RadiantSophia's page
401 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
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I apologize for this, but I need to yell loudly. I have had it up to my gills with the nonsense of the government of the state I live in: Florida.
"Don't say Gay" - Removal of all LGBT discussion in K-12 classrooms.
Book bannings - I can't even count how many
Government saying Pride is "inappropriate" for Florida
and now: acting as if Lawrance v. Texas had been overturned. Apparently Florida's Lewd and lascivious behavior law is still on the books and can be used to prosecute people who hooks up with someone of the same sex.
I feel like I'm living in Nazi Germany. How long before all of my friends are locked up?
A fantasy playlist my Husband made to incentivise me to GM
Currently "The Small Hours" (Yes, the Metallica cover) and
"Witch of Endor" by the Bloody Hammers
along with a rediculous amount of Ritchie Blackmore from Purple, through Rainbow, and with Candice.
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Back to the Paizo forums after seven years, and I
can't believe...
am surprised by the fact that...
am seeing that...
shouldn't be surprised that...
was certain that...
this thread is still going.

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Tridus wrote: RadiantSophia wrote: This is all VERY confusing for someone who switched to second edition (from PF1) about a month ago, and, quite honestly, is damaging my enthusiasm for the game. Yeah, it really is. :( The other classes aren't really in this situation. I'd just pick an interpretation and go with it for now (either you repertoire is 3 spells per rank, or its 4 spells per rank) until the errata comes out.
Either option will work for now. My two copper pieces:
I am going to disagree with Bluemagetim's interpretation due to the unlikliness of the inverse. Under "Spell Repertoire" in the Oracle section it very clearly spells out at 3rd level you get 2 second-rank spells. As Lore and Tempest do not add second-Rank spells, that interpretation would leave Lore and Tempest oracles with only two second-rank spells at third level. There is no way to interpret the text RAW in a way that leaves those mysteries with 3 second-rank spells in their repertoire, so the entire section is called into question as to the intention and what parts are, exactly, errors. The simpilest interpretation is that known spells = spell slots on the table + mystery.
That being said, I am still going to use Bluemagetim's interpretation, as, if in the future (which is likely) it is errata'd players are not going to object to having to add a few spells to their repertoires. They certainly would if I implemnted the other way, and had to subtract know spells due to errata.
This is all VERY confusing for someone who switched to second edition (from PF1) about a month ago, and, quite honestly, is damaging my enthusiasm for the game.
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Blood Ceremony
...because (as Ian taught us) nothing is heavier than a flute solo.
Grobschnitt - Solar Music Live
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A long time since I've been here...
Blackmore's Night - various tracks and Aphrodite's Child - 666 (the latter, sadly, having only recently learned that Vangelis passed in 22)
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Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote: PK the Dragon wrote: Nothing because my Ipod died, right after I bought a new Nick Cave album.
RIP my ipod Sorry to hear it. Here's a youtubeized (with lots of deletes) version of an old Nick Cave album I recently bought. Mutiny in heaven is blocked here. I guess there are no rats in paradise.
The Doomkitten wrote: As much as I preach education and tolerance over violence on these boards, it is incredibly hard to keep a level head when somebody is personally insulting you, your friends, and impersonally insulting Muslims and LGBT people. Yes, yes it is. I've been struggling with this, and I've decided (for me) it is better to be alive and angry all the time, than alive and afraid all the time, or dead.
*Warning: Extreme prog metal ahead*
Opeth - Ghost Reveries -and-
Ayreon 01011001
Disc 1: Y
Disc 2: Earth
Basically, my (metaphorical) security blankets for when the world is big and scary, and I don't quite understand what is happening.
Penne, hot sausage, onions, and green, yellow, and red peppers covered with a cream and tomato sauce. It was fabulous, which is good, 'cause there's enough left over to feed a small army.
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CBDunkerson wrote: 1% of the current presidential term down
Small progress, yes... but it shows that this madness is finite. Keep counting the days until the inevitable rallying cry of the next campaign;
'Donald Trump. You're fired!'
I'm sorry, but I don't think for a second that he's going to leave peacefully. He's already moving to establish authoritarian control, and the only way he's leaving is by being kicked out. Probably violently, but I hope just legally.
Edit: It's possible this is just me being hopeless and paranoid. I did say I didn't much like what this is doing to me.
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Nathan Hartshorn wrote: Persona 5 music There's a Persona 5? When did that happen?
I was actually contemplating checking out. Not solely from despair/lack of hope, but more so from how the despair is changing me.
If the last week is any indicator, I'm really going to hate myself in a few years. Anyway, I'm still here. How is everyone else doing?
I'll take a hug.
On edge and fraying, I'm convinced [REDACTED TO AVOID TRIGGERING] that very, very bad things are coming for those of us in the US.
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Not to get political, but this is a necessary response to events occurring locally.
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Rysky wrote: *offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs one* Definitely need one. One of my dogs died yesterday after a months-long struggle with kidney disease.
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Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote: Kajehase wrote: The Clash - Stay Free Favoriting even though that particular video of "Stay Free" is unavailable in my country on copyright grounds.
Oddly enough, other videos of the same song aren't. Ditto
I just have to say that this is the only place I've ever met anybody else who appreciates Peter Hammill/Van Der Graaf Generator.
TerminalArtiste wrote: Insecurity:
** spoiler omitted **
lol. Sex isn't everything. I've been with my life partner for 13 years, and we've never, so how pathetic would that make me?
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Aranna wrote: RadiantSophia wrote: The meaning of life is to give life meaning. I disagree completely.
The meaning of life is to learn.
Every generation builds knowledge and uses that knowledge to give the next generation a boost. Exchanging ideas on a global electronic forum is just the latest boost, we will learn more. It IS what life strives to do. It IS what gives it meaning. We learn how to be moral and improve cooperation, We learn how to build better and better tools and improve productivity, We learn... ALL the things!
You disagree, and then you give a meaning? The only difference here is that you expect everyone else to agree to YOUR meaning.
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The meaning of life is to give life meaning.
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TriOmegaZero wrote: Belief does not make something true.
I'd like to think all the rules arguments we've seen on the forums proves that.
I believe this is true.
Limeylongears wrote: What are Chill Hits? Basically easy listening and soft R&B.
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Turkish psychedelic band Nemrud - Ritual.
They have a new one out this year, but haven't had a chance to listen to it yet.
Ma partner's mother's Spotify. Specifically the playlist titled "Chill Hits". I need help.
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I might need a kitten-cuddle cannon. I definitely need a rainbow-glitter cannon.
Happy (whatever) everybody!
(We had the giant family, aunts, uncles & everybody holiday gathering at the end of November, so it's just me,the partner, and his mother celebrating whatever and watching Christmas movies.)
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Blackmore's Night Winter Carols
I know a lot of people are like "what the #$%^, Ritchie Blackmore?" but I like his pop-folk stuff better than, say, mid-eighties Rainbow.
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Rysky wrote: feytharn wrote: Thankfully, hugs are a renewable resource [hugs Rysky again] Yus, yus they are.
Now if we could just figure out how to turn them into energy. Powered by Hugs*
I think it was module B4, I know it was BECMI. We were 3rd level, and fighting a giant, slimy, horned demi-god-thing in the bottom of an Octahedron-shaped dungeon. Good times.
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