Overheard at the Paizo office

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

This has turned into a load of [redacted].

Silver Crusade

Gary Teter wrote:
Passwords are slightly different. Here's mine: ••••••••

It would be awesome if your password was really 8 dots.

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Celestial Healer wrote:
Gary Teter wrote:
Passwords are slightly different. Here's mine: ••••••••
It would be awesome if your password was really 8 dots.

Drat now I have to change my password.

Lantern Lodge

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sara marie: lissa are you at your desk at the momesnt?


sara marie: gary, is lissa at her desk?

gary: yes... well....

gary: i hear typing

gary: but i'm too lazy to turn around

Lantern Lodge

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Cosmo and Sara Marie laughing evilly.

CS Erik: That's not funny.

Sara Marie: It's kinda funny.


CS Erik: I guess it *could* be funny.

Lantern Lodge

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crystal: How do I go back to normal?


crystal: Oh god... I can't stop


crystal: Mom was right; It's stuck like this now

Lantern Lodge

robot chris: I hope this conveys my anguish enough

Lantern Lodge

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cosmo: I just took it to a weird place, didn't I?

ross: Yes.

Lantern Lodge

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gary: mmmm..... McRib® latte....

Liberty's Edge Contributor

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Sara Marie wrote:
gary: mmmm..... McRib® latte....



...Two please

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Mike Brock: Grar is something fish do when they are mad. Editors are more like GGWWAARRRRRR!

Sovereign Court

Chris Lambertz wrote:
Mike Brock: Grar is something fish do when they are mad. Editors are more like GGWWAARRRRRR!

Paizo editors are like GWAR?

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Crystal: I may vomit: [link redacted]

Cosmo refrains from commenting

CS Erik: I'm not even going to click on that

Crystal: You know you need to

CS Erik refrains from commenting as well.

Gary: i clicked it and now i'm strangely hungry

Lissa: That's strangely disturbing.

Lissa: Although it could bring a new meaning to bacon cheeseburger sliders.

Gary swings golf club, does Johnny Carson "hey-ohhhhh"

Cosmo wrote:

Crystal: I may vomit: [link redacted]

Cosmo refrains from commenting

CS Erik: I'm not even going to click on that

Crystal: You know you need to

CS Erik refrains from commenting as well.

Gary: i clicked it and now i'm strangely hungry

Lissa: That's strangely disturbing.

Lissa: Although it could bring a new meaning to bacon cheeseburger sliders.

Gary swings golf club, does Johnny Carson "hey-ohhhhh"

Where is vomit guy?

He's busy, but I'll do in a pinch.


Duke of Disgorge wrote:

He's busy, but I'll do in a pinch.


That was surprisingly adequate.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Crystal: This is how I know I'm old now.
Red Chris: Why?
Crystal: I ate butter, and now I want to roll over and die.

Duke of Disgorge wrote:

He's busy, but I'll do in a pinch.


You missed.

Lantern Lodge

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robot chris: I need lunch, before I am tempted to eat paper... the only paper I have readily available is the healthcare stuff... that should mean it's nutritious right?

Lantern Lodge

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gary: i love being evil!

Lantern Lodge

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robot chris: are you saying he has a mullet on his face?

cosmo: No, that's business up front, party in the throat.

robot chris: wtf? what does that even mean!?

cosmo: It means that my ability to make jokes checked out hours ago.

Lantern Lodge

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sara marie: Is it ok to say "[redacted]" in the "something is coming" blog thread?

gary: Let 'em stew for awhile then stir it up again.

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Myself hm... goblins could play football, if they're mounted on piglets >.>

I'm posting this here so I never forget I came up with this idea!

Chris Lambertz wrote:

Myself hm... goblins could play football, if they're mounted on piglets >.>

I'm posting this here so I never forget I came up with this idea!

I recommended that Wayne Reynolds does that image for the Superbowl!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Chris Lambertz wrote:

Myself hm... goblins could play football, if they're mounted on piglets >.>

I'm posting this here so I never forget I came up with this idea!

Don't forget the small spears.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Chris Lambertz wrote:

Myself hm... goblins could play football, if they're mounted on piglets >.>

I'm posting this here so I never forget I came up with this idea!

Not sure if this will work, but...


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Sebastian, Crusher of Dreams.

Sebastian wrote:
Chris Lambertz wrote:

Myself hm... goblins could play football, if they're mounted on piglets >.>

I'm posting this here so I never forget I came up with this idea!

Not sure if this will work, but...



Lantern Lodge

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CS Erik: If I had a table that wasn't in the corner of a room and firmly bolted to a wall, I'd probably flip it right now.

Lantern Lodge

Robot Chris: it's time for.... shinies!


Robot Chris: actually, no, it's time for fixing things

Paizo Employee Software Test Engineer

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote:
CS Erik: If I had a table that wasn't in the corner of a room and firmly bolted to a wall, I'd probably flip it right now.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Erik uses table flip, it's not very effective.

Erik Keith wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
CS Erik: If I had a table that wasn't in the corner of a room and firmly bolted to a wall, I'd probably flip it right now.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Erik uses table flip, it's not very effective.

Are we sure teh golem will not animate the table and have it take revenge.

Lantern Lodge

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sara marie: Erik, when you get a spammer doing cold calls like that...

sara marie: do not say "is there anything else I can help you with?"

sara marie: that path leads to madness

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Sara Marie wrote:

sara marie: Erik, when you get a spammer doing cold calls like that...

sara marie: do not say "is there anything else I can help you with?"

sara marie: that path leads to madness

My dad always used invite doorknocking Jehovah's Witnesses in for some afternoon tea, and then (respectfully) questioned them about their belief system--kind of like asking a salesperson about the features of a product.

Most of them just got up and left after they couldn't explain anything sufficiently to answer his questions. One or two of them accused him of being hellspawn.

Ah, fun times.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
cynarion wrote:
One or two of them accused him of being hellspawn

Just so you are aware, your father must have met an Odd Jehovah Witness because they don't believe in Hell. They may have been turning a phrase, but even that would be odd for a Jehovah Witness since even saying "Damn" is frowned upon.

You may be confusing with another religious sect that came to the house.

* Jehovah Witness for 1/2 his life, and Damn was it hell...;)

Lantern Lodge

Cosmo: I just [redacted] right in the [redacted] of my [redacted].


Cosmo: ... and thats what I call an overshare!

Lantern Lodge

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Robot Chris: internal conflict

Robot Chris: kernals going crazy

Robot Chris: somehow breaks mac

Robot Chris: ... with her face

Lissa: *walking to chris's computer* What did you do this time?

Robot Chris: Oh, I was joking.

Robot Chris: *I* probably shouldn't joke about that.

Sovereign Court

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Sara Marie wrote:

Cosmo: I just [redacted] right in the [redacted] of my [redacted].


Cosmo: ... and thats what I call an overshare!

I am going to start treating these [redacted] conversations as if they were Mad Libs ...

Cosmo: I just drove right in the lobby of my place of employment.


Cosmo: I just regrew a mustache right in the middle of my boyish face.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Dragnmoon wrote:
cynarion wrote:
One or two of them accused him of being hellspawn

Just so you are aware, your father must have met an Odd Jehovah Witness because they don't believe in Hell. They may have been turning a phrase, but even that would be odd for a Jehovah Witness since even saying "Damn" is frowned upon.

You may be confusing with another religious sect that came to the house.

* Jehovah Witness for 1/2 his life, and Damn was it hell...;)

Actually, the turn of phrase was mine--I recall the ones in question being angry and there being forceful words said, but I was too young at the time to understand what they were actually talking about (I was around six or seven).

In any case, thank you for your corrections, I greatly appreciate it! My favourite way of being proven wrong is when I learn something new into the bargain.

And now, back to your originally scheduled programming.

Lantern Lodge

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gary: when i'm sarcastic there is blood on the floor

cs erik: I was wondering what the blood stains were from

Lantern Lodge

cs erik: someone should post that to the things overheard at the office

cs erik: since I don't want to self post

Lantern Lodge

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cs erik: ...

cs erik: why you gotta be like that?

Lantern Lodge

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crystal: How come no one ever posts my witticisms, but Erik gets a free pass?

robot chris: because your witticisms are too valuable?

crystal: Good answer. You will make an excellent lieutenant for my all-girl army of kung fu killers.

gary: we're saving yours for when we need them during a stressful party for that immediate crushing put-down

crystal: Gary will also make an excellent addition. After some work

Former VP of Finance

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Chris Self tsks over Sutter's non-specific pronoun.

James Sutter: Obviously I meant Erik--we don't waste valuable pronouns on freelancers.

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To Vic, talking about a Scorpion pepper he acquired.

Pierce Watters "I might take a tiny tiny bite tonight. I'll send you a video about these guys who eat scorpion peppers in Australia."

"So... if you never see me again..."

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Crystal Plus, it's the only legal way to eat human.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Chris Lambertz wrote:

To Vic, talking about a Scorpion pepper he acquired.

Pierce Watters "I might take a tiny tiny bite tonight. I'll send you a video about these guys who eat scorpion peppers in Australia."

"So... if you never see me again..."


Lantern Lodge

11 people marked this as a favorite.

cs erik: the longest part of designing a character in pathfinder for me is thinking of the right name

robot chris: I usually pick names based on the objects around me... this is a dangerous practice >.>

cosmo: I usually just wait until something pops spontaneously into my head. With Chris's, I would end up with a character named stapler.

robot chris: no, Swingline

cosmo: This is my character: Character Sheet.

robot chris: Swingline Skullpumpkin

robot chris: Beverly Watermelon

cosmo: BEHOLD! My new socerer: ANGRY RED BIRD!

cosmo: Tremble before the sumpreme might of the fighter: Santa Claus!

robot chris: My barbarian, Sushi Dice, will CRUSH AM YOU

cosmo: Fear teh might of my new cleric: Zombie Pterodactyl!

cosmo: (my desk is wicked interesting)

robot chris: Cupcake Reebo

sara marie: behold the wrath of iPhone Kitty!

sara marie: or JunkPile McPostIt Note

robot chris: Pocket Coffee!

ross: Tylenol BigCup!

robot chris: Jeff Printer

cosmo: Momerath Beholderscream

robot chris: Jacket Pasta

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