Beliefs I accept before I start drinking

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Alas, like fungus, I believe the worthless threads will always respring up, spawned from the manure of their poster's mouths. I find hiding/focus has been working wonders for me lately. Or maybe I just don't care anymore.

I believe that it took me years too long to realize that teachers look forward to spring break almost more than the students do.

Grand Lodge

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Patrick Curtin wrote:
Alas, like fungus, I believe the worthless threads will always respring up, spawned from the manure of their poster's mouths.

I believe that you don't keep hoping for clean water from a fouled well.

Scarab Sages

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Alas, like fungus, I believe the worthless threads will always respring up, spawned from the manure of their poster's mouths.
I believe that you don't keep hoping for clean water from a fouled well.

I believe the rarely seen TOZ* has much wisdom.

*like Sasquatch, but with less hair.

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I believe I'm not hoping for clean water, I'm just b@$~@ing about the smell from the tainted well

Scarab Sages

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Patrick Curtin wrote:
I believe I'm not hoping for clean water, I'm just b!*@!ing about the smell from the tainted well

I believe that is an awesome point. It does reek. Not to mention, if people don't get pissed, nothing will ever change.

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Alas, like fungus, I believe the worthless threads will always respring up, spawned from the manure of their poster's mouths. I find hiding/focus has been working wonders for me lately. Or maybe I just don't care anymore.

Hey! Fungus serves a much-needed environmental purpose, quite unlike the posters-who-must-not-be-named.

{returns to working on humanoid-communicable Fungus Transfer Protocol anti-troll weapon}

Scarab Sages

I believe my boy was the very definition of "terrible twos" this morning.

Scarab Sages

I believe I need about a month of free time to catch up on my reading.

I believe I better not hold my breath waiting for it.

Grand Lodge

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I believe I will have a month of free time to do that very soon.

I also believe I will waste it all on the forums instead.

Scarab Sages

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TriOmegaZero wrote:

I believe I will have a month of free time to do that very soon.

I also believe I will waste it all on the forums instead.

I believe this is not necessarily a bad thing.

Scarab Sages

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I believe douche is as douche does.

I believe I need to pick up some Iron Throne Blonde Ale ASAP.

I believe that my natural desire to experiment has led the green fairy do decieve me on more than a few occassions. However with my right hand I break sobriety and with my left hand I do also regardless.

I believe I need to get cracking on some important updates!

I believe that PB&J cocktails are a sneaky way to get shnockered in a hurry.

Scarab Sages

I believe it is snowing like a m@!%##**@+&@.

Grand Lodge

I believe hot tea after a good run is a nice start to the day.

Raspberry Peanut Butter "Jelly Donut"

1 part raspberry flavoring
2 parts peanut butter flavoring
4 parts sugar cookie vodka
8 parts milk / dairy beverage

= hammered time

Turin the Mad wrote:

Raspberry Peanut Butter "Jelly Donut"

1 part raspberry flavoring
2 parts peanut butter flavoring
4 parts sugar cookie vodka
8 parts milk / dairy beverage

= hammered time

I believe that, personally, this sounds rather iffy. :/

And yet, strangely appealing,...

I now believe I must try it, so I can make an informed decision,... :)

Ragadolf wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:

Raspberry Peanut Butter "Jelly Donut"

1 part raspberry flavoring
2 parts peanut butter flavoring
4 parts sugar cookie vodka
8 parts milk / dairy beverage

= hammered time

I believe that, personally, this sounds rather iffy. :/

And yet, strangely appealing,...

I now believe I must try it, so I can make an informed decision,... :)

I was guesstimating the proportions. Missus Turin is working on a more formal write-up while she concocts another tasty adult beverage.

The above recipe is "doing it on the cheap". If you want to liquor it up, using raspberry liquor and peanut liquor will enhance the rapidity at which you get hammered. ;)

5 oz. Burnett's Sugar Cookie Vodka <-- vanilla vodka or even regular vodka should also do the trick
8 oz. milk
2 oz. Torani peanut butter flavored syrup (these are coffee flavoring syrups)
1 oz. Torani raspberry flavoring syrup

Serve chilled over ice. DaVinci also makes peanut butter flavoring syrup. Any suitable coffee syrup should do the trick.

Missus Turin calls it a "PB&J". Swap out peanut butter & raspberry for Maple Syrup Vodka to get a "Maple Donut".

Scarab Sages

I believe today the wife and I had a somewhat serious discussion about our future here in Philthadelphia.

Scarab Sages

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I believe I know it was "somewhat serious" because the words "penguin", "fart", and "strawberry" were not used.

I believe that winter is taking one last swipe at me.

I believe the cold I have building up inside of me shall rival the one I had over the Christmas holidays.

I believe I shall bludgeon it with a bottle of Nyquil. Productivity at work be darned.

Ragadolf wrote:

I believe that winter is taking one last swipe at me.

I believe the cold I have building up inside of me shall rival the one I had over the Christmas holidays.

I believe I shall bludgeon it with a bottle of Nyquil. Productivity at work be darned.

How did your trial of a "PB&J" go?

Grand Lodge

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I believe winter should stop coming and going and just go.

I believe "Winter is Coming".

Turin the Mad wrote:
Ragadolf wrote:

I believe that winter is taking one last swipe at me.

I believe the cold I have building up inside of me shall rival the one I had over the Christmas holidays.

I believe I shall bludgeon it with a bottle of Nyquil. Productivity at work be darned.

How did your trial of a "PB&J" go?

I believe I must first procure more money, so I can go and shop for the afore metioned liquers and coffee flavors. (These are not things that this old wizard keeps in the cabinet for general use.) :/

I believe I am actually looking forward to trying it. ;)

Ragadolf wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:
Ragadolf wrote:

I believe that winter is taking one last swipe at me.

I believe the cold I have building up inside of me shall rival the one I had over the Christmas holidays.

I believe I shall bludgeon it with a bottle of NyQuil. Productivity at work be darned.

How did your trial of a "PB&J" go?

I believe I must first procure more money, so I can go and shop for the aforementioned liqueurs and coffee flavors. (These are not things that this old wizard keeps in the cabinet for general use.) :/

I believe I am actually looking forward to trying it. ;)

I believe that you will enjoy the alcoholic sammich immensely. 3 party cups' worth is a really nice tipsy/drunk depending on your tolerances. ;)

I believe that any sammich you can get in alcoholic format automatically gets a mark in the "Plus" column! :)

Really? My house has everything but the Vodka...


Grand Lodge

I believe everyone should listen to Frank.

I believe Ragadolf is correct!

Scarab Sages

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I believe it's good to know we have equal opportunity douchebags around here.

Edit: Not here "here" of course. You guys rock.

Grand Lodge

I believe 'douchebag' is a strange insult to apply to someone.

I believe that my "girl"friend's Brother is being a disposable feminine cleansing product one might use on a summer's eve.

Scarab Sages

TriOmegaZero wrote:
I believe 'douchebag' is a strange insult to apply to someone.

Agreed. But sometimes it fits so well.

Scarab Sages

Azaelas Fayth wrote:
I believe that my "girl"friend's Brother is being a disposable feminine cleansing product one might use on a summer's eve.

I have that problem with my wife's brother. Luckily, it's easy to pretend the little nutsack doesn't exist when we hardly ever see him.

Here is a thread asking what others would have done in this situation.

I believe that "Alice in Wonderland" was written under the influence of some pure grade narcotic substances (which were legal at the time).

I believe that Edgar Allen Poe wrote 'The Raven' after talking to a stuffed raven while also under those same pure grade narcotic substances. :)

"Alice in Wonderland" was written by watching a woman in front of a Mirror suffer from a Mental Breakdown and Psychosis.

The Raven was written when EAP was Drunk/High.

I believe that a "bacon sammich drink" is being worked upon, albeit with less than satisfactory preliminary results.

Bacon Beer. Sounds Disgusting but is good. There is also a BLT Beer that isn't that bad.

Who said anything about bacon beer? :P

Bacon Sammich Drink.

Scarab Sages

I believe I need to find my hip boots.

Silver Crusade

I think there's a bacon vodka out there.

I mean... I believe there is a bacon vodka...

Edit: Link found.

The Exchange

I believe the "Looking Glass" episode of Warehouse 13 was one of the best.

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