The New PRD

Website Feedback

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The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Advanced Race Guide > Featured Races > Aasimar
Purifier oracle archetype, 1st spell Veil of Heavens links to Veil =X

Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Lissa Guillet wrote:
Drogon wrote:
The iPhone version of the prd has a recently broken feature. The Spell Index is not working. It shows a list of links by book and alphebet, none of which do anything. And the "look" of the page is a white background with black or blue text, unlike the rest of the iPhone prd pages.

That's weird. We recently added a bunch of stuff and something might have gotten mangled in the process. I'll check it.

Edit: It doesn't look like anything is super weird with it. I'm not seeing a list by book though, so something is obviously wonky. Can you let me know what version of iOS and what browser you're using?

I'm revisiting this, as I now have a brand new iPhone 4s, with the newest iOS (6.0.something) and still have this problem.

When using the PRD from the web (Safari browser), select "Navigation" --> "Core Rulebook" --> "Spell Index"

You land on a white page, with blue text that has been given bullet points. The list starts with the hardcover book titles, then moves on to "Browse, A Spells, B spells," etc. Following four versions of that list, it begins listing each spell's name by book.

Each bullet point is underlined as though they are a link, but touching the link does nothing. The phone acts like it touches a link (it briefly highlights the touched word with grey background), but it subsequently goes nowhere.

I have tried this on multiple iPhones, now, with varying generations and versions of iOS. All of them do the same thing.

Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Also, a new problem:

When I look at a message board thread from Safari on my iPhone (version 4s, with iOS 6.0.something), I end up with the "links/shop/messageboard" preview blocks on both the right and left side of the message board posts. Not too big a deal, but it really compresses the text, so I'm reading three or four words per line. Kind of annoying to scroll through all that to read it. Plus it looks silly.

Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Drogon wrote:

Also, a new problem:

When I look at a message board thread from Safari on my iPhone (version 4s, with iOS 6.0.something), I end up with the "links/shop/messageboard" preview blocks on both the right and left side of the message board posts. Not too big a deal, but it really compresses the text, so I'm reading three or four words per line. Kind of annoying to scroll through all that to read it. Plus it looks silly.

Whoops. Just realized this is a PRD only thread, not for the website in general. Sorry 'bout that...

The entry in the PRD for bull rush has a typo. Bolding mine:

Bull Rush: "You can only bull rush an opponent who is no more than on size category larger than you."

I have been assured that this is not present in the PDF.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I recall some plans from awhile ago to make the headers of the PRD clickable, so that you could copy them more easily. Is that still planned? If not, can it?

In the description of the ogrekin, "Light Sensitive" is incorrectly linked to the spell "Light".

In the Ultimate Combat Fighter archetypes, the Unarmed Fighter gets 'weapon training' to replace 'weapon training 1, 2, 3 and 4' - and then later gets several other abilities to replace weapon training 2, weapon training 3 and so on. I'm assuming the first reference is a typo of some sort, and is intended to mean only weapon training 1.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

In the Ogre entry in the Beastiary section,
The Sense line lists "Perception +2", when it should be +5, per the Errata.

The description for the Oracle ability Cinder Dance needs an r for the last word revelation.

Cinder Dance Ex): Your base speed increases by 10 feet. At 5th level, you receive Nimble Moves as a bonus feat. At 10th level, you receive Acrobatic Steps as a bonus feat. You do not need to meet the prerequisites to receive these feats. Oracles with the lame oracle curse cannot select this evelation.

Cinder Dance

The Spell List Index for level 3 Sorcerer/Wizard spells does not have Pellet Blast from Ultimate Combat listed. It is also missing from Magus 4 on the spell list index.

In fact it appears all spells with a COSTLY focus or material component (i.e. their name has an M or F superscript) from Ultimate Combat are missing: I am going through Sorc/Wizard and Magus spell-list-index vs Ultimate Combat spell list and the following are missing at the listed level for the listed class:

Warding WeaponF 1st level
Ablative BarrierF 2nd level
Telekinetic AssemblyF 2nd level
Pellet BlastM 4th level
Wreath of BladesF 4th level
Symbol of StrikingM 5th level

Fabricate BulletsM 1st level
Fiery ShurikenM 2
Telekinetic AssemblyF 2
Warding WeaponF 2
Ablative BarrierF 3
Pellet Blast M 3
Nondetection, CommunalM 4
Stoneskin, CommunalM 5
Symbol of StrikingM 5
Wreath of BladesF 5
Arcane CannonF 7

I would suggest looking at all UC spells with costly focus/divine focus or material components for all classes; I only checked Magus and Sorc/Wiz, but all (and only) M and F spells are missing for those 2 classes.
Edit: Thank you for providing this service BTW, I don't think we players and GMs do (or can) say that often enough.

Feather Tokens are missing Construction.


In the feat index, a feat "Crane Reposte (Combat)" appears in both the "C" list and the Combat Feats list, but I am pretty sure it is a typo for Crane Riposte (Combat) and should be deleted.

The "Special" description for the Extra Evolution feat reads:

This evolution can be taken once at 1st level, and again at 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th.

...even though it is actually a feat and not an evolution. :P

Let's start with the fact that the PRD's existence itself is AWESOME.

I no longer have to lug books with me to every game but still get to use them when we game at my place :)

The one request I'd make is that the PRD pages be "zoomable" on the tablet. If there are links spaced too close together (not to mention eyesight) it gets hard to select the correct link.

Whereas here in the forum I can zoom in and out as needed.

Thanks again for doing such a great job. You keep that up I'll have to keep buying stuff...

Sovereign Court

Just a suggestion.

Would it be possible include a print area so that the sidebar wouldn't be included? Perhaps specify the sidebar to be excluded when printing.


The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Symbol of death contains some antiquated verbage, differs from the 5th edition printing

at the bottom with the "Note: Magic traps such as symbol of death are hard to detect and disable. A rogue (only) can use the Perception skill to find a symbol of death and Disable Device to thwart it. The DC in each case is 25 + spell level, or 33 for symbol of death."

use of rogue (only) has been phased out for Trapfinding.

also started a thread whether there's a rules inconsistency between the search/replace that seems to have happened from the SRD to PRD

pathfinder fire trap wrote:

A character with trapfinding can use the Perception skill to find a fire trap and Disable Device to thwart it.

3.5 fire trap wrote:

A rogue (only) can use the Search skill to find a fire trap and Disable Device to thwart it.

a find/replace on Search -> Perception, and Rogue (only) to Character with Trapfinding, causes a rules discrepency with the rest of the Trapfinding text and the Environment > Traps section on magical traps, requiring Trapfinding + Perception to locate specific spell traps, but nowhere else is it indicated that it works like this.

specifically these spells: Fire Trap, Glyph of Warding, Snare, Spike Growth, Spike Stones, and Symbol spells.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

teleportation circle also got mangled at the end text:

Magic traps such as teleportation circle are hard to detect and disable. A character with the trapfinding class feature can use the Disable Device to disarm magic traps. The DC in each case is 25 + spell level, or 34 in the case of teleportation circle.

is a mangled sentence and should probably read A character with the trapfinding class feature can use the Perception skill to find a Teleportation Circle and Disable Device to disarm it. or something like that.

Seraphimpunk wrote:

teleportation circle also got mangled at the end text:

Magic traps such as teleportation circle are hard to detect and disable. A character with the trapfinding class feature can use the Disable Device to disarm magic traps. The DC in each case is 25 + spell level, or 34 in the case of teleportation circle.

is a mangled sentence and should probably read A character with the trapfinding class feature can use the Perception skill to find a Teleportation Circle and Disable Device to disarm it. or something like that.

Actually, the Teleportation Circle language is correct and the Fire Trap language is misleading. You don't need trapfinding to find magical traps in Pathfinder.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

eek. the text in the book does match teleportation circle. edit: i didn't have my book with me yesterday to check. I was just going off the mangled looking text on the PRD.

that text appears to have dangling participles from a search & replace vs. the old 3.5 SRD though. it looks like the text should say "can use Disable Device" or "can use the Disable Device skill" to disarm magic traps.

3.5 SRD wrote:

Note: Magic traps such as teleportation circle are hard to detect and disable. A rogue (only) can use the Search skill to find the circle and Disable Device to thwart it. The DC in each case is 25 + spell level, or 34 in the case of teleportation circle.

I agree its the most correct version, for being compatible with how Trapfinding and Magic Traps were changed in PF, but it still looks like someone cut out the text "Search skill to find the circle and" from the 3.5 text in a bad search/replace.

how does one flag an error in the book text itself ?

Digital Products Assistant

Seraphimpunk wrote:
How does one flag an error in the book text itself?

There are a few errata threads in the Paizo Products forum where you can post.

Dark Archive

The natural armour table at the bottom of this page has a typo.

On the page for the Perception skill, the table's first footnote has not been updated for changes dating back to ye olde 2010 (or maybe even earlier). Hat tip to Quandary for the catch.

CRB pg. 102, fn. 1 wrote:
Favorable and unfavorable conditions depend upon the sense being used to make the check. For example, bright light might decrease the DC of checks involving sight, while torchlight or moonlight might increase the DC. Background noise might increase a DC involving hearing, while competing odors might increase the DC of a check involving scent.
PRD wrote:
Favorable and unfavorable conditions depend upon the sense being used to make the check. For example, bright light might increase the DC of checks involving sight, while torchlight or moonlight might give a penalty. Background noise might reduce a DC involving hearing, while competing odors might penalize any DC involving scent.

The Greater Barghest has "mass enlarge" as an SLA. Mass enlarge is not a spell.

Super minor typo. The class feature "inspire courage" for bards at 17th level is not capitalized in the table listing.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

PRD Request ...

It would be awesome if there was a separate PRD section for Pathfinder Society that included all of the legal game mechanics/items/etc that is found in the Additional Resources section.

Digital Products Assistant

Elorebaen wrote:

PRD Request ...

It would be awesome if there was a separate PRD section for Pathfinder Society that included all of the legal game mechanics/items/etc that is found in the Additional Resources section.

The PRD only contains OGL information from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game line of products. The Additional Resources for Pathfinder Society covers all sorts of product lines, and some of that content is not OGL, and unlikely to ever be added to the PRD.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Gary Teter wrote:

Take a look at the new Pathfinder Reference Document. Now take a look using your phone, or your iPad. Notice anything different? That's right, it doesn't suck anymore.

In addition to now including all the open game content from Ultimate Combat and the errata for the third printing of the Bestiary, the PRD is now optimized for tablet and mobile display. Before you ask, yes, that means iPhone, iPad and Android. Probably others, too, but that's what we tested on.

I have been showing this thing off to anybody I can corral here at the office. Lissa and Chris Lambertz have put in a lot of hours tweaking this thing and they deserve all the credit. Ross deserves some too, but he gets all the credit for making the Pathfinder Battles subscriptions working. So there's plenty of credit to go around! Except for me. I take no credit for any of this. Except to say, "Make it not suck."

Since this is a major revision of several hundred pages of content and navigation, there are bound to be problems. Please use this thread to let us know anything you find that needs to be fixed, and we'll fix it as soon as we can.

And yeah, searching the PRD kind of sucks. We're working on that.

Very minor - on the Settlements page, Table: Settlement Statistics, one heading says Qualitites. Typo. Thanks for all the great work here!

Witch Wisdom patron, has for the 12th level spell "globe of invulnerability (greater)", which does not exist. It is linked to "globe of invulnerability" which is correct.

-- david

Sovereign Court

The section Core Rulebook > Magic Items isn't formatting correctly on the mobile site (iOS 6)

Monster Creation

At the end of step 8 there is some odd formatting, or possibly just bad copy/paste work, that needs to be corrected. Also, the word resistance is misspelled in the last sentence.

Grand Lodge

The master spell index is missing fog cloud.

In the races/Dwarves:

"Relations: Dwarves and orcs have long dwelt in proximity, theirs a history of violence as old as both their races. ..."

I believe it should read:

"Relations: Dwarves and orcs have long dwelt in proximity, there's a history of violence as old as both their races. ..."


"... there's been ..."

I found this is also present in the book as of the latest print.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The possessive is correct, although the phrasing is a bit esoteric: the history of violence belonging to dwarves and orcs goes back to the beginning of their races.

"There's" would create a run-on sentence with a comma splice; "there's been" would do the same and additionally be a colloquial contraction for "there has," usable in common speech but not in a published text.

Sovereign Court

Using my Samsung galaxy note 2 the prd shows up as the full website and won't snap to the mobile version upon refreshing the page using the notes native browser. Using chrome on the note the spell index page shows up as a repeated list of the spells by letter but I can't click any link.

--CAP Vrock

Sovereign Court

Also when it is in full web mode I can't pinch to zoom at all on either the native browser or chrome.

The description for Fighting Defensively as a Standard Action is missing the "dodge bonus" text. According to this thread this is not an error in the book, but probably just in the PRD (due to broken markup perhaps). There is an extra space in the page source where the link to "<a href="#_dodge-bonuses" >dodge bonus</a>" would go.

The "green slime" link in the description of the Touch of Slime spell is broken.

Digital Products Assistant

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The Pathfinder Reference Document has been updated to include OGL content from Ultimate Equipment and the NPC Codex. The spells and feats from the Advanced Race Guide have been added to the global indexes, and all other fixes up to this post have been added.

Note: The magical items from Ultimate Equipment have not been added to the global Magic Item Index. This is still on the To-Do List.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Huzzah! Go Robot! ^_^

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

You guys/gals rock!

The link to warriors in NPC Classes is broken, it leads to a page saying "The requested URL was not found on this server, or you do not have permission to access this area."

Downloaded the new PRD via HTTrack and received the following error messages:


HTTrack3.46+htsswf+htsjava launched on Fri, 18 Jan 2013 15:44:41 at +*.png +*.gif +*.jpg +*.css +*.js* -mime:application/foobar
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(34 errors, 9 warnings, 2215 messages)

-- david

Digital Products Assistant

The above broken links have been fixed.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, Contributor



1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The new Wondrous Item section for the Ultimate Equipment Guide appears to be missing all of the slotless wondrous items.

Digital Products Assistant

Ravingdork wrote:
The new Wondrous Item section for the Ultimate Equipment Guide appears to be missing all of the slotless wondrous items.

D'oh! You're right! The page does exist here, and I'll get that fixed when we're all back in the office.

Joana wrote:

The possessive is correct, although the phrasing is a bit esoteric: the history of violence belonging to dwarves and orcs goes back to the beginning of their races.

"There's" would create a run-on sentence with a comma splice; "there's been" would do the same and additionally be a colloquial contraction for "there has," usable in common speech but not in a published text.

Joana, wouldn't there be a need for a comman somewhere in there for "theirs, a history of violence, blah blah" or something like that?

I know it's a minor thing but it struck me as strange and that's why I brought it up.

The magic items index seems to have no style sheet.

The magic items page also displays very badly on my mobile browsers (Boat Browser 5.0 and Android 2.3.6 stock browser), everything in one very narrow column on the right... until you reload the page, after which it's fine. It's also fine in Opera Mobile 12.10.

On my Opera Mini browser some tables aren't displayed, for example the weapons table. Also only the left half of the said table is shown on Firefox for Android.

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