Zyren's luxurious campfire... this time with marshmallows...

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Orc Expert 5

The only time I'm allowed to get tactical is in HoR. The other groups get offended when I kindly explain to them how shit gets done.

Tark - nice post over there, and pretty apt for PF combat.

VC - Sydney, Australia

I've stopped caring that people take offence and simply push it all now. Much better. People spend far too long faffing about with 'but what if' and second guessing everything and take a week to decide whether opening a door is a good idea, or in pbp post what appear to be helpful suggestions or concerns but on closer inspection have no actions attached but feel they 'should be listened to'.

Drives me batty.

As a GM I am finding that I simply push for what amounts to moved/seconded=done. If people don't post on time then they miss out.

I suspect a couple of my PFS players are finding it a bit rough though - but that's ok.

That said, so far PbP GM'ing has been an interesting experience.

Both groups are in their third session:

1 player totally MIA about 1/4 in. No credit, kicked from group.

1 player 'No showed' the start of session 3, was replaced, then showed up late (was declined - deadline is deadline).

1 player requested to join then no-showed.

VC - Sydney, Australia
Mark Sweetman wrote:
Tark - nice post over there, and pretty apt for PF combat.

But missing a few bits - like 'Pulling trains for fun and profit'.

Shifty, if you ever join another game, let me know to apply. Every PL needs a solid NCO, lol. Mars 1889 would be awesome! Get all "ZULU."

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VC - Sydney, Australia

"One good British soldier is worth twenty of those savages, hardly sporting chaps!"

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Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart: "Jenkins?"
Jenkins: "Sir!"
Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart: "Chap with wings, there. Five rounds rapid."

VC - Sydney, Australia

Pretty much describes my tabletop sessions these days :)

Yep, that's all she wrote for Marek. The only shot he has now is the possibility that the ogre would not attack a fallen enemy, preferring to move to another, living one. And that's probably a slim chance.

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Male Orc Expert 5

Oh good god dapper british soldiers from the victorian era with awesome mustache's shooting the martian menace for the glory of the queen?

Get poor wandering one in it and I'd be all over that.

Tough, tough rolls. The bastard hit 30 and 37 and would hit even if Marek was fully buffed. At least that's a weight of off my shoulder.

Male Orc Expert 5

Well, I think we had a good plan if these were the regular sort of ogres. But against this kind of thing we should have put ourselves in a stronger formation that would let us full attack one guy at a time and simply rip em aprt one by one rather than spread our damage.

Shit happens, we learn and we move on. I don't think you have much to worry about. Ailetha on the other hadn is in for a world of hurt.

Male Half Orc Rog5 Cav 3: HP:84/84, - AC: 21/T:14/FF:18 - Perception: +12(Dark Vision) F: +6/R: +8/W: +4 - CMB: +11 - CMD: 25, Speed: 30ft, Init: +2 (+4)

Heads up though, Harry is abandoning attacking the fort, this is just BS at our level and frankly I can't see a single reason he'd be remotely on board with taking the risk for what we are getting out of it. A fort he doesn't care about near a village he hates for some Magnimarians he hardly knows and not a penny in it for him and significant risk against thirty something more of these things AND their leaders? Yeah, no.

Unfortunately the plan was against regular Ogres and maybe one 'boss', yet apparently we weren't to know these were Superman Ogres and each and every foot slogger was an Ogre Chieftain in his own right statted stronger than a Hill Giant and approaching Stone Giant quality. What were knowledge skills good for again? Not much.

Tark - the system exists just need someone willing to DM it :P

TBH that is one reason why I sorely miss Heart of Pulp...

VC - Sydney, Australia

I like thematic games like that, however I find that they run MUCH better with a really simple underlying mechanic. My fave Sci-Fi game was Star Frontiers, effectively Basic D&D in space.

The cracks at Cthulhu by PbP that I have played in just didn't seem to translate, I suppose it is because they work best as short sharp shocks than protracted affairs.

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I'm awaiting Achtung Cthulhu reasonably eagerly to see how well they nailed it...

The Cthulhu have all been a bit strange to me. They seem easy to get amped up about, but not to stay that way in the end. Anyone play any of the Weird War games?

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Any of you (preferably non-US citizens) interested in joining up with my team for this years GISHWHES (Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen)? We're shy a person (15 to a team) so otherwise we'll get assigned a random person. It would be better to work with someone I know at least a little, and we are in need of more non-US residents on our team.

The minimum fee is $10 (but you can spend more for perks). For those of you who watch Supernatural, it was created and is hosted by the actor who plays Castiel, Misha Collins. The prize, should we win, is an expenses paid trip to Canada to meet Misha, board a boat and travel to some currently undisclosed location! If you're interested, message me and I'll give you my email as the person who refereed you and the name of our team (you'll need it to be placed with me).

Dark Archive

Male Hagspawn Witch 15/Souldrinker 5
Twilightrose wrote:

Any of you (preferably non-US citizens) interested in joining up with my team for this years GISHWHES (Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen)? We're shy a person (15 to a team) so otherwise we'll get assigned a random person. It would be better to work with someone I know at least a little, and we are in need of more non-US residents on our team.

The minimum fee is $10 (but you can spend more for perks). For those of you who watch Supernatural, it was created and is hosted by the actor who plays Castiel, Misha Collins. The prize, should we win, is an expenses paid trip to Canada to meet Misha, board a boat and travel to some currently undisclosed location! If you're interested, message me and I'll give you my email as the person who refereed you and the name of our team (you'll need it to be placed with me).

You know you're honor-bound to bring me back at least his kidney if you win.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4
DragonBlood472 wrote:

You know you're honor-bound to bring me back at least his kidney if you win.

I absolutely will not cut open Misha. If I have to drug him it will be for entirely different reasons. I kid, I kid. Probably. But I will most definitely try to get an autograph or something for you!

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VC - Sydney, Australia

Castiel is a great character, but I'm personally much more of a Dean Winchester - for richer and poorer LOL.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

I adore Dean as well. I just have a soft spot for Misha because of all of the philanthropic work that he does. Plus, the man is bat shit crazy.

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Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...


I'll be in Venice until next Friday, I'll update tomorrow again and then when I'M back - but, good news is that this is my only summer vacation this year :)

Scarab Sages

male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???

Have fun - my last vacation has been about 20 years past...

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Enjoy your summer vacation, ZZ!

Male Pale Master

Yes, enjoy a much needed vacation Zyren!

Yup, have a great time!!

Ugh - after a month off my legs do not like me after fencing last night... but on the plus side my Bones order is now in Malaysia :)... just not yet at my doorstep, it's in customs.

Fingers crossed for no import taxes.

Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

Vacation . . . Vacation . . . why does that sound vaguely familiar. Like I have experienced it at some point im my life.

VC - Sydney, Australia

How does Malaysia get Bones faster than Australia? Bloody shambles.

Have fun ZZ :)

Today I received my Bones.... notice that customs was holding them :P

Saturday morning I get to go and have fun going through the customs +10% import duty and then back home for an unboxing with the sons :)

VC - Sydney, Australia

Oh minis have arrived and been processed in 'Straya!

Monday maybe.

So... you hiring a flatbed truck to help you get your bones boxes home? :P

VC - Sydney, Australia

Gonna need one!

Land Train.

Bones!! I haz them!

Kaladrax is frickin huge...

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Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Started DMing a Second Darkness campaign tonight. We didn't even make it quite all the way through character generation tonight, and one player is already thinking he's going to hate it. I told him once he actually starts playing it'll get better. Fingers crossed. We'll start the role play next Saturday, I hope.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Good luck,T-Rose.

Battle reenactments and cowboy action shooting, silly or fun?

A couple of beauty shots of what arrived in the mail today :)

Vampire plus a few extras

Kaladrax vs PF pre-paint dragons

Almost all good, they missed one add on and one of the wee figs is missing a wing, but no biggie. Detail on the figures is pretty darn good considering the material and the bigger figs are a hell of a lot easier to handle than metals.

Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

What are they made of? I still have mostly lead figures - or at least I think I do, I have not been able to find which box they are stored in.

Basically they're made out of a polymer plastic - softer than the GW hard plastic... and probably closest to the pre-painted minis.

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VC - Sydney, Australia

Yay TR!

I ran Murders Mark today, what a great module - though I see why GM's avoid it, a LOT of work.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

:) Thanks guys.

Male Pale Master

@ Twilightrose - why didn't the one guy think he would like it?

Because he's a 4th ed. hold out.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4
Stiehl9s wrote:
@ Twilightrose - why didn't the one guy think he would like it?

Actually, this was the first character he's ever made and I think he just found the process a bit overwhelming. And because it was overwhelming, he decided that it was stupid and he wasn't going to like it. He got his panties particularly in a bunch over the attribute buy in cost table.

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Glad you didn't introduce him to Shadowrun!

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

I've never played Shadowrun myself, but my ex use to talk about it frequently.

VC - Sydney, Australia

I only liked 2nd Ed Shadowrun.

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