The DPR Summer Olympics, or What are we supposed to use? Harsh language?


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Meh, two errors in the above post. I forgot Weapon Focus, and I thought that a strong fort save was +12 instead of +13. That's what I get for doing it at 2 in the morning. anyways, here's a modified Monk that includes Greater Trip!

The Build:

Human Quigong Monk 10
Vow of Celibacy, Vow of Fasting, Vow of Truth

STR: 8
DEX: 12
CON: 12
INT: 14
WIS: 22
CHA: 14

Traits: Noble Born: Surtova (KPG) +2 dmg vs. Flat-Footed Opponents, Honored Fist of the Society (FG) +1 Ki
1. Stunning Fist, Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, Enforcer, Combat Expertise
2. Combat Reflexes
3. Weapon Focus: Unarmed Strike
4. Slow Fall -> Barkskin
5. Dazzling Display
6. Improved Trip
7. Shatter Defenses
9. Greater Trip
10. Medusa's Wrath

HP: 54
Ki: 5(Levels) +6(Wis) +1(Trait) +5(Vows) = 17
AC: 10(Base) +3(Monk) +1(DEX) +6(WIS) +2(Barkskin) = 22
Saves: +10/+12/+15
CMB: +10(Mnk) +6(WIS) +1(Enh) +1(Weapon Focus) = +18 (+20 vs Grapple, +22 vs Tripping)
CMD: 10(Base) +7(BAB) +1(STR) +1(DEX) +9(MnK) +1(Deflection) = 29
Relevant Skill: +10(Ranks) +3(Class Skill) +1(CHA) +3(Circlet) = +17

Normal To-Hit: +7(BAB) +6(WIS) +1(Enh) +1(Weapon Focus) = +15
Flurry To-Hit: +10(BAB) +6(WIS) +1(Enh) -2 (Flurry Penalty)= +16
Damage: 2d6(Base) +6(WIS) +1(Enh) = 14 (+2 vs FF)

+1 Guided Amulet of Natural Attacks (20,000)
Monk's Robe (13,000)
Ring of Protection +1 (2,000)
Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2 (4,000)
Headband of Inspired Wisdom +4 (16,000)
Circlet of Persuasion (4,500)
Cloak of Resistance +2 (4,000)
Handy Haversack (2,000)
The Rest: 500

Math Bomb, take 2:

[0.7*(0.85*14+(0.85+0.85*0.1)*(14+2*0.85)+(0.6+(1-0.15*0.15)*0.1)*(14+2*(1-0.15*0.15))+(0.6+(1-0.15*0.15*0.4)*0.1)*(14+2*(1-0.15*0.15*0.4)))+0.7*(1-0.15*0.15*0.4*0.4)*(0.95*16)*2+0.3*(0.65*14+(0.4+0.1*0.65)*(14+2*0.65)+(0.4+(1-0.35*0.6)*0.1)*(14+2*(1-0.35*0.6)))+0.3*(1-0.35*0.6*0.6)*0.75*16*2] => 68.818970215 No Stunning Fist, No Ki

[0.7*(0.85*14+(0.85+0.85*0.1)*(14+2*0.85)+(0.85+(1-0.15*0.15)*0.1)*(14+2*(1-0.15*0.15))+(0.6+(1-0.15*0.15*0.15)*0.1)*(14+2*(1-0.15*0.15*0.15))+(0.6+(1-0.15*0.15*0.15*0.4)*0.1)*(14+2*(1-0.15*0.15*0.15*0.4)))+0.7*(1-0.15*0.15*0.15*0.4*0.4)*(0.95*16)*2+0.3*(0.65*14+(0.65+0.1*0.65)*(14+2*0.65)+(0.4+0.1*(1-0.35*0.35))*(14+2*(1-0.35*0.35))+(0.4+(1-0.35*0.35*0.6)*0.1)*(14+2*(1-0.35*0.35*0.6)))+0.3*(1-0.35*0.35*0.6*0.6)*0.75*16*2] => 83.6718585348 No Stunning Fist, Extra Attack

[0.7*(0.85*14+0.85*0.35*(0.95*16*3+0.8*16*2)+0.85*0.65*(0.95*16*3+0.7*16*2)+0.15*(0.85*14+(0.6+(1-0.15)*0.1)*(14+2*(1-0.15))+(0.6+(1-0.15*0.4)*0.1)*(14+2*(1-0.15*0.4))+(1-0.15*0.4*0.4)*0.95*16*2))+0.3*(0.65*14+0.65*0.35*(0.85*16*3+0.6*16*2)+0.65*0.65*(0.75*16*3+0.5*16*2)+0.35*(0.65*14+(0.4+(1-0.35)*0.1)*(14+2*(1-0.35))+(0.4+(1-0.35*0.6)*0.1)*(14+2*(1-0.35*0.6))+(1-0.35*0.6*0.6)*0.85*16*2))] => 74.5059527 Stunning Fist vs Strong Fort, No Ki

[0.7*(0.85*14+0.85*0.55*(0.95*16*3+0.8*16*2)+0.85*0.45*(0.95*16*3+0.7*16*2)+0.15*(0.85*14+(0.6+(1-0.15)*0.1)*(14+2*(1-0.15))+(0.6+(1-0.15*0.4)*0.1)*(14+2*(1-0.15*0.4))+(1-0.15*0.4*0.4)*0.95*16*2))+0.3*(0.65*14+0.65*0.55*(0.85*16*3+0.6*16*2)+0.65*0.45*(0.75*16*3+0.5*16*2)+0.35*(0.65*14+(0.4+(1-0.35)*0.1)*(14+2*(1-0.35))+(0.4+(1-0.35*0.6)*0.1)*(14+2*(1-0.35*0.6))+(1-0.35*0.6*0.6)*0.85*16*2))] => 75.1987527 Stunning Fist vs Weak Fort, No Ki

[0.7*(0.85*14+0.85*0.35*(0.95*16*4+0.8*16*2)+0.85*0.65*(0.95*16*4+0.7*16*2)+0.15*(0.85*14+(0.85+0.1*0.85)+(0.6+(1-0.15*0.15)*0.1)*(14+2*(1-0.15*0.15))+(0.6+(1-0.15*0.15*0.4)*0.1)*(14+2*(1-0.15*0.15*0.4))+(1-0.15*0.15*0.4*0.4)*0.95*16*2))+0.3*(0.65*14+0.65*0.35*(0.85*16*4+0.6*16*2)+0.65*0.65*(0.75*16*4+0.5*16*2)+0.35*(0.65*14+(0.65+0.1*0.65)*(14+2*0.65)+(0.4+(1-0.35*0.35)*0.1)*(14+2*(1-0.35*0.35))+(0.4+(1-0.35*0.35*0.6)*0.1)*(14+2*(1-0.35*0.35*0.6))+(1-0.35*0.35*0.6*0.6)*0.85*16*2))] => 87.6969921108 Stunning Fist vs Strong Fort, Extra Attack

[0.7*(0.85*14+0.85*0.55*(0.95*16*4+0.8*16*2)+0.85*0.45*(0.95*16*4+0.7*16*2)+0.15*(0.85*14+(0.85+0.1*0.85)+(0.6+(1-0.15*0.15)*0.1)*(14+2*(1-0.15*0.15))+(0.6+(1-0.15*0.15*0.4)*0.1)*(14+2*(1-0.15*0.15*0.4))+(1-0.15*0.15*0.4*0.4)*0.95*16*2))+0.3*(0.65*14+0.65*0.55*(0.85*16*4+0.6*16*2)+0.65*0.45*(0.75*16*4+0.5*16*2)+0.35*(0.65*14+(0.65+0.1*0.65)*(14+2*0.65)+(0.4+(1-0.35*0.35)*0.1)*(14+2*(1-0.35*0.35))+(0.4+(1-0.35*0.35*0.6)*0.1)*(14+2*(1-0.35*0.35*0.6))+(1-0.35*0.35*0.6*0.6)*0.85*16*2))] => 88.4521921107 Stunning Fist vs Weak Fort, Extra Attack


Note that I did not include Critical Hits, but I also did not include the chance for the Intimidate Check to fail. Hopefully, this about balances every thing out. Including the intimidate check would about double each math formula and... yeah... not in the mood to do that.

I am also assuming a CMD of 28 on the opponent (10+Average High Attack Bonus).

End Result
No SF, No Ki: 68.818970215
+1 To-Hit 73.9196855875
+1 Damage 73.242977215
+1 Attack 83.6718585348

No SF, Extra Attack: 83.6718585348
+1 To-Hit 93.0845334334
+1 Damage 89.0275095848
+1 Attack 94.8960644525

SF vs Strong, No Ki: 74.5059527
vs Weak Fort 75.1987527
+1 To-Hit 78.81842675
+1 Damage 79.2863637
+1 Attack 87.6969921108

SF vs Strong, Extra Attack: 87.6969921108
vs Weak Fort 88.4521921107
+1 To-Hit 92.5754484375
+1 Damage 93.0631383108
+1 Attack 100.684288856

I'm gonna be working on a Shadow Assassin build (From Super Genius Games) and exploiting the urumi. That weapon didn't come out until after this class did, and one of the class features they can take (for a significant investment) increases the crit multiplier of exotic weapons from x2 to x3. 15-20/x3? Yes please. Even if they're a 3/4th BAB class, that should make up for it.

I'll work on that later.

thepuregamer wrote:
could I use permanency-shrink item on a scorpion corpse before I animate it? Then on command I could either have a medium 34 HD fast zombie or a colossal one(I have no idea how shrink item would affect their ability scores though it would reduce the size penalty to hit/ac and the damage of natural attacks).

The HD limit for zombies is 28. As for how it affects stats I could not find any rules for it. It would be a GM call. I will have to consider how to handle this for my own games.

wraithstrike wrote:
thepuregamer wrote:
could I use permanency-shrink item on a scorpion corpse before I animate it? Then on command I could either have a medium 34 HD fast zombie or a colossal one(I have no idea how shrink item would affect their ability scores though it would reduce the size penalty to hit/ac and the damage of natural attacks).
The HD limit for zombies is 28. As for how it affects stats I could not find any rules for it. It would be a GM call. I will have to consider how to handle this for my own games.

I have not seen a HD limit for zombies. Skeletons specify that they max out at 20 hd. I have seen no such text for zombies.

On a side note, if 28hd are the max, one could go with 20ish headed hydras made from regular hydras using fabricate(though I never done that in a game. It is the sort of thing I have seen people throw around on a forum). The build would also have to change if I wanted the necromancer to have direct access to fabricate since consumables are frowned upon. Would have to be juju oracle 1/cleric9(artifice domain). But I am already disliking that since I will have 24 less hd of control :(

On a side note, a 20 headed fast zombie hydra(24hd total) would get 20 bites at +22(24 in desecrate zone) and 2 slams at +24.(all of them at d8+6 or d8+8 in desecrate)


anyway, this is just me messing around(I should be doing programming homework). Hey wraithstrike, if you get the chance can you point me to where the zombie hd limit is. As far as I can tell there is none, and zombies get the hd of the base creature+ a number of hd for their size.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

I wonder how UC has affected things.

its gonna take a while to fully look over ultimate combat. There are like 50 feats. I tried reading through all of it and it took me forever.

Old cleave and great cleave are back. Fighters can dip 3 lvls into monk and then pick up the monastic legacy feat and add 1/2 their non monk levels to their monk lvls to determine their unarmed strike damage.

A monk3/ weapon master 7 could do ok.

But I haven't gleened too much yet since I have only had the book for about half a day.

Oversized weapon using titan mauler barbarian might be cool. Especially with vital strike line and cleaving finish. Actually I take that back. Massive weapons doesn't do much of anything. Since each size increase increases the level of effort to use the weapon(light-->one handed--> two handed)

Oh another good one is coordinated charge + pounce + a pouncing pet. A character could then charge and his pet would charge as an immediate action. 2 pounces, then the pet would charge another target and the character would charge as an immediate action. So a total of 4 pounces in 1 turn. But it is seeming that it will be hard to pull off since you need 10 bab to get the feat. This will take some thinking.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

I'm not a crunch guy or a math guy, but I find the whole idea of finding out the dpr of classes interesting.

So to add my two cents in: Some of you guys with high BAB and dual wielding kukris, would it be worth it to dual wield large kukris? As light weapons, they become one handed 2d6 martial weapons. Which ups your minimum damage, in exchange for a -2 to hit on each.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Atavist wrote:
So to add my two cents in: Some of you guys with high BAB and dual wielding kukris, would it be worth it to dual wield large kukris? As light weapons, they become one handed 2d6 martial weapons. Which ups your minimum damage, in exchange for a -2 to hit on each.

They scale up to d6 when you go up a size, not 2d6. I think you were looking at d4 in the tiny weapon column, not the medium weapon column. On top of that, you get -2 for the wrong size grip and -2 for dual-wielding non-light weapons.

I don't think -4 to hit for +1 damage is a good plan.

Liberty's Edge

Cheapy wrote:

I'm gonna be working on a Shadow Assassin build (From Super Genius Games) and exploiting the urumi. That weapon didn't come out until after this class did, and one of the class features they can take (for a significant investment) increases the crit multiplier of exotic weapons from x2 to x3. 15-20/x3? Yes please. Even if they're a 3/4th BAB class, that should make up for it.

I'll work on that later.

Katana are cooler and have the same stats. ;)

Marty the Master Summoner


Master Summoner
Male True Neutral Human
Summoner (Master Summoner) 10

Strength: 8 (-1)
Dexterity: 14/18 (+2/+4)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 14 (+2)
Wisdom: 10 (0)
Charisma: 18/22 (+4/+6)

Hit Points: 73 HP
Initiative: +6
Attack Bonus: +7/+2 (melee: +4/-1) (ranged: +11/+6)
Fortitude Save: +9 Reflex Save: +10 Will Save: +10
Armor Class(with barkskin and combat expertise): 28 (touch: 20) (flat-footed: 21) CMB: +6 CMD: 26

Feats & Traits: Arcane Strike, Armor Proficiency (Light), Augment Summoning, Combat Expertise +/-2, Dodge, Extend Spell, Great Fortitude, Simple Weapon Proficiency - All, Superior Summoning, Focused Mind, Reactionary

Special Abilities: Summoning Mastery V (11/day) (Sp), Aspect (Su), Eidolon Link (Ex), Hero Points (1), Lesser Eidolon, Life Link (Su), Maker's Call/Transposition (2/day) (Su), Share Spells with Eidolon (Ex)

+1 Longspear (+5/+0, 1d8 damage, crit 20/x3)
Magic Items: +1 Longspear, Belt of Incredible Dexterity, +4, Cloak of Resistance, +3, Headband of Alluring Charisma, +4, Ring of Protection, +3

Spells: Barkskin (2), Bull's Strength, Mass (4), Detect Magic (0), Dimension Door (3), Enlarge Person (1), Glitterdust (2), Guidance (0), Haste (2), Heroism (3), Invisibility (2), Light (0), Mage Armor (1), Mage Hand (0), Magic Fang, Greater (3), Message (0), Overland Flight (4), Read Magic (0), Rejuvenate Eidolon, Lesser (1), See Invisibility (2), Shield (1), Unfetter (1), Wall of Ice (3)


Male True Neutral Serpentine

Strength: 10 (0)
Dexterity: 22 (+6)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 7 (-2)
Wisdom: 10 (0)
Charisma: 11 (0)
Acrobatics: +10
Escape Artist: +10
Fly: +12
Perception: +15
Stealth: +25

Hit Points: 28 HP
Initiative: +6
Attack Bonus: +5 (melee: +5) (ranged: +11)
Fortitude Save: +2 Reflex Save: +10 Will Save: +4
Armor Class: 23 (touch: 17) (flat-footed: 17) CMB: +9 CMD: 19 (flat-footed: 13)

Feats & Traits: Weapon Finesse

Special Abilities: Darkvision (60 feet), Scent (Ex), Damage Resistance, Fire (10), Climbing (20 feet), Flight (20 feet, Good), Tail (Ex), Evasion (Ex)

•Bite (Bite) (+13, 1d4+2 damage, crit 20/x2)
•Tail Slap (Tail Slap) (+6, 1d4 damage, crit 20/x2)

Augmented Summoned Lion


Male True Neutral Lion

Strength: 25 (+7)
Dexterity: 17 (+3)
Constitution: 19 (+4)
Intelligence: 2 (-4)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 6 (-2)

Hit Points: 42 HP
Initiative: +7
Attack Bonus: +2 (melee: +9) (ranged: +5)
Fortitude Save: +8 Reflex Save: +7 Will Save: +2
Armor Class: 15 (touch: 12) (flat-footed: 12) CMB: +11 CMD: 24 (flat-footed: 21)

Feats & Traits: Improved Initiative, Run, Skill Focus: Perception

Special Abilities: Low-Light Vision, Scent (Ex), +4 Stealth in undergrowth (Ex), Grab (Medium) (Ex), Pounce (Ex)

•Bite (Lion) (+9, 1d8+7 damage, crit 20/x2)
•Claw x2 (Lion) (+9 x2, 1d4+7 damage, crit 20/x2)
•Rake x2 (Lion) (+9 x2, 1d4+7 damage, crit 20/x2)

Note, I am hedging the rules here. 11 summons per day at 10 minutes per summoning means that the summoner can have 1d3+1 lions following them around for 110 minutes per day which is longer than the duration of a 10 min/level spell, so I am working on the assumption for this scenario that the summoner has 3 lions following them when the fight starts.

Round 1: cast mass's bull's strength, all the lions pounce
With Bull's Strength each lion does 20.8 DPR, a +1 to hit is 5.3 DPR, +1 to damage is 1.75, extra attack is 4.7.
The summoner gets 1d3+1 lions, so with an average of 3 lions, the summoner does 62.5 DPR, +1 to hit is 15.8 DPR, +1 dam is 5.3.
Round 2: Cast haste.
If the lion's can pounce again, they will do 29.2 damage each, +hit gives 6.0 more damage, +damage gives 2 DPR.
If the lion cannot pounce, the will do 10.0 DPR, +hit gives 3.7, +dam gives 1.2
Multiple by 3 for total damage.



The character is primarily a group support character who can dish out some decent damage. The damage is pretty good, but if you look at the spell list, this character is also a huge asset to the other party members. With 28 AC, and 73 hp, a summoner isn't exactly squishy either, they can hang out near the melee, and give flanking bonuses.

The Eidolon is not a combat creature, but rather is designed to be a group scout with +25 stealth, +15 perception, and the summmoner can make it invisible/unfettered. As such, I have left the pet's damage out of the equation.

Given a round or 2, the summoner can easily summon more lions and their damage multiplies accordingly. This build multiplies it's damage for every round you have to prepare. If given unlimited rounds to prepare, the damage caps out at around 577.4 DPR(11 summons of 3 creatures each with 2 castings of mass bull's strength to buff 20 of them).

Since the damage is based on multiple creatures with lots of attacks, inspire courage really boosts the damage. With a level 10 bard in the picture, the DPR goes up to 93.8 per 3 lions.

Great action economy. Since all of the damage comes from summoned creatures, there is no opportunity cost if the summoner want to UMD a cure critical from a wand on the fighter in round 3. After buffing the summons, the summoner is free to sit back and do whatever the group needs them to.

In a party situation, it would probably be better to cast haste over mass bull's strength on round 1, but that is a loss in the summoner's DPR.

The summoner never attacks enemies directly, so you can do everything in combat with normal invisibility up.

Dark Archive

A Man In Black wrote:
Atavist wrote:
So to add my two cents in: Some of you guys with high BAB and dual wielding kukris, would it be worth it to dual wield large kukris? As light weapons, they become one handed 2d6 martial weapons. Which ups your minimum damage, in exchange for a -2 to hit on each.

They scale up to d6 when you go up a size, not 2d6. I think you were looking at d4 in the tiny weapon column, not the medium weapon column. On top of that, you get -2 for the wrong size grip and -2 for dual-wielding non-light weapons.

I don't think -4 to hit for +1 damage is a good plan.

scimitars are better since there is no -2 size penalty.

isnt dual non light weapons -4

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Name Violation wrote:
isnt dual non light weapons -4

Which is an additional -2 over dual-wielding light weapons.

Dark Archive

A Man In Black wrote:
Name Violation wrote:
isnt dual non light weapons -4
Which is an additional -2 over dual-wielding light weapons.

ah ok.

so dual scimitars is -4 total, dual large kukris are -6 for the same weapon effectively.

This is similar to an earlier build, but I was looking at the power of dervish dance in the hands of a Ranger/Vivisectionist. 2 levels of ranger lets me take power attack without needing a 13 strength and gives me scimitar profiency. Alchmist(Vivisectionist) gives me sneak attack, heroism, barkskin, and a feral mutagen with a dex boost that stacks with belt of dexterity. I picked half elf because the alternate racial trait dual-minded helps with the low will save.


Half-Elf Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 8, Ranger 2

DPS Ranger/Alchemist
Male True Neutral Half-Elf
Alchemist (Internal Alchemist, Vivisectionist) 8, Ranger 2

Strength: 8 (-1)
Dexterity: 18/26 (+4/+8)
Constitution: 14 (+2)
Intelligence: 14 (+2)
Wisdom: 12/10 (+1/0)
Charisma: 10 (0)

Hit Points: 86 HP
Initiative: +8
Attack Bonus: +10/+5 (melee: +6/+1) (ranged: +18/+13)
Fortitude Save: +13 Reflex Save: +19 Will Save: +9
Armor Class: 34 (touch: 19) (flat-footed: 25)
CMB: +7 CMD: 26 (flat-footed: 17)

Feats & Traits: Brew Potion, Craft Magic Arms & Armor, Dervish Dance, Dodge, Iron Will, Power Attack -3/+6, Weapon Finesse, Armor Expert, Indomitable Faith

Special Abilities: Uncanny Dodge (Ex), Bleeding Attack +4 (Ex), Breath Mastery, Enemies: Humanoids (Human) (+2 bonus), Fast Poisoning (Move Action) (Ex), Feral Mutagen (Su), Poison Use, Spontaneous Healing (20/day)

•+3 Scimitar (+18/+13, 1d6+19 damage, crit 18-20/x2)
•Bite (Mutagen, Feral) (+11, 1d8+5 damage, crit 20/x2)
•Claw (Mutagen, Feral) (+11 x2, 1d6+5 damage, crit 20/x2)
•Tentacle (Tentacle) (+11, 1d4+5 damage, crit 20/x2)

Magic Items: +3 Scimitar, Amulet of Mighty Fists +1, Belt of Incredible Dexterity, +4, Celestial Armor, Feral Mutagen: +4 DEX, -2 WIS, +2 Nat AC

Spells: Barkskin, Cure Light Wounds (x2), Fly, Heroism, Invisibility (x3), See Invisibility, Shield (x2), True Strike

Spells in effect: Heroism, See Invisibility, Barkskin

A full attack gives you 2 scimitar attacks, 1 claw, 1 bite, and 1 tentacle.
Basic attack with power attack: 43.1 DPR, +hit 3.9 DPR, +dam 2.7 DPR, +attack 19.4 DPR
Flanking with power attack: 92.2 DPR, +hit 7.4 DPR, +dam 3.2 DPR, +attack 33.9 DPR
Flanking with Power Attack against a favored enemy: 114.6 DPR, +hit 8.0 DPR, +dam 3.8 DPR, +attack 40.1 DPR



Normal AC is 34, that is 10 above the required AC. The character also heal themselves for up to 20 points per day via spontaneous healing as a swift action making this character very non-squishy.

This character also ends up with a +21 stealth check, and has invisibility 3 times a day. +16 to perception, +21 disable device and see invisibility make this character a very good party scout. The only thing that is lacking is trapfinding, which is nice, but not strictly necessary.

Has the ability to use poison. Note that poison use and bleeding attack are both potential damage increases that are not currently in the DPR calculations. I see this character as being what the assassin class wishes it could be. Who needs death attack when you can one round your target from stealth/invisibility?

Charender, don't forget that the lions that Marty the Master Summoner uses would get either the Celestial or Fiendish template. That means they get Smite Evil/Good as a swift action. While it wouldn't be of use against every enemy, a True Neutral Summoner will get more flexibility out of this by being able to choose which one he needs on the fly. And since Smite is a swift action to activate, the lions can use it on their turn before they pounce.

FuzzyrabbitMD wrote:
Charender, don't forget that the lions that Marty the Master Summoner uses would get either the Celestial or Fiendish template. That means they get Smite Evil/Good as a swift action. While it wouldn't be of use against every enemy, a True Neutral Summoner will get more flexibility out of this by being able to choose which one he needs on the fly. And since Smite is a swift action to activate, the lions can use it on their turn before they pounce.

You are right, I missed the * next to the lion entry. It would be +0 to hit, and +5 damage to the first creature attack by the lion each day.

I also forgot to factor in the lion's 5% crit chance, so the damage would be about 5% higher that what I calculated.

Corvin Black, the Powerful Pistolero

Corvin Black:

Level 10 Human Gunslinger (Pistolero)
<Uses only CRB and Ultimate Combat>

STR 10 (+0)
DEX 23 (+6) [15 base, +4 enh, +2 racial, +2 level]
CON 13 (+1)
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 18 (+4) [14 base, +4 enh]
CHA 8 (-1)

1 - Deeds, Grit (Ex), Gunsmith
2 - Nimble (Ex) +1
3 - Deeds
4 - Bonus feat
5 - Pistol training 1
6 - Nimble (Ex) +2
7 - Deeds
8 - Bonus feat
9 - Pistol training 1
10 - Nimble (Ex) +3

1 - Gunslinger's Dodge (Ex), Up Close and Deadly (Ex), Quick Clear (Ex)
3 - Gunslinger Initiative (Ex), Pistol-Whip (Ex), Utility Shot (Ex)
7 - Deadeye (Ex), Dead Shot (Ex), Targeting (Ex)

1 - Gunsmithing, Rapid Reload, Point Blank Shot
3 - Rapid Shot
4 - Deadly Aim
5 - Precise Shot
7 - Weapon Focus (double-barreled pistol)
8 - Improved Precise Shot
9 - Improved Critical (double-barreled pistol)

4 - DEX
8 - DEX

EQUIPMENT (62,000 gp):
Belt of Incredible Dexterity +4 (16,000 gp)
Headband of Inspired Wisdom +4 (16,000 gp)
+3 Double-Barreled Pistol (20,050 gp)
Alchemical cartridge, paper x 500 (3,000 gp)
+2 Leather Armor (4,010 gp)
Handy Haversack (2,000 gp)

And now for the math! I included Point-Blank Shot in the calculations, since the Range Increment on the double-barreled pistol is only 20ft. Also, I am assuming the Gunslinger has activated his Boots of Speed, is utilizing Rapid Shot and Deadly Aim, and is firing both barrels each shot. Rapid Reload plus Paper Cartridges makes reloading between shots a free action. I didn't bother calculating how an extra +1 to attack would benefit DPR, since all four attacks are already only missing on Misfires.

ATT - +14/+14/+14/+9 [+10 BAB, +6 Dex, +3 enh, +1 WF, +1 PBS, +1 Haste, -2 RS, -2 DA, -4 Double-Barrel]
DMG - 2d8+15 [+6 Dex, +4 DA, +3 enh, +1 Pistol Training, +1 PBS]
AVG - 24 hit, 96 crit

4*((0.75*24)+(0.015*24)+(0.085*96))= 4*26.52 = 106.08


Normal DPR: 106.08
+1 Attack: +26.52
+1 Damage: +4.42
Up Close & Personal: +9.5625 per Grit Point

DPR w/4 Grit: 144.33

trying out a coordinated charge build.

recharge fighter 1/ beast rider cavalier order of the sword 9:

1 fighter/9 beast rider cavalier
str 15 +1 lvls +4 enhancement= 20
dex 12
con 13 +1 lvls=14
int= 8
wis = 14
cha = 10
avg hp=80.5
spd=20 ft
AC= 10+1 dex+10armor+3shield+1 deflection=25
skills: umd +14, ride + 14, handle animal +13, sense motive +17(21 vs bluff).

Feats: mounted combat(ftr bonus feat), ride-by-attack, mounted blade, precise strike(tactician bonus feat), WF-lance, outflank(cav bonus feat), wheeling charge, spirited charge(OotS bonus feat), iron will, coordinated charge(g tactician bf)

class abilities: challenge 3/d, tactician 2/d, exotic mount, cav charge, banner +4/+3, by my honor(+2 morale to will), mounted mastery.
racial stuff: eye for talent.
traits: indomitable faith(+1 will), dangerously curious.(+1 umd, umd class skill)

equipment: +2 lance(8k),+1 full plate(2.8k), +1 heavy shield(1.3k), ring of prot+1(2k), cloak of res+1(1k), belt of +4 str(16k), wand of mount. total 31.8k spent.

Max attack bonus: 10bab+5 str+1wf+2 enhancement+ 4 charging+4 outflank+3 morale when charging from banner=28

continuing on my big cat but thought I would post at the mid point(1/3 point? gotta do dpr) :(.

big kitty:

str=24+2 Eye +4 enhancement= 30
con=17+1 lvls=18
int=2+1 lvls=3
cha= 10
avg hp=68
AC= 10+9 na+5 armor+ 4 dex-1size= 27
F/R/W=12/12/9(13 w/ devotion)
Feats: iron will, precise strike, light armor prof, outflank.
equipment: +1 cat's chain shirt( 1k), cloak of res+2(4k), belt of +4 str(16k), AoMF+1(5k)= 30k
Maximum attack bonus= 6 bab+10 str+ 1 enhancement+2 charging +4 outflank +3 morale when charging from banner-1 size=26
Bite=d8+11+d6precise strike= 19, claw= d6+11+d6=18 rake=d6+11+d6=18

dpr calculations:

dpr of recharge:

dpr on charge, no adjacent target, no flanking:
+25 lance attack= .95*52.5=49.875
dpr on charge, adjacent target, no flanking:
+25/+20= .95*52.5=49.875
dpr ~125.7
dpr on charge, adjacent target, flanking:
+29/+24= 2 x .95*56= 2x 53.2=106.4

on a charge, challenge adds 28.5 dpr to the attack at +23 or greater.
it adds 25.5 dpr on a +20 charge attack
dpr of kitty:
dpr on charge, no flanking:
+21 bite/claws/rake= bite~15.5*.9*1.05=14.6475

dpr on charge w/flanking:
+25 bite/claw/rake=
bite~ 19*.95*1.05=18.9525
claw/ rake= 18*.95*1.05=17.955

dpr on regular full attack:
+19 bite/claw:
claw= .8*14.5*1.05=12.18

dpr on regular full attack w/flank:
+23 bite/claw:
bite~ 19*.95*1.05=18.9525
claw= 18*.95*1.05=17.955

ok this mess of dpr can be explained this way. for the purpose of this thread, recharge is riding on a wand summoned mount because I am not sure if the rider can trigger coordinated charge in his own mount by charging. In a regular game, he would ride his mount and one of his allies would trigger the ability.

Also, I think it might be possible to have flanking for the tiger on the first charge. If the tiger charges to one side of the enemy while recharge charges the other side using wheeling charge and turning 90 degrees in the middle they should end up on opposite sides. So that is the reason for the charge + flanking dpr calc.

Anyway round 1 can go this way, recharge spends a swift action to activate tactician giving coordinated charge to all his allies. Then recharge and his summoned horse mount charges. His tiger uses an immediate action to charge the target. Then the tiger can full attack again or it can charge again. So on round 1, you get 1 attack and your tiger gets 2 full attacks. If you can get into flanking position on the target, recharge deals 53.2(106.4 if there is an adjacent enemy). The cat deals 90 on the pounce and if it full attacks again it deals 54.86 more. So best dpr is 251 or so.

On round 2, you can go 1 of 2 ways. use challenge and then charge a new target(dpr increases 28.5 on the 1st lance hit, so if there is a critter adjacent to the target, dpr is up to 279.5). If you skip the challenge, then you can charge twice and your cat can charge twice(best dpr here would be 212.8 for you and 180 for the tiger. totals 392.8 or so).

anyway, in an actual game, the cavalier would ride his tiger and the cav and another melee party member could proc each other's charges. Also, in a real game, he would basically be almost doubling all the melee character's actions. Especially if the entire group can pounce. Otherwise, this is just letting everyone approach their targets for free. For the sake of this example I have him riding a horse he used a wand of mount to make. If on the tiger, lance damage would be 3*(d10+7str+10cat str+2 enhancement)+ d6 precise strike= 77 instead of 56... uggg... I screwed up gotta go change all the 71's to 56's.(you won't see this but I originally did all the calculations thinking the avg damage was 71. My abacus is messed up) /wrists.

Anyway, here is my build and a messy dpr calculatoin... commence picking up my mistakes pretty please.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Kung-Fu Joe wrote:
Also, I am assuming the Gunslinger has activated his Boots of Speed

What does his damage look like without Boots of Speed? Those are one of the restricted buffs.

A Man In Black wrote:
Kung-Fu Joe wrote:
Also, I am assuming the Gunslinger has activated his Boots of Speed
What does his damage look like without Boots of Speed? Those are one of the restricted buffs.

Ack. Beyond that, I completely forgot to actually pay for Boots of Speed, as well. D'oh.

In any event, the corrected numbers are as follows:


+1 to DAMAGE:


Normal DPR: 79.56
Bonus Attack: +26.52
+1 to Damage: +3.315
Up Close & Personal: +9.5625 per Grit Point

DPR w/3 Grit: 108.2475

Kung-Fu Joe wrote:

Ack. Beyond that, I completely forgot to actually pay for Boots of Speed, as well. D'oh.

If you were a rogue, not paying for things would be perfectly fine. I believe it is a class ability called "shoplift" and "hide in plain looking safe house until the heat dies down". The 2nd ability is a touch too long but I am sure they will find a way to shorten the name in an errata.

Since the summer is mostly over I thought I would post here.

the shielder:

human guide ranger 6/ master of many styles 1/ weapon master fighter 3
str 15+2 racial +1 lvls+4 enhancement= 22
dex 13+1 lvls=14
con 12
int 10
wis 14
cha 8
HP= 10+8d10+d8+10+6=74.5
AC=10+7armor+6 shield+2 dex+1dodge+1 deflection= 27(24 sometimes)
attack bonus= 9 bab+ 6 str+ 3 enhancement+ 3 weapon training+ 1 trait+ 1 wf=+22
shield damage=2d6+2d6 vicious+3 enhancement+ 9str+3 training=29(+4 w/ ranger focus, +9 w/power attack)

traits: will save +1, heirloom weapon(spiked shield +1 trait to hit and +2 trait to bull rush)
ranger : shield slam, shield master
monk : IUS, tiger pounce
fighter bonus feat: weapon focus(heavy shield), dodge
regular feats: Imp shield bash(human), power attack, imp bull rush, gtr bull rush, tiger style(7th lvl feat), shield focus

equipment: +1 breast plate(1.5k), +3 bashing shield(16k), vicious spiked shield +1(8k), ring of prot+1(2k), cloak of prot+1(1k), gloves of dueling(15k), belt of giant str +4(16k) - total(59.5/62k).
so I recently realized that an faq says we can make regular attacks with shields. so here is my janky shielder. He wields a shield in 2 hands and brings the smack down. It is a much deserved smack down.

cool parts: every shield hit is also a free bull rush at the total hit bonus +6(heirloom weapon+imp br + gtr br) and when people hit other critters or walls they fall over prone. plus I can use tiger pounce to move as a swift action after I successfully bull rush people. pretty cool bonus.

side question, let me know where I f'd up. Also I was thinking of doing a build with barbarian in it for the furious enhancement but I am unsure how it would interact with shield master. IE would furious boost the bonus obtained from shield master feat?

here's the shielder's dpr:

dpr math:

full attack w/o ranger focus or PA:
22/17 shield attacks(2d6 +2d6 +15) avg damage per hit=29
.95*1.05*29= 28.9975
.7*1.05*29= 21.315

full attack w/ PA(penalty to ac instead of attack bonus- tiger pounce):
22/17 shield attack avg damage per hit=38
.95*1.05*38= 37.905
.7*1.05*38= 27.93

full attack w/ ranger focus:
26/21 shield attack avg damage per hit=33
.95*1.05*33= 32.9175
.9*1.05*33= 31.185

full attack w/ ranger's focus + PA:
26/21 shield attack avg damage per hit= 42
.95*1.05*42= 41.895
.9*1.05*42= 39.69
dpr~ 81.585

some dpr values that include haste:

full attack w/ haste and PA:
.95*1.05*38= 37.905
.75*1.05*38= 29.925

full attack w/haste, PA, and ranger's focus:
.95*1.05*42= 41.895
dpr~ 125.685

so here is the dpr. its ok but not amazing but I tend to like that every hit is a bull rush which I think is pretty cool. The haste values are just so we can see some of what a party setting can do.

If this were an 11 lvl build, this would be a very different build but in 10 lvls, using ranger was the only way to make this work. :(

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Here is my humble submission. I originally posted to the old DPR Olympics thread. I didn't know this one existed yet! I apologize if a similar posting has been made (dpr threads tend to be tl;dr :P )!

Cathy the Crazy Cat Lady (Summoner 10):


Race: Whatever you like (Human or Half-Elf is good)

Ability Scores: Whatever as long as Cha is 14 or higher

Saves: Again, whatever -- boost with items/extra feats as needed/desired.

AC/HP/Defense: See above.

Attacks/Offense: See above.

Skills: See above (but probably at least Handle Animal -- she loves cats after all ;).

Spell Focus (Conjuration) [Core]
Augment Summoning [Core]
Superior Summoning [Ultimate Magic]

Magic: She uses the Words of Power alternative system for casting [from Ultimate Magic].
She knows the Servitor VI level 4 effect word, Selected target word, and Boost meta word.

Handy Haversack
Whatever else you like (except belt).

Terry the (Eidolon) Tiger:


Base Form: Quadruped

Abilities: Str 32, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11

AC: 24 (10 +3 Dex, +2 nat from base form, +8 from HD, +2 from Large, -1 size)

Saves: Don't know, didn't calculate.

Bite +18 (+8 bab +11 str -1 size) 2d6+11 +1d6 acid
Claws x2 +18 (+8 bab +11 str -1 size) 1d8+11 +1d6 acid
Rake +18 (+8 bab +11 str -1 size) (2 claws 1d6+11 +1d6 acid)

Improved Natural Attack (claw)
Improved Natural Attack (bite)
Power Attack

Evolutions: 14 pts
Bite [free]
Limbs (Legs) x2 [free]
Claws [1]
Large [4]
Pounce [1]
Rake [2]
Energy Attacks (acid) [2]
Flight (Su) [4]

Skills: Whatever, but probably Fly.

Gear: Belt of Strength + 4

Here's how it goes down: Cathy casts the wordspell Selected Servitor VI Boost as a standard action to summon 1d4+1 Celestial/Fiendish Dire Tigers, plus and additional one due to Superior Summoning. She summons each 10 feet away from the BBEG (who is hopefully not Neutral) from where each attacks to the best of its ability (charge + pounce + rake). Meanwhile, Terry charges from above.

Celestial/Fiendish Dire Tiger:


N Large animal CR 8

AC: 17, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +6 natural, –1 size)

HP: 105 (14d8+42)

Saves: Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +5

bite +18 (2d6+8/19–20 plus grab)
2 claws +18 (2d4+8 plus grab)

DR whatever from Celestial/Fiendish template

Special Attacks:
Rake (2 claws +18, 2d4+8)
Smite Evil/Good [from Celestial/Fiendish template]

Str 31, Dex 15, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
(enhanced by Augment Summoning)

Improved Critical (bite),
Improved Initiative,
Skill Focus (Perception),
Skill Focus (Stealth),
Weapon Focus (bite, claw)

Skills: Acrobatics +6, Perception +12, Stealth +15 (+23 in tall grass), Swim +13; Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics, +4 Stealth (+8 in tall grass)

The Math:


Terry (Eidolon):

Bite +17 (charging +2, power attack -3) 2d6+17 +1d6 acid
0.7(24+3.5)+0.05*1*0.7*24 = 20.09

Claws x2 +17 (charging +2, power attack -3) 1d8+17 +1d6 acid
0.7(21.5+3.5)+0.05*1*0.7*21.5 = 18.2525 x 2 = 36.505

Rend x2 +17 (charging +2, power attack -3) 1d6+17 +1d6 acid
0.7(20.5+3.5)+0.05*1*0.7*20.5 = 17.5175 x 2 = 35.035

All attacks: 91.63

Dire Tiger:

bite +22 2d6+10 19-20/x2 (charging)
0.95*17+0.1*1*0.95*17 = 17.765

claw x4 (2 from Rend) +22 2d4+10 20/x2 (charging)
0.95*15+0.05*1*0.95*15 = 14.9625 x4 = 59.85

All attacks: 77.615

Dire Tiger with Smite Evil/Good:

bite +22 2d6+24 19-20/x2 (charging)
0.95*31+0.1*1*0.95*31 = 32.395

claw x4 +22 2d4+24 20/x2 (charging)
0.95*29+0.05*1*0.95*29 = 28.9275 x4 = 115.71

All attacks (with Smite): 148.105

Here's what you end up with:

Min (Eidolon + 3 Dire Tigers): 324.475 DPR
Min w/ Smite (Eidolon + 3 Dire Tigers): 535.945 DPR

Avg (Eidolon + 4.5 Dire Tigers): 440.8975 DPR
Avg w/ Smite (Eidolon + 4.5 Dire Tigers): 758.1025 DPR

Max (Eidolon + 6 Dire Tigers): 557.32 DPR
Max w/ Smite (Eidolon + 6 Dire Tigers): 980.26 DPR

Can I get a boo-yah?

Note, Terry isn't as optimized as he probably could be, in all honesty. I just built him to match the other cats. It would be cool if another 20 DPR could be pulled out of him to get the max DPR over 1000.

Let the hole-poking commence!

Lantern Lodge

Sam the Somewhat Samurai (Samurai 2/Two-Handed Fighter 8)


Ability Scores:
STR: 24 (18 base, +2 level, +4 belt)
DEX: 14
CON: 14
INT: 9
WIS: 14
CHA: 7

HP: 92 HP (10d10+20+8 favored class)

Saving Throws
Fort: +14 Ref: +8 Will: +10

AC: 26 – Touch 14, Flat Footed 23 (+11 O-Yori +3, +2 Dex, +1 Dodge, +1 Ring of Protection, +1 Amulet of Natural Armor)

Attacks: +2 Nodachi +22/+14, d10+24/d10+28 (15-20/x2)

Special Attacks:
Brace: +2 Nodachi +22, 3d10+56 (15-20/x2)
Haste: +2 Nodachi +23/+20/+15,d10+24/d10+28 (15-20/x2)

Class Abilities:
Challenge 1/day
Resolve 1/day
Order: Ronin (Self-Reliant)
Weapon Training (Two-Handed Weapons)
Shattering Strike
Overhand Chop

BAB: +10/+5 CMB: +17 CMD: 29

Weapon Focus (Nodachi)
Power Attack
Iron Will
Improved Iron Will
Furious Focus
Weapon Specialization (Nodachi)
Vital Strike
Improved Sunder
Improved Critical (Nodachi)
Greater Weapon Focus (Nodachi)

Flesh out for RP purposes

Nodachi +2 (8,000)
O-Yoroi +3 (9,700)
Belt of STR +4 (16,000)
Boots of Speed (12,000)
Cloak of Resistance +3 (9,000)
Ring of Protection +1 (2,000)
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (2,000)
Handy Haversack (2,000)
1,300 gp of misc. gear

Full Attack DPR 76.08.
+1 to hit DPR 4.96
+1 to damage DPR 2.09

Brace(using the rule no -2 AC is applied):DPR 99.54

Hasted DPR 125.92

This is an attempt to make a flavorful Samurai type character that is a viable combatant as well.

Why Samurai? Arguably the number one weakness of a Fighter is the “will save or die” abilities. These moments are prevalent in the higher tier PFS mods. Against such tragedy, this character can: once per day roll twice and take better result (resolute), once per day roll again (improved will), on failed will save with duration roll again next round (Ronin), and once per session roll again (PFS shirt lol).

Why Nodachi? Sam is designed to taunt his foes into charging, slicing off their heads with a single slash by his Nodachi in classic Samurai fashion. Assuming your foe charges and isn’t killed by his brace attack, Sam is pumping out DPR 225.46 (Brace then Hasted) to the enemy’s single charge.

Lantern Lodge

Kung-Fu Joe wrote:

Corvin Black, the Powerful Pistolero

Thanks for posting a playable Gunslinger! I didn't think they would be competitive with other classes but you proved me wrong :)

If anyone is up for the mathomancy, I'd love to see the DPR of a 10th level Beastmorph / Vivisectionist mutagen focused alchemist in plate armor. With results for with sneak attack, and without it.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Since I have yet to see anyone try straight arcane spellcasters in this, I'll give it a go.

Padma the Pyromancer
Gnome Sorc (Crossblooded Red Dragon/Elemental [primal, fire]) 10

ST: 6
DX: 18 (+2 4th/8th level +2 item)
CN: 14
IN: 11
WS: 12
CH: 21 (+4 item)

AC: 23 (+1 size, +4 dex, +4 mage armor, +3 shield, +1 dodge)
HP: 92 (77 base + 15 false life)
Saves: Fort: +9 Ref: +9 Will: +9

Gnome Racial trait pyromancer: +1 caster level with fire spells
Traits: Magical Lineage (scorching ray), Animal friend

Feats: Empower Spell, Point Blank Shot, Toughness, Maximize spell, Great Fortitude(free), Weapon Focus: Ray

Spells: Mage Armor, Scorching Ray, False life, other stuff

Skill: Some skills

+2 darkwood shield
+4 Headband of charisma
+2 belt of dex
+2 cloak of resistance
2 lesser metamagic rods of maximize
Other stuff, a decent amount of

Main attack: 3 Maximized Scorching Rays (CL: 11): +12 to hit (+1 size, +1 PBS, +1 WF, +4 DX, +5 BA) for 33 damage each (24 base, +1/die for each blood line, +1 point blank shot).

DPR: 97.15~

This can be sustained for up to 10 rounds violating none of the rules and up to 16 rounds if the two metamagic rods are allowed (this is not an unreasonable portion of wealth). The first is probably enough for most days, forcing you to drop to normal scorching rays (somewhere in the upper 50s for dpr) for the rest of the day (up to 14 more rounds), the second is most likely enough. Despite being a spellcaster primary, Padma meets the save and AC requirements, along with a good chunk of hit points compared to most builds here.

Padma is also capable of stealing the animal companion from Omelite, by dropping Empower Spell, Weapon Focus Ray (which she doesn't actually need to hit 95% of the time within 30 feet) and toughness to add 42.9. There by raising her DPR to 140.05

She certainly can't compete with some out there, but the girl really can hold her own, all while sticking out her tongue at the people who say arcane-types can't blast-o-mance anymore. She also can use her 1st-3rd level spells for other stuff, making her considerably more flexible than most builds.

Merrimac wrote:

Here is my humble submission. I originally posted to the old DPR Olympics thread. I didn't know this one existed yet! I apologize if a similar posting has been made (dpr threads tend to be tl;dr :P )!

Cathy the Crazy Cat Lady (Summoner 10):
** spoiler omitted **

Terry the (Eidolon) Tiger:
** spoiler omitted **

Here's how it goes down: Cathy casts the wordspell Selected Servitor VI Boost as a standard action to summon 1d4+1 Celestial/Fiendish Dire Tigers, plus and additional one...

I did not understand how you could summon Dire Tigers, from the summon monster lvl 6 list.

Tandriniel wrote:
Merrimac wrote:
Here's how it goes down: Cathy casts the wordspell Selected Servitor VI Boost as a standard action to summon 1d4+1 Celestial/Fiendish Dire Tigers, plus and additional one...
I did not understand how you could summon Dire Tigers, from the summon monster lvl 6 list.

More importantly, boosting the Selected target word of Servitor VI raises the effect word by three levels, making it a level 7 Summoner word-spell. How is a level 10 summoner casting a 7th level spell?

Grand Lodge

this is an interesting thread and good work by all.

however it would be cool to see a 25pt buy version of this thread as i'd argue that most casual games use something closer to this.


some of the builds i see focus on feats to maximize damage at 10th level, which is the main purpose, however no one would actually use these builds as they have no vision for levels 11 to 20.

one of the stipulations be, "would i actually play this?" meaning in the normal course of play your PC might actually look like this at 10th level.

jkmorrisx1 wrote:

one of the stipulations be, "would i actually play this?" meaning in the normal course of play your PC might actually look like this at 10th level.

That's completely subjective, there is no way to enforce that, and it's outside the scope of DPR. You can take the ideas presented and strip away the things you wouldn't use if you like, but this isn't a race of roleplayable bemoustached characters, it's a DPR thread.

Also the vast majority of APs don't run to 20, 12-17 are common, so aiming for the 12-14th level mark isn't terrible.

Grand Lodge

disclaimer : English is not my native tongue, all my apologies for errors.

in honor to Padma the Pyromancer,
here's Hyaluronic, the human wordcaster sorcerer 10 (crossblooded Primal/earth and Orc)

* for the gadgets, he has (from bloodlines):
darkvision 60ft, fearless, +2 AC, +2 Str, elemental ray (...)

* traits :
Magical lineage : -1 level MM modifier
shadow child (from Council of thieves): no 20% miss chance if target in dim shadow (if target is beyond darkvision); but you can take reactionary : +2 init

* feats :
extend spell (human), eschew material (sorcerer 1), MetaWord mastery (level 1), weapon focus ray (level 3), intensify spell (level 5), MetaWord Mastery (level 7), empower spell (sorcerer 7), MetaWord mastery (level 9)

* Carac :
ST: 8
DX: 13 (+1 4th level +2 human +2 item) --> 18
CN: 14
IN: 10
WS: 12
CH: 15 (+1 8th level, +4 item) --> 20

(note that the increaased Cha only gives more spells/day. you could play him with Cha 12)

* Spell Words :

PRD wrote:


School conjuration (creation) [acid]
Level sorcerer/wizard 2
Duration 2 rounds
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Target Restrictions selected
A wordspell with this effect word deals 1d4 points of acid damage per level of the wordcaster (maximum 5d4). On the following round, the target takes this damage again. Hitting a target with a wordspell with this effect word requires a ranged touch attack.

metawords : 14/day (5 for level + 3x3 for feats)

selected, lenghty, ...

* items :
+4 cha, +2 dex,
lesser metamagic rod "elemental" (in case of acid-resistant opponent)
lesser metamagic rod "ectoplasmic" (in case of ethereal/incorporeal opponent)
for the rest ...

* damage calculation


base spell level 2 : selected corrosive bolt : RTA, 5D4 (+10), 2 Rounds of damage
( magical lineage reducing MM mod by 1)

Slot level 5 (x4) :
base, intensified (+1), empowered(+2), Extended (+1):
(10d4+20)x1.5, 4R = (25+20)x6 = 270 damage

Slot Level 4 (x6) :
base, intensified (+1), empowered(+2), Lenghty metaword (+0)
same 270 damage
(6 MW used, 8 remains)

Slot Level 3 (x7) :
base, intensified (+1), Extended (+1):
(10d4+20), 4R = (25+20)x4 = 180 damage

Slot Level 2 (x7) :
base, intensified (+1), Lenghty metaword (+0)
same 180 damage
(7 MW used, 1 remains)

* DPR calculation:


to get an average "D" for the formula
24R for an average per round (270x6+270x4+180x7+180x7)/24
D = 217.5

Touch AC 12 vs BAB 5 + 1 weapon focus + 4 Dex ->
miss on 1, touch otherwise

critical X2 on 20 :
T=0.05 C=1 (criticalx2)

so for 24 Rounds per day (then you have to rely on acid dart or cantrip acid burst for 1d3+2)

DPR = 0.95x217.5x(1+0.05x1) = 216,95625

note : for level 5 slots, you could replace it by
Boost selected lengthy corrosive blast + intensified,
10 targets, for 180 Dam each (again, no ST, no SR)
it also cost you 2 metawords, reducing your later firepower.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Is this legal / RAW ?

A Man In Black wrote:
Omelite wrote:

The Pouncing Synthesist

Half-Elf Synthesist 10 (while fused)


Also, I do like the animal companion shenanigans for non-feat-strapped builds. Nice spot.
added to quote for clarity: 3 feats to get an animal companion
* Skill focus (Knowledge-Nature)
* Eldritch heritage: Sylvan (req lvl 3 and Cha 13) sorcerer level : level -2
gives you a companion with druid level = sorcerer level -3 => level -5
* (Boon companion) not mandatory, boosts the companion to druid level = level - 1

I did not check that the build had the proper level for the animal companion,

SRD wrote:

Animal Companion (Ex): At 1st level, you gain an animal companion. Your effective druid level for this ability is equal to your sorcerer level – 3 (minimum 1st).

This bloodline power counts as your bloodline arcana and also replace laughing touch

I bolded the "problematic" part.

can you, with eldritch heritage, get a power that counts as an arcana as well ?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Vrischika111 wrote:

can you, with eldritch heritage, get a power that counts as an arcana as well ?

Bigger issue; its only available via the Wildblooded Archetype, which you almost certainly dont have access to via feats.

Scarab Sages

Hyaluronic, the human wordcaster sorcerer 10 (crossblooded Primal/earth and Orc)

Meta word mastery can only be taken once. You're actually looking at a total of 8 uses/day.

Also magical lineage says "Pick one spell". An effect from words of power isn't a spell, so it's not a valid target for magical lineage.

I just kinda skimmed through the middle pages. Anybody do a ragelancepouncer yet? I have one statted out level 11 I could make legal and check the numbers on.

Here is a halfling barbarian with mounted fury and RAGELANCEPOUNCE. I made him small so that he would fit in dungeons better. His mount is a wolf, as any interesting flying mount would require some sort of DM approval otherwise. He gets a huge power boost with a 20 point by and level 11, which was how I had originally statted him. Probably very squishy from levels 5-9.

R. Lance Pouncer, Halfling Barbarian (Mounted Fury) 10

Material used: CRB, APG
Ability Scores:
STR: 18 (+4) (15 base, -2 Racial, +1 level, +4 Belt)
DEX: 16 (+3) (13 base, +2 racial, +1 level)
CON: 14 (+2)
INT: 10 (0)
WIS: 12 (+1)
CHA: 10 (0) (8 base, +2 Racial)
HP: 100 HP (10d12+30)
Saving Throws:
Fort: +14 Ref: +9 Will: +7
(+2 vs fear)
AC: 24 - Touch 15, Flatfooted 21, (+7 armor (+1 breast plate), +2 (+1 light shield), +3 dex, +1 Ring of Protection, +1 Size)
Attacks: +1 lance of speed +13/+13/+8, 1d6+10 (15) dmg (two handed) (20x3)
RAGE: +6 Morale Str, +6 Morale Con, +3 Morale Will, -2AC, +4 Morale vs Sp and Su, +3 dmg vs casters, -3AC +3 Attack, +3 Natural AC
summary (+6 attack, +3 damage, +30hp, -2AC, +3 Will or +4 Sp and Su)
Charge: +2 att, -2 AC
Race and Class Abilities:
Halfling Luck
Keen Senses
Fast Mount
Greater Rage
Trap Sense
Beastial Mount
Damage Reduction
BAB: +10 CMB: +13 CMD: 26
1: Power Attack
3: Mounted Combat
5: Ride By Attack
7: Spirited Charge
9: Extra Rage Power
Rage Powers:
2: Superstition
4: Witch Hunter
6: Reckless Abandon
8: Lesser Beast Totem
9ERP: Beast Totem
10: Greater Beast Totem

A high Ride, Perception, 2 More
Haversack (2000)
Lance of Speed +1 (32010) [slightly over ½ budget]
Belt of Giant Strength +4 (16000)
Breast Plate +1 (1350)
Small Shield +1 (1153)
Ring of Protection +1 (2000)
Cloak of Resistance +2 (4000)
Horseshoes of A Zephyr
187 left over for consumables and other gear
Notes: Will Save doesn’t meet +8 requirement, but rage offers Bonuses. He will be raging as much as possible. Lance is over the ½ of wealth rule by 1010gp. Hopefully you will forgive this. This build gets a big boost at level 11 with another iterative attack and enough wealth to make the lance adamantine, boost defenses, and add a +1 backup weapon.
Summary: 90ft movement.
Wolf with level 4 alternate boost of +2 Dex, +2 Con instead of Large size. Medium size is for dungeon convenience. I know nailing horseshoes to a wolf sounds really cruel, but hey, the description just says “mount”.
Ability Scores:
STR: 15 (+3) (13 base, +2 bonus)
DEX: 19 (+4) (15 base, +2 bonus, +2 advancement)
CON: 17 (+2) (15 base, +2 advancement)
INT: 3 (-4) (2 base, +1 level)
WIS: 12 (+1)
CHA: 6 (-2)
HP: 54 HP (6d8+24)
Saving Throws:
Fort: +10 Ref: +9 Will: +5 (+4 vs enchantments)
AC: 20 - Touch 14, Flatfooted 16, (+6 Natural AC, +4 Dex)
Attacks: Bite (Trip) +6 (1d6+2), Movement 90ft (50 base + 10 barbarian ability +30 horseshoes)
Race and Class Abilities:
Share Spells
Low Light Vision
BAB: +4 CMB: +6 CMD: 17 (21 vs trip)
Iron Will
Great Fortitiude
Standard Wolf

Attacking Strategy: Always Power Attacking, Charge, RAGELANCEPOUNCE, and Ride By. With Wolfy-Wolf’s 90ft base movement, ride by attack puts him out of range for a double move for most creatures. In this case, he uses the lance 2 handed and pounces every round. If he is concerned about getting hit by a readied action, he uses a shield and the lance one handed. If he can’t charge, he full attacks with a backup weapon and shield, and is generally ineffective.

Reduced RLP Equation: DPR = hd(a+tc)
h = Chance to hit, expressed as a percentage. Remember, this will never exceed .95 or go below .05.
d = Average damage per hit.
t = Chance to roll a critical threat, expressed as a percentage.
c = Critical hit bonus damage. x2 = 1, x3 = 2, x4 = 3.
a = lance charge damage multiplier (triple with spirited charge)
Math: h = [0.90, 0.90, 0.65], d = 21.5, t= 0.05, c = 2, a = 3
1st attack, 2nd attack: 0.90*21.5*(3+0.05*2) = 59.99
3rd attack: 0.65*21.5*(3+0.05*2) = 43.32

Math: h = [0.90, 0.90, 0.65], d = 16.5, t= 0.05, c = 2, a = 3
1st attack, 2nd attack: 0.90*21.5*(3+0.05*2) = 46.04
3rd attack: 0.65*21.5*(3+0.05*2) = 33.25

DPR Boost with +1 Attack: +10 DPR
DPR Boost with +1 Damage: +7.6 DPR

IMO not bad for a pipsqueak.

Chester Challenger, Halfling Cavalier (Mounted Fury) 10
Material used: CRB, APG
Ability Scores:
STR: 19 (+4) (15 base, -2 Racial, +2 level, +4 Belt)
DEX: 14 (+2) (12 base, +2 racial)
CON: 14 (+2)
INT: 8 (-1)
WIS: 13 (+1)
CHA: 12 (+1) (10 base, +2 Racial)

HP: 85 HP (10d10+30)

Saving Throws:
Fort: +12 Ref: +8 Will: +11
(+5 vs fear)

AC: 31, Touch 14, Flatfooted 27, (+11 armor (+2 full plate), +4 shield (+2 heavy shield), +2 dex, +1 Ring of Protection,, +1 Natural AC, +1 Size, +1 Dodge)

Attacks: +3 lance +15/+10, 1d6+10 dmg (20x3)
ChallengeChargeLance: +3 lance +23 [1d6+28]x3 (20x3)

Race and Class Abilities:
Fearless: +2 Save vs fear
Halfling Luck: +1 Saves
Keen Senses
Challenge: 4/day, +11dmg, -2 others AC, +3att on mount (Order of the Sword)
Mount: Riding Dog (As a druid animal companion)
Order of the Sword
By My Honor: +2 Will saves
Mounted Mastery: +4 Dodge AC vs charged, +mount str to damage, bonus feat
Tactician: Bonus teamwork feat
Cavalier’s Charge: +4 att when charging, -0 AC
Expert Trainer:
Banner: Morale +3 Save vs Fear, +2 attack

BAB: +10 CMB: +13 CMD: 26

1: Power Attack -3att, +6 damage
Tactician: Precise Strike +1d6 precision damage
3: Mounted Combat
5: Dodge
Bonus: Ride By Attack
7: Improved Iron Will
Order: Spirited Charge
9: Mobility
Greater Tactician: Outflank

Max Ride, Perception, 1 More

Haversack (2000)
Lance +3 (18300) [slightly over ½ budget]
Belt of Giant Strength +4 (16000)
Full plate +2 (5650)
Heavy Steel Shield +2 (4170)
Ring of Protection +1 (2000)
Cloak of Resistance +2 (4000)
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (2000)
Belt of Giant Strength on Mount +2 (4000)
Chain Shirt Barding +1 (1350)
2530 left over for consumables and other gear

Notes: With Ride through, will attempt to charge every round. This will be more effective next level with free trip attacks on every charge preventing pursuit, and horseshoes of the zephyr speeding up dog.

Medium sized Riding Dog
Ability Scores:
STR: 24 (+7) (13 base, +3 bonus, +4 advance, +2 belt, +2 level)
DEX: 16 (+3) (15 base, +3 bonus, -2 advance)
CON: 17 (+2) (15 base, +2 advancement)
INT: 2 (-5)
WIS: 12 (+1)
CHA: 6 (-2)
HP: 67 HP (9d8+27)
Movement 40ft
Saving Throws:
Fort: +8 Ref: +9 Will: +4 (+4 vs enchantments)
AC: 26 - Touch 13, Flatfooted 23, (+8 Natural AC, +3 Dex, +5 armor)
Attacks: Bite +13 (1d6+7)
Race and Class Abilities:
Share Spells
Low Light Vision
BAB: +6 CMB: +13 CMD: 20 (24 vs trip)
Iron Will
Great Fortitiude
Skills: Dog +more

My formatted post got deleted. At any rate, here is a halfling dog riding cavalier that hits for 98.28 DPS including mount. Does anybody use halfling outriders? They seem pretty strong and versatile.

Fiery Fred, the pyromaniac Crossblooded Sorcerer Draconic/primal 10

Ability Scores:
STR: 6 (-2) (8 base, -2 racial)
DEX: 18 (+4) (15 base, +1 level,+2 belt)
CON: 14 (+2) (12 base, +2 racial)
INT: 10 (0)
WIS: 14 (+2) (12 base. +2 hat)
CHA: 19 (+4) (14 base, +2 racial, +1 level)

HP: 77 HP (10d6+40). If you include empowered False Life, that's 95 hp.

Attack: +10 (+5 BAB,+4 DEX, +1 Size)

AC: 25 - Touch 16, Flatfooted 20 (+4 mage armor,+3 dex, +1 Amulet of Natural Armor, +2 Natural Armor (draconic), +2 Ring of Protection, +1 size, +2 force shield)
Saves: Fort: +8 Ref: +9 Will: +11

Gnome Racial trait pyromancer: +1 caster level with fire spells
Traits: Magical Lineage (scorching ray), +1 fort (whatever is called)

Feats: Empower spell(free), Intensify Spell, quicken spell, Spell focus evocation, Varisian tatoo, Spell specialization (scorching ray), initiate bloatmage

Relevant Spells: Mage Armor, Scorching Ray.

Magig stuff:
force ring 8,5k
+2 belt of dex 4k
+2 cloak of resistance 4k
+1 Amulet of Natural Armor 2k
+2 Cloak of Resistance 4k
+2 Ring of Protection 8k
Handy Haversack 2k
2 lesser metamagic rod of maximize 14k x2

1.500g in potions and mundane items.

Cast Intensified Empowered Maximized Scorching ray plus quickened maximized scorching ray, for 2+ hit. It's 4 rays with 2d6+32, or 39 average, *0,95 to hit, 37,05, x4= 148,2. Including crit chance, that's 7,04 extra, or 152,24. The quickened do 3*(32*0,95)+3*(32*0,05*0,95), and that's 127,68. Total DPR is 279,92

Just noticed: the build can be improved with Gift Adept trait instead of Focused mind.
You can remove Bloatmage initiate (so your Dex is not limited to 3, gaining 1 feat, +1 AC. 26 AC is quite decent for a SpellCaster.

You could use that feat to get Point Blank Shot, so you get +1 to hit and +1 to damage at 30' (which is basically the spell range, more or less). With 7 rays, that's about +7 (roughly) to damage, for 287 DPR aproximatelly


Grand Lodge

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in order to prove the usefulness of teamwork feats, I present you the team
: Fafrhd and the grey Mouser ;)

2x level 10 PCs, both are Ratfolks, basic racial traits (+2 Dex/Int -2 Str)
Swarming traits : can be in same square, considered flanking opponent

stats include racial, 2x stat lvl increase and 1x +4 stat booster item


ability score : str 15-2+1+4, Dex 14+2, Con 10, int 12+2, Wis 8, Cha 13+1
Skills : Bluff, acrobatics maxed out
traits : dirty fighter (+1 damage when flanking)
any that gives +1 Bluff
Class : Fighter (lore warden)
by level :
1- (Fighter) power attack, (Level 1) feint partner
2- (F) improved feint, (F-lore warden) combat expertise
3- (L) improved trip, +2 CMB via lore warden
4- (F) outflank
5- (L) Combat reflexes, weapon training +1
6- (F) greater feint
7- (L) greater trip, +4 CMB
8- (F) furious focus
9- (L) paired opportunist, +2 weapon training
10- (F) felling smash
note : the feats are not optimised if you play from level 1, but they are valid choices for each level
Equipment :
Flaming burst scythe +1 (any x4 crit weapon)
Circlet of persuation (3.000 GP, +3 Bluff)


ability score : Str 14-2, Dex 15+2+1+4, Con 13+1, Int 12+2, Wis 10, Cha 8
Skills : any
traits : dirty fighter (+1 damage when flanking)
any other trait
Class : rogue (swashbuckler)
by level :
1- sneak 1D6, two weapon fighting
2- talent (finesse rogue): weapon finesse; evasion
3- sneak 2D6, combat expertise
4- uncanny dodge, talent : (combat) combat reflexes
5- sneak 3D6, butterfly sting
6- talent : (ninja trick) pressure points : if sneak, 1 Str or Dex dam
7- sneak 4D6, outflank
8- talent : (combat) feint partners
9- sneak 5D6, improved feint partners
10- talent-advanced (feat) : paired opportunist
Equipment :
Menacing kukri +1, Keen Rapier +1

Attack Sequence:

(leading number is the order of the attacks)
0 feint as move
2 AoO from 1/
3 ready power att to attack after Mouser
7 readied power att
9 AoO from 8/
10 free trip
12 AoO from 11/
14 AoO from 13/
1 AoO from feint
4 (full attack) Att 1
5 Att 2
6 Att 3
those 4 attacks give a cumulative chance of crit above 100%; which is granted to ally via butterfly sting
8 AoO from Crit1
11 AoO from trip
those 2 attacks still give a small chance of a 2nd critical hit, that would be granted to ally, for attack 12. If it's a crit, it triggers 13/ and 14/
13 AoO from Crit 2 (lower chances)

I have a nice XLS table for the calculations, but here's the results: (I considered that Dex bonus from opponent was +1, so if feinted ok, target AC is only 24)
- Sneak, flank, trip & feint avg DPR per PC : 175

- no flank : swarms - no melee attack anyway; or rogue/Barbarian. In this case, I consider Dex bonus is +2 (sneak still applicable due to feint)
avg DPR per PC : 172

- no trip; avg DPR per PC : 126
- no feint; avg DPR per PC : 121.5
- no sneak; avg DPR per PC : 109.5

- no feint, trip, sneak, flank; avg DPR per PC : 41

Can be improved:

level 11 : another attack for Mouser (improved TWF): more critical to be passed to ally; more sneak
multiclassing Fafhrd : 4 level of swashbuckler rogue grants same feats and 2d6 sneak
ex both level 11 and multiclass : 200 dpr avg

the icing on the cake is that they can fight from same square, in a 5-ft wide tunnel.
they also have an alt. racial trait that counts them as tiny when squeezing; so they could easily "walk across" cracked walls and make fun ambush

Grand Lodge

I might throw my 2 cents in with an inquisitor, and out of interest crunch the numbers with an ally for solo tactics and without.

So after crunching the numbers, if he has time to cast two spells on himself, Bane is a swift, and Judgements are immediate actions, and he has an ally flanking his damage is pretty decent.

Looking at his high odds of hitting and critting, I may make a v1.1 with TW fighting so his chance to hit isn't wasted against a 24AC opponent.

If I've done the maths wrong let me know, also you can find his stats on this aliases profile, they're also up for review.

His Attack routine with.
Power Attack,
Judgements Destruction and Justice,
Ally flanking,
Unerring Weapon Spell,
Divine Power Spell.


+1 to hit (1.425)
+1 to damage (3.4625)

math bomb:

32/32/27 to confirm crits
+1d6 precision for every hit

0.95(25+3.5)+0.25*1*0.95*25 = 27.075+5.9375 = 33.0125 (first)
0.95(25+3.5)+0.25*1*0.95*25 = 27.075+5.9375 = 33.0125 (second)
0.85(25+3.5)+0.25*1*0.95*25 = 24.225+5.9375 = 30.1625 (third)


His Attack routine without allies.
Power Attack,
Judgements Destruction and Justice,
Unerring Weapon Spell,
Divine Power Spell.


+1 to hit (3.75)
+1 to damage (3.1625)

math bomb:

28/28/23 to confirm crits

0.90(25)+0.25*1*0.95*25 = 22.5+5.9375 = 28.4375 (first)
0.90(25)+0.25*1*0.95*25 = 22.5+5.9375 = 28.4375 (second)
0.65(25)+0.25*1*0.95*25 = 16.25+5.9375 = 22.1875 (third)


His Attack routine without any buffs.


+1 to hit (3)
+1 to damage (1.75)

math bomb:


0.55(16)+0.25*1*0.55*16 = 8.8+2.2 = 11 (first)
0.55(16)+0.25*1*0.55*16 = 8.8+2.2 = 11 (second)
0.30(16)+0.25*1*0.30*16 = 4.8+1.2 = 6 (third)

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