Skaorn |

Please, this is not about what you dislike about Pathfinder but what you might like to see. There is no right or wrong answer here.
I for one would like to see a Racial Progression for characters so you can choose different options based on race at 2nd, 6th, 10th, etc. You could also convert this to do things like Heroic Paths from Midnight or even mock up something similar to Dragon Marks in Eberron.

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I'd like to see stunting options like in Iron Heroes
+1 Love for alternate rules, ala UA
More stuff for Words of Power
HP variants, particularly the Toughness save from Mutants & Masterminds
Spell points
Magic item-less option
Revised cohort rules that fall more in line with animal companions
Random treasure generator

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+1 Pathfinder Unearthed Arcana!!!
Just ignore the grognards. This game has been making a mockery of physics since 1974. If you strip out some of the visual elements of Bo9S and changed the serial numbers no one would know difference. There is an unofficial errata that clears up most of the issues surrounding the Bo9S. Most of the derision poured on it came from the "KEEP TEH ANNAMAE OUT OF MAH PHANTACY!!!1!" crowd. Never mind that DnD was doing anime long before anime became popular. I thought the book was a wonderful start and would make a solid basis for a series of "fencing schools" or "swordmanship styles." But I digress...
On topic...
A martial arts book that expands on the new styles in UC. It should include a system to build your own balanced martial arts style like the 3E Oriental Adventures had but go much further. Martial arts as a hand to hand combat system using a variety of weapons including magic and not limited to just Asian-inspired styles.
A Deities and Demigods type book that covers how to build your own mythology for Pathfinder. This is a necessary addition to the core rules for people who want to build their own pantheon. I don't want stat blocks for gods. Of course, it must have the gods from the classical pantheons included.
A "Manual of the Planes" type book that covers building your own multiverse. I want something setting neutral that not only expands on Paizo's take on the Great Beyond but offers alternates and ways to build your own.
A mid to high level book. 10th to 20 level. This has been discussed to death so I leave it at that.
A "mythic" level book that goes from 20th to ???. I want to kill archdevils, become a demigod and stake a claim to my own little piece of the multiverse. Or maybe I'll just retire to Perth, Western Australia and relax for a spell.
A Psionics book. I want to see Paizo's take on this even if it is completely different than anything that has been done before. The no power points/powerpoints only issue isn't going to be solved to anyone's satisfaction so I say do something completely different that stays true to the concept of psionics. I'll buy it even if I don't use it.
I think those books would round out the generic setting neutral core line and complete the foundations for the Pathfinder game.

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Celestial totems or some other support for Holy Barbarian-type characters.
Good-aligned Qinggong powers.
Options that support gearless monks and keep them viable in a Pathfinder AP with a standard 15-point buy party without requiring them to be min-maxed.
Possibly tied in with the above, options for monks to enhance their unarmed strike(as in the entire body for use with unarmed strike) at an appropriate cost/trade-off and have it be something the monk does himself rather than need a caster to do it.
Celestial-flavored martial arts, to answer the devil-based ones already available.
More thematic range for celestials, allowing them to be as varied and as exotic/weird as other alignment exemplar outsiders. The only thing they have to be is good, and there is a lot that can be done with that.
More optional flavor support for players and GMs that want their goblins, orcs, harpies, whatever to be something other than Always Evil.
Good gods or Empyreal Lords of darkness, serpents, and other such things that just get lumped with evil would be great as well, as would some creative evil deities and archfiends of things like Glory, Community, Liberation, and so on.
Vudra material with at least a little bit of Psionics Unleashed use.

Saint Caleth |
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A Pathfinder answer to the Factotum. That is the only design space for base classes that I don't think has been explored yet in PF.
I would also like to see something resembling parity between [evil] spells and [good] spells. I think that there are lots of spells that are labeled [evil] for no justifiable reason. (blood transcription, blood crow strike and any undead creating/manipulating spell.)
The fact that working with undead is incontrovertibly evil is just a rules vestige of the kludgy way that 3.5 made it so that paladins could smite undead.

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I would like to see the core classes break away from themselves a little bit. Both in an Unearthed Arcana way and also ways that are not so Golarion-inspired. Options for pantheon patrons, or philosophies rather than a patron deity, options that allow more crossover for classes, especially for parties that do not have 4-6 players.
I'd like to see some options that allow players to keep items from level 1 up, and especially more ways that allow classes to use <mundane> items earlier, like Exotic Weapons, even if it is a specific one like the original Heirloom Weapon Trait.
I would love to see some NON-Monk Fighting Styles, particularly ones for German-style sword play, various Faith-based styles <for Clerics and Paladins, not just any character that lists a deity on the sheet>, and also more Prestige Classes, specifically more Prestige Classes tied to groups opened to, or rather beneficial to most base classes, like Cleric and Wizard versions of a Hell or Eagle Knight.
I'd like to see much less oriental material, but some expansions on types of settings, from Viking to Crusades to Horror to swamps, etc. . .
Particularly including mechanics and flavor like the "Heroes of" series in 3.5, but also some rules for intrigue, romance, and possibly even a playstyle for something like playing decendants of a character "through the ages".
I'd like some ideas for breaking away from some of the often debated/disliked things, such as Alignment, Undead=Evil, Paladins must be LG, and similar things.
I'd like to see rules for High and low magic play, options like E6 (but hoepfully more like E10ish), Epic play, and options that allow parties to build their own worlds, castles, cities, or whatever.

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A "Manual of the Planes" type book that covers building your own multiverse. I want something setting neutral that not only expands on Paizo's take on the Great Beyond but offers alternates and ways to build your own.
A mid to high level book. 10th to 20 level. This has been discussed to death so I leave it at that.
A "mythic" level book that goes from 20th to ???. I want to kill archdevils, become a demigod and stake a claim to my own little piece of the multiverse. Or maybe I'll just retire to Perth, Western Australia and relax for a spell.
A Psionics book. I want to see Paizo's take on this even if it is completely different than anything that has been done before. The no power points/powerpoints only issue isn't going to be solved to anyone's...
you have a bunch of good ideas there. actually jumped on this thread to give my vote for "manual of the planes" and "planar handbook" type stuff. i think the old versions of those had some clumsiness that the pathfinder system could clean up. some cleaned up consistency on planar movement rules with a few useful prestige classes, especially for higher level (12+) campaign arcs. it wouldn't necessarily have to have the planes themselves laid out in story details but versions of planar crossroads like sigil would be fun.

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An efficient (but not all-powerful, thank you very much) melee class based on DEX, so that we can avoid the hodgepodge any low-STR, DEX-based combattant has to be these days to be even moderately efficient.
Also +1 for non-casters getting non-mystical, non reality-bending abilities that can still make a difference at high level. I believe that one of Rolemaster's old options books was centered on this kind of things.

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@CrackedOzy isn't there a a random treasure generator in the game masters guide?
The random generator in the GMG is if you want a random magic item of minor, medium or major level. It is not a generator that allows you to roll up how much treasure (gold, items, magic, etc) after defeating a encounter of "X" level.

Foghammer |

jackspeed wrote:@CrackedOzy isn't there a a random treasure generator in the game masters guide?The random generator in the GMG is if you want a random magic item of minor, medium or major level. It is not a generator that allows you to roll up how much treasure (gold, items, magic, etc) after defeating a encounter of "X" level.
Have you tried Kyle Olsen's Combat Manager application?

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I'd like to see a Pathfinder version of Unearthed Arcana. Alternative rules galore!
Yes! Fractional BAB, Fractional Saves, Magic Rating, Class Defense Bonus and Armor as DR, themed summoning lists, Cloistered Clerics and Specialist Necromancers who start with a skeleton 'pet,' there was a *ton* of neat stuff in Unearthed Arcana!
Of course, when I first read it, I was thinking of Monte's Arcana Unearthed converted to Pathfinder, with his awesome magic system (able to cast spells in higher or lower levels slots, with heightened or diminished effects), and fun classes like the Warmain and the Witch. :)

Kalyth |
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Spell Point/Mana System for magic. And not just Spell Points spent to Prepare spells. Perhaps a system where prepared spells get a Mana discount or unprepared spells (for prepared casters) taking longer to cast.
Ritual Magic: Either more spells with longer casting times that are Ritualistic. Just like the flavor of magical or religious rituals. Perhaps a ritual magic system that allows application of metamagic feats with out increasing the spell level but just taking longer to cast.
Cooperative Casting: A group of casters working together to create more powerful effects.
Martial Feats/Maneuvers that have greater effects at higher levels. Not really reality bending effects but effects more on par with the high level spells. And not X/day effects. Perhaps balance these effects/stunts by leaving the Warrior Flatfooted or fatigue or Reduced AC while performing the maneuver.
Less combat maneuvers that require a feat to attempt. More Maneuvers that anyone can attempt but feats make you better at them.
Metaphysics behind magic and the different spell list and types (Arcane/Divine).
Optional power for Sorcerer Bloodlines that can be "pick and choose" as the oracle gets with revelations.
Better Multi-Classing System and less Hybrid Classes.
Pick and choose class abilities rather than.
Higher level racial abilites either as feats or automatic as you advance in character level. A 1000 year old elven Queen should have some innate abilities/characteristics that younger elves lack.

Skaorn |

Two things I'd like to see revised, at least are the Magic Item creation system and Weapons. I think a different system would be good for MIs because the cut and paste system from the DMG is prone to abuse. A system that allows players to create magic items but not get things like the unlimited use activated gloves of Vampiric Touch.
I would also like to see a system for making weapons balanced so that players aren't pressured into taking mechanically superior weapons.

Blue Star |

I'd like to see the options to build Malifaux characters. Some of their powers are very interesting. I'd also like an option that made characters take on special kinds of movement as they leveled up. Characters become superhuman after awhile, why can't they move faster without magic? Gaining powers outside of magic would also be nice.