PathlessBeth |
I don't suppose there's any chance of a "Trait Index", is there?
here. It also has traits from the player's companion and setting line:)

Unruly |
I don't know how easy it would be to fix this, but on the mobile version the PRD has a strong tendency to scroll back to the top of a page while I'm trying to read an entry. This happens on Chrome for Android and the stock Android browser.
I was trying to scroll through various pages and every time I took my finger off the screen to read something it would stay where I was for maybe 10 seconds at the most before shooting all the way back up to the top. If I held my finger on the screen it would stay longer but would still end up back at the top of the page in short order. It kind of makes the PRD hard to use on a cell phone.

Warm & Fuzzy |

I don't know how easy it would be to fix this, but on the mobile version the PRD has a strong tendency to scroll back to the top of a page while I'm trying to read an entry. This happens on Chrome for Android and the stock Android browser.
I was trying to scroll through various pages and every time I took my finger off the screen to read something it would stay where I was for maybe 10 seconds at the most before shooting all the way back up to the top. If I held my finger on the screen it would stay longer but would still end up back at the top of the page in short order. It kind of makes the PRD hard to use on a cell phone.
I have the same problem on my android. Scrolling down works fine, but every time I scroll a bit upwards, it pops all the way to the top of the page again.

lonne |
Grauer_Narr wrote:EDIT: Ablative Barrier doesn't show up in the Magus list but does in the Alchemist list.
Derp. That would be my crazy brain not realizing what was wrong. Both things will get fixed up next update. Apologies for the inconvenience.
The formatting of Ablative Barrier in the Magus list is still not right. Compare lines 2278 and 2279 in http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/indices/spelllists.html .

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Lightning Bolt Gallery Trap in the sample traps has heightened lighting bolt as an effect.
Found this while searching for lighting effects :)

Sniggevert |

The errata from both the new printings of Ultimate Combat and the GameMastery Guide have been added to the PRD. An update addressing thread fixes and Bestiary 4 are still on our to-do list.
Just an FYI, the errata text to the feat Crane Wing was put into the feat description of Crane Riposte instead of the intended feat.

friluftshund |

Unruly wrote:I don't know how easy it would be to fix this, but on the mobile version the PRD has a strong tendency to scroll back to the top of a page while I'm trying to read an entry. This happens on Chrome for Android and the stock Android browser.
I was trying to scroll through various pages and every time I took my finger off the screen to read something it would stay where I was for maybe 10 seconds at the most before shooting all the way back up to the top. If I held my finger on the screen it would stay longer but would still end up back at the top of the page in short order. It kind of makes the PRD hard to use on a cell phone.
I have the same problem on my android. Scrolling down works fine, but every time I scroll a bit upwards, it pops all the way to the top of the page again.
Having the same issue on phone, strangely not on Samsung note 10.1, both on chrome browser.
Here's hoping there is a fix. It's incredibly frustrating on huge pages like feats and spell lists

Honorable Goblin |

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

Warm & Fuzzy wrote:Unruly wrote:I don't know how easy it would be to fix this, but on the mobile version the PRD has a strong tendency to scroll back to the top of a page while I'm trying to read an entry. This happens on Chrome for Android and the stock Android browser.
I was trying to scroll through various pages and every time I took my finger off the screen to read something it would stay where I was for maybe 10 seconds at the most before shooting all the way back up to the top. If I held my finger on the screen it would stay longer but would still end up back at the top of the page in short order. It kind of makes the PRD hard to use on a cell phone.
I have the same problem on my android. Scrolling down works fine, but every time I scroll a bit upwards, it pops all the way to the top of the page again.
Having the same issue on phone, strangely not on Samsung note 10.1, both on chrome browser.
Here's hoping there is a fix. It's incredibly frustrating on huge pages like feats and spell lists
I posted on this earlier -- you need to wait for the whole page to load, then it will stop doing that. Also, it seems to behave okay in Firefox.
Understanding that y'all have a billion things to do and we likely wouldn't see this for awhile...
Will we/can we ever get a proper "creatures by type" and "creatures by CR" index from all the source materials. I know the ones for the first Bestiary are available, but none of the other ones. It would be of a tremendous help for GMing, design, etc. to have a proper creature index on the PRD. I'd personally rather look it up here than wade through d20pfsrd.

Chris Lambertz Digital Products Assistant |

Will we/can we ever get a proper "creatures by type" and "creatures by CR" index from all the source materials. I know the ones for the first Bestiary are available, but none of the other ones. It would be of a tremendous help for GMing, design, etc. to have a proper creature index on the PRD. I'd personally rather look it up here than wade through d20pfsrd.
This is something we'd really like to see also. Hopefully it's something we can slot into a future update, but I can't give an ETA at this time.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

DeathQuaker wrote:Will we/can we ever get a proper "creatures by type" and "creatures by CR" index from all the source materials. I know the ones for the first Bestiary are available, but none of the other ones. It would be of a tremendous help for GMing, design, etc. to have a proper creature index on the PRD. I'd personally rather look it up here than wade through d20pfsrd.This is something we'd really like to see also. Hopefully it's something we can slot into a future update, but I can't give an ETA at this time.
I understand. It's great to know you're considering it.

Durgeoble |
There are one error, in equipment price of sheep
2 gp One pound of ginger or pepper, or one sheep*link
Sheep 20 gp 150 lbs.*link
one of the two must be his price bad
same error almost similar in price of goat
1 gp One pound of cinnamon, or one goat*link
Goat 6 gp 50 lbs.*link
And also with pig
3 gp One pig*link
Pig 20 gp 100–300 lbs.*link

Griffork |
Hello - I seem to have stumbled accross a few bugs with the Pathfinder PRD.
1) If you scroll up on an android device running Google Chrome, the page will jump to the top. (This will sometimes happen when scrolling down as well)
2) In words of power there are a few links linking to the wrong place (I've only been using the Sorcerer/Wizard section, so these notes stem from that).
- Unfetter does not link to the gravity word, but the druid (non WoP) spell.
- In Dimensional Gate the Dimensional word links to the correct place, but the Gate word links to the gate spell (non WoP).
- In Dimensional Jump the Dimensional word links to the correct place, but the Jump word links to the jump spell (non WoP).
- Corrosive Bolt has Corrosive linked to the weapon enchantment, and bolt is unlinked.
- Frost Fingers has Frost linked to the weapon enchantment, and fingers is unlinked.
- In Winter's Wrath the Winter's word links to the correct place, but the Wrath word links to the wrath spell (non WoP).
3) In words of power there are a few broken links, and word descriptors that are missing out on the link that the rest of the word has.
- Stone Wall is not linked.
4) In Words of Power - Effect - Wall Words, Stone Wall's heading is incorrectly styled.
5) In Words of Power - Effect - Acid Words, there are some incorrect durations.
- Corrosive Bolt is written as having a duration of 1 round/level, but the effect states that it only lasts for 2 rounds.
- Acid Wave is written as having a duration of 2 rounds, but the effect states that it should last for 1 round/level.
Sorry if these have already been brought up, but I didn't have time to read through the rest of the posts.
friluftshund wrote:Warm & Fuzzy wrote:Unruly wrote:I don't know how easy it would be to fix this, but on the mobile version the PRD has a strong tendency to scroll back to the top of a page while I'm trying to read an entry. This happens on Chrome for Android and the stock Android browser.
I was trying to scroll through various pages and every time I took my finger off the screen to read something it would stay where I was for maybe 10 seconds at the most before shooting all the way back up to the top. If I held my finger on the screen it would stay longer but would still end up back at the top of the page in short order. It kind of makes the PRD hard to use on a cell phone.
I have the same problem on my android. Scrolling down works fine, but every time I scroll a bit upwards, it pops all the way to the top of the page again.
Having the same issue on phone, strangely not on Samsung note 10.1, both on chrome browser.
Here's hoping there is a fix. It's incredibly frustrating on huge pages like feats and spell lists
I posted on this earlier -- you need to wait for the whole page to load, then it will stop doing that. Also, it seems to behave okay in Firefox.
I've tried that - it even happens after having the page open for 10 minutes.

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Stealth skill in the PRD included the latest errata to it from Core Rulebook printing 5.0, but it left out a key word:
Check: Your Stealth check is opposed by the Perception check of anyone who might notice you. Creatures that fail to beat your Stealth check are not aware of you and treat you as if you had concealment....
The errata, however, says "as if you had total concealment." That "total" is super important, it's the difference between a rogue being able to sneak attack out of stealth and not being able to.

AlgaeNymph |

Under Terrain Improvements, Aqueduct is supposed to have an asterisk* next to it. (Compare with p.210 of Ultimate Campaign.)

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Under Summoner's Life Bond there is a typo.
Life Bond (Su): At 14th level, a summoner's life becomes linked to his eidolon's. As long as the eidolon has 1 or more hit points, the summoner is protected from harm. Damage in excess of that which would reduce the summoner to fewer than 0 hit points is instead transferred to the eidolon. This damage is transferred 1 point at a time, meaning that as soon as the eidolon is reduced to a number of negative his points equal to its Constitution score, all excess damage remains with the summoner. Effects that cause death but not damage are unaffected by this ability. This ability does not affect spells like baleful polymorph, flesh to stone, or imprisonment, or other spells that do not cause actual damage.
I bolded the typo. I checked the APG 2nd printing page 57 and this should in fact say hit points.

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The short description of Twin Thunders in the Ultimate Combat PRD does not match the feat's benefit. Indeed, the short description of the feat doesn't let you do anything more than the core rules lets everybody do (substitute trip, disarm, or sunder for an attack roll).

Sarrah |

Improved Steal (Mythic)
Your light fingers can lift even the most closely held item off an enemy.
Prerequisite: Improved Steal.
Benefit: You gain a bonus equal to half your tier on checks to attempt a steal combat maneuver, and to your CMD when an opponent attempts a steal combat maneuver on you. These bonuses stack with those granted by Improved Steal.
Furthermore, you can make an attack of opportunity against any creature that attempts a steal maneuver against, you unless it also has this feat.
against, you unless --> against you, unless
Toppling Spell — Spell with the sonic descriptor knocks targets prone
Toppling Spell (Metamagic)
Your spells with the force descriptor knock the affected creatures prone.
Benefit: The impact of your force spell is strong enough to knock the target prone. If the target takes damage, fails its saving throw, or is moved by your force spell, make a trip check against the target, using your caster level plus your casting ability score bonus (Wisdom for clerics, Intelligence for wizards, and so on). This does not provoke an attack of opportunity. If the check fails, the target cannot attempt to trip you or the force effect in response.
A toppling spell only affects spells with the force descriptor. A toppling spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level.
Is it sonic or is it force?
Mythic Companion (Mythic)
Mythic Companion
http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/mythicAdventures/mythicFeats.html#_marke d-for-glory-mythic
Shot on the Run (Mythic) links to the Run feat,
Marked for Glory (Mythic) and Mythic Companion (Mythic) do not link to their description,
Snatch Arrow (Mythic) Description has a Snatch hyperlink that links to the Snatch feat.

Sarrah |

http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/mythicAdventures/mythicHeroes/hierophant .html
Plantbringer (Su): All plants within a 1-mile radius of you grow at double their normal rate and don't suffer from any diseases or maladies. Furthermore, allied plant creatures within 30 feet of you gain fast healing equal to your tier. If you use plant shape or wild shape to take the form of a plant, you gain this fast healing in plant form.
take out "this" and please specify what type of fast healing (1/2/3/4/5/more?)

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http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/mythicAdventures/mythicHeroes/hierophant .html
Plantbringer (Su): All plants within a 1-mile radius of you grow at double their normal rate and don't suffer from any diseases or maladies. Furthermore, allied plant creatures within 30 feet of you gain fast healing equal to your tier. If you use plant shape or wild shape to take the form of a plant, you gain this fast healing in plant form.take out "this" and please specify what type of fast healing (1/2/3/4/5/more?)
[Emphasis mine]

Sarrah |

Thank you Matthew Morris for the clarification on the fast healing :) Ahh. With that clarification, the word this makes sense in that sentence.
Specifically: Weapon Training
"Whenever he attacks with a weapon from this group, he gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls."
http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateCombat/classArchetypes/fighter.h tml#_dragoon-%28archetype%29
Specifically: Dragoon Spear Training
"The dragoon's weapon training bonus with spears improves by +1 on attack rolls and +2 on damage rolls for every four levels beyond 5th (to a maximum of +4 on attack rolls and +8 on damage rolls at 17th level)."
Is the Dragoon meant to get an extra +1 to damage?

Unruly |
In the Advanced Player's Guide feat table, there are a couple feats with messed up listings.
Both Sundering Strike and Swift Aid have the required BAB number placed under their benefits column.
<Prerequisites colum> | <Benefits column>
Improved Sunder, base attack bonus | +9 Attempt a sunder attack on a successful critical hit
I'd love a +9 to my free sunder attempt!

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In the Ultimate Campaign section of the PRD, Downtime -> Downtime Events, at the bottom of this page we have the Rooms and Teams Reference table. There's some interesting formatting errors here.
* "Guard Post" is missing and instead has its creation costs where its name should be (and nothing where its creation costs should be).
* "Leather Workshop" just says "Leather" and the word "Workshop" was tacked on the end of its creation costs.
* Same as the leather workshop above, the "Magical Repository" has the word "Repository" missing from the name and instead tacked on the end of the creation costs.
* And again, "Observation Dome" has the word "Dome" missing from the name and instead tacked on the end of the creation costs.
* Finally, the "Workstation" is like the guard post above; its creation costs are sitting where its name should be and its creation costs are blank. However, the word "Workstation" hasn't vanished, it's sitting at the very top of the table in the header which reads: "Rooms and Teams ReferenceWorkstation"

henkslaaf |

There is a problem with the CSS of the PRD when browsing it on a mobile device.
When you scroll up only a single pixel, the site zaps you back to the top. This is very annoying when trying to look up something in a large list and scrolling too far.
This happens on Google Chrome on Samsung Galaxy S2, but I suspect many more devices.

Matt Thomason |

Not sure if this is the right place to note it, but the Magic Arms and Armor section of Ultimate Equipment isn't loading for me. I'm using Chrome for my browser if that helps.
Appears to be fine (the section and the four subsections) on Firefox 28.0/OSX, so I'm guessing there's something on there that Chrome doesn't like.

Honorable Goblin |

I mentioned this a couple months ago but it still hasn't been corrected:
The PRD still has the Crane Wing errata text in the description of Crane Riposte, while the entry for Crane Wing itself has the old text.

Chris Lambertz Digital Products Assistant |

umm, I am noticing some of the books are not on there. for example the revised Advanced Class Guide. is this because it is still in the play test?
The PRD only contains final released OGL content from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game line. Currently, the only book missing is Bestiary 4, which was pushed back due to other tech team commitments.

Iziak |
umm, I am noticing some of the books are not on there. for example the revised Advanced Class Guide. is this because it is still in the play test?
To clarify further, the Advanced Class Guide is still a playtest, so will not be added until after its official release. The most recent playtest document is still available as a free download here.