Zyren's luxurious campfire... this time with marshmallows...

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male dwarven kineticist 3

We could swap if you want? I'll read some delightful text books and you can have a go at these matrix calculations I've been avoiding all day. I think I'd like the change of scenery/pace/brain-screwery.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Oh dear the campfire is again out of control!

Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

Just throw some lighter fluid of gasoline on it, that should help.

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)
grmnbln wrote:
We could swap if you want? I'll read some delightful text books and you can have a go at these matrix calculations I've been avoiding all day. I think I'd like the change of scenery/pace/brain-screwery.

I don't do well with math. Jimmy Buffette's Math Sucks was my anthem to get me through my math requirements. That was good enough for me, I have 0 intentions of taking another math class.

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Male dwarven kineticist 3

Oh but this isn't technically maths! It is applied maths! In this case applied to angular momentum calculations for 3 extended bodies which all interact. It is rather good as long as you are allowed a computer to do the nasty bits for you and less so if you have to do them yourself.

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

Yeah... I read the word "calculations" in there and that means math, lmao.

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Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

When I took my physics courses we were not allowed to use computers. Thus the reason I left the subject. Triple integrals which are two lines in length was the end for me.

Male dwarven kineticist 3

Yeah, we're allowed to use maple and mathematica and things like that for most of the nasty stuff and then when we have to do horrible integrals and so on in exams they'll provide standard integrals to make it a bit easier. I generally do a few nasty example calculations for each thing though just to make sure I've got the hang of whatever it is.

Dungeon Master

I love mathematics and Calculus in particular. I suppose that's why I became a mathematics teacher. It's a great job and the math is a lot of fun, but if I'm at a party and I tell somebody that I'm a mathematics teacher, it's usually a quick conversation stopper! That is where I have to pull out the fact that I'm a harpist and that usually eases the awkward moment. I suppose it makes them think that I am not one of those weird mathematician sorts and that I am still somewhat normal.

Hey - one of my favorite satirists was a Maths Teacher! The very very great Tom Lehrer.

Maths was fun... up until about second year of university - then it just got a bit too full on for me.

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

Lol, DMHW I think it's awesome that you're a math teacher and it would be even more awesome if you were "one of those weird mathematician sorts"! Truth is, I have a healthy respect (and perhaps fear) of math. Just because I'm not very good with it, doesn't mean I think badly about math or those who love math. I see math as being the language of the universe, the language of the gods, so to speak. I'm just not very fluent!

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Dungeon Master

Perhaps I really am a weird eccentric mathematician of sorts. I knew I was eccentric, but you will have to ask Tirion for confirmation on the weird part. In good company, I tried to hide that fact.

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Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

Tirion plays ignorant and pretends to know nothing about the weird eccentric role-playing harp plucking math teacher.

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

Weirdness, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder :)

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Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

Yeh - but you have to be careful, 'cause as I recall, beholders can fire disintegration rays from their eyes, which is not only weird, but really makes for a bad day if you happen to be on the receiving end.

I miss Beholders. Best monster ever. What other creature can be a crime boss and look like that?

Liberty's Edge

Male Elf Witch/10 (HP: 27/27; AC15; FF13; T15; F+2, R+5, W+10; Perc: +31, Init +2)

My D&D band had a song called Eye of the Beholder... was about a forbidden tryst between a nymph and a beholder.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...


Scarab Sages

male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???

I know, I am trying to numb my imagination right now...

Male Pale Master
Sable Eboncrow wrote:
My D&D band had a song called Eye of the Beholder... was about a forbidden tryst between a nymph and a beholder.

in what sort of backwater land is this kind of relationship forbidden?

Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

What was the end result? A little cyclops vixen with six eyestalks sprouting from her head?

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...


Scarab Sages

male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???

Just don't look too closely...

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

@ Fey: I guess no one wants to part from anything, eh?^^

Scarab Sages

male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???

No, sorry, too sleep deprived to remember telling you. I asked every one to be gamers, but nobody feels up to the task of banishing ány of the tomes of Pegasus from their shelves :-(

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

bah! :)

Thax for asking!

Scarab Sages

male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???
Zyren Zemerys wrote:

bah! :)

I know, I know. No more heroes left...whatever will we do if the stars are right?

Male Pale Master

...where is everybody?...

@ DM Zyren - just remembered that Shifty is mia for a bit. I'll post this rounds actions for Winter.

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Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Thx :)

I'm here, but atm my workload is a bit annoying :/

Scarab Sages

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male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???

Just be sure to check hither and then, just to make sure that skawy dwagon isn't coming back - he is eating way to much of the marshmallows...

Male Pale Master
Zyren Zemerys wrote:

Thx :)

I'm here, but atm my workload is a bit annoying :/

work is always getting in the way!

Could be worse and be unemployed, lol. How would you grow your RPG collection then? ;)

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Anyone who hasn't checked out the avatar selection tool recently should take a look - it got pimped out!

Yeah it did. I wish they would add in some dwarves that weren't Harek, though.

Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

Have they added smurf pics?

Nope - just made the images filterable by gender, class, god, etc, etc, etc. Also provided the source for each and every image.

Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

Yeh, saw that. It is interesting what they have. Of course some of them are mislabeled - clearly female as male, etc. I don't think that I have any deities in my pics, may have to change some, or join a few more campaigns so that I can play some gods.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

lol-not in my campaigns :)

Scarab Sages

male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???

No love for Scion? ;-)

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Well,that's a totally diffrent pair of shoes :)

I'd love to play Nobilis!

Male Orc Expert 5
feytharn wrote:
No love for Scion? ;-)

Not from me. It's crappily balanced and a direct rip off of Exalted. It's so direct that they had approached a friend of mine who was one of the developers for it and asked if he wanted to help write it. He declined and they did it anyway.

In general I've really come to despise how "god" games are handled. Even Nobilis leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Now it just makes me want to finish Beyond Gods more.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Ohoh...Tark's in a bad mood. :)

Scarab Sages

male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???

I think he is in a fever - he is talking about balance in a White Wolf Game ;-)

No harm intended, Tark!

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Hah- yeah, I remember weird situations playing Werewolf or Vampire.

GM: There is an iron door, it's closed.

Player: What about the wall?

GM: Wall? umm brickstone I guess.

Player: Ok, then I go through the wall.

Gm: What?

Player: With my strength I can easily throw cars and that's just a mere wall...

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

@ All Campfire-Sitters:

How do we handle combat deaths?

Bad luck and deal with it or some kind rescuing mechanism?

In this special case Alcheringa (one of Shifty's characters) was hit by a critical attack that dealt like 50 damage or so...I guess he won't like the fact his oldest characters in all of my campaigns got smashed to bits...

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M Human Fighter 5 AC: 20 (22 2-wield) Touch: 13 (15 2-wield) FF 17 HP 24/50 Init: +4
Double Dagger Attack Routine:
[dice=Attack]d20+10[/dice] [dice=Damage]d4+8[/dice] [dice=Attack]d20+10[/dice] [dice=Damage]d4+7[/dice]

Hmmm . . . this is a limitation of PBP, the DM can't hide/fudge the dice, which every good DM should do from tiem to time (IMHO). Were we at the table, you could have reduced the damage to make the situation critical but not deadly.

It's a tough call. Normally I'm a strong opponent of Deus Ex Machina, but I'm also a strong advocate of the DM being able to fudge. (I draw a distinction between the two in that players shouldn't be punished for doing everything right except the dice don't go their way, nor should they be rewarded for doing stuff wrong)

I believe that it boils down to YOU, ZDM--what kind of DM philosophy do you hold to? You need to ask yourself . . .

Are you OK with the consequences of whatever happens (if Al dies, you OK with that? If you "save" him, you OK with that?)? Which is the preferable outcome within the framework of the story/campaign?

I'd also add . . . do you think Al made critical errors in which he "deserved" to die? Note: recently in a tabletop game, we had one character get swallowed by a tyrannosaurus in a combat--no direct fault of his own--and he ended up dying. We used our one Raise Dead scroll to bring him back. Later, we crossed paths with a dire crocodile; none of us wanted a fight, except for the dude in question. He jumped on the things head (exaggeration--he was a monk, so he jumped AT its head), and got swallowed and killed. We did NOT raise him, specifically because that death was entirely his own fault (blatant stupidity). So yes, as a player I've punished other players for stupidity. :-)

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Normally I would have fudged dice - no question - but in PBP that is no option which is quite annyoing...

Al did nothing wrong, but in the end we can't rescue every char just because he did nothing woring...

I need more input...what if it happened to Vaughn?

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Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

I think that the really big issue here is that Shifty is gone right now and someone is NPCing him. Thus, this is a very different situation than usual where the player was making good/bad decisions.

If a character dies, it dies, that is part of the game. If the player was a jerk, then you hope that he does not continue. If the player is fun to play with, give them the option of creating a new character, either similar, or try something new and just add them into the campaign. After all, these campaigns are designed for 4, 5, 6 players, if one dies, that is a 17-25% reduction in firepower - or more depending on how the character was built.

Or when it really comes down to it, there is always divine intervention.

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I like the possibility of getting killed. I just realized how hard it is to die compared to other versions and other games. But, like everyone else has said, Shifty is not around to have made the decision for this character. I would say fudge it in the open due to the fact that he had no say so in the outcome. Gods do tend to interfere with the lives of heroes after all. With that said, you have the ultimate say as the DM. If it was something that you disliked or thought was just then rule as you see fit. You're are a fair GM and no one here would question that, IMHO.

If I get thumped for doing something ate up with Perdition, I expect it as part of being a gnome and not just playing a little human. After reading the gnome book again, I felt I had not been playing him any different than a cautious dwarf like Harl. Hence the up swing in annoying pranks he only seems to enjoy. I would not expect the group to pay the price for his poor decisions as they would most certainly arise again if I played him like a Golarion gnome. Death happens to characters and having just read through both WFRP 2nd ed. and Mouseguard it seems like we are a little insulated from it in Pathfinder.

Liberty's Edge

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Male Elf Witch/10 (HP: 27/27; AC15; FF13; T15; F+2, R+5, W+10; Perc: +31, Init +2)

I also agree that sometimes getting killed can be fun. The party might be able to bring you back later, but we are adventurers. In any game there is always that possibility of snuffing it.

I do think that Shifty should have a chance though since he isn't here to witness his own death.

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