That's NO WAY for a PC to die.

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Scarab Sages

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Rolemaster: I was playing an Archmage. The Chaos Lord had broken the gates of the city. The rest of the party was unconscious or bleeding out.

I had taken a Paladin spell list months earlier. It included the spell Final Strike. Sacrifice your life for one last explosive burst of power.

You Shall Not Pass.

The city was saved. Everyone else survived.

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My best death was ages ago when I played a half-storm giant fighter with the power to call lightning 1/day. Our group had gotten through a black dragon's defenses and we were tired of fighting. The black dragon didn't want to deal with us (or so we thought) and told us we had 1 minute to grab all the treasure we could and run. We all lined up...he turned his head and breathed down the line. After we fought the dragon for a bit we all died except me. I ran out of the cave with the dragon flying up in pursuit. The dragon was about to dive bomb me when I readied my spear for the charge and then called the lightning. Its corpse was impaled on the spear and crushed me to death.

Worst/humorous Death:
I was playing a 2nd ed. tournament where I was nearly dead. We saw a troll and I wanted to go out in a blaze of glory. I dropped a fireball on the troll (and myself). Unfortunately, it was a 'reverse' troll that got buffed by it. After my death he did a TPK because of all the hps he got from my fireball. Needless to say, the party was not happy. Oops.

- Gauss

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Lamest Death ever: My fighter rolls two natural 1s on his climb check and saving throw on his descend down a cliff to a wrecked boat. He plummets 80ish feet to his death on the VERY FIRST encounter and hadn't even fought a monster yet.

Talk about redshirt death.

Shadow Lodge

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ive had 2 characters die in long term campaigns, both were gm assassinations. mind you we were playing 3.5 not pathfinder.

level 7
fighter/barbarian ac 33/110 hp

fighting against 4 mooks after getting into an arguement before the game.

dm: "they all rolled crits"
me: "they were using short swords, even with full dps feats they couldnt break 100 hp"
dm: "they all rolled max damage"
me" F&#% you"
gm: *grin*

the best part is when i saw his face after the game. lets just say he was walking home that night.

i was a different person back then.

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Balin wrote:

The Funniest Death and Killer DM award went together on in my case.

I was DM'ing Crimson Throne part 1 (edge of Anarchy) where the party was going after Lamm. They went around the fish house along the deck and the fighter failed his acrobatics check (rolled a 1) and fell in the water. The shark ate him before he could get out.

I decided that since we just started the campaign, I would take a short break, and let him tweak/change his character and continue where we left off. Well he played a fighter, and failed his acrobatics test again. The shark ate him again.

This happened a third time.

On his fourth incarnation, he made it across (finally rolled over a 3) and got to Lamm and his Croc. In the battle, he slipped for the 4th time, and fell in the water. The shark was waiting with an open mouth.

I don't know why, but this has made me laugh for the past five minutes. Something about a lowly shark with a player's name printed on its hide that just kills the same player's characters over and over is incredibly hilarious.

As long as he didn' get frustrated... but oh wait.. he just lost three characters to the same frickin shark! Again, still laughing.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I was dm'ing a game when the party found an obelisk with a slot in it and a sign that said 'insert sword for power'. Player inserted his sword and it got a +1 enhancement to it. Further down the corridor, they found another obelisk with another slot in it, and another sign that said 'insert sword for power'. Another player put his sword in and the blade got snapped off at the hilt.

The party continued down the corridor and found another obelisk, this one with a large opening and a sign that said 'insert head for wisdom'. A player had his character put his head in and got +1 to his wisdom stat. A bit further down the corridor, another obelisk was found with a large hole opening and another sign saying 'insert head for wisdom.' Failing to heed the warning of the first pair of obelisks, another player immediately stuck his head into the opening and it got chopped off at the neck.

The player had the gall to tell me it was unfair because there was no warning. Everyone else at the table had a good laugh though.

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Sitting in camp overnight was my elf wizard. He had slept his four and was just chilling with the middle watch killing time until he could prepare his spells. DM rolls a random encounter for our hilly terrain. His eyes widen a little, but he rolls for encounter distance and then flips back to the MM. He asks for anyone awake to make a DC X perception check. Watchman 1, "I fail." Watchmen 2, "I fail." Me, "No luck." DM hesitates for a second and then says, "I guess it charges in the surprise round." He rolls randomly to determine its target. The dice falls towards me. My wizard has no active buffs and is caught by surprise, my AC was tissue paper. I shrug, "Roll it," I say, "I should be fine if I win inish. I still have dim door." DM rolls a natural 20, and I was pretty sure there was no way short of a one anything wouldn't confirm. DM rolls a few dice and looks at me with the how-much-hp-do-you-have face.

An adult red dragon swoops out of the night sky and chomps off my elf's upper torso. He raises his head back and swallows with a large gulp. I say, "No wonder my parents didn't want me to be an adventurer."

Dark Archive

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Brillaint, everyone. Keep them coming.

Most ignoble/anticlimactic death:
From the most recent campaign, Rise of the Runelords: Vlad the Barbarian/Oracle of Gorum was seduced by Xanesha and was actually at the clocktower when the rest of the party arrived to make their climb. Xanesha orders Vlad into battle. Everyone shudders in fear: Vlad had a +1 flaming greatsword and had a reputation for cutting people and beasts in half. He was a tank. Tough, ruthless and sorely missed now that he had changed camps. Now, this club-footed lord of battle came for them.

When the party neared the middle of the clocktower, Vlad charged down the stairs to meet them in battle. He made one attack on the paladin in front, doing appreciable damage. Then Vlad rolled a two on his save versus the dwarf cleric's hold person. The paladin stepped forward and decapitated Vlad, shoving his body over the edge to fall to the bottom of the clocktower.

They continued on their way. It was kind of sad, actually.

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In my last major campaign that finished, the final boss was a conversion I did for Shuma Gorath. In his third and final form, no longer a tentacle monsters and not a whole lot different from Sepheroth, he was basically just a high level Magus. The sword he was using was called The Sword of Chaos and was used in the creation of the world. Well, the monk disarmed it and the next round, picked it up off the ground.

The monk failed his DC 25 will saved, rolled a 1 on a d6 to target himself, and started stabbing himself in the neck and chest with it while laughing. Rather than risk having another enemy to battle, the party's Dwarven Fighter just brained him with his magic hammer.

The end.

Friendly fire from the party lightning mage. Three years on he's starting to realize that yes, it probably was a dick move to kill four of our PCs with friendly fire, and yes, the tactical advantage of hitting ONE more target in close quarters is kind of negated when you smoke half your party. (Also evasion doesnt count for s!@+ when your lightning spells demand two fort saves against deafening and knockdown with an obscene number of metamagic feats)

Being the only surviving PC the DM struggled to make the campaign about anyone but Nikola Tesla, and before meeting his just desserts he was placed into the GMs hands and we haven't seen him since (though we're constantly threatened with hm.) He finally had a PC instagibbed a few months back by a bullete, and his reaction was priceless. (until I was coup-de-graced in my sleep in the same session)

Has anyone seen that MM2 Redcap? 20-odd strength, powerful build and a scythe? This was my GM's idea of a mook. I dont think we had a single encounter that they didn't crit someone either, but thankfully they only once made the confirmation roll... He was also vehemently set against resurrection because he wanted to put the fear of death into us.

Between the two of them I dont think I had a PC last for more than three sessions for the space of a year. I tell you, they're all lucky they can roleplay. :P

Liberty's Edge

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I was playing in the first ROTRL scenario, during the Goblin attacks. We're all first level at this point, and the Elvish Barbarian raises her earthbreaker maul, raging, power attacking, takes a swing, and critical fumbles.

So we bring out the Fumble Deck. This is always a bad idea.

The card says that she threatened to crit- herself.

Rolled? Confirmed.

She was at -43 hitpoints.

We laughed at her for like... 6 minutes straight.

Adamantine Dragon wrote:

The campaign was to go into a deep, dark cavern and find and destroy an orc shaman who was terrorizing a local village.

Early in the day we entered a storage room full of foodstuffs and were caught in a trap between crossbow wielding goblins behind barrels in the room, and crossbow firing goblins behind tables outside the door.
There were two other similar episodes where Gil single-handedly performed awesome heroic acts. But then we got to the big final boss fight against the orc shaman.

Aside from the fact that the goblins you mention were kobolds in the adventure I'm thinking of, I think you just described the free adventure "The Burning Plague." (It's a free 3e adventure that can STILL be downloaded from The cave is a mine and the town's water supply is being tainted by something foul that has taken over the mine.

It was the second adventure I DM'd for my 3.5e group. The orc shaman (level 5 orc cleric BBEG) criticaled on my brother's level 1 wizard and killed him in one hit. Dropped him right past dying and into dead. (He had CON damage affecting his hp from the previous room with the zombies.)

My brother forever after that insisted I was "trying to kill the party." That is, until he had the opportunity to play the same adventure again with some guys at his college and they all died in the store room (their first encounter) with the kobold crossbowmen because the DM wouldn't let them retreat. After my brother had his second experience with that adventure he stopped complaining about my DMing so much.

Truth told, his level 1 wizard's death to the orc shaman was the only PC death in that campaign. I had party members drop to negative hp on occasion, but no more deaths. The closest was when the druid slipped and fell off a cliff into a ravine full of deep dark water. The fall would have killed him but he wildshaped into a shark as he fell. (I allowed it given the height of the drop, hoping he'd wildshape into a bird.) The shark form didn't make his landing any more graceful (he took a lot of damage hitting the water), but the wildshape did give him just enough hp that the fall didn't kill him. The ranger, being a madman, jumped off the cliff after him to save him. The ranger had enough current hp that the fall wasn't too much of a threat to him, so he was able to retrieve the dying druid and bring him back up the cliff. The druid's player wasn't really into the campaign though, and dropped out, so we wrote the character out of the story as "recuperating from his fall" after that.

Dark Archive

My latest was in the Coliseum Morpheuon I was level 17.

Male noble Drow Rogue/Invisible Blade/Master Thrower/Swashbuckler

Was destroying an enemy object underwater and attacked by no less then 4 Dread Wraiths. I managed my objective and killed 3 of them but provoked an AO, and failed my save against the con drain... sigh another PC for the Dead pool.

Happened yesterday playing my Fighter/Ninja Hishi.

Walked into a stable a stranger in a skull mask asked our cleric (who was enlarged ATM) to help him fix his wagon as he attempted to fix the Stranger snapped his fingers and the party was flanked by 2 ghouls rouges. Surprise round the ghouls tear the enlarged cleric a new one dropping him down to -10 one save away from death. After that was over the necromancer try's to take the ghouls over and sadly fails he yells out get the guy controlling them. Next up is me so I spend a Ki point tuen invisible use my quick draw to pull a potion of cure critical wounds and pour it down the clerics pie hole. Then having a move left I run past the ghouls and up to what I believe to be a caster (boy was I wrong) hoping to distract him and soak some damage. Up next the masked stranger who happens to me a Rouge/Assasin the GM says "wow that's intresting" and rolls to attack it hits and I think let me get ready to do some subtracting. The GM says make a fort save me thinking nothing of it rolls I roll crap 5 (like all my saves) I tell him my save he says you failed, I reply grinning don't I always(failed every save before due to low die rolls). He replys not anymore your dead. New to Pathfinder high lvl table I was confused he sat down and game step by step what happens and seems to me I was certainly dead. I won't be running up into combat like that anymore.

Dark Archive

Munkir wrote:

Happened yesterday playing my Fighter/Ninja Hishi.

Walked into a stable a stranger in a skull mask asked our cleric (who was enlarged ATM) to help him fix his wagon as he attempted to fix the Stranger snapped his fingers and the party was flanked by 2 ghouls rouges. Surprise round the ghouls tear the enlarged cleric a new one dropping him down to -10 one save away from death. After that was over the necromancer try's to take the ghouls over and sadly fails he yells out get the guy controlling them. Next up is me so I spend a Ki point tuen invisible use my quick draw to pull a potion of cure critical wounds and pour it down the clerics pie hole. Then having a move left I run past the ghouls and up to what I believe to be a caster (boy was I wrong) hoping to distract him and soak some damage. Up next the masked stranger who happens to me a Rouge/Assasin the GM says "wow that's intresting" and rolls to attack it hits and I think let me get ready to do some subtracting. The GM says make a fort save me thinking nothing of it rolls I roll crap 5 (like all my saves) I tell him my save he says you failed, I reply grinning don't I always(failed every save before due to low die rolls). He replys not anymore your dead. New to Pathfinder high lvl table I was confused he sat down and game step by step what happens and seems to me I was certainly dead. I won't be running up into combat like that anymore.

I'm pretty sure he has to study you for three rounds before making a death attack; that is unless he was a level 9. He would still have to sneak attack you however.

Munkir wrote:

Happened yesterday playing my Fighter/Ninja Hishi.

Walked into a stable a stranger in a skull mask asked our cleric (who was enlarged ATM) to help him fix his wagon as he attempted to fix the Stranger snapped his fingers and the party was flanked by 2 ghouls rouges. Surprise round the ghouls tear the enlarged cleric a new one dropping him down to -10 one save away from death. After that was over the necromancer try's to take the ghouls over and sadly fails he yells out get the guy controlling them. Next up is me so I spend a Ki point tuen invisible use my quick draw to pull a potion of cure critical wounds and pour it down the clerics pie hole. Then having a move left I run past the ghouls and up to what I believe to be a caster (boy was I wrong) hoping to distract him and soak some damage. Up next the masked stranger who happens to me a Rouge/Assasin the GM says "wow that's intresting" and rolls to attack it hits and I think let me get ready to do some subtracting. The GM says make a fort save me thinking nothing of it rolls I roll crap 5 (like all my saves) I tell him my save he says you failed, I reply grinning don't I always(failed every save before due to low die rolls). He replys not anymore your dead. New to Pathfinder high lvl table I was confused he sat down and game step by step what happens and seems to me I was certainly dead. I won't be running up into combat like that anymore.

So... what did happen, exactly? A death attack shouldn't have worked if you already knew he was an enemy.

EDIT: Ninja'd, dagnabbit! Assassin ninja'd even!

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I can't remember any great deaths of my own characters off hand, but one of the best I have seen was in my 2nd Ed days. A buddy was playing a gnomish wild mage (Borto the Magnificent, the greatest mage in the land. He wanted to be a Thaean, drew lightning bolts on clothes and walked around with steeple fingers saying ‘I am the greatest’in a funny accent). During a fight he rolled a double wild surge. DM rolls effect twice, enlarged body part twice; it turned out to be his head, twice. This increased the size of his head x4. He lost his balance due to the increased weight, fell over, and was stabbed to death by a lowly goblin or orc he was trying to prove how great he was too. His big head killed him, literally. It may fall under “you had to be there,” but it is talked about to this day in the group.


Dark Archive

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There was a dungeon in Dungeon (3.5 days) where the para-elemental plane of Ooze had broken through into a city's sewer systems.

The gateway was two-way.

I was GM, and I tried to give plenty of clues as the party tried swimming through the stuff - "the sewerage is getting thicker and thicker, it feels like muddy water, maybe treacle, thick treacle ..."

6 out of 8 party members decided to go for it anyway.

Players (after realising they're not breaking through the stuff): "Can we get back?"

Me: "I suppose there's a chance you might just stumble across the gateway again if you try "swimming" in what you reckon might be the way you came ....."

We rolled some dice. They didn't come back.


It was a death attack he was over 9th I believe he was 11th or so and according to my GM he just has to hit. But can only use the death attack once per day like that otherwise he has to study for 3 rounds.

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Rakshaka wrote:
Balin wrote:

The Funniest Death and Killer DM award went together on in my case.

I was DM'ing Crimson Throne part 1 (edge of Anarchy) where the party was going after Lamm. They went around the fish house along the deck and the fighter failed his acrobatics check (rolled a 1) and fell in the water. The shark ate him before he could get out.

I decided that since we just started the campaign, I would take a short break, and let him tweak/change his character and continue where we left off. Well he played a fighter, and failed his acrobatics test again. The shark ate him again.

This happened a third time.

On his fourth incarnation, he made it across (finally rolled over a 3) and got to Lamm and his Croc. In the battle, he slipped for the 4th time, and fell in the water. The shark was waiting with an open mouth.

I don't know why, but this has made me laugh for the past five minutes. Something about a lowly shark with a player's name printed on its hide that just kills the same player's characters over and over is incredibly hilarious.

As long as he didn' get frustrated... but oh wait.. he just lost three characters to the same frickin shark! Again, still laughing.

I would immediately have named this particular shark, Arthur Dent.

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We were playing a homebrew 3.5 campaign (that allowed 3.5 spells) that was based heavily on Final Fantasy. We had modified HP and weapon damage was multiplied by 50 on average.

We had gotten rather cocky and the DM wanted to take us down a peg and remind us that their are beings capable of killing us outright in a single round. Death was not a big issue since Phoenix Downs were plentiful. So, to remind us we are still weak as hell, the DM decided he would have us fight the BBEG early to get us back on course and our heads on the ground. The BBEG was Chaos (The evil god of this world) and he played him at full strength. Most of the party fell in a round or two as the DM expected, the exception was myself, the cleric, and the psion. I was the typical optimized 3.5 cleric with one additional ability that I earned in game, which was to be able to jump in front of any attack and block the attack, if it hit my AC, I took 200% damage. Every round I did this and did not make an offensive action, i gained +2 to my AC and saves. Using spells like delay death (with diehard feat), heal, and undying aura I did what a battle cleric did and became unkillable.

Well to save the boring details, myself and the psion survived the first two stages of Chaos before getting to his final feral stage. using the same tactics we were whittling away his HP until the Chaos (and the DM) got rather pissed and claimed that Chaos used his power as a god to banish me to another plane of existence. I responded with Plane Shift, greater and dropped back into the battlefield. Chaos responded with banishing me and claiming in this plane Cosmos did not exist, and therefor, did not have my spells anymore. The psion panicked and used I think Timeless Body of whatever the psionic ability that allows you to freeze in time and not be affected by the world for X rounds. Chaos used this time to summon me back and try to kill we while I had no spells active. I had lost contact with my deity so as a result all my active buffs were gone from myself and ally. So he summoned me back and tried to kill me, the DM forgot in his rage that Delay Death was an immediate reaction and banished me for good. Once the psions immunity dropped he was killed rather quick. The Dm told me I had to make a new character and once it was completed, I could continue playing. (I was OK with this, as a result I am no longer allowed to play clerics with that DM)

Now this is where the story gets funny. I decided I would just watch the rest of the session and make my new character during the week. The DM told the rest of the PCs that they would wake up next to Cosmos (the good god in this world). The player for the psion proceeded to laugh hysterically which caused everyone but myself to become very confused. It was then the player reminded the DM that a few session earlier the psion had given my character his astral seed and would have joined me in whatever new world I was placed in. It was beautiful, the DM freaked and ended the session because 2 of the 5 players needed to make new characters. Our characters lived on for eternity because with his psionic abilities he used reality revision to allow me to use my spells and he turned me into an Elan like himself. Their is currently a plan for a follow up one shot where myself and the psion take over our new world where we make everyone an elan, welcome them to the metaconcert, and then proceed to microcosm them to increase our psi points.

((Not really a player death, as mush as the players no longer existed in the world, same thing yes?))

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In a 3,5 D&D Forgotten Realms campaign we had reached the last boss of the campaign: Aspect of tiamat.
Battle was glorius, Barbarian was dishing out dmg, cleric desperatly trying to keep us alive, rogue being useless and me as a pompus glorified Paladin of Tyr.

The end of the fight i look at the DM and asks: "Does the aspect look wounded?" "it looks near death"

My paladin rants that in the name of Tyr and all that is holy the overgrown kobold shall be smited and sent back to whatever pit it crawled out off.

I Smite with power attack and all the epic stuff i could muster. I roll a 1 and then manage to roll a 99 on a critical fumble chart. "Hit yourself for double damage". I died and next action the rogue does 1d4 dmg and kills it...

We infiltrated a thieves guild and had done pretty well until the ambush happened. I asked another player to move my mini into the new room and he did. I was jotting something down and didn't see where he set me. I was, as it turned out, in the middle of four rogues disguised as training dummies. I was the middle of an X shape the five of us made. Four sneak attacks on me in the surprise round and four more when they won initiative and I was past -10. Thanks alot Jason.

Another time a party member stole my holy symbol, and later that day when we were attacked by nasty unread my paladin couldn't turn them. He teleported away while I was level drained to death. Thanks Eli.

I once tried disintegrating an enemy who had spell turning on once. Failed the fort save. Thanks self.

I had a cleric in 2e who died in dragon mountain. He fell in a pit trap but l caught the edge of the pit. In the process I dropped my gem of brightness. The DM tells me i can see it slowly sinking in water so I let go to try and retrieve it (not the smartest move on my part but I had just started playing D&D). The DM neglected to tell me that the "water" was 300 feet down. So i fall and hit the acid and pop back up due to a ring of waterwalking. The DM tells me to make a save for all my gear and I made every save except for the ring. So i fall back in and die. I was more than a little upset and complained that i wouldn't have let go if i had known the drop was 300 feet. He points out a window at a street light and says "thats a thirty foot radius of light and you can see that" and i responded " yes your absolutely correct i can see that from here but i can also see that its 300 frickin feet away".

Are you sure thats not 300 feet away became a running joke on the DM for the rest of that campaign lol

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I had a cloak fighter in 2E who was fighting a nuckalavee with the "help" of a wildmage. Now i have the thing almost dead the wild mage jumps in and uses this wild magic staff on it and roll randomly for the result. Needless to say he gets the worst possible result and fully heals it. So i continue to fight it and drop it again to a few hp the wildmage tries the staff again and fully heals it again. So I have just long enough before i die to scream stop helping me. lol

My favorite character death of all time was my wolven barbarian from mystara who was fighting a wizard. The wizard throws up a prismatic wall and begins taunting me. After a few minutes of this I got so pissed off i said screw it i jump through the wall. I made all the saves vs. the damage effects but fail the others so i ended up an insane statue in another dimension.


Jack of Clubs. After Ace of Clubs. NUF SAID.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
maouse wrote:
Jack of Clubs. After Ace of Clubs. NUF SAID.

It is called The Deck of Chances...

I don't know, I still say Matt touching the "Ring of Mighty Curses" repeatedly because "It's got to have some good effect, right??!?" until he drew the "May the [redacted] visit your bed tonight." is the worst possible way for a PC to go, even if it didn't directly lead to his death, it did kill the campaign, such as it was.

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I regret to say this is not my story... but too good not to share. Even if critical fumbles are a terrible idea.


Honknar, and his fellow adventurers whose names have been lost in the mists of memory, ventured out from the Keep on the Borderlands to explore the Caves of Chaos. They were attacked by stirges in the forrest. The only survivor was Honknar. He buried his comrades and went back to the keep with their stuff. He sold what he could, but kept several weapons, and went to the inn and recruited more adventurers.

With a new party, he set out once more for the Caves of Chaos. And once more they were attacked, this time by kobolds. With a fearsome shout, Honknar reached for his two handed sword and unsheathed it with a mighty metalic shinnng and it slipped from his grip and went tumbling into the forrest and landed in the underbrush. But mighty Honknar didn't blink. He shouted to the kobolds, "See that? I didn't need that to kick your ass!" Whereupon he reached across his back and drew his deadly long sword, which he immediately lost his grip on, sending it flying into the advancing kobolds ranks, but no where near close enough to hit one of them. "See that one?" he cried, "Hell, you can have that one!"

All this time, Honknar's companions are fighting and dying at the hands of the kobolds, but thinning the enemy's ranks as well, so that by the time Honknar got out his sturdy mace there was only him and one battered kobold left standing on the field of battle. Honknar rasied his mace to smash down on the kobold, but lost his grip on it and it landed somewhere behind him, and he shouted, "I sure as hell don't need this to kick your ass!" Whereupon, Honknar headbutted the kobold, and it died.

Mighty Honknar buried his companions, collected their equipment and returned to the keep. He sold whatever he could, but kept most of the weapons, knowing full well how important it was to be well stocked. At the inn, he called out for a new party. Some of the adventurers hanging around suggested that it was too dangerous. After all, his party had been wiped out twice. But Honknar showed them how much money he'd made in so short a time, and a handful of lusty souls greedily signed up.

And so he was off again to the Caves of Chaos, where his party was attacked by stirges once more. He held firmly to his weapon, as he missed, missed and missed again, one stirge after another. But the stirges could not seem to miss him at all, and each stirge that stung him did as little damage as it could possibly do. By the time he had routed them from his back, his face, his neck and his other regions, he found himself once more the sole surviving member of his party, and was barely surviving himself.

When Honknar returned to the keep, the pool of potential party members at the inn had begun to be quite suspicious. To allay their suspicions, Honknar pulled off his chainmail shirt and showed them the horrible stirge scars. And so another brave band agreed to join him.

Into the woods they went, and upon hearing the buzzing of the stirges Mighty Honknar shouted, "Hit the ground, men, and cover your necks!" as he drew his broad sword, which he lost his grip on and it spun off into the trees. As the stirges closed in, he unstrapped his powerful two-handed axe from his back, reared it back and slipped from his hands, beheading the priest behind him. The stirges overwhelmed him and though their stingers scarcely managed to do any damage, their numbers overwhelmed him until finally, Mighty Honknar went down gurgling his own blood.

That is why at temples of Tempest, or on tapestries across the realm you may see the image of a powerful, powerful man beset with stirges. And the tapestry bears the sad refrain recanted every night at taverns and campfires, and wherever adventures gather, "Fors Honknarus Descendit" -- reminding us that if Mighty Honknar can die, so can we.

Sovereign Court

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My best death was my first death which was in the mutants and masterminds system. My teleporter grabbed a bomb that was due to go off in 20 seconds and started teleporting straight into the air to get as much height as possible before teleporting the bomb away (worked out at about 3 and a half miles over the city) before falling back down teleporting gaining more velocity as he fell (since the teleport kept your momentum).
One of the other heroes who had water based powers tried to cushion my fall but rolled a nat 1 to cushion my fall and I went splat. The dm actually offered to take the roll back and let me live but I felt it was a good death. He died saving the middle of Tokyo and left the party stranded in Japan with no way home and no one who spoke the language.

My worst death was due to deck of many things and the dice gods hating me. My ring of invis became intelligent, LE and wanted to kill any spellcaster who wielded it. So it used its telepathy to turn the party rogue against my wizard. Now our party tactics were generally to go in invisible and scout first. Well by sheer dice roll bad luck the ring got purge invis once a day.
So when we scout out some bad guys the ring activates and reveals the party whispering to the rogue that I had betrayed them. The rogue proceeded to shoot me, a confusion spell made the party cleric and fighter attack me and a suggestion spell made the warlock shoot me. My wizard was on 1hp and not a single bad guy had attacked him. So he threw up his hands backed away and left the party only to walk straight into an trap that had not been activated and being fried for 10d6 damage. One dead wizard.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Most Entertaining Death: An Alchemist with a raft of bombs strapped to him... who then slipped on some ice and dropped down into the midst of the orcs we were running away from. All those reagents went up at once. It was... pretty funny, really. He has a volcano named after him in that group's current campaign.

Most Memorable Death.

The party is fighting a red dragon. After a lot of hit-and-run tactics, all of us, including the dragon, are basically without any offensive spells or arrows.
Melee is all that remains, as we had fire-resistance thanks to a Wizard NPC who we'd had helped a few days before.
We are at a cliff's edge, when the dragon dives furiously, probably intenting on grabbing one of us and dropping from the sky. I win initiative, so I ready my action. When the dragon's comes close I leap on it and roll my most beloved d20. Natural 20. Roll again. Another natural 20. WTF... Roll again. A 3rd natural 20! I slay the dragon, but then I remember, I leapt from a cliff in order to kll it. Acrobatics check... 4. Okay, the DM decides to give me a 2nd chance. Reflex save. Natural 1.

In the end, my brave ranger ran and leapt from the cliff, decapitating the dragon in mid-air. Then he fell to his glorious death. Maybe I coulve have survived the 20d6 damage, had it not rolled more 5s and 6s than all other numbers combined.

Really, the gods of chaos and luck were feeling pretty playful that day. The ranger decided he didn't want to be returned to life, as he'd have a hard time finding a better way to go. Besides, the plane of existence of his goddess was a nice place to be.

Funniest Death:

Party finds lich. Party fights lich. Lich kills all party members but one. Lich dies (finally!). Bard walk back to city, carrying the corpses of his friend on horseback. Bard dies to the one trap we didn't disarm.
It was a bear trap (1d6 damage). The DM put it there when creating the dungeon as a joke. It was enough to take all 4 of my remaining HP. -.-'

Luckely, the horse (that was the paladin's mount) was smart enough to go back to the temple. The clerics ressurected my friends and then followed the horse's traces back to me, so the bard came back to life too.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Climax of Trial of the Beast (Carrion Crown), so spoiler ahoy.


The party was dealing with the Aberrant Promethean, a massive super-golem composed of half a dozen different monsters; tentacles, huge claws, spider legs, truly a Frankenstein for a fantasy setting. It's CR11, party is six lvl 6 PCs: Witch, Wizard, Sorcerer, Barbarian, Magus, Samurai.
The party has to reach the top of the Tower to activate the Thrall which would summon their ally to the tower, beefing him up and basically ready to balance the fight. It's 2d4 rounds before he arrives, I rolled 6.

Barbarian/Magus/Samurai stay at the base of the tower to buy time so the squishies can get up higher. It's a classic Frankenstein tower, so this means climing ~30ft of metal support ladders in the midst of a lightning storm.
Squishes get up quick enough. Witch flies up and activates the Thrall, summoning the ally.
Promethean knows what's going to happen when the Ally arrives, so it starts making its way up the tower, beating the crap out of the melee fighters along the way. By the time it's halfway up, the Samurai's already been decapitated and thrown off the side. The Magus is wrapped in the tentacles of the Promethean, about to go unconscious.
The pitiful Wizard and Sorcerer look on with pure terror- their spells mean nothing against the golem while their friends fight and die.
Note: the tower is on the side of a cliff over a raging waterfall. Just the base of the tower is around 300ft in the air.

The Sorcerer eventually stands up, says "SCREW THIS." Whips out his claws (he's a Dragon Disciple), and dive-bombs the promethean's tentacles. Nat 20's, slices the Magus free. Unfortunately, the Promethean went next, catches the Sorcerer, snaps him in half with one flex of its giant claw, and throws his body off the side into the raging waters 300 feet below.

The magus went on to single-handily buy a few rounds for the party, making the Sorcerer's sacrifice well worth it. He dies as well, just as the Promethean rises to the top face-to-face with the Wizard and Witch (who is channeling the Ally, and therefore frozen in place). Spends a round or two beating the crap out of the two remaining casters, then the Ally arrives JUST in time. His weapon is knocked from his hand, so he picks up the Barbarian and uses her and her Greatsword to obliterate the Promethean.
All in all, 1/2 the party (3 PCs) down, with 2 unconscious (witch/wizard) and 1 nearly down (Barbarian in the single-digits after rage.)

We used to rent a cabin at a nearby ranch for all gaming weekends. One of the players fell victim to the Death Urge psionic power and in front of every other player ran her shortsword through her chest. She won the "Most Superlative Death" award that weekend.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Heh, speaking of liches, I once TPK'd a group in 2e with a Lich walking out of the shadows mumbling at them as it approached. They waited until they could see it, threatened to kill it, and it essentially asked "How are you going to do that, when you're all dead?" then teleported away.

The group started discussing how they intended to do it and the delayed blast fireballs all went off during the discussion....

My 13th level rogue, may he rest in peace, was listening at a set of icy cold double doors when they burst open and a long thick white snake-like neck slid out the door and grabbed my rogue in its maw, pulling me back into the room and slamming the door shut behind me.

After the rest of the party fumbled with the locked door (the debate itself if a monster can open a door, attack, close a door, and lock it all in one turn has continued for nearly 30 years now) they entered the room just in time to see an ancient white dragon spitting my rogue out over a bottomless chasm using his frosty breath weapon.

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Time for you to run a game where they find a frozen rogue at the bottom of a chasm.

Defrost him and he LIVES!! Best NPC ever.

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good call vuvu. I just might do that.

Oh another funny story was one time we encountered a rainbow colored wall that we needed to pass. It was second edition and I forget the name of the spell but basically every color of the rainbow had a completely different nasty effect. Each layer would disappear once its effect was used up. It went down like this:

Roll d8:
1 = the red layer of the wall ... take 10d6 damage
2 = the orange layer of the wall ... permanent blindness
3 = the yellow layer of the wall ... get hit by chain lightening
4 = teleported to the 9th plain of hell
5 = save or die

and so on.

At that point we were down to 3 party members and we didn't have a dispel magic or anything else left to combat the layers of the wall and none of us felt like making death save after death save for every layer. However, we did find a box of newborn kittens a few rooms earlier. After 30 minutes of debate we finally decided that the kittens would serve a greater good if we pitched them one at a time into the rainbow wall dispelling each of the layers one at a time. I'm sure peta would have a problem with this tactic but it sure worked great! We took out every single one of those layers with no death and no one died.

And one for the dumb@$$ files ...

I didn't actually die in this one either but the guy was no longer 'available.' Yet another rogue of mine ... I do seem to lose a lot of them ... We were tasked with the chore of breaking an innocent man from prison. When we get there we decided that the rogue (me) would sneak in and get some info before the party planned it's assault.

I sneak in the side door, find the cell block, and just as I am about to pick the lock I hear guards coming. I snuck over to the door to take a peak and sure enough there were 4 guards headed our way. Too many for me to take out solo.

So I came up with a freaking brilliant plan! I pretended to be a prisoner and locked myself in an available cell! What genious?! The rest of the party couldnt get me out ... I spent the rest of my days rotting in a cell for a crime I didn't commit ... or did? That one is confusing

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

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My best death was when my Phalanx Soldier died twice in a single round. He was fighting a Red Mantis Assassin who was able to deal a killing blow. Our oracle of battle was able to raise him with Breath of Life right after that, and our bard used a spell that gave my character a free attack as an immediate action right after that. I rolled a natural 1, confirmed the critical miss and drew from the Critical Fumble deck. I drew the card that forced me to critically hit myself and I ended up killing myself.

From that point on we keep joking about where the pointy end goes while motioning as if we are stabbing ourselves in the face.

Playing 1st or 2nd Ed (can't remember which) as a 12 year old I rolled a fighter with 18(00) strength (no fudging or anything!).

First fight a giant spider bit me, I failed save versus poison and died. I didn't even get to have a single attack! It was literally the first attack roll for anyone in the campaign.

Similar story; We'd just started our first 3.0 game, everyone starting at 3rd level. First encounter, a pack of ghouls. Rallying behind the cleric because he could turn the undead, he failed his check and the ghouls consumed him alive while others in the pack fought the rest of the party. They couldn't reach him to aid him, either. It was a sad and shocking way to start a game!

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Halfling sorcerer vs. awakened octopus with fighter levels and 8 scimitars. It hurt.

Lamest death: Decapitated through use of Critical Hit deck on an AoO.

Best death: Bard on the verge of death readying a Necklace of Fireballs to when the huge white dragon came in to bite and finish him, making the rest of the fireballs chain react in the mouth of the dragon, blowing its head off.

Heroic almost Death

Playing a game last night, where I managed to be the only one to see through a major image. I had to roll a 19 on the die to do it. I had spotted water falling through the image with a good perception check. No one else could make the save. Finally I shouted look its fake and charged right through it to fight the monster behind it. It still took a couple rounds before they realized it was actually fake and I had not been swallowed. By then I got knocked out and was 1 pt from perm death. before the others got there stabilized me and killed it.


Vuvu wrote:

Heroic almost Death

Playing a game last night, where I managed to be the only one to see through a major image. I had to roll a 19 on the die to do it. I had spotted water falling through the image with a good perception check. No one else could make the save. Finally I shouted look its fake and charged right through it to fight the monster behind it. It still took a couple rounds before they realized it was actually fake and I had not been swallowed. By then I got knocked out and was 1 pt from perm death. before the others got there stabilized me and killed it.

Nice! What was the monster?

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So. I am old. Let me throw that out there as this post harkens back to the days of yore when Top Secret was brand new and full of new car smell goodness.

The three of us (1 DM/whatever they called it and two PCs) had finally found a free weekend where we could all get together and test drive this new game. (Average age 17)

The DM had been able to run an encounter or two beforehand without us and he was the DM in our semi regular D&D game so that made him an expert in our eyes. We were total noobs.

We spent the better part of two hours crafting our characters and outfitting ourselves as IRA "freedom fighters" on an op in London. Remember that this was "back in the day" when judging from the news at the time, you could see it happening.

Well, not like this.

We start actually playing and my friend (who was driving our car) drives to the nearest pub "full of loyal Britons" and sets about five pounds of C-4 off on a timer in the mens bathroom.
Oddly enough while this is happening, quite a few patrons of said establishment start to wonder why we are parading through their bar dressed like soldiers and carrying "extremely illegal equipment" around.

They try to stop us. The bartender calls the cops. My friend starts shooting. As we get out, the C-4 goes off just as "all the cops in London" seem to be headed to our location. "No worries" Says my friend. "I have a plan"

We abandon the car and run to the tube/subway/whatever and get into a subway car filled with "terrorized" cityfolk. My friends plan at this point is brought to the fore as he calmly pulls a grenade off of his web belt, pulls the pin, holds it up in the air and screams "I HAVE A GRENADE!!"

The panicked townsfolk scatter slamming into both of us in a mad rush for the doors. I fall prone, and my friend sadly looses his grip on the white phosphorus grenade he's holding.

I told the DM I was going to try to run, but he said "don't bother" as he explained to us in great painstaking detail for several minutes about the rules on cooking off additional ammo and grenades. (This would be after we were all long dead from the original grenade of course)

I didn't get to fire one shot, drive one car, or punch one patron of the bar. It was the best twenty three minutes of roleplaying in my entire life.

To this day I call up my best friend once a year and yell "I HAVE A GRENADE!!" into the phone. I am most likely on an FBI watchlist somewhere.

Trinite wrote:
Vuvu wrote:

Heroic almost Death

Playing a game last night, where I managed to be the only one to see through a major image. I had to roll a 19 on the die to do it. I had spotted water falling through the image with a good perception check. No one else could make the save. Finally I shouted look its fake and charged right through it to fight the monster behind it. It still took a couple rounds before they realized it was actually fake and I had not been swallowed. By then I got knocked out and was 1 pt from perm death. before the others got there stabilized me and killed it.

Nice! What was the monster?

It was an Aboleth, but it was hiding around the corner, behind an image of itself. It was actually a great module we ran, my favorite moment was charging down to fight a chull that was eating another party member, getting it to follow me then charging back down the hall to flank and sneak attack another chull that had paralyzed another party member, (mobility kept me safe)


Vuvu wrote:
Trinite wrote:
Vuvu wrote:

Heroic almost Death

Playing a game last night, where I managed to be the only one to see through a major image. I had to roll a 19 on the die to do it. I had spotted water falling through the image with a good perception check. No one else could make the save. Finally I shouted look its fake and charged right through it to fight the monster behind it. It still took a couple rounds before they realized it was actually fake and I had not been swallowed. By then I got knocked out and was 1 pt from perm death. before the others got there stabilized me and killed it.

Nice! What was the monster?
It was an Aboleth, but it was hiding around the corner, behind an image of itself. It was actually a great module we ran, my favorite moment was charging down to fight a chull that was eating another party member, getting it to follow me then charging back down the hall to flank and sneak attack another chull that had paralyzed another party member, (mobility kept me safe)

Man, I'm so working some Aboleths into my upcoming Skull & Shackes campaign!

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
The dumbest death I ever had was when I played a Tiefling Paladin of Shelyn in the Worldwound. Iomedan burners demanded the party turn her over to be executed for her evil blood, and the party did so in exchange for payment, and I was burned at the stake with no chance of escape or survival.

Wow... that's really damned s~@%ty...

I'd have totally gone with that Assassin idea and started systematically killing off the other party members.

Dark Archive

Harrison wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
The dumbest death I ever had was when I played a Tiefling Paladin of Shelyn in the Worldwound. Iomedan burners demanded the party turn her over to be executed for her evil blood, and the party did so in exchange for payment, and I was burned at the stake with no chance of escape or survival.

Wow... that's really damned s$@!ty...

I'd have totally gone with that Assassin idea and started systematically killing off the other party members.

Wow talk about being sold down the river... and I thought my group was ruthless...

Great stories... glad to see I am not the only one with terrible luck.

My most recent...

Playing a game based in Taldor and were level 8. I have a 3.5/PF Sorc going into the PRC Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil. We have a member of the group who is a monk/grappler and he has been tearing up the DM's NPC's CMD's the entire game, so much so that the DM had to make special Bosses or unique NPC just to handle him.

We enter a throne room to take out a BBEG because of a plot we just uncovered and a battle erupts in a room filled with tons of NPC's. The grappler usually goes fro the BBEG but for some reason he jumps on a minion and this BBEG was made to handle him. Well the rest of the groups gets creamed trying to fight a Boss meant for a min/max grappler.

I use Vampiric touch on minions to up my hit points and move to help our leader engaged with the BBEG, meanwhile the monk continued to grapple minions. We take BBEG down with only 3 of us left standing but a fairly butch undead remained and he charged. Needless to say I died after we had defeated the BBEG. Nice huh?

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