Gruumash, Why are you so Awesome?

Off-Topic Discussions

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Like, I remember getting 'Dark Side of the 'Mash' in Quadratic WampiSound. Man, what a way-out trip that was.

Viva el Gruumash!

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Thanks Cluny glad to have you aboard the minion wagon I think we have a pin or something laying around for you.

Glad some of you others are being to see my awesomeness as it is. As for the nasty rumor that I am a linear fighter ... well those stories are untrue I can assure you. I am so awesome that classes don't pertain to me. I am awesome after all.

Happy Spring everyone though this morning it snowed here. How is everyone else doing?

Not bad here. Good news is nearly all of the snowbird drivers seem to have returned back up north. Bad news is the ones that are still here seem to be too dumb to find their own ways home.

Ah gotta love Florida and all the snow birds. How are things going there for ya Ambrosia? Life treating you well sans the bad drivers?

Just because everyone should know about this thread.

I concur. Pure awesomeness!

Someone who can keep up a messageboard bit for 6 years must be awesome. It's self evident.

Thanks I think I am pretty awesome and we all need a little awesome in this world from time to time.

Awesome is a state of mind and fortunately I am very awesome I am just hoping some of it might rub off on some others here and make them at the very least have an awesome holiday.

Hope everyone had an awesome holiday and New year. I am looking forward to a truly awesome year in 2019. A year to be as awesome as myself.

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Yeah still really awesome.

Gruumash . wrote:
I am so awesome I don't need hookers and blow to be awesome.

But would they make you a tiger-blooded tornado of awesome? Charlie Sheen knows the answer to that.

EDIT: Wait, nevermind. I already used that joke like 6 years ago. That is NOT awesome of me!

Dark Archive

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It is truly an honor to bathe in your awesomeness

Orc Minion 21 wrote:
It is truly an honor to bathe in your awesomeness

Glad to have you back 21. You are truly an awesome minion ... which is sort of an oxymoron but not really.

Hello all just need to make sure my services are out there for everyone to stare in awe towards.

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Awesome O. Possum been too long old boy how are you? You want a treat? Yes I have an awesome treat for you little guy.

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:::Runs around in a circle begging for a treat:::

Dark Archive

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Holy crap! it's the possum, were getting the band back together. Needless to say...It will be awesome

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Nanu nanu!

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"Good to have you all here." Tosses Awesome Possum his favorite treat dried halfling jerky

"It is of course awesome to have the band back together. Orc Minion21 has filled the car full of gas we have half a pack of smokes we all have sunglasses on and its dark out and we have 106 miles to go to get to Urglin." Turning to Orc Minion 21 "Hit it Orc Minion 21, We are on a mission from me."

Dark Archive

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Our lady of blessed acceleration, don't fail me now

:::Hops on the hood of the Car:::

"Possum get in the car. We don't want you falling off and becoming less awesome."

We need more Awesome in the world ... so post here and learn how to be more awesome.

Shadow Lodge

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I have learned all I need.

And yet ... you are still not as awesome as me. :)

Shadow Lodge

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Being awesome is only one path, of many that can been trod.

Being awesome is the only true path to enlightenment.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Nothing is true.

Spoken by someone not as awesome as me.

Shadow Lodge

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Everything is permitted.

... ? ... Okay... that is creepy cryptic. But okay. Still not as awesome as me though.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Someone ain't a video gamer.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Someone ain't a video gamer.

Nope ... at least not Assassin's Creed. (I had to look that up.)

Gruumash, yer so awesome! I hope I can sneak up to TotalCon this year and game with you

That would indeed be awesome if we can do that. The awesomeness of your presence would be truly Awesome.

Well in the holiday spirit this thread needs to be more prevalent.

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So what's the plan for making it more prevalent? Set it on fire?

If so, there's this goblin alchemist I've worked with in the past...

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Fire is a good. Fire works is better. Fireballs are pretty good too

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Gruumash wrote:
Fire is a good. Fire works is better. Fireballs are pretty good too

What about setting Pugwampis on fire?

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I heard someone needed some fire.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Vanykrye wrote:
I heard someone needed some fire.

We need some Pugwampis set on fire.

I agree pugwampis set on fire might draw more attention to this thread which would be quite awesome.

So things with the COVID-19 are not awesome but having more time to post on this Forum that is awesome. Welcome me back my minions.

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Just because everyone needs things that are awesome.

Whee! He is back!

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I don't it really him?

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