The New PRD

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For the Pathfinder PRD web coder of choice - I noticed a tiny coding hiccup that is fairly unimportant, but thought I'd help out a bit. There's no QC like the general public! hehe .html

Hover over "Favored Class Options" - and a section changes to underlined blue text that isn't supposed to. :)

Happy coding!

Dark Archive

I am liking how the PRD has been changed now. Also awesome that the tech guide got added in.

Grand Lodge

Supah cooooool! I like that the brown background is gone now. Keep up the great work, Sages of Paizo! We worship you!

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Chris is awesome.

Paizo Glitterati Robot

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So you may have noticed by the blog and the Facebook and everything, but yes! The PRD is updated! Bestiary 4 and Technology Guide content are up. There are still pages of items in this thread that need addressing, and I'm hoping to roll that in with our scheduled update for the Advanced Class Guide next month. If you run into any problems, please post here :)

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

On the Bestiary 4 Monster index, clockwork creatures are lumped together under one link, instead of the itemized sub links that grouped monsters usually get.

Formians are missing the category link.

Dark Archive

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I dislike the cosmetic and layout changes.

Chris Lambertz wrote:
TetsujinOni wrote:
npc codex Iconics section link is missing from both the main page and the sidebar navigation index.
This is actually intentional. Our iconics are not open game content.

Ok, noted. Then there's probably something amiss with the search index, because a search for "iconic"...

...puts a link to the iconic characters at the top of the hits list. cters

Chris Lambertz wrote:
So you may have noticed by the blog and the Facebook and everything, but yes! The PRD is updated! Bestiary 4 and Technology Guide content are up. There are still pages of items in this thread that need addressing, and I'm hoping to roll that in with our scheduled update for the Advanced Class Guide next month. If you run into any problems, please post here :)

Brilliant, thanks! You Paizo folks rock!

Silver Crusade

* When you search and click on the link, page loads at top of page and does not scroll to appropriate spot.

* Weird search quirk: search for <"weapon specialization"> pulls up all of the weapon enchantment pages and not the feat. Gotta add "combat" or something to find the feat itself. Unsure if this indicates a more general issue with the search function or if it's just this one.

Well done! It looks amazing and thanks for the new content.

Just one thing I noticed, since you asked. In the Ultimate Equipment section, the chart for simple one-handed melee weapons doesn't have the grey-white lines, just cramped text.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Finally it looks less like a mid-90s fantasy fans bulletin board and more like something done by XXI century robots. Using lazors.

Having problems with viewing tables on my phone like the class progression table. For older tables they don't scroll left or right so I can't see the far right portions of the table (e.g. on bard I can't see spells per day no matter way I orient my phone).

On newer tables (like the magus) it is still a bit difficult to scroll through table without instead moving my position in the page itself.

Looks really good. And I knew you guys were fast-tracking the Tech Guide, but I didn't think it was going to be this fast. Thanks ever so much!

Liberty's Edge

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I know I'm in the minority, but I preferred the old, higher-information-density layout. The menu has too much padding and no longer fits vertically in any of my standard window sizes. Also, I miss seeing all the sub-sections of all the books on the landing page sothat I didn't even have to go to the menu to begin with.

Also, using Dolphin browser on Android with User-Agent "Desktop" I only see the space-bloated menu and can't see the main content (not that it's useful anymore) at all.

But, um, . . . pretty fonts, I guess.

On my Nexus 4, running Android 4.4.4, and using Chrome, I can't scroll the large tables at all (like the skills by class table), so I can only see whatever fits naturally on the screen.

I use a Samsung S5 and the new PRD still gives me problems.

I tried to look at the Sorcerer and if I tilt mu screen I can only see spells per day up till 6th spell level, so 7th 8th and 9th is not available.

I REALLY wish you could zoom out and in.

One of the main reasons I still use
I agree the new PRD looks nice, but it is useless if you can’t access the information you need.

I really don’t want to offend all the great people that have been working on the PRD, but you must fix this.

Blazej wrote:

Having problems with viewing tables on my phone like the class progression table. For older tables they don't scroll left or right so I can't see the far right portions of the table (e.g. on bard I can't see spells per day no matter way I orient my phone).

On newer tables (like the magus) it is still a bit difficult to scroll through table without instead moving my position in the page itself.


Aww, the only feature I wanted for my mobile devices still isn't in there. I can't zoom in on pages with a ton of spell links so my finger hits the link to the right spell. Nexus 7 chrome and ipod touch safari if it matters.

Grand Lodge

the link for skill chips Here, under skillslot section goes Here which clearly is having some issues!

Tech looks super cool though!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Using Galaxy Tab 3. If I have my screen in portrait the right hand side of the page is cut off. For instance looking at the cleric class table, I cannot see to the right of the 4th level spells column, even by swiping. Everything works fine if ghe screen is in landscape.

Really like the changes to the layout and look.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What just happened to PRD? Home page is completely different and the link for the dropdown list is invisible/hidden inside the letters NT in the upper left page title: PATHFINDER REFERENCE DOCUMENT. Color scheme is completely changed too.

Sovereign Court

Looks great.

Like the font change and easier navigability.

Dark Archive

Joe M. wrote:

* When you search and click on the link, page loads at top of page and does not scroll to appropriate spot.

* Weird search quirk: search for <"weapon specialization"> pulls up all of the weapon enchantment pages and not the feat. Gotta add "combat" or something to find the feat itself. Unsure if this indicates a more general issue with the search function or if it's just this one.

I noticed this too, and it's with everything, not just feats. This is incredibly annoying when I want to quickly check something and instead have to scroll down (and down, and down...) to get to what I'm looking for, especially when I'm not sure entirely where in the list it is.

Otherwise it looks good!


It is probably because of being on my server at work but I can no longer access the PRD from my work computer. It just shows me the intro page for the PRD. This is annoying...

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I dislike that I now have to scroll my screen to access all the links on the left. Too much spacing. Maybe move the PFRPG logo and "Reference Document" to the top center?

Also, while the feat index is impressive, it is kinda useless as it currently is. Needs a feat listing table like each feat chapter has. /me shudders at the thought of having to create that

I also miss the old color scheme. Thankfully, I have a few tabs open with it still on it. Too bad I will have to close them eventually due to a restart.

I do like that the presentation seems cleaned up. I also wish the search was back in the top right corner.


So, I like that I can access the PRD on my Nexus 5 now. I never could before.

But the new site needs a lot of work.

1) Every PFS character I have has their various items, feats, traits, etc. linked to the PRD. Now, not a single one of those links works anymore.
2) Even when I load the PRD on my phone, I can't scroll to the side, or zoom in/out. I can generally only see about half of any table.
3) When you perform a search, for whatever feat/item/etc you're looking for, you are no longer taken to that feat/item/etc, and are instead dumped to the top of its page.
4) When you click on, for example, a magic item in one of the various charts, the page simply scrolls down to the item. It no longer changes the URL, so you can't post links to items for others to click on.

It's only the first day, so I'm sure it's still being worked on. Figured I'd just toss in my observations.

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On the new PRD/Old PRD.

The Monsters by Type/Environment/CR charts are almost useless and completely outdated at this point. They very clearly only have the monsters from bestiary 1 on them. Is this every going to updated?

Also, just from a UI perspective, having the Pathfinder Watermark in the top right corner act as a hyperlink away from the PRD, and there not being any clear/big button that could take you back to the PRD's home-screen is a little weird.

Meanwhile, the home screen seems kind of pointless now. It doesn't act as a hub to anywhere on the site, as it at least did in a minimal way before. All navigation is now done on the sidebar.

Finally, it is inexcusable for FAQs not to be on the PRD at this point. The moment the design team started using FAQs as a a way to errata books (as they did with paragon surge), that information should have been put on the reference document. Unless that changes, the PRD will be presenting false information. That there isn't even a link on the PRD to the FAQs is a joke.

I am not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but the page for the Iconics is a bit wonky. I am not sure if it is a Firefox thing or not. Other than that, the new site looks awesome. I do miss how the background in the old site looked like parchment though.

Hero Points on this page has some funky formatting that makes it unreadable. Using Chrome Version 36.0.1985.143 m on my PC.

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Call me a Luddite but the previous drop down menu worked better for me. Now I have to scroll up & down like a yoyo to change between chapters & books. If the index could be locked, essentially giving the same functionality as a drop down, then All to the good.
The previous version worked just fine why change when it ain't broke!

Just as an FYI:

Memory of Function
states: "When the spell's duration expires, " but it is listed as having an instantaneous duration, effectively making the spell permanent or non-functioning depending on interpretation.

Other than that seems shiny.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The header style for the sleeves of many garments is absent. [link]

I brought this up earlier in this thread shortly after it was put into the PRD and I am dismayed to see it still hasn't been fixed.

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Hey here's a bug you may not have noticed, because I'm weird:

On the Bestiary 4 page, the link for "Walrus, Emperor" is wrong.
It goes here, with an extra "e" in the html filename:

You're lucky that the first thing I went to look at was "ha ha there are walrus stats now!"

Grand Lodge

OMG, it is so much easier to read. Thank you x 100!!!!!

thomax wrote:
The HTML in rrier.html is broken because the first line reads s<!DOCTYPE html> instead of <!DOCTYPE html>.

This is still the case.

The overall look of the PRD is nice, but the new tables aren't working well with my iPhone. Some of the larger tables won't let you "scroll" to the right to see the rest of the data. I know this is true of weapons and armor in the core. Also true of the Eidolon leveling table. I assume other large tables are affected.

Dark Archive

I love the layout of this new version of the PRD. Your hard work on this massive project is really appreciated.

If I may make one suggestion, can you have the left side menu bar be set to a floating type menu bar? There are many pages where you have to scroll down to find the information you need, then have to scroll back up to the top of the page to click to something else. This can get problematic if you are trying to reference two or three related items at the same time (i.e. combat grappling and couple of feats to work together). If the left menu bar floated down as you scroll, that would help make navigating different webpages a lot easier, IMO.

Thanks again for making this website so much better!

Link to Colour out of Space in the Bestiary 4 Monster Index is nonfunctional (at least for me).

Grand Archive

I cannot use the PRD on my Kindle Fire using the SILK browser that comes with the unit. I get the sidebar but when I click on the CORE Rulebook and then one of the options like say Races it just closes up the sidebar and doesn't show anything.

Please help, organizing a con happening in two weeks and could really use having access to the PRD on something larger than my Galaxy S5 (yes it works beautifully on that)

By the way I do like the new layout and design

Okay, after playing with it a bit more, there is a little more work to be done here. Clicking links to the search results does often simply take you to the top of the page containing the reference, resulting in the need to scroll down manually and find the reference, rather than the link taking you down to its spot on the page.

I strongly preferred the old PRD =/.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yeah, when I resize my browser window, I find that some of the tables resize to fit while others remain static.

Regarding my previous post about PRD: I don't know what was going on, maybe you guys were in the middle of switching it to the new layout, but it was all F'd up on both computers I accessed it from. It looks quite nice now that I see it the way it is intended to be. Nice layout, colors, font. I think I like it.

Liked it but there are some resize problems with some tables. Take for example the Advance New Rules, everything fits perfectly except for the "Antiheroes" and "Hero Points for GMs" section.

Now looks less userfriendly on Laptop (1366x768): Too much space between lines in sidebar, too large font, none of the directories fits on screen at 100% anymore.

Obviously optimised for higher-than-wide screen aka mobile phone.
Great for desktop users (Raise the sarcasm sign!).


Core Rulebook dictionary fits screen at 70% scale. Font of the main screen is too small to read comfortably then.

Bestiary directory fits screen at 75% scale. Dito about main screen font.

New ability to expand several headers is nice but cannot be used effectively due to lack of screen size.

In general, for one additional entry (Technology Guide, thanks for adding) the sidebar grew by more than 50% in height.

Measures to resolve:

Fit entry height more tightly to text height. At 100% can gain 2 mm between every pair of entries.

Reduce sidebar font size to two or three points smaller than main frame font: No continous texts there, recognition can work based on silhouette, reading is not actually necessary beyond first few usages, so ease of reading can be neglected in favour of ease of use.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

When I was playing around on it yesterday, a number of the in page links were broken.

For example: takes you to the top of the Dungeon/Environments page - not to the Catching on Fire Section of the page like it used to. So I think either the header sections or the anchor points need updating?

Agree on many of the layouts (esp tables) of some of the above posts.

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Now if only you folks would add a "monster builder/calculator" that can add on templates and/or class levels to monster stat blocks.... I would never have to use the PF SRD again!

please! do this!

Gotta say.

Awesome job with the new layout!


Going to re-attack the Stealth entry then add some Technology Guide section flaws I noticed today.

In the PRD Stealth reads:

PRD wrote:
Check: Your Stealth check is opposed by the Perception check of anyone who might notice you. Creatures that fail to beat your Stealth check are not aware of you and treat you as if you had concealment.

In the actual CRB Errata the Stealth addition reads:

CRB Errata wrote:

Page 106—In the Stealth skill, in the Check section,

in the first paragraph, add the following sentence after
the first sentence:

Creatures that fail to beat your Stealth check are not aware
of you and treat you as if you had total concealment.

Please change PRD to match CRB Errata. There is a rather significant difference between concealment and total concealment.

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