Zyren's luxurious campfire... this time with marshmallows...

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Orc Expert 5

Damn Shifty I hope it's not your ass in the fire.

Wife pointed it out to me and was like "He's pissed."

VC - Sydney, Australia

Yeah those guys did some pretty stupid stuff, which is amazing given how much awareness and equity training etc we go through.

The women I serve with deserve better than to be exposed to that crap, and as a guy I'd expect more class and discretion from my mates.

When you put on your green skin, you are supposed to be living up to a high standard and modelling that standard to others, and for a bunch of guys in a leadership role you need to set the bar even higher.

Got a new circular saw and I am just itching to have a garage accident today. Think I am going to build a wooden train set table. Anyone wonder why Thomas theTrain lives in a place that sounds like he should have to worry about orcs and evil wizards?

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Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

Yeh, I never trusted that "Sir Topham Hat". More likely he is the "Top Ham", and we all know that orcs look like pigs. I think that you are onto something Bilbo.

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VC - Sydney, Australia

Shady, the lot of em!

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Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Happy Father's Day Campfire Dad's. Even to you Aussie folk, you can have it twice :)

Scarab Sages

male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???

What about us Germans (O.K. - I am not nor will I ever be a father), can we have a second one, too?

Kidding aside: Happy Father's Day to all the Daddys around this comely fire!

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Yes, everyone can!

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Dragonblood472 is going away for a bit to do LARP and won't be able to post. He's asked me to take over for Sable, and to ask Shifty and/or Tirion to take over for Mobo as needed.

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VC - Sydney, Australia


Im at the Hippy Festival tomorrow, but will still get to post at some point.

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Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

A soldier hippy? Sounds a bit like Hair?!

Hippie Soldier?

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Right, great scene!

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Happy Summer Solstice/Litha :)

Scarab Sages

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male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???

Thank you, you too!

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You too...yay summer !!!

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Male Pale Master

Also this Sunday will be a Super Moon. It will be the one day that a full moon is closest to the earth this year.

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VC - Sydney, Australia

Yep, was the Winter Solstice here yesterday, hence the Magic Festival today :) It's a huge event.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

True enough, Happy Winter Solstice to you instead, Shifty, love!

Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

Figure you all would appreciate this. While you all had it easy growing up in the civilized part of the world. DMHW and I had to deal with deadly moose attacks.

Moose Destruction

I see your Moose... and raise you some Mice...

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Dungeon Master

This all came up because last night I was camping out in a remote shelter on the side of Mt. Washington with my wife. Just after midnight I awoke to this noise in the bushes. Thinking that I was going to have to defend my food from an oversized rodent, I turned on my head lamp to find a huge moose standing only a few feet away chomping away on a branch. It basically ignored my headlamp and kept on eating. For several minutes we just gazed upon this massive creature with awe. It eventually just tromped off, but it was pretty cool!

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Tis strangely compelling...

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VC - Sydney, Australia

Well my day with the Hippies was sensational, good music, good food, good vibes... man.

They sure know how to pop on a good event.

Kick-ass brownies? :P

Blue mountains is always fun though - just far enough out of Syd to feel like somewhere different.

VC - Sydney, Australia

I would assume they would be legendary! That said, I detected very few traces of anyone smoking anything 'inappropriate' in public either.

And yeah the Mountains are great, but hey that's Sydney... here I am on the leafy North shore not ten minutes from the heart of the CBD and there's a national park down the road.

Katoomba is great, but I like Blackheath for all the trail walks. A bunch of mates just did the North Face 100 up there, frankly thats just a little too nuts, although I'd be half tempted. Might go the 50km instead as a birthday present to myself.

North Face sounds nuts...

WA is where it's at for long walks in the countryside - The Bibbulmun Track - a lazy 1,000 km

KL does have a few interesting events as well - watched this during breakfast one year and they're just peeling out one every 30 seconds or so - crazy nutters.

VC - Sydney, Australia

My mother keeps hassling me to do the Great North Walk, and that's only 250kms - at least it's local. She reckons taking the recommended 10 days to do it is ok, I wonder why we'd sit at a static campsite for a week.

How about a bike ride to Perth?

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VC - Sydney, Australia

I don't wanna pedal across a landmass the size of the US continent (3500kms or something) that happens to have a blazing hot red desert for most of the center... badwrongfun.

Male Orc Expert 5
Shifty wrote:
I don't wanna pedal across a landmass the size of the US continent (3500kms or something) that happens to have a blazing hot red desert for most of the center... badwrongfun.

Said Shifty the occasional murderhobo.

If Sir Hubert Opperman could do it in 1930 something in 13 days I'm sure that you could manage it Shifty... I mean the roads weren't even all bitumen back then ;)

His conquests included the 2,875 miles from Fremantle to Sydney, over long stretches of rutted tracks and through soft sand where he had to carry his bicycle in searing heat. Sometimes he fell asleep while riding, and crashed. His time of just over 13 days cut five days off the record, and other record fell by the score.


VC - Sydney, Australia

So I got to go along to a panel discussion today:

Creating Epic Fantasy
Raymond E Feist
Trudi Canavan
Colin Taber
Kylie Chan
Juliette Marillier

Getting in and listening to these people have a cool informal chat on plot and character development, their 'big idea' generation, the artistic challenges... whats not to love.

Male Pale Master

Im only familiar with Feist out of those names but still very cool.

Any tidbits from the convo worth sharing?

Scarab Sages

male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???

Oh, hello Nurgle, how I missed you - in other words: posting may become spotty for lack of health. :-(

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VC - Sydney, Australia

Yeah Feist was talking about putting together the characters for Magicican, the first step was that he thought about them in terms of High School - the quarterback, the cheerleader, the smart guy who gets respect (because he's friends qith the quarterback) and so on. He also pointed out that he was aware of the classic archtypes (warrior, wizard, boy thief etc) but made sure he developed them as people first.

Other comments were that he started the first chapter of Magician and then had to keep going back before it to fill in detail to make it work, and the first chapter became the seventh until he realised it no longer fit, and that first chapter of Magician ended up as chapter 1 of Prince of the Blood.

There was a lot of talk about having the 'big idea' concept - ie Kylie Chan was 'what if all the Daoist gods walked amongst us', others took alternate history routes, or looked for any whacky legends or times when history and myth intertwined to take advantage of for story hooks.

One of them ended up doing their entire works on spreadsheets and flowcharts as the story skeleton, then fleshing it out.

All got very involved.

Male Orc Expert 5
Shifty wrote:

Yeah Feist was talking about putting together the characters for Magicican, the first step was that he thought about them in terms of High School - the quarterback, the cheerleader, the smart guy who gets respect (because he's friends qith the quarterback) and so on. He also pointed out that he was aware of the classic archtypes (warrior, wizard, boy thief etc) but made sure he developed them as people first.

Other comments were that he started the first chapter of Magician and then had to keep going back before it to fill in detail to make it work, and the first chapter became the seventh until he realised it no longer fit, and that first chapter of Magician ended up as chapter 1 of Prince of the Blood.

There was a lot of talk about having the 'big idea' concept - ie Kylie Chan was 'what if all the Daoist gods walked amongst us', others took alternate history routes, or looked for any whacky legends or times when history and myth intertwined to take advantage of for story hooks.

One of them ended up doing their entire works on spreadsheets and flowcharts as the story skeleton, then fleshing it out.

All got very involved.

Sounds like some of the talks I have with other writers myself.

On that note. In terms of game design and publishing I had a similar experience at one dragon con I went to.

I went to support my buddy Micheal who'd just quit his comfy job with White Wolf when he heard of the direction they were taking Exalted. He was going independent and was kick starting other games.

Well, to my eternal delight he was on the same panel as Monte Cook, Jason Buhlman, and the guy who owns Fiasco (which I highly recommend to anyone who wants to play a game drunk off their asses at 11pm).

Fun stuff. :)

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Male Pale Master

Just got home from seeing Daniel Tosh live at the Warner Theater in Washington DC. That guy is too funny!

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Female Half-Elf (Varisian) Fighter (Lore Warden archetype) 7

Advanced warning that your friendly neighborhood whip-mistress and strange foreign bowman will be on vacation starting 27th June all the way through to 17th July. We will be taking our first big ol' vacation in six years and swanning off to Hawaii (both Kauai and Oahu). Our first trip to the US, and despite needing about 16 hours in a plane to get there - we are still super excited :)

However since we'll be travelling with only an i-pad for computer support both my predeliction for sesquipedalian loquaciousness and the relative alacrity and frequency of posts shall suffer most terribly during that time. So in essence Caterine / Kenta will be relatively inactive while I'm off sinking deep into Kalua pig, malasadas and loco moco. Fear not for I shall return fully recharged and reinforced for the onward push towards what resembles sanity for Freeport.

If in the case that DMPC or PCPC will be required, Caterine's responses will tend to follow the following logic:
1) Following along relatively quietly, but offering violence at relatively frequent intervals.
2) Hit whatever looks nastiest.

Kenta will do the same... but will mutter something foreign before he does so.

Hawaii is beautiful. Be careful in certain areas of Honolulu and around the military base in a town called Wainai. But, I have been there twice and never had any trouble at all...and I stayed near Wainai. You are going to have a great time. Very jealous, Mark. If you need any advice about where to go, I suggest the Outback Steakhouse for a good laugh, lol. Maybe you could get a comped meal for bringing some ambiance to the place. ;)

We'll be mostly Waikiki-ing during our stay in Honolulu, plus seeing family.

Can't bloody wait - as this photo gives you an idea of the haze in KL right now. That photo was with a psi of 111... it's now at almost 200.

VC - Sydney, Australia


Mind you its all deluges here, so not fit for much at all.
Really want to go for a run NOT in tipping rain for a change... the squelching shoe thing just saps the fun of it all. Aint nobody got time fo dat!

Yeah - it is teh suxxors, would be nice for some rain to knock the crap out of the air but no dice yet.

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Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

I remember Los Angeles like that. I went to college there. I think it was the fall of 88 or spring of 89. I remember driving through the city and looking up. The sky was brown, yes BROWN. It was the most bizarre and disgusting color. Only saw it once that way, I think it was one of the last stage 2 smog alerts they ever had. I will never forget it, and hope I never see it again.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Sry guys, no updates today...they decided to swamp me with work...and yeah, that's bad...anyone knows the magic card mutilate? If not, look it up, explains the situation^^

Dark Archive

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Male Hagspawn Witch 15/Souldrinker 5

I am back from my larp event! I hope everybody got to enjoy the supermoon and their weekend! Got to infect a new player with lycanthropy so now I have to teach her how to be a were-boar! :D

Don't you guys miss when the world news headlines revolved around the gay kid who killed Versace and dipsh&* American kid who was going to get caned for being a dipsh*&? What a great and simple time.

Scarab Sages

male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???

Sorry everybody, RL issues eat up pretty much all the sparetime I have got right now. On top of that I basically need do be on pretty straining medication just to be able to function at the moment, so would somebody please take care of Rangnir and Kosti until I am back to strength and can consider 'wasting' some of my time again - hopefully at the beginning of next week?

I'll handle Rangnir for you, brother.

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