![]() Don't be afraid to "be inspired" by someone else's work. Use it as a foundation for your campaign. The use can be as light or as heavy as you like. Use it to get the juices flowing. Don't be afraid to get player input. Player backgrounds can be a gold mine for adventures. Sometimes even an off-hand comment in or out of game could provide a twist or even a great campaign arc. Sometimes, you just have to fake it and make it up on the fly. I once ran a 3.5 campaign for about a year with little to no prep (not having much time), and fun was had by all. ![]()
![]() How're they taking to to it? My dad introduced me and my little sister to AD&D when we were 11 and 9, respectively. Fun was had all around. Years later, my dad told me that he had a secondary ulterior motive for teaching us the game. Apparently, we needed a bit more focus in our lives. It did help, my grades did get a little better. :) ![]()
![]() I've been rereading the prior posts to bring myself back up to speed. Wow, we've been busy. I have to admit, even though Fantasy is not my favorite genre, I was having fun running this game. Shame RL got the better of me. If this game can be resurrected, so much the better. RaFon and Volty haven't responded yet. @psychicmachiney and DSP(If you're watching): I do want to pick the game back up hopefully with most of the original crew intact. If you both are OK with it, your characters (or replacements thereof) have guaranteed slots as do RaFon and Volty. I'll reactivate the recruitment thread to find two more players. If RaFon and Volty don't came back for one reason or another, the available slots will go up to four. ![]()
![]() Let's see, where were we... As soon as you finish up your respective breaking of yon fast and head open the door to the inn, Deputy Drum falls inward. It appears that the randomness of life conspired to have you open the door just as he pushed on it to open it. "Ah, there you are." he says, picking himself up from the floor.I was sent to collect you. The Sheriff is ready to talk to your group about the hunt." ![]()
![]() So PF has a version of Thank Prime. Nice. Those that did order breakfast get it before long. The patron that is woofing down his breakfast finishes, tosses some coins on the table and leaves. The waitress looks at Darius, "Feeling well enough to stomach some food? Some bread and fruit would do you well." ![]()
![]() Sorry, school has to take priority. :) Dawn seems to come too soon. The smell of smoke still permeates the air as the sun rises over Old Light. Most of the debris has been cleared away the night before, but the feeling of shock and loss isn't so easily clean up. The Rusty Dragon's common room is relatively empty save for a tired-looking waitress and a patron gobbling down his breakfast with gusto. So, what do all do? ![]()
![]() @Weylyn: Misha says,"I don't know what the paper says just yet. It's in code and incomplete. If I can get the other half, I may be able to translate it." She reaches into a bag at her feet and pulls out a map case. She pulls out a map from the case and unrolls it onto the table. [b]"Now for my end of the bargain; here is a map of the Sandpoint Hinterlands."The map shows the town in the upper-left. Southwest from the town shows farmland and marks in a rough circle."These markings show where the livestock killings have occurred. Here,"She points at an X in the center,"is a cave where I'd bet good money that the killer is residing." Misha rolls up the map and hands it to you."I want this map back when you're done, so stay alive."She says with a lop-sided grin. ![]()
![]() @Weylyn:Misha open the pouch and removes the vial and paper. She she uncorks the bottle and sniffs the contents."You may want to dispose of this,"she says, re-corking the bottle and putting it back in the pouch"That vial contains some nasty poison mixed with venom. Imbibe that and illness will be the least of your concerns. Misha looks intently at the piece of paper. She pulls out a small book and copies the contents with remarkable accuracy into it. She then puts the paper back in the pouch as well and hands it back to you. ![]()
![]() @Berenwyr""Merely tales and speculation.",the male gnome says, "Old Light, as we call the ruined light house, is thought to be centuries old. It is belevieved to have been old when the Empire fell. Sandpoint was founded here simply because of the natual harbor which Old Light rests upon. There has been great debate on whether the town should rebuild the light house or not. The foundation is still solid by all accounts, but the estimated cost to the town is a bit much." The wife adds,"As for the rest the ruins, they're around, but we don't know off-hand about them. We have books about them, but they've been boxed up for out upcoming move to the south. That Atlas I sold you this morning may have a few clues to be gleaned from it. If you happen to drop by our new shop in Magnamar ( if that was the city's name, I'm on another PC), we might be able to get you some better information.' It has just occoured to me that you've yet to ask their names. :) ![]()
![]() We begin again. Hopefully Lost Gamer returns to us healthy and hearty. @Weyln: Misha smirks, "Altruism is indeed lost to the world. What a shame." Misha pauses to take sip of her drink. "For payment, I propose a trade; I know you and your acquaintances have been hired by the Sheriff to investigate and hopefully stop whatever is from slaughtering livestock. I also know where the source of the slaughter is. I tell you and the rest where it is located and, assuming you survive, you show me what was in his purse." "I don't know just what exactly it is, but the areas the slaughtered livestock have been found form a kind of diameter with a particular cave in the center. I haven't told the authorities of this as I've just recently figured it out and the events of today put sharing of info on hold." She takes another sip. "So, do we have a deal?" ![]()
![]() @Oded:"Holiday, actually",Foxglove says, pausing to take a drink,"Came up north to do a bit of hunting. Boar meat, while not a rarity, is particularly tasty when hunted around here." He looks you up and down as if sizing you up,"Would you and you companions be interested in coming with me? I'm set to go off hunting about a week from now." ![]()
![]() @Berenwyr:"Not as such.", the female gnome says,"Our booth was one of the first to be attacked. I've heard goblins around here are afraid of the written word, something about it stealing their souls or some such, though I didn't believe it. A shame too, probably could've gotten a few more coins out of it." The male of the pair looks at her with a wry grin,"You are too in love with coinage, love. If you had your way, you'd sell everything else we owned, buy a giant tub, pour all the money gained from the sale and swim around in it." He looks back at you and winks,"Some days I'd swear she has a bit of Dragon blood in her." This, of course, earns him a smack on the back of his head by his wife. ![]()
![]() OK. If all goes as scheduled, I should have my internet up and running a day after I move into my new apartment on the 2nd. So when the game goes on hiatus starting on the 24th of December, I'll be able restart it on the 3rd or 4th of January. Hopefully, Lost Gamer will be back and posting by then. Don't want to farm out his seat just yet as I'm pretty sure he's just been too busy during work and the holidays to post, (definitely know how that is). The time left before hiatus will pretty much be an extended scene at the bar. So eat, drink, merry-be and have fun with the character development. ![]()
![]() The Rusty Dragon The Common Room is somewhat subdued compared to the prior evening. Some of the patrons have the appearance of shock, others relief, and worry on yet others. One of them looks up when you enter and smiles,"It's them, the group that saved my life and took out many of the marauders!" You recognize him as the human that was hiding behind the rain barrel. "My name is Aldren Foxglove and I didn't have the chance to properly thank-you!", he exclaims as he moves towards your group.[/i]"Allow me to start by buying you each a drink of the finest Mistress Ameiko has on hand!' He grabs Oded's hand and shakes it vigorously,And you, my Axe-weilding friend, allow me to pay for lodgings and meals for the night. As I had said, it is the least I can do for one who's masterfull use of such a lethal weapon has saved my skin from becoming a goblin's tapestry." More of the patrons look up and whispers of "That's them" and "How far did the gobiln's head go?" and "Saved my boy, the Elf did." and "Tackled him? While the goblin had a horse-chopper? He must be very brave or a blessed fool..." begin to circulate around to common room. @Weylyn: You happen to see the woman who 'helped' you this morning near the hearth. The two minstrels from last night and this morning start up a lively tune as the mood in the common lightens considerably. ![]()
![]() As you approach the town hall door, you are stopped, yet again, by Deputy Drum. "Sorry, gents, the hall is closed for tonight. The Sheriff and Mayor are busy interrogating the surviving raiders and they and expect to be at it for awhile. He asked me to tell you to come by tomorrow to discus the job. He also said to head on over to the Rusty Dragon for a meal and a round on him." Drum lets out a chuckle, "Though if I'm right, Amieko'll probably give it to you on the house. She's nice like that." He gives Weylyn a hard look. "You did good for once, Dell. Keep it and I 'may' begin to tolerate you." ![]()
![]() With the exception of the rider all the goblins were wearing patchwork leather armor. might get a couple coppers "if" anyone was willing to buy them. The Rider was wear a studded leather version of the same. @weylyn. The goblin knives are the equivalent of daggers, but made from scrap metal. Holes were cut in the blades, perhaps to make them lighter. The pole arm is small-sized and remarkably well built. Basically, it's a small halberd.