Feral Halfling

Jared Espley's page

8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


That's a great idea. It increase the amount of feedback an item would get by a ton!

GM_Solspiral wrote:

Anyone see a crazed Barbarian? My head hurts...

Ugly: Pet Peeve kill first line, let the standard look like the GM and players want it to look. Individual tastes varry and this is hardly a critical detail to your items function.

You should get a tag of "Marathon Critic" to be added to your "Marathon Voter" tag.

I agree that it's a balance to keep an item descriptively interesting but not descriptively constraining. In retrospect, I wish I had leaned slightly less flashy in my verbiage as you suggest.

Thanks for the feedback!

Battle Standard of Perilous Defiance
Aura moderate abjuration; CL 7th
Slot none; Price 21,000 gp; Weight 14 lbs.
This battle standard consists of a beam of strangely luminous wood attached to a banner depicting a stylized eye with a golden teardrop falling from it. Once per day, the wielder can use a standard action to plant the standard in his own square or an adjacent one.The standard wedges itself into the ground with a loud crack of thunder (DC -15 Perception check to hear it). While planted, the standard does not occupy a square nor does it grant cover or concealment. The wielder and allies within 20’ of the standard at the time of activation gain immunity to fear effects and are treated as if they have the Diehard feat. Additionally, a lesser globe of invulnerability with a radius of 20’ is created around the battle standard. All these effects last for 7 rounds during which time the standard is immovable. The standard has AC 3, 50 hit points, hardness 20 while planted, hardness 5 while not planted, and a break DC of 32.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, bear’s endurance, heroism, lesser globe of invulnerability; Cost 10,500 gp

Thanks for any feedback.

theheadkase wrote:
Saw the Battle Standard of Perilous Defiance many, many times.

Good - thanks. Glad to know it didn't get eaten in the intertubes -- I never saw it myself while judging. I'll take my lumps over in the critique thread when it opens up.

Anyone see the Battle Standard of Perilous Defiance?

Super minor typo. The class feature "inspire courage" for bards at 17th level is not capitalized in the table listing.

Please keep the delay. It forces us (myself included) to read and think about the items and not just judge on whether the formatting is perfect. In other words, it forces us to judge as the judges themselves do it -- on the merits of the items with a slight bias for poor formatting.

Looking forward to seeing the twist.