1d4 ⇒ 3 goblin babies ask an important question of Lego Gruumash.
That is extremely awesome and I need to get me a lego of myself and the awesomeness that it truly portrays and inspires.
I guess my awesomeness is intimidating people I will tone it back some so they feel they can post here and ask questions.
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More awesomeness needed in the world.
Cooked for 500 people on Thanksgiving people in the elder housing in my city. We then took the left overs and handed out plates of food to the homeless of the city.
Giving time and food to the less fortunate is awesome.
That is very awesome. Respects to you, Gruumash .
How are things going in the land of the Amish Kirth?
Gruumash . wrote: How are things going in the land of the Amish Kirth? Unknown to me; I've been back in the Lone Star State since May.
It is awesome that, here, "cold" weather means 40oF, not -20.
Oh wow I missed that change sorry.
Where in Texas are you living?
Gruumash . wrote: Where in Texas are you living? Houston, AKA the "Petro-Metro." I took a job here that offered less responsibility for more pay -- the Doodlebug would be proud! (except that I'm atill a slave of the plutocracy)
ha ha you plutocrat you. That is great how is Houston treating you? Family getting settled in? You like it there?
I just bought a snow blower in preparation for the winter ... though more than likely I will not need it this winter ha ha you know because I took the time effort energy and money to buy it.
You think you are going to stick around there for a while? Have you reached out to Derek there?
We'd been in Houston 9 years before moving back east, so it's almost a second home. I like it here a lot better than in Western PA. Family is settled in, Baby Gersen is walking and basically running now, but hasn't quite figured out how to talk. I hope to stay here permanently, unless I need to move for work, or if, say, an opportunity in France or Germany or somewhere awesome opened up.
Talked to Derek; he was mad I wouldn't commute an hour and a half to his game, then he moved out of Houston altogether; he's in some hick town somewhere now, I think. Sadly, he stopped posting on the boards, too.
I did have a couple beers with Andostre this summer, though. He is awesome.
I have face booked with Derek. If you have the opportunity not sure if you are on Facebook or not.
So would an awesome place include Massachusetts? ;) Ha ha
I did speak to him briefly and he said he moved a little further from Houston.
So Houston is all the big in that it can take 1 1/2 hours to get from one side to the other?
Where in Houston are you living (I imagine a suburb outside the city?)
I am happy to hear Baby Gersen coming along in life. My youngest granddaughter is now 4 years old she talks and talks.
I don't think I have met Andostre yet. I think a bunch of people who used to be on the boards have moved along. It seems the boards have been more political as of late. I know I spend very little time in those areas mostly spend my time on forum games and the other more zany threads.
Gruumash . wrote: Where in Houston are you living (I imagine a suburb outside the city I'm on the northwest side, nearer to my work, but I'm still inside city limits. Houston proper is way bigger, area-wise, than almost any other city I can think of. Instead of one loop, we now have three, so the city is laid out like a dartboard.
Still awesome here. Any questions?
I would have to say goblin as many of them work in my package stores in New Hampshire like Doodlebug. Kobolds are more whiney and talk about how they are dragons or something like that.
I find goblins a little more industrious.
Just cause this thread should return and allow all the questions unanswered about my awesomeness.
Dear Gruumash .
Why are you unstuck in time, flickering in the Now briefly, then reappearing again later in The Soon?
What has happened to the Scro?
Would you be glad if they returned in Starfinder?
What happened to the Scotch thread? It was awesome. Having people not posting in it anymore is not awesome.
Do you intend to conquer the messageboards or is that sort of conquest beneath you?
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We should probably chain an anchor to his foot or something the next time he reappears.
Kirth Good question not sure why no one has posted to the scotch thread.
I am too awesome to chain down my friend. The chains would not work on me they would refuse to work.
Gruumash in Chains would be a good name for a half-orc grunge rock band.
Aren't all grunge rock band personnel half-orcs?
I'm the orc
With a pie
Sitting in
My room!
Won't you come
And slay me
Slay me....
Limeylongears wrote: Aren't all grunge rock band personnel half-orcs? Maybe not all the drummer might be half troll or ogre or something maybe even a goblin. (You know on the account of spontaneous combustion and all.)
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Gruumash, you are quite awesome. We need to find some quality time to drink scotch from our enemies' skulls.
Thank you my friend scotch from the skull of an enemy is always a grand thing. How are you doing?
If you have the time you should stop by the new place. message me and I will send the address.
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Gruumash . wrote: I don't think I have met Andostre yet. Now you have. You're welcome.
I know my mention was over 10 months ago, but the awesome was too much for me to approach without fear in my heart. You understand.
Gruumash is so awesome that it only takes 30 seconds of exposure to his aura to stimulate your body to produce all the Vitamin D you need. Just be certain to only glance at him indirectly through sunglasses or through a pinhole in a cardboard box.
Just because everyone needs to be reminded sometimes how awesome I am. It happens that my awesome aura does intimidate people to the point where they forget things. So here is the reminder of my awesomeness.
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TOZ wrote: Where am I? In the Village.
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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Aahhh! It is back.
Kill it with fire.
Successful Troll does not understand why you use such hurtful words.
I missed you as well Mr Scholz.
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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Welcome Back Gruumash..
I have missed my verbal sparring opponent.
Yes silly life has gotten in the way me being able to spend a lot of time here.
Before I forget Mr Scholz here is wishing you and yours a happy holidays.
{bites Tiny Tim's delicious leg, licks salt, and pounds shot of more delicious tequila}
Gruumash isn't awesome, contrary to popular belief. But he's OUR Gruumash. Welcome back!
Oh you say the nicest things Sissyl and its okay we all know how awesome I am no need to be embarrassed about it. My awesomeness gets very intimidating for a lot of people so its completely understandable how you would try and down play it. Thanks for the love though.
Ah Yes happy Holidays to everyone really. You especially Ambrosia Slaad now bring us some figgy pudding and bring it right here.
So guess it is time to bring this thread back up ... you know because it is so awesome.
Guess too many people are intimidated by Gruumash awesomeness to post here.
Well, the first time I posted here I got thumped. :p
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Yeah, there's a (low) ceiling to Gruumash's awesomeness. He's a half-orc, which is like dumping Awesome at character creation. Then he doubled-down on his mistake by being a linear fighter.
If he really wanted to minmax explore new heights in Awesome, he'd reincarnate himself into a gnoll or succubus. Eventually, when he was ready, he might one distant day be ready to reach for The Enlightened Ultimate Awesome that is... Quadratic Pugwampi.