After thinking about it, I feel like my price was way to high as well as instead of using interval I could of used increments, any advice appreciated.
Gloves of Spell Grip Aura strong evocation CL 15th
Slot hands; Price 65,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
These leather gloves have an image of a crumpled spellbook on their palms. The gloves control spells cast by the wearer that have any duration other than instantaneous or permanent twice a day. The activation time for the gloves is the same as the spell they wish to hold, with a minimum of 1 standard action. Only one spell can be held by the gloves at a time.
This control acts like holding a charge, the spell's duration can be released in the same intervals listed in the spell's description. For example invisibility has a duration of 1 min./level; a 5th level wizard casting it and holding the charge with the gloves can become invisible for five 1 minute intervals divided as he/she chooses until the spell's full duration is used up or lost.
The wearer can cast spells normally while holding a charge with these gloves if they succeed at a concentration check with a DC equal to the spells DC + spell level; failure harmlessly discharges the held spell regardless of the remaining duration. The wearer cannot cast a spell and release an interval of charge on the same round.
If the spell being held by the gloves allows multiple touch targets, you can't hold the charge of such a spell; you must touch all targets of the spell in the same round that you finish casting the spell. During the wearers turn the held spell can be released as a standard action; acting as it were cast normally with its remaining duration.
Construction Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, imbue with spell ability; Cost 32,500 gp
I have a few personal favorites as well, will discuss when things are out in the open. Strong contenders, many oozing flavor with some solid mechanics included for a tough decision.
I'm definitely looking forward to discussing some of the great items I've seen... as well as my own. ^_^
Not wanting to killjoy, but please remember, only discuss your item and/or items you have seen if the contestant Requests feedback about their item in the inevitable feedback threads. I know this can be a pain when an item you are busting to talk about doesnt get a feedback request but we all should try to respect that entrants wishes as in prior years.
You are not being a killjoy at all, the heads up is appreciated and it shall be only for items that are asking for critique.
I was cramming in as many votes as I could before the voting closed moments ago. I saw a few of my personal favorites come by plus a few that I had not seen yet.
Major props to Petty Alchemy and everyone who took the time to update the Items Seen List after voting their hearts out. The thread let myself and others track the progress of their items as well as keep track of their favorites.
I am glad that I will be working while the top 32 and the alternates are announced as it will help keep myself occupied and have the time fly by.
No matter the outcome I had an absolute blast and have a few items on my mind for next year.
I have a few personal favorites as well, will discuss when things are out in the open. Strong contenders, many oozing flavor with some solid mechanics included for a tough decision.
I have entered the competition for many years now. As far as I can tell this is the farthest I have ever made it out of any of them. I am honored to stand side by side with the 200+ contenders. As the thread says good luck to all who entered and are still in it and I second Loradin's mention of those who entered. Wait for the critique your item thread later when the first round is along and learn from what advice is given.
I breathed a sigh of relief as I noticed my item made it past the 3rd cull (just checked after wrapping up my weekly Pathfinder game) congrats to those that made it past and for those who have not seen their item yet keep hope.
I have been checking the sheet of items as I vote and everyone is doing an amazing job keeping track and giving those restless folks like myself a moments reprieve from the anticipation.
A quick note that has been mentioned here and elsewhere, if you did not make it past take heart and watch for the Critique my Item Thread that will give you a chance to hear from the judges and fellow Pathfinder gurus.
I found out about the moving up of the contest yesterday lol. My body and mind are ready though. I have made what I consider my best effort while taking care of my family and other responsibilities and look forward to anything and everything that comes from this healthy competition. Good luck to those who have entered, for those who have not there is still time, remember to have a copy for much later on when you can have it critiqued and learn and grow for the upcoming competitions.
One of the players in my campaign wants a faster flight spell. Faster then what is available. I know Haste can improve your flight speed (I double checked lol) but I was thinking something along the lines of this custom spell I whipped up, any thoughts or advice appreciated.
Reckless Flight
School Transmutation; Level (same classes availability as fly) 4
Casting time 1 standard action
Components V,S,F (a wing feather of an Arrowhawk)
Effect Range Touch
Target creature touched
Duration 1 min./level (see below)
Saving ThrowWill negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
The subject can fly at a speed of 90ft or 60 (with a medium/heavy armor/load) it can ascend at half speed and descend at double speed its maneuverability is good. Using a fly spell requires only as much concentration as walking, so the subject can attack or cast spells normally. The subject of a fly spell can charge but not run, and it cannot carry aloft more weight than its maximum load, plus any armor it wears. The subject gains a bonus on Fly skill checks equal to 1/2 your caster level.
Should the spell duration expire while the subject is still aloft, the magic fails slowly. The subject floats downward 60 feet per round for 1d6 rounds. If it reaches the ground in that amount of time, it lands safely. If not, it falls the rest of the distance, taking 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet of fall. Since dispelling a spell effectively ends it, the subject also descends safely in this way if the fly spell is dispelled, but not if it is negated by an antimagic field.
The creature can move at an accelerated rate sacrificing accuracy and duration. A creature can move at double the speed at an additional cost of 1 minute from the spells duration for one round. You must have a full minute of duration to use this ability. Example Fly 180ft maneuverability poor, or 120ft with a medium/heavy armor/load maneuverability poor
This +1 glamered shortbow is made from black yew and is incredibly light and supple. The bow has 5 charges which appear as notches on the bows grip. Whenever a charge is used a notch disappears, showing the remaining charges. The charges replenish every 24 hours at midnight causing any lost notches to reappear. The bows powers are listed below.
Pick: The bow creates an arrow shaped like a lock pick. When fired at a locked object the wielder makes a ranged disable device check to pick the lock as if they had it as a trained skill with a +10 bonus. If fired outside of the bows range reduce the disable device bonus by -2 for each -2 range increment. The arrow deals normal damage when fired at anything else and vanishes 1 round after leaving the bow. (2 charges)
Stick: The bow creates an arrow with an hand shaped arrowhead to appear. When fired against a solid surface the hand sticks firmly and releases a 60-ft length of hemp rope lasting 8 rounds after which the hand and rope disappear. Anyone besides the wielder attempting to move the hand requires a DC 20 Strength check to dislodge it. (1 charge)
Shh: The bow is affected by silence (as the spell) in a 5-ft. square for 8 rounds. If the bow is not being held with at least one hand anytime during Shh being active, the power ends immediately. (2 charges)
Construction Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor; knock, silence, animate rope; Cost 8,300gp
This +1 glamered shortbow is made from black yew and is incredibly light and supple. The bow has 5 charges which appear as notches on the bows grip. Whenever a charge is used a notch disappears, showing the remaining charges. The charges replenish every 24 hours at midnight causing any lost notches to reappear. The bows powers are listed below.
Pick: The bow creates an arrow shaped like a lock pick. When fired at a locked object the wielder makes a ranged disable device check to pick the lock as if they had it as a trained skill with a +10 bonus. If fired outside of the bows range reduce the disable device bonus by -2 for each -2 range increment. The arrow deals normal damage when fired at anything else and vanishes 1 round after leaving the bow. (2 charges)
Stick: The bow creates an arrow with an hand shaped arrowhead to appear. When fired against a solid surface the hand sticks firmly and releases a 60-ft length of hemp rope lasting 8 rounds after which the hand and rope disappear. Anyone besides the wielder attempting to move the hand requires a DC 20 Strength check to dislodge it. (1 charge)
Shh: The bow is affected by silence (as the spell) in a 5-ft. square for 8 rounds. If the bow is not being held with at least one hand anytime during Shh being active, the power ends immediately. (2 charges)
Construction Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor; knock, silence, animate rope; Cost 8,300gp
I found that reading and rereading your item could cause you to skip over things if you do it without taking a break. You unconsciously fix something or gloss over something.
I put my item into google translate and used translate english to english. I could hear how my item sounded with my eyes closed so I would immediately hear from someone elses perspective. I would fix a problem if I heard one and continue on. May not be ground breaking but I definitely benefited from it, as not everyone has someone who can help proof your work. If you have never checked it out find the link here Google Translate
I am having a discussion with one of my players, who wants Do-maru armor reinforced with Darkleaf cloth.
Now Do-maru's description is this: The lightest of all samurai armors, do-maru wraps around your body like a short armored coat. It consists primarily of lamellar and lacks a solid breastplate or sleeves. This permits you greater flexibility than do heavier armors.
Darkleaf Cloth: Darkleaf cloth is a special form of flexible material made by weaving together leaves and thin strips of bark from darkwood trees, then treating the resulting fabric with special alchemical processes. The resulting material is tough as cured hide but much lighter, making it an excellent material from which to create armor. Spell failure chances for armors made from darkleaf cloth decrease by 10% (to a minimum of 5%), maximum Dexterity bonuses increase by 2, and armor check penalties decrease by 3 (to a minimum of 0).
An item made from darkleaf cloth weighs half as much as the same item made from normal cured leather, furs, or hides. Items not primarily constructed of leather, fur, or hide are not meaningfully affected by being partially made of darkleaf cloth. As such padded, leather, studded leather, and hide armor can be made out of darkleaf cloth (although other types of armor made of leather or hide might be possible). Because darkleaf cloth remains flexible, it cannot be used to construct rigid items such as shields or metal armors. Armors fashioned from darkleaf cloth are always masterwork items as well; the masterwork cost is included in the prices given below.
Darkleaf cloth has 20 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 10.
Type of Darkleaf Cloth Item Cost Modifier
Clothing +500 gp
Light armor +750 gp
Medium armor +1,500 gp
Other items +375 gp/lb.
Now where my player and I disagree is the description for the Do-maru has it being primarily made of Lamellar. Where the description is Lamellar is a type of armor in which small plates of various types of materials are strung together in parallel rows using fine cord. Lamellar plates can be constructed from lacquered leather, horn, or even stone, though steel and heavier iron are most common. Lamellar armor can be crafted into various shapes, including partial pieces such as breastplates, greaves, or even entire coats. The properties of specific suits and pieces of lamellar armor are determined by their material.
My players side of things is that its leather thus can be done with darkleaf cloth. My side of things is that it cannot because if the Do-maru is made of lamellar and lamellar is lacquered leather, horn, stone, steel and heavier iron I would consider it rigid, Darkcloth cannot used to construct rigid items such as shields or metal armors.
While I can agree that lacquered leather part of lamellar can be a leather armor (which is part of what darkcloth needs, my point being that is the rest of the materials such as horn, stone, steel and heavier iron are also what lamellar can be made of and they would lead to me think that lacquered leather would be as rigid as its other materials and not be treated with darkleaf.
Any help would be appreciated, I am the GM and could make a ruling but I like to consider myself fair.
Hello James, I was wondering about the Vicious weapon ability, I have read several posts on the boards but wanted some clarity for my group.
A character has a vicious merciful melee weapon, would the merciful make all the damage dealt non lethal including the 1d6 from vicious? or is the weapon enhancement damage separate from that?
A character has a vicious weapon and throws it at an opponent, does the extra damage from vicious not happen? or does the damage still happen to the target and the character either takes the damage or does not.
Finally does the vicious weapon damage happen when attacking inanimate objects or only opponents? Any help or advice appreciated.
Another year of building anticipation, I for one cannot wait for the results to be announced. What I have gleaned from previous years is not to beat yourself up too much and Sean K gave some sage advice which I have taken to heart.
Sean K Reynolds Designer, RPG Superstar Judge, Jan 19, 2011, 01:34 PM
Don't think of it as losing, think of it as there were 36 people (out of several hundred) who submitted a better item than yours.
Many items didn't make the superstar cut, but the judges agreed they were GIFOABOMI (good enough for a book of magic items).
The guy who gets 5th place in the Olympic qualifiers (when only the Top 4 get to advance) isn't a loser... he's still the 5th-best athlete competing that year.
Just remember there were HUNDREDS of item submissions this year. It was a hard fight to make it into the Top 32. If we were issuing letter grades to all the items, many people would get a B, which is still a good grade! At one point we had about 50-60 items in our "keep" pile, and had to whittle that down to just 32+4. That's like filtering out all the B+ and A- submissions and just keeping the A submissions.
Don't let this get you down. There are people who didn't make the Top 32 for the first three years of the competition, but made it in this year. D&D designer James Wyatt got dozens of rejections from Dragon Magazine before he got in. Every actor you see in a movie or on TV has been rejected dozens of times at auditions. Every novelist on the bestseller list has been rejected by publishers, too. Take a look at your work, hear about how you can improve on it, and try again.
I believe from previous posts years ago, they had spoken about it. This was posted a while back:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer, Dec 9, 2007, 05:24 PM
I've just spent the last few hours looking at discussions of RPG Superstar on other websites, and I've realized that a lot of people have incorrect assumptions about Paizo's plans for the content that the contestants are generating.
All of these wondrous items, countries, villains and so on—they're a means to an end. Owning all of this content is not one of the goals we had for RPG Superstar—it's just a by-product of the contest process. (We're taking ownership of submissions for our own legal protection. Check pretty much any contest rules that involve creative submissions, and you'll find text along the lines of "all submissions become the property of so-and-so.")
We're not planning on creating a new RPG Superstar campaign setting by mashing together 32 countries, populating them with 16 villains, and so on. (Frankly, we're busy enough creating our own Pathfinder Chronicles campaign setting.)
We're not even planning on selling a product that compiles the top entries. (For one thing, why would you buy it? You can get that content for free right here, along with comments from the community on how to use it in your campaign.)
We're glad people are enjoying creating this material, and reading it, discussing it, and using it in their campaigns, but our goal is not to find new content—it's to find a talented designer.
Tossing my two cents into the proverbial pot, giving first impressions and anything I notice off the top of my head. I will be reading through all the posts but I will only be basing my critiques on what I see from the item itself. I will also do my best to keep up with the next ones from my last item and keep going from there.
Chelish Silver-Tongued Devil: The template looks good and I easily understood the item and its intentions. My first thoughts on the mask's second ability is that even with the melee touch attack I would of liked to see a fort save to resist the effect. For requirements I would of gone with Suffocation instead of web which could of made the price higher but the second ability is usable once a day so that evens it out for me. I can see my players using this original item, nicely done.
Gentleman’s Ensnaring Cane: The template looks correct, and the description of the cane is nice. The canes ability is powerful with the possibility of dropping them from 100 feet in the air as one example of its use. For its one turn use I can see a player abusing the item to swing their enemies through their teams threatened area for some free swings or off a cliff. I would say the high price, single daily use and save to negate does balance that somewhat. The name led me to think of an honorable duel medium size and maybe limited to a single target usable a a few times a day. I would say its a powerful item that needs a bit of balancing.
Escapee’s Spoon Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 16,200 gp; Weight — lbs.
This spoon appears sturdy with several scratches along it surface. Once per day, when the command word is spoken a small mouth opens from the spoons bowl. The spoons mouth can effortlessly eat through any inanimate, non-magical surface of earth and stone. The spoon can devour two feet of earth and stone in an hour. When 10 feet of any combination of earth and stone has been eaten by the spoon it becomes full. When the spoon is full it stops eating for the day and gains a charge that activates one of the two following powers.
The first power is the spoon slowly releasing a paper thin covering of earth and stone which effectively camouflages a hole that is Medium creature size or smaller. This covering takes one minute to apply and lasts until anything touches it. This power only works on surfaces made of earth and stone. Once applied the cover is indistinguishable to the naked eye unless the creature has stonecunning.
The second power allows the person holding the spoon to squeeze it, unleashing a spray of dust and grit from the mouth as a standard action. The spray can target a single foe within 10 feet as a ranged touch attack. Any creature struck by the spray takes 1d6+4 points of bludgeoning damage and must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or be blinded for one round.
Construction Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, stone shape; transmute rock to mud; Cost 8,100 gp
Items I liked but knew were too far out of mainstream gaming style to make the top 32-
Escapee's Spoon
Toastmaster's Glass
Lute Of Enveloping (playing the tune to retrieve the item won me over)
Garter Of Hidden Fortune
Candle Of Distant Assurance
Orator's Torc
I also really liked Paper Messenger, the sole walkie talkie that I really enjoyed. I thought it might squeak in.
Thanks for mentioning my item (Escapee's Spoon) Clouds. I plan on posting on the critique my items thread on Friday to further improve myself and hopefully give some feedback on some of the items I read during my voting spree.
The description for the Oracle ability Cinder Dance needs an r for the last word revelation.
Cinder Dance Ex): Your base speed increases by 10 feet. At 5th level, you receive Nimble Moves as a bonus feat. At 10th level, you receive Acrobatic Steps as a bonus feat. You do not need to meet the prerequisites to receive these feats. Oracles with the lame oracle curse cannot select this evelation.
Hello James, I have been working on a Master Feat table, containing all the feats from the Core Rulebook, Advanced Players Guide, Ultimate Magic and Ultimate Combat. This table will be tied to the PRD and I wanted to know if this will step on any toes if I made it into a PDF available for everyone on the boards? This was a musing of Sean K Reynolds on his facebook fanpage and I have been running with it since. I have almost have everything ready for the book I just need to convert my word file to a pdf and hyperlink everything. This would eventually lead to all the meat and potatoes from the books being added into separate books divided by content.
A first glimpse of my table is here in word before being made into a pdf Master Feat table
This one is on (in case some of you weren't aware that is.)
I was not actually, I mainly stick to the books and the PRD after checking you're link I love what I see and will be emailing you shortly to see where I can help out.
Here is the link to my Master feat table for Pathfinder’s Core Rulebook in response to a musing of Sean K Reynolds on his facebook page last week,
Sean K Reynolds wrote:
We need an article or set of tables grouping Core Rulebook feats into "melee feats," "ranged feats," "defensive feats," and "spellcaster feats." That would be very handy for quickly finishing up basic stat blocks.
The table is clickable and linked to the Pathfinder PRD enjoy.
Any advice or feedback appreciated, the table was made in word and when I tried to paste the table here it lost its formating and structure, I found google docs to be an excellent work around. I have the feats for the other main books ready for editing and posting if the first table is useful for our awesome gamers here.
Here is the link to my Master feat table for Pathfinder’s Core Rulebook in response to a musing of Sean K Reynolds on his facebook page last week,
Sean K Reynolds wrote:
We need an article or set of tables grouping Core Rulebook feats into "melee feats," "ranged feats," "defensive feats," and "spellcaster feats." That would be very handy for quickly finishing up basic stat blocks.
The table is clickable and linked to the Pathfinder PRD enjoy.
Any advice or feedback appreciated, the table was made in word and when I tried to paste the table here it lost its formating and structure, I found google docs to be an excellent work around. I have the feats for the other main books ready for editing and posting if the first table is useful for our awesome gamers here.
For myself it would be the Instant Fortress, great portable base and a weapon for a flying wizard to drop on unsuspecting foes. Lyre of Building is a close second.
For everyone who has entered, smile and give yourself a pat on the back. The anticipation for the results is going to huge but the payout in the end is worth it.
I wracked my brain for ideas and settled on one of many two days ago. We had a power outage at work so it gave me a few hours of downtime to hash out what I really wanted to do.
I plan to be watching/reading the upcoming goodness after getting some well deserved rest.
Working on a custom golem for my campaign where my Magus is constructing a golem to wear as a suit (Complex Armor Mod from Ultimate Magic) and or fight beside it in battle. Its late and I have alot of different ideas of what I want but I want it to be balanced in terms of power and cost.
I was thinking of a knife golem with razor sharp knives all over its body and fingers tipped with blades.
The stats are for a medium sized golem, I started it by using the alchemical golem and adjusting the stats as per the Beastiary tables found on page 305 and 296, as well as the animated objects table in the beginning of the book.
I mainly need help with the cost for its abilities. I want to give it Rend and Bleed attacks as well as the standard immunity to magic with the exception of spells like heat metal or chill metal as well as ones with the electricity descriptor.
Immunity to Magic (ex) A magical attack that deals fire or cold damage slows an knife golem (as the slow spell) for 2d6 rounds, with no saving throw.
A magical attack that deals electricity damage breaks any slow effect on the golem and heals 1 point of damage for every 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the golem to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points. An knife golem gets no saving throw against electricity effects.
When a knife golem is targeted by either Chill Metal/Heat Metal it gets no save and its slam attacks and Fast Hands special ability deal cold or fire damage instead of its regular damage for as long as the spell lasts. The Knife golem is still slowed while under this effect for 2d6 rounds.
When a knife golem is targeted by a shocking grasp his slam attacks and fast hands ability deal an additional 1d6 electricity damage for 1 round, a knife golem gets no save against shocking grasp.
Fast Hands: As a full round action a knife golem can hurl daggers from its hands appropriate to its size as a ranged touch attack with a range of 60 feet with no range increment.
Armory: The Knife Golem can create regular daggers as it needs but they crumple to rust 1 round after they are fired. A knife golem can be loaded with up to 5 daggers per hand to be used instead of the golems regular daggers, loading or unloading a golems hand is a move action when done by the golem or another person.
I am thinking of a CR 9 (similar to the alchemical golem) with the same requirements except for the skill craft would be blacksmithing or weaponsmithing DC 20, and adding the advanced template once the details are nailed down a bit.
I would like to know how long the temp hit point would last in this situation: Flesh Golem with a weakness to fire/benefit of electricity is enchanted or wearing a magical item that deals constant electrical damage.
Now for every 3 points he gains 1 hp. Once at max any hp gained by the electricity become temp hp. I understand if the golem is hit they are taken away, but I have bolded the section below that makes me think the temp hp stays until the golem is hurt and then loses them.
Does that mean that the golem can continue to amass temp hp as long as the constant electricity effect is in place? If the item deals minor damage say 1 damage a round that can add up over the course of a day.
For those not wanting the link here is the copy/paste from the PRD:
Temporary Hit Points
Certain effects give a character temporary hit points. These hit points are in addition to the character's current hit point total and any damage taken by the character is subtracted from these hit points first. Any damage in excess of a character's temporary hit points is applied to his current hit points as normal. If the effect that grants the temporary hit points ends or is dispelled, any remaining temporary hit points go away. The damage they sustained is not transferred to the character's current hit points. When temporary hit points are lost, they cannot be restored as real hit points can be, even by magic.
Following the Complex Modification formula on page 114 of the Ultimate Magic does not equal the listed amount for the mods. Example Construct Armor listed as x but follow the formula given and the price is 11k cheaper when done as a bard or 18500 cheaper when done as Cleric than the listed price.
I understand that its like wondrous item crafting and is more art then science but the difference of cost is fairly huge. I mainly wish to know if its allowed to use the formula given vs the listed price since different casters can cast the requirments at different levels.
I would give more specifics but I do not want to let out anything thats not under the OGL etc.
How would you deal with crafting a magical item that deals constant elemental damage to boost a constructs hp and then to temp hp (if at max hp) for as long as the item is worn? Example: Flesh Golem with a magical item made to deal constant electricity damage. I would think that it would since Flesh golems do not get saves against electricity spells? The item would be along the lines of a cantrip like spark or more powerful spell that deals electricity if needed. The damage would be average so there would not have to roll each round and have less upkeep.
I plan on using it (if it works and is allowed etc) with Draconic Resevoir to absorb the damage while using the Construct armor as a balancing factor since I would think that I would be taking the damage while inside the construct being under the effect of the item.
If the golem wearing the item does not work what about casting spark many times to charge up my golem? How long do the temporary hit points stay?
James, for golems is there a reduction in price for making a large construct medium or smaller?. I was hoping to construct a golem and use the Construct Armor modification from the Ultimate Magic.
How would you deal with crafting a magical item that deals constant elemental damage to boost a constructs hp and then to temp hp (if at max hp) for as long as the item is worn? Example: Flesh Golem with a magical item made to deal constant electricity damage. I would think that it would since Flesh golems do not get saves against electricity spells? The item would be along the lines of a cantrip like spark or more powerful spell that deals electricity if needed. The damage would be average so there would not have to roll each round and have less upkeep.
After reading several posts that you have given info about golems I though you would be the man to ask. I plan on using it (if it works and is allowed etc) with Draconic Resevoir to absorb the damage while using the Construct armor as a balancing factor since I would think that I would be taking the damage while inside the construct being under the effect of the item.
Would you be able to cast snapdragon fireworks one round, then on the next turn cast another one (if prepared, spontaneous etc) controlling the first with a move action then next turn control both with two move actions. I believe the once per round as a move action is to prevent the two move actions for the one spell. For the range and only being a level one spell its pretty decent for higher level characters, especially with no roll to hit just attacking squares.
Rolling up a NPC Tengu Vampire Ninja and was wondering about the natural attacks and their to hit. Does the Tengu Vampire using a full round action to attack get the slam being at full BAB while the bite is at -5? or is it both at Full BAB?
There is this a non pathfinder variant that replaces Sword Trained for 2 claw attacks at a d8, the Tengu Vampire would then have a slam attack, 2 claws and a bite and I want to make sure I am doing the attacks correctly.
Extremely excited and have already placed my preorder! The Spellstrike and Spell Combat should allow Power Attack to work since power attack does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hp damage. My Magus just became a bit more lethal.
Why wouldn't power attack work?
Or to phrase it better:
When was power attack not working with spellstrike or spell combat?
I think the confusion is that you can't apply Power Attack to a touch attack.
However, since you are making an attack with a melee weapon, there's no reason you can't apply Power Attack to your weapon attack(s).
Sorry for any confusion, I know there is no reason for it not to work, I have only used Spell Strike once with my Magus, but I can see the benefits more clearly. Previously I was using Close Range Arcana, but with the spell taking the threat range of the weapon that is a huge benefit. I had posted on the boards a little while ago about power attack and touch spells due to a split in our group about the RAI/RAW. Looking forward to revamping my Magus once the book arrives at the end of the month.
Extremely excited and have already placed my preorder! The Spellstrike and Spell Combat should allow Power Attack to work since power attack does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hp damage. My Magus just became a bit more lethal.
James, In the games you have played or are playing do you run into any problems with characters crafting magical items? I keep running into opposition and flack from my group for crafting. My group believes that crafting magical items makes me over powered and the rules are weak and let you do anything. The items I do craft are from the Pathfinder Core/APG or a few spell in a can type items. This years Paizo Superstar helped me delve into crafting and its been non stop for my 8th level Magus or just in my spare time outside of sessions. Advice?
One other bit of advice if you really don't like the idea of using your character's crafting skills to help the other player characters—maybe you'd be more happy as a GM than a player? That way you can craft all the items you want for your NPCs and for the PCs to find.
Thank you for the advice James, I have sat in the GM chair for a few years with my group. We tend to switch GM's every few months when someone wants to do an idea and the current arc is over.
The point about the party working for its greater good rings true. Loot is usually not shared properly unless a player takes charge of it, we are good for sharing combat and healing. I could try harder to craft things for my party. Hopefully offering or just making my team something will help ease the heat from the crafting.
I am an optimizer/power gamer and its very hard for me to not have a character built to the best of my ability. My main belief is its hard to play a character if you are dead (not impossible though)
I think what I am going to take from your advice is trying to encourage more teamwork from the group (myself included) we each tend to do our own thing while we play and it makes sense that we should be around each other for a reason and call on characters in game when they are doing things against the parties interests.
Thanks for the quick responses everyone. It still works out for me since I can take the penalty on my melee attacks and not have my melee touch or ranged touch to hit altered.
James, In the games you have played or are playing do you run into any problems with characters crafting magical items? I keep running into opposition and flack from my group for crafting. My group believes that crafting magical items makes me over powered and the rules are weak and let you do anything. The items I do craft are from the Pathfinder Core/APG or a few spell in a can type items. This years Paizo Superstar helped me delve into crafting and its been non stop for my 8th level Magus or just in my spare time outside of sessions. Advice?
This came up during my session last night, one of my other teammates and the gm said that they interpret Power attack does not apply to touch attacks. I read the last line of it as touch attacks and effects that do not deal hit point damage, like Enervation and its negative levels for example. When doing something like a Shocking Grasp or the Close Range Magus Arcana for my Magus it should apply as long as it deals hit point damage. Thoughts?
Power Attack (Combat)
You can make exceptionally deadly melee attacks by sacrificing accuracy for strength.
Prerequisites: Str 13, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. This bonus to damage is increased by half (+50%) if you are making an attack with a two-handed weapon, a one handed weapon using two hands, or a primary natural weapon that adds 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier on damage rolls. This bonus to damage is halved (–50%) if you are making an attack with an off-hand weapon or secondary natural weapon. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every 4 points thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2. You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll, and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage.
In that case I believe you follow the standard formula;
Spell level x caster level x 2,000 gp
Just remember the golden rule. Check the price of the item you are creating with existing items and see if it is appropriate.
Thanks Scipion, I was curious due to the huge discount for 24 hour duration or greater. I would think something like .5 discount which could add up to a decent sum based on the item. Congrats on making it to the top 4 by the way, it was an amazing competition to watch.
Is there a value to be tied to spells that last an 1 hour/level for continuous items?
If a continuous item has an effect based on a spell with a duration measured in rounds, multiply the cost by 4. If the duration of the spell is 1 minute/level, multiply the cost by 2, and if the duration is 10 minutes/level, multiply the cost by 1.5. If the spell has a 24-hour duration or greater, divide the cost in half.
I will add my voice to the multitude of well wishes for the hard work the judges have done this year. Before the competition I was not very active on the boards and naive about the competitions prowess. The contest has changed that for the better. The talent of the judges and others here on the site is staggering.
The advice you have given for my item is invaluable Neil. I feel confident about meeting the challenge next year and that I can avoid the pitfalls I fell into this year.
Welcome back Neil, If you have the time for review the item is...
Naturesmith Gloves:
Naturesmith Gloves Aura Strong Transmutation CL 15th
Slot Hands; Price 14,400 gp; Weight 1 lbs.
These brown leather gloves appear worn and well cared for, each bearing an image of Torag’s hammer and tong on their palm. When a command word is spoken these gloves produce white clay that has morphic properties 3 times a day. The gloves produce clay at a maximum rate of 1 cubic foot per round or until 15 cubic feet of clay has been produced. After the gloves produce 15 cubic feet of clay the gloves become inert for 24 hours while the gloves renew their magical energies. The wearer can apply this clay to any non-magical, non-special stone, metal or wood at a rate of 5ft per round, clay used on invalid materials is wasted as it rapidly crumbles to dust. The clay changes 1 round after application transforming permanently into the same material it covers. For example, clay spread over a wooden doorframe seals the door to the frame as if it were a solid piece. The thickness, hardness and hit points are of regular clay until it is applied to stone, wood or metal, the clay gains the new materials hardness and hit points. If the clay is applied to any precious metal or mineral the duration is treated as the spell Major Creation with a caster level of 15th.
Construction Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Polymorph Any Object, Major Creation, creator must have 10 ranks in the Craft (Sculpting) skill; Cost 7,200 gp
Hm, neat idea. But I mainly have 2 problems with this:
1. Requires a lot of GM fiat. Basically all game effects have to be decided by the GM, Including what constitutes for precious or special mineral or metal.
2. Since most applications seem to be permanent you can basically spawn an infinite ammount of , say iron, which can be sold for 1 sp per pound. So its an (exponentionally growing, by buying more gloves) infinite money cheat. (750gp per day and doubling every 20 days ;))
Is it 3/day or 15 cubic feet per day? Or 15 cubic feet, distributed among 3 uses per day?
Thank you for the feedback Azmahel, the feedback from both you and the other judges have given focus of what to do for next year. To answer your question is 15 cubic feet maximum a day whether or not you use it in one, two or three charges. The infinite amount of common metal makes alot of sense, I was originally more worried about special materials or precious metals.
I plan on cleaning up and tightening the mechanics for next year, this contest has already made me a better crafter and player. I have a few ideas for next year and am now crafting wondrous items in my weekly games. For balance I will post any of them that are not in the main books or basic spiac or sak etc.