Cheapy |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Grummik, this is a PC. OP said 880k, so it's a PC :)
Step 1) Pump Cha and Con. Make sure Dex and Wisdom are above 9. Ensure that we have at least 2 skill points a level.
Step 2) Skill Focus (Diplomacy).
Step 3) Take Voice of the Sybil
Step 3) Take Diplomatic, or whatever the +2 Diplo / Intimidate feat is.
Step 3) Take Skill Focus (Intimidate)
Step 4) Take Antagonize.
Step 5+) Take Fleet as many times as possible. Take Run as well.
Run around taunting people like you are the pied piper. Then run away, forcing them to follow you.
Spend all your money on defensive items and items that give +speed. Also, fly.

Valkir |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Grummik, this is a PC. OP said 880k, so it's a PC :)
Step 1) Pump Cha and Con. Make sure Dex and Wisdom are above 9. Ensure that we have at least 2 skill points a level.
Step 2) Skill Focus (Diplomacy).
Step 3) Take Voice of the Sybil
Step 3) Take Diplomatic, or whatever the +2 Diplo / Intimidate feat is.
Step 3) Take Skill Focus (Intimidate)
Step 4) Take Antagonize.
Step 5+) Take Fleet as many times as possible. Take Run as well.
Run around taunting people like you are the pied piper. Then run away, forcing them to follow you.
Spend all your money on defensive items and items that give +speed. Also, fly.
Step 8) Name him "Peeves".
Step 10) Profit.
SweeperAZ |

Hmm... That could work for a occupation campaign along the lines of WWII Paris or Warsaw. The Characters are normal folk trying to fight the Nazi/Japanese stand-ins. Toe-to-Toe combat would usually be a one way ticket to death (or worse). Stealth, guile, bluff, diplomacy and others would be the skills of choice. The Thieves Guild, who's real world equivalents, Mafia, Tongs, Yakuza, etc... have historically fought against occupying forces (for better or worse), can help or hinder the party. Magic would be tightly controlled, if not outright banned.
Sorry. It looks like I got off-topic a bit. :)

AerynTahlro |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

How's this one? You didn't exactly state what you meant by "strong"... whether its combat prowess, out of combat ability, survival, etc...
I figured a commoner with some defensive feats and trip capability using a 2h reach weapon as his primary weapon would be a good place to start.
Human Commoner 20
25-point-buy: Str 16, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 7, Cha 7
Boosts: Human +2 Str, L4 +1 Wis, L8/12 +1+1 Dex, L16/20 +1+1 Str, Belt +6 Str/Con, Belt +2 Dex
Final Stats: Str 26 (+8), Dex 20 (+5), Con 22 (+6), Int 13 (+1), Wis 8 (-1), Cha 7 (-2)
HP: 236 (Base 6, D6 Average 20*3.5, Con 20*6, Toughness 20, Favored 20)
Fort: +19 (+6 Base, +5 Cloak, +2 Feat, +6 Con)
Ref: +18 (+6 Base, +5 Cloak, +2 Feat, +5 Dex)
Will: +12 (+6 Base, +5 Cloak, +2 Feat, -1 Wis)
Reg AC: 38 (+10 Base, +11 AC, +1 Dodge, +1 Insight, +5 Dex, +5 Deflection, +5 Natural)
Flat AC: 32 (Reg - Dodge - Dex)
Touch AC: 22 (+10 Base, +1 Dodge, +1 Insight, +5 Dex, +5 Deflection)
BAB: +10/+5
Mithral Agile Breastplate
> +5 Enhancement, Fortification (Heavy), Determination, Righteous, Slick (Greater)
Masterwork Guisarme
> +5 Enhancement, Speed, Keen, Bane (Human)
Belt of Physical Might/Perfection
> +6 Str/Con, +2 Dex
Cloak of Resistance +5
Ring of Protection +5 & Evasion
Ring of Regeneration + Invisibility
Moon circlet (Darkvision 60')
Gloves of Dueling (+4 CMD v Disarm/Sunder/drop, don't drop when panicked/stunned)
Boots of Teleportation (Teleport 3/day)
Amulet of Natural Armor +5
Clear Spindle Ioun (Sustains creature without food or water)
Dark Blue Rhomboid (Alertness (as the feat))
Dusty Rose Prism (+1 insight to ac)
Iridescent Spindle (Sustains creature without air)
Turquoise Sphere (+5 competence bonus on Ride checks and Fleet,as the feat, for your mount)
Standard Attack: Guisarme +23 (+2 if human) 2d4+12 (+2d6 if human)
Full Attack: Guisarme +23/+23/+18 (+2 if human) 2d4+12 (+2d6 if human)
Trip (replace any above attacks): CMB+22 (+2 if human)
Teleport 3/day from Ring
Invisibility as std action from Ring
Doesn't need to breathe, eat, or drink
Has Evasion and Darkvision 60'

Son of the Veterinarian |

Given an absence of background details I'd lean towards the PC as a member of a local militia of free farmers, something like a Scytheman. In which case making his weapon proficiency a Scythe or Fauchard would be a better fit.
I don't like all the expensive equipment for this guy, as the farmer I'm envisioning I could see him having a few pieces of solid gear. A few weapons, a good set of light armor, possibly even a horse of questionable use in battle. Anything else he needed he'd have to borrow from the local temple of Erastil. Any money a commoner gets is going to go into his farm or business, not weapons and armor.

Son of the Veterinarian |

In terms of pure numbers, using HeroLab to create a 20th level human commoner, putting all points from a 20 pt buy and attribute increases into strength, and buying a +6 Belt of Giants Strength, I get a max possible 31 str.
Hero Lab won't let you raise strength higher than that, though you could also buy a Manuel of Gainful Exercise +5 and probably raise it even further with wishes.

AerynTahlro |

Neither did I mean the ability score, Strength. I'm talking about the most campaign capable Commoner in terms of both survivability and helping out the rest of the party in whatever way he/she can.
So you're really just looking for a Commoner who has high Int for skill points, defensive feats, and feats to boost skills. Combat viability isn't truly factoring in.

Castilliano |

He may be a PC, but he's not a character.
He's a guy carrying a bunch of things the party needs.
Essentially, you're asking what ITEMS can make a lame character work, as the items overshadow anything the 'PC w/no class abilities & BAB 10' can do.
The permutations there are too endless...
Bereft of items, then you're asking what feats don't rely overmuch on stats to function well.
That said...
Go Eldritch Heritage, so he can at least get some good blasts off before going down. (20d6, untyped w/ some bloodlines).
Take Quicken Spell-Like Power so his 1-3 rounds are worth it.
Str 10 Dex 13 Con 24 (race & +6 item) Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 26 (+5 for level/+6 item)
(Or +5 inherent Con & Cha, shuffle a bit for even numbers)
Toughness. Eldritch Heritage chain (4). Half-Elf (for Skill Focus, req for EH). Quicken Spell-Like Ability (as many as useful). Iron Will, Improved Iron Will. Great Fortitude. Improved Great Fortitude.
Or just give him a Helm of Brilliance and intentionally blow his own save.
Or a Staff of Power/the Magi and Retributive Strike.
"He couldn't do much, but he did take out that Orc horde with that pretty item of his."
Hmm...I just got an idea for some Kobold commoners...

Squawk Featherbeak |

Squawk Featherbeak wrote:Neither did I mean the ability score, Strength. I'm talking about the most campaign capable Commoner in terms of both survivability and helping out the rest of the party in whatever way he/she can.So you're really just looking for a Commoner who has high Int for skill points, defensive feats, and feats to boost skills. Combat viability isn't truly factoring in.
"in whatever way he/she can."

AerynTahlro |
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"in whatever way he/she can."
This means "likely not at all".
New commoner, focusing on Int for skill points and defensive capabilities. Not very combat viable (might want to just activate that Ring of Invisibility at the start of every combat).
Human Commoner 20
25-point-buy: Str 8, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 11, Cha 12
Boosts: Human +2 Int, L4 +1 Dex, L8 +1 Con, L12 +1 Wis, L16/20 +1+1 Int, Belt +6 Str/Con, Belt +4 Dex, Headband +6 Int/Wis/Cha
Final Stats: Str 14 (+2), Dex 20 (+5), Con 22 (+6), Int 26 (+8), Wis 18 (+4), Cha 18 (+4)
Iron Will
Improved Iron Will
Lightning Reflexes
Great Fortitude
Skill Focus*
Defensive Combat Training
The entries with a * after them can easily be changed. I suggested Skill Focus to make the character a focused skill monkey. Persuasive will help with being a 'party face'. Acrobatic will help with allowing this character to Acrobatics away/out of threatened areas. Improved Initiative might be a good idea to have. You could also replace a couple feats with something to make the character more combat viable, such as weapon proficiency, vital strike, etc.
I know I didn't list traits... choosing a couple traits to add specific skills as class skills would be a good idea. Reactionary is also a good trait to have to try to go first to get out of harm's way.
HP: 216 (Base 6, D6 Average 20*3.5, Con 20*6, Toughness 20)
Fort: +19 (+6 Base, +5 Cloak, +2 Feat, +6 Con)
Ref: +18 (+6 Base, +5 Cloak, +2 Feat, +5 Dex)
Will: +17 (+6 Base, +5 Cloak, +2 Feat, +4 Wis)
Skills: 460 pts ({2+Int-6}*20, Favored 20)
Reg AC: 45 (+10 Base, +11 AC, +7 Shield, +1 Dodge, +1 Insight, +5 Dex, +5 Deflection, +5 Natural)
Flat AC: 39 (Reg - Dodge - Dex)
Touch AC: 22 (+10 Base, +1 Dodge, +1 Insight, +5 Dex, +5 Deflection)
Mithral Agile Breastplate
> +5 Enhancement, Fortification (Heavy), Determination, Righteous, Slick (Greater), Shadow (Greater)
Mithral Heavy Shield
> +5 Enhancement, Reflecting
Belt of Physical Might/Perfection
> +6 Str/Con, +4 Dex
Headband of Mental Superiority +6 (pick 3 skills for the int part)
Cloak of Resistance +5
Ring of Protection +5 & Evasion
Ring of Regeneration + Invisibility
Moon circlet (Darkvision 60')
Boots of Teleportation (Teleport 3/day)
Amulet of Natural Armor +5
Clear Spindle Ioun (Sustains creature without food or water)
Dark Blue Rhomboid (Alertness (as the feat))
Dusty Rose Prism (+1 insight to ac)
Iridescent Spindle (Sustains creature without air)
Turquoise Sphere (+5 competence bonus on Ride checks and Fleet,as the feat, for your mount)
Skill monkey!
Teleport 3/day from Ring
Invisibility as std action from Ring
Doesn't need to breathe, eat, or drink
Has Evasion and Darkvision 60'
Can spell reflect a spell 1/day