTHS of grief

Silver Crusade

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Obama just commuted Chelsea Manning's sentence, she'll be free in a couple of months.

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