
jkmorrisx1's page

Organized Play Member. 29 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Grand Lodge

in pf1e, had a gunslinger archetype crossbow ace. was badass diablo 3 demon hunter, dual wielding hand crossbows. technically, not per rules but GM allowed it as you could technically do it with proper dual wielding pistol gunslinger (with pistol of the infinite sky) so why the hell not with crossbows, right? didn't muck around with prehensile tail or any of that bs. just wrote it off as magic items and it was fun but also not gamebreaking. would be cool to see some of that work in pf2e

Grand Lodge

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Neriathale wrote:
D&D 3.5 had a ring that swapped between two sets of clothes/armour, holding the second set in an extra dimensional space. Perfect for swapping your ballgown for a set of full plate when assassins crash the Winter Ball.


Price (Item Level): 5,000 gp (9th)
Body Slot: Ring
Caster Level: 10th
Aura: Moderate; (DC 20) transmutation
Activation: Standard (command)
Weight: —
This perfectly smooth adamantine ring bears a massive turquoise carved in the shape of a heavily armored knight. When you activate a ring of arming, any armor or weapons you currently wear disappear and are stored magically within the ring, and any armor or weapons currently stored within the ring appear in the appropriate places on your body (items that must be held appear at your feet if you don’t have free hands).
Prerequisites: Forge Ring, shrink item.
Cost to Create: 2,500 gp, 200 XP, 5 days.

Grand Lodge

I always thought the d&d3 book stronghold builders guidebook hit a homerun with the "citadel of the planes" example

Grand Lodge

for the love of gawd where is the pocket version?????

Grand Lodge

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hallelujah paizo!!!

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

pocket edition please!

Grand Lodge

does the book cover building stronghold's, e.g. D&D 3.0 Stronghold Builders Guidebook?

Grand Lodge

so happy that we made the 120k mark!!! grats!!!

Grand Lodge

this is going to be a rather large graveyard. how many tombstones are we up to now? i just upped to $325. woo hoo!

Grand Lodge

this is a double hackbut

Grand Lodge

Zombieneighbours wrote:
Berselius wrote:
I'll be honest. This is a bit of a let down. I was hoping for a single player game (like NWN) but instead we get a game like D&D: Online.

I'd suggest you check out the blods. Pathfinder online will have very little in common with DnD online, save being massively multiplayer

It is a closer relative to starwars gallaxies or Eve

Guild Wars 2 could be a game changer. I am paying attention to these ArenaNet guys. GW1 was great and I only did the PVE stuff.

Grand Lodge

Ryan Dancey wrote:

I really want to do a Mac version. I'm all Mac, all the time at home. I'm a total Apple fanboi.

The critical path runs through the middleware. There are no good cross-platform options that do Mac well yet. The software we're planning to use does not yet have a Mac client.

On the other hand, it's more likely that one will be available by the time the game is ready to ship than it has been in the past. Apple's successes make it easier to justify spending money on Mac development.

There's also always the option of doing something like the EVE port using WINE, CIDER, and support from a company like Transgaming.

So it's not a question of will, or a question of interest. It's just a technical question of "if it's possible, we'll do it".


well i will stay tuned, but won't be interested in PFO until MAC is supported. until then i will be playing diablo or wow.

Grand Lodge

i thought the big wait of the summer was going to be Prometheus. now i know it is going to be Rappan Athuk! since the project closes 2-july, when would the estimating shipping date be (approximately)? will the PDFs be available immediately?

Grand Lodge

Bill Webb wrote:
The battle mat has level 0 (the mausoleum) on one side--and is blank on the other side--laminated cardboard--dry erase


anything special you can say about the hardcover vs faux-leather books?

Grand Lodge

faux-leather bound sounds nicer than hardcover to me. anyone think differently?

just curious, what is special about the battle map in the $250 pledge? is it customized for Rappan Athuk in any way or one of those blank ones?
how is it different from the faux-leather which apparently includes:
"29+ miniature-scale battlemaps (detailing 10+ separate locations) provided for iconic locations and key encounter areas"

Grand Lodge

not thrilled about being a kickstarter but i will reserve complete judgement until i see it posted.

basically was hoping for something sooner than the clock is saying, as it sounded from the blog posts that things were nearing completion.

but it is what it is, i guess.

Grand Lodge

is this thread still alive? i for one would love to have a pathfinder version of this great adventure/setting/campaign.

Grand Lodge

Malfus wrote:
Tarrasque. Its all fun and games til the avatar of destruction wakes up.


There are at least 7 ways to kill the avatar of destruction:
Seven Ways to Kill the Tarrasque

Grand Lodge

i normally hate dragon-races but the fluff on the ones in AE are great. i plan on using them / converting them when the advanced race guide comes out.

i initially don't plan on using them AE style with the evolved levels, etc. but who knows how it will pan out.

Grand Lodge

this is an interesting thread and good work by all.

however it would be cool to see a 25pt buy version of this thread as i'd argue that most casual games use something closer to this.


some of the builds i see focus on feats to maximize damage at 10th level, which is the main purpose, however no one would actually use these builds as they have no vision for levels 11 to 20.

one of the stipulations be, "would i actually play this?" meaning in the normal course of play your PC might actually look like this at 10th level.

Grand Lodge

careful with your swift actions in your builds. on rounds you plan to be swinging the sword you want to use arcane strike which eats up your swift for the round. its definitely worth it on full attack.

Grand Lodge

Abraham spalding wrote:
Yours only works if 3.5 material is available.

True, however the Core build in my mind would be:

Fighter 2/Wiz 5/EK 10/Wiz 3 (in this order)
final BAB +16 (4 iterative attacks)
access 9th level spells
key feats: arcane strike, up to great cleave, up to critical mastery, up to greater trip.

Grand Lodge

Dal Selpher wrote:
If I'm too far away to be swinging my elven curve blade, I toss out a stilled scorching ray.

ECB is a two-handed weapon. Not sure you can use with that build and still cast spells. Mine uses a single scimitar.

ahhh, never mind. you said stilled spell. either way, i prefer the scimitar and not waste the feat on still spell.

Grand Lodge

If you allow 3.5, my fav is:

Fighter2/Wiz4/Spellsword1/Abjurant Champion3/EK10

+18 BAB and access to 9th level spells. some fairly good special abilities in spellword and abj champ too.

Otherwise when Magus comes out and is hopefully better than current state, I would go that way.

Grand Lodge

i just mentioned this in the other thread but i'd like to see, 'hand of the apprentice' ability from wizard universalist school implemented as an arcana. that would just be cool for this class.

Grand Lodge

- enjoy spell combat a lot.
- don't see the point in spellstrike.
- i like that the spellbook is wizard flavored.
- come on, give the class either combat casting or eschew materials for free; prefer combat casting.
- arcanas using swift actions need some work due to arcane strike.
- suggest one of the arcanas should be like 'hand of the apprentice' from universalist wizard school.
- i would be very interested in an expanded spell list though or maybe implement arcane schools like wizards.
- fighter training is a bit weak as it locks out several fighter feat trees, suggest it be somewhere in between current state and EK diverse training.

fix that stuff and i'm sold. in some areas it actually beats the fighter2/wizard4/spellsword1/abjurant champion3/eldritch knight10 build but i know you weren't trying to. :)