Arayam Bismut

xobmaps's page

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Shifting away from GMing for the time and don't want to spoil what others will take over.

Sara Marie wrote:

Me: [puts up a sign that says "STOP! Mom is in a meeting until 1:45pm. Emergencies only"]

about 1:20pm...

child: MOM... MOM.... MOM.... MOM! .... MOMMOMOMOMOMOM!!!!

me: What does the sign on the door say!


me: opens door

child: wanna watch my pokemon evolve?

Thank you so much.

I should probably give up on my favorite thread. At least until plague subsides.

Thank you.

Please cancel my pathfinder adventure path subscription. Please leave all starfinder subscriptions going.

Just not ready to commit to the new edition yet, and I have a huge backlog of adventures in first edition pathfinder I want to run with my group.

Please cancel my Pathfinder Roleplaying Game subscription. Please do NOT cancel the Starfinder or adventure path subscriptions.

Big congrats Blake. AoN has been my go to for years now, and I look forward to having the rules right there too.

It would be cool if there was a checkbox for "core rules line only" in the search, like the PFS legal one, but I can believe that might be trickier under the hood than it sounds.

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It was a QA paladin, exploiting it is their job, to keep others safe!

Arma virumque wrote:
xobmaps wrote:
Gotta admit, I miss this thread being more lively.


Just for my own sake, because I'm a spreadsheet nerd, I calculated the drop-off in posting intensity. Over the past year, this thread has averaged 0.6 posts per workday. For the six years (almost) previous to that, it average 5.9 posts per workday. That's a 90% reduction in intensity. I miss it.

I stand in awe of your spreadsheeting.

This thread has been my bookmarked entry way to paizo's site for years. check this first, then whatever else may be up on the site.

Gotta admit, I miss this thread being more lively.

New copy arrived and with a quick skim it seems to be in perfect condition. Thank you again, Paizo's customer service continues to be among the best I have dealt with in any business.

Thank you, sorry things are busy.

I sent an email about a defective copy of the Starfinder Pact Worlds on Friday, and I just wanted to check if it reached you and if anything else was needed on my end, like less glarey pictures so it was clear where the pages had been stuck together.

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I just want to thank Crystal Frasier in particular for being a constant voice speaking out on what it is to be a trans person. If you don't know anyone trans, it is so much easier to be afraid of it or confused by it, and to let that one fact define an entire person to you. If I had not been reading what she wrote, I doubt I would have been prepared for when one of the players in my pathfinder group let us know she was transgender. Instead I was able to give her a big hug and tell her book 6 of the AP we were running was written by Crystal, a trans woman.

So to Crystal, and everyone else who speaks about what they are going through, thank you also for helping cis people know what is going on for you and by extension being better friends to the trans people they come across in their lives.

Lord Fyre wrote:
xobmaps wrote:

Ok, so I have 2 astronomy buff PCs who have basically decided Gervic Ayggler is the coolest old guy ever, and I suspect they are going to want to dig more into the shifting lights he spotted. Is there anything in one of the bestiaries that matches up with what happened to the first town on this site? Or anything others came up with to fill in that their players enjoyed?

** spoiler omitted **
Dominion of the Black?

Probably accurate. I still wish I had stats for selectively invisible sky snakes.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Crystal Frasier wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:

Finished skimming, saw the Galluvix and that you can have it as improved familiar

I take my rating back, this AP is now THE best AP that has ever existed and will ever exist. It transcends the rating system, ascending beyond realms mortal can understand

But if you force me to put it in stars, 11/5 stars

If you enjoy a product, I strongly recommend leaving a review to tell everyone about the elements you liked, to help them decide if it's for them

I skimmed the book very briefly, saw the gallivix, showed it to my pathfinder group, and the discussion has already been worth the price of admission. Particularly with my fox loving chicken raising friend.

Ok, so I have 2 astronomy buff PCs who have basically decided Gervic Ayggler is the coolest old guy ever, and I suspect they are going to want to dig more into the shifting lights he spotted. Is there anything in one of the bestiaries that matches up with what happened to the first town on this site? Or anything others came up with to fill in that their players enjoyed?

Starwatchers in the new village warned their neighbors
about an array of shifting lights in the night sky, but their
warnings went unheeded for months. Soon, the village
children began talking about enormous worm-like creatures
wending through the air at night, invisible to adults. At first,
the tales were dismissed as childish fancies. Then entire
families began to disappear, and before the community
could investigate or react to the disappearances, every
living soul in the community had vanished.

pithica42 wrote:
The White W0rg wrote:
Will the necessary rules for having a Medium size Cathedral ship be in the book? I must have a party flying around in a church.
"Medium Sized" is not the first thing that comes to mind when I think "Cathedral Ship". :)

I still want one.

Rysky wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Redacted: A flamethrower? That solves two problems.
Only two?

Maybe it was just the net solutions after subtracting off the new problems it caused?

Looks like the Dr Hawksaw link is dead. Also, looks like I should be able to download the PDF now!

Well, my replacement arrived today, binding looks much better after quick flip through.

Steve Geddes wrote:
Ladis wrote:
Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:
Ladis wrote:
dWhisper wrote:
How long does it take to get a response back from Paizo support? I submitted a message a couple of days ago and haven't seen so much as an auto-response.
At least you got the auto-response, I didn't even get that so not sure if I should do something more but I don't want to flood them with more emails, this must be already very bussy.
Paizo does not do auto/robo-responses at all to my knowledge.
The very first comment on this thread states that he got an auto-reply, therefor I thought they enabled some kind of auto-reply in this time of trouble.
I suspect it was an automated-looking mail sent by a human.

Point, it seemed like a form letter, and came within a minute of me sending my email, but it does have a signature block from Sara Marie, she may have just been that on the ball at the time.

Probably not what you are looking for but I will throw it out there anyway as it is how I do it:

Hook a computer up to a large TV and put the map into a virtual tabletop program. Set it up in advance and either use the tabletops built in light system or cover unexplored sections with large black blocks. Fill the area formerly used for the map with additional snacks.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Skeld wrote:

I just want to say this: spineliningis.


I am assuming this is not a typo but foreshadowing some new beast or technology from Eox.

So what are the long term repercussions of the binding issue?

EDIT: Thank you for the auto-reply showing you got my email. I was paranoid the attachments might keep it from getting through and that would have been nagging at the back of my head for days if I had to wait for a human reply. (Also thank you for letting us do much of this in the forums when things like attachments are not necessary)

I preordered the Starfinder core rules and first adventure path, but just saw subscriptions were available and added those. If I would be getting more than one copy of each, please cancel my preorders and just send as subscriptions.

EDIT: just saw another question on this, sounds like I should be good.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Katina Davis wrote:
Robot Chris: So, [redacted] keeps a package of googly eyes in his wallet. Ya know, for emergencies.

I generally go with gold stars. It is nice to have them on hand when someone deserves a gold star.

Why is Jason Keeley not listed as part of the Paizo team on their site?

You have my attention.

Enjoying using these for the Iron Gods campaign I am currently running, using the electrum set to differentiate silver disks from platinum.

Hmm, between this, Rise of the Runelords, and Wrath of the Righteous, I think I am going to avoid anything resembling a festival in Golarion.

I need to see if Grognard kept a copy of his journal. Ausk talked him into submitting it to the Pathfinder Society once they finished.

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The first session I was running of a home brew campaign setting, the party's night lookout botched his perception and was knocked out by bandits. So he was off to the side, munching on the pretzels while everyone else got through the ambush. Once they brought him back, he joked about having a near death experience of eating pretzels.

We ran with it ever since.

In that setting there isn't a light at the end of the tunnel, there is an empty waiting room with a bowl of pretzels. Pretzels appear over the gates to cemeteries, with both of the end points pointing up, implying a life that begins and ends well. If they were pointing down, how people usually orient them, that is a bad and necromantic sign. The salt on pretzels is meant to indicate a preserved, long life. Adding peanut butter or chocolate implies a full, flavorful life.

We just kept building on the lore for years, and the players knew they were in for a tough fight if I brought a bag of pretzels to the game. That meant I expected someone to die.

I eventually put that world on the back burner, started trying out adventure paths to learn new tricks and styles, but the occasional pretzel joke remained. However, by popular demand, I just restarted working in that world, and I think I may need to go get a big bag of pretzels to bring next session, for old times sake.

Thanks, they got it cleared up.

Thank you for clearing it up, looks better on my end.

Sidecart please.

The Rainy Day discount does not seem to be stacking correctly with my subscriber discount for my current cart, Chris said I should get in touch with customer service (or do I have to send this as an email? My mail client sends from a different account than I bill to, so I am trying to be lazy.)

Are the subscriber discount and this stacking correctly? Looking at my cart it seems too high to have both but too low to just have one discount...

Could you please cancel my Pathfinder RPG subscription (but NOT the adventure path one, I still want all the adventure goodness in physical copies)

Also, any word on when Starfinder subscriptions will be available?

It has been a while since anything actually overheard was posted everyone OK over there? Are they allowed out of the box the cookies were under yet?

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Christopher Anthony wrote:
Nearly everyone. Some tried to rescue others and then we needed people to rescue the rescuers. It was a huge mess.

Sounds like an adventure hook to me.

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Drejk wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:

Christopher: Hypothetically, if one were to wander into the [redacted] area, one might come across an unguarded box of cookies in the breakroom.

Katina: Hmmmm that sounds like what someone would say if they were trying to lure people into the [redacted] area for a trap
Katina: Are the cookies underneath a little cardboard box being propped up by a stick with some string attached?
Christopher: You'll have to crawl inside to find out.
So who fell for that trap finally?

Judging by how few posts this thread has gotten since then, almost everybody?

There is a PDF of all the collected handouts, so I don't need to scour the book for them individually. This brings me SO MUCH JOY.

Gah! Glad I read this thread, I did not notice there was no AP this month, and did NOT want to wait for CotCT. Is there any sort of opt-in for emails of "you have stuff in your sidecart but no subscriptions shipping this month"? Or a "Ship once monthly, regardless" option so stuff doesn't have to wait until after normal subscriptions are done and hopefully get to people sooner?

Belgarion should be magus, but with mythic tiers. Child of light and all that.

I feel like ultimate intrigue should have a good social archetype for C'nedra, like wit bard or dandy ranger, maybe with variant multiclassing for the dryad feel, or just a well chosen spell selection.

I think a poison focused investigator would be better for Sadi. No explosions or shapeshifting from the alchemist class, but a lot of social skill expertise, maybe even the majordomo archetype from UI.

I think Horror Adventures has a mooncursed barbarian that can actually become a bear for Barak. probably a multiclassed mess. Maybe a skill based rogue that picks up a level of fighter late for weapon armor proficiency (early he is just sneak attacking with a cestus, but he learns how to use a lance and heavy armor later).

I need to think about this some more, and maybe reread everything, like I need an excuse...

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Sending - because sometimes getting a message to someone on basically any plane right now is important.
Heal - fixes so much stuff in one little bundle
Antimagic aura - ruins so many plans in one little bundle

(honorable mention: endure elements, prestidigitation: because for someone actually living in the world,personal 24 hour air conditioner and unlimited soap and food seasoning would be just about the best thing ever)

Rocket Surgeon wrote:

I stole a part of our character creation process from another system, though I can't remember its name.

Basically: after character creation; each player tell about an event that was important in shaping the character, the event must be at least 3 years old, but can be older.

Then players take turns telling how their character knows the character on the left. Changing the character's defining event is not allowed, but anything that fits within the campaign outline is allowed and the player on your left must now fit it into his/her story.

It gives us a group that actually works together, as well as give the game master several clues on how to involve the characters. We've even had campaigns where this process decided the entire story and everything became about the players - which was,honestly, awesome :-)

Sounds Like Fate's system. I am actually using this in the Iron Gods campaign I am going to be starting soon to tie the party together, and the player has to choose their non-campaign trait based on the backstory someone else wrote into their history, just like in fate you make up an aspect based on it.

Loved the GM guide idea bouncing around in the CotCT thread, would gladly buy something to help scale things up to 6 or even 8 players. It would be nice to also have something on running for small groups, or adding in support for newer classes that something wasn't written considering (I am looking at you gunslinger, with your touch AC targeting and very different sets of gear). Throw in handling rare rules and spells *coughsimulacrumcough* and I am even more sold.

That being said, if something like the "spells of intrigue" section from Ultimate Intrigue started regularly sneaking into more of the hardbacks, or maybe even APs, I would be pretty happy with that too. It sure seemed like quite a few people were sold on UI when they heard about that section.

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More hugs for IT here. IT support is always unappreciated, always dealing with people who are having a bad day already. My respect and well wishes in hard times.