![]() Hi Cleanthes, I'm more a lurker than a poster. I've been on Paizo for about 7 years but only managed about 200 posts. I am registered over at Fat Dragon under the same name but not posted yet. I enjoy looking at the gallery to see whats being built and get ideas. It was actually one of your posts that linked me over there. I think it was the Lucky Monkey build, or the umber hulk smash, so thank you for that. There is a great comunity there too. I have the same thought about moving to pathfinder after shackled city but at our pace thats another 4-5 years away and we might be in pathfinder 2.0 by then. I was thinking more skull and shackles for a complete change but it depends on the group. Luckily one of our group is running a star wars campaign so I get to play as well as DM. My group are also new and I agree the backstory makes the experience. I got them all to write thier own backstory before we began. Forgive the indulgence but here is a sample.. I have tied them all to the plot, though they dont know how yet. Its involved but so far the Rogue, an orphan, has discovered his farther is the Jester (i'm using some of Delvesdeeps alterations so the Jester is the leader of the last laugh). He found this out in the same scene as discovering that his childhood best friend is the Last Laughs hired assassin and that Jill (who was having an affair with)is the Jesters apprentice and has betrayed him all along. Add to this that the Jester and Jill left the group to die at the hands of the hired assassin at which point the Ranger in the group realises this assassin killed his foster parents and the Priest realises, due to the jesters monologue that the Rogue had been hired by Jill to kill his sister and faked it to get the reward. The Wizard is completely confused and all hell breaks loose.... If only they discussed what they all know they have a lot of information but for some reason they dont seem to want to share it. Anyway, I look forward to your future build.. Elcian ![]()
![]() Congratulations on Finishing Cleanthes. My group has just finished test of the smoking eye and we have been playing for 5 years now (we all live about 100 miles apart and have full time jobs so getting game time is difficult. We manage about 12/18 session a year split between shackled city and a Star wars Campaign run buy one of the group). Also, I tend to add extra story elements to flesh out backstory. This included Tomb of Horrors recently so you can take 18 months off that if you just count shackled city. Do you have another campaign planned? I have been watching your builds over at Fat Dragon and look forward to what your going to tackle next. Elcian ![]()
![]() Let me preface this by saying that while I try to use RAW I often ignore them in the interests of story, sounds like I'm with Sebastian here. Its an interesting idea to spend XP to reduce the effect of the increased ECL. I had a similar incident in my Shackled City game where a wizard PC failed a save from the wererat White eye. I wrote some basic rules but essentially it came down to working up the character in the three forms as per the rules and requiring a save vs DC25 on control shape to avaoid changing involuntarily. I would allow the PC to take control shape as a class skill next level (which was due anyway) and he could spend points in it to be able to make the save. Not RAW I'm sure but it sounded cool. Unfortunately the PC wanted to pour points into qualifying to be an arch mage so got cured. Keen to see how it turns out for you. Elcian PS just re read your post. I would agree start out of control then allow them to gain control perhaps using the control shape idea. This way they invest in that aspect of the character and other PC's wont be too agrieved as thier are downsides as well as positives. ![]()
![]() I have one in our groups shackled city game. I introduced her in the first session to give the party (three players at the time) some muscle at lower levels. The existing characters were a rogue, cleric and ranger though only the cleric had every played before. As they leveled up I have kept her 2 levels behind the group. On the first night they all gave a bit of backstory info on why they were going to Cauldron (though not much, secrets seem to be adding to the intrigue in this game). I dropped in that Gissell(GMPC) is from Borovia (she stumbled through a storm and has no idea she has left Ravenloft) though she didn't say why she was going to cauldron she is actually looking for help to save the village from Straad. She thinks the PC's will be the ones but they are not strong enough yet, nor is she, so she has tagged along until they are figuring that if she helps them they will help her. We have just finished chapter 5 so the group are off to occipitus next. When they teleport back I am going to have Ravenloft snatch them as Straad wants to deal with Gissell before she gets too powerfull. We have aquired another player since the start so I plan to have the GMPC die in ravenloft, probably by Straad to show how tough he is. I always use her as as an extra pair of hands, she makes no decisions and does pretty much want the PC's want as long as it doesnt put her in harms way too much. She has been in the group for three years now (we only play once a month at most) so it will be interesting to see the impact on the group when she dies. I might even make her undead? I was thinking of including an item to help defeat adimarchus in ravenloft. Any ideas? Elcian ![]()
![]() My group also claimed the Lucky Monkey as thier own. I went with this and allowed them too since it gives them a base of operations and ties them to the region. The Rogue has taken the place on as his own and put some of his followers in charge. I ask the innkeeper (one of the followers) to role on Proffession Inkeeping to see how well they do at the end of each chapter. I have a basic set of rules allowing for occupancy, costs, food takings, wages etc. The role determines how much they get in GP. After Flood season I made them spend the necessarey gold to repair the place. We are on Chapter 5 at present but I plan to have the place raided by the last laugh looking for the Rogue who has had a liason with Jill (long story) and this should do some damage to the Inn and cost a bit more to repair. Recently the Rogue invited the half orcs to stay in order to increase the takings but got a shock when the fire elemantals appeared at minuta's. He also then realised the Blue duke controls the half orcs and Zenith predicted the Rogue will be killed by the man in blue. Overall it has had vbery little impact on the campaign though it does require a little more motivation to get the PC into Cauldron for Random events. Elcian ![]()
![]() I Started running this with a mostly new group (4 players, opnly one with experience)about 3 years ago. We only meet monthly, at most, due to work commitments (we are all in our 30/40's). So far we have just finished the tax riot in chapter 5. It would be faster but I ran a small intro adventure (Dark and Stomry night) before the group got to cauldron and I added in a slighlty modified Tomb of Horrors to play to several characters back stories. That added about 6 sessions or 6 months. Actually this was brilliant. The Rogue, who had started a relationship with Jill was lured into helping her advance in the Last Laugh by finding the Jester coin minting machine. She couldn't find how to get to it from the surface but heard it was over a room in the Tomb of Horrors so they could get to it that way. When they broke through into the safe house the Jester and his hired assassin were waiting. Earlier (back in between chapter 2 and 3) the same rogue was asked by the guild to kill the priest of Pelor's sister who is a church dignatary (fits with the killing of other priests of Pelor) being good he settled for telling the group he was trying to prevent the killing and blamed an assassin he called Raven. Turns out the Jester is the Rogues long lost father and the assassin is his friend from childhood who his father has recruited. Jill turns out to be the apprentice of the Jester (thanks Delvesdeep) and the whole thing is a set up. Now the Rogue finds himself in the room with a lover who betrayed him, a father he has never met, a childhood friend who he has blamed a murder on and to make matters worse his group are looking at him because the Ranger realises the assassin meets the description of the guy who killed his family (he is demonscarred but doesn't know it yet), The priest finds out his sister was meant to be murdered by the Rogue and the wizard is completely confused but actually his mother was abducted by the cagewrights. The look on thier faces was priceless. I suspect this will take another 5 years to finish... Elcian ![]()
![]() David Fryer wrote:
I would go for 12 as the answer. 13x3 = 39. 39-3 = 36. 36/3 = 12 but I am not a math genius and I could well be wrong. Elcian ![]()
![]() Here are a few idea. Tad Williams - Memory Sorrow and Thorne (search for "The dragonbone chair" as this is the first book). Though he is my favourite aurtor this is a long read. David Gemmell - Legend (and the reat in the Drennai series) Eragon (I know this is formulaic but you asked for suggestions that play to architypes) The Belgariad (dont bother with the Malorean, its the same story again) On a slightly different but related front.. Jim Butcher - The Dresdan files (modern day but about a wizard) Neil Gaimen - Sandman series of graphic novels. Hope these help Elcian ![]()
![]() Hi Sean, Thank you for doing this we all appreciate your dedication and time (and possible insanity to take this on). Here is my item, I already have some ideas bu would like to know if I'm on the right track, Headband of Sixth sense Aura: Moderate Divination
Description This fine silver headband has an opal gem set so it rests on the forehead of the wearer. The headband grants the wearer an enhancement to her senses. The wearer gains +2 to perception based checks as if the wearer had taken the Alertness feat. Like the feat if the wearer has 10 or more ranks in a perception based skill this bonus becomes +4. The Wearer also gains an intuitive understanding in combat and is treated as having the Improved initiate feat adding +4 to Initiative rolls. If the wearer already has these skills the bonus’ are cumulative. Once a day the wearer can Detect Thoughts exactly like the spell. Construction Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Detect Thoughts
My thoughts so far.. 1) Name not evocative enough.
I could of course be off base so will be guided by the pro's Elcian ![]()
![]() Rogues Rool wrote:
Perhaps I Could be convinced, if only to see what weird and wonderful situations you get yourself into. Right, where did I put that book, I need to look up moving wall traps and crushing damage.... Elcian PS. Also while I like the flavour of the item and can see some cool uses for it (especially by Rogues Rool who has a habit of being unconventional in his choices of action) before it goes in we need to tie down some specifics such as; "how long does it take to squeeze into smaller spots and what additional checks are required or do we just increase the DC on Escape artist? ![]()
![]() Xaaon of Xen'Drik wrote:
Yeah, I thought the costing might be off but in truth I had no idea where to start costing for feats. Having seen everyone elses items the cost looks very cheap! Elcian ![]()
![]() Ok Clark, so let me just say I think the fact you are doing this makes you both awesome and certifiable. That said here is some more work for you should yo have time. I would appreciate your comments. Headband of Sixth sense Aura: Moderate Divination
Description This fine silver headband has an opal gem set so it rests on the forehead of the wearer. The headband grants the wearer an enhancement to her senses. The wearer gains +2 to perception based checks as if the wearer had taken the Alertness feat. Like the feat if the wearer has 10 or more ranks in a perception based skill this bonus becomes +4. The Wearer also gains an intuitive understanding in combat and is treated as having the Improved initiate feat adding +4 to Initiative rolls. If the wearer already has these skills the bonus’ are cumulative. Once a day the wearer can Detect Thoughts exactly like the spell. Construction Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Detect Thoughts
Here are my thoughts 1) Not a great name
However, even though I've been playing this game almost 20 years this was the first item I've ever designed and I had a blast doing it. Good luck to the 32 Elcian ![]()
![]() Taliesin Hoyle wrote: {i}{b}twenty-four letter post. {/i}{/b} Humble admission that this poster does not understand or has even bothered to read how to make bold or italic posts. Brief self chastisment followed by overstated admiration of wit demonstrated by previous poster in order to cover previously unjustified remarks. Attempt at siding with previous poster to abate any ill feelings. clever and well observed closing comment to distract from own shortfallings ![]()
![]() Vic Wertz wrote: Note informing everyone that Russian Women Want to Meet You Now. Response pointing out that while I would love to meet "Russian Women now" I am inconvieniently in a war torn country and unable to access my multi million pound funds. pleads for poster to mail a large denomination of cash which I promise to pay back ten times over when meeting with said Russian women happens. Honest... Elcian ![]()
![]() Taliesin Hoyle wrote: twenty-four letter post Delayed reply to a post which now makes no sense in the overall discussion Poster admits having not read most of the previous thread but points out that this is actually a twenty letter post not a twenty four letter post. Allusion to posters education level in maths. Remark to pre-empt others from trying to claim hyphens or spaces are letters and anyone who thinks this is obviously an idiot. Poster disapears from thread having contributed nothing Elcian (in case others did not notice above) ![]()
![]() roguerouge wrote:
I also agree that oposing views are great. I have never supported censorship of views. I would point to over 2000 years worth of rigorous heated polite (mostly) debate over opposing views in the world of Philosophy. That said, sometimes oposing views become not a debate over the issue but personal or are designed to simply stir things up. Elcian ![]()
![]() roguerouge wrote: The real problem is the new rule set, which upped the ante and vastly increased Paizo's traffic and industry profile. I'm betting that things return to normal when the rule set is finished. For my own self, I'm annoyed that everyone seems to have been sucked into the PfRPG-related fora and the modules and adventure path sections that I preferred have become ghost towns. Seriously, don't people play their modules any more? I agree with you, though I guess to each his own. Personally I much prefer reading about actual game stuff and story instead of theoretical rules discussions. Elcian ![]()
![]() Personally I dont post much. I only post on Paizo. Not because I am a minless Fanboy (though that could be argued, take a look at the tag) but because I spent a long while lurking and reading before I decided this was a place full of cool, witty, clever, like minded, non hostile people. A lot of those people are still around but they seem to post less. Although most of them probably have no idea who I am I miss them and I miss the tone of what I was reading. I applaud the attempts by Paizo to restore a less hostile environment. The fact that some posters in this thread deem it necesary to react the way they have to a general statement just prooves the point that there is a change in tone. Ask yourself these questions. What attracted me to join this board in the first place? Why am I argueing against the term Jerk if it doesn't apply to me? And therein I think you will find your answer as to your motives. What would be interesting to know (Gary, you might be the right man for this?) is has the tone declined due to increased popularity of Paizo or do we have the same traffic just different people. What I mean is, time was when this was a small comunity and other boards were flame wars. Is it because we have got more popular that this is happening? If so, while I agree we should not accept it, perhaps it is inevitable that with increased personalities comes increased hostility? I hope not, Elcian ![]()
![]() Krome, Sorry to hear about your recent job issues. Hope things are on the right track now. Recently there have been a number of posts/ threads claiming the community is not as friendly as it once was etc. Well I think we can put that one to rest. Like all family's we fight but when it matters.... To those who have helped out with Krome's Pathfinders, I salute you. You are very classy people. I only wish my finances alowed me to do the same. For now I'm afraid the best I can do is offer my best wishes. Elcian ![]()
![]() I would agree with this. I have only ever used it as a resource so I guess I cant complain but there is some very good stuff on there. I especially like the map tiles which can be printed off and are minature scale. The players love these. We are about to start chapter 4 and the map tiles seem to dry up a bit. Does anyone know how these were produced in the first place? Elcian ![]()
![]() Fatespinner wrote:
Descartes was misguided (though not about your point here. More where he went next with it all), this is more John Locke "Tableux Rasa" I suspect. Elcian ![]()
![]() Tarren Dei wrote:
Your welcome, thanks for taking a positive stand. Elcian ![]()
![]() Darren Al-Tei wrote:
Not sure I count as important but I agree completely with an end to 4E flaming. I have been staying clear of 4E forums for ages but it seems this might be seen as silently concenting to the flames. Elcian ![]()
![]() bugleyman wrote:
I'm no expert but surely "back" is redundant in both of these sentences? To respond you must respond to something and to reply there must be something to reply to. If you read both sentences without the word "Back" I believe they are gramatically correct. As for the subject of the rest of the thread, Can we not just agree to disagree. Some like 3.5, some like 4E but we all like RPG's. Lets just get on. We are a small enough community as it is without acting like we have been. If we all met in a bar I suspect we would be more civil. Elcian ![]()
![]() David Wickham wrote:
Your right! Never said I wanted to be elected myself... ![]()
![]() The Electoral commission regret to inform all candidates that thier nominations have been invalidated. This is due to the fact that the position in question is for OFF TOPIC president and all candidates have blatantly remained ON TOPIC thus disqualifying themselves. In future only candidates who manage to stay off topic will be considered for the ballott. In preferance you will be as far off topic as possible. Possibly not even attending the thread. Thank you Elcian (Self Appointed Electoral commissioner) ![]()
![]() I have a question, but first some assumptions Assumption 1) The GSL means that if you publish 4E material you can never again publish 3.5 material. Assumption 2) The GSL is accepted by, and is therefore enforcable on, companies not individuals. Assumption 3) A writer can freelance for one company even while employed by a different one. Question. What if someone (for example Lisa) were to create a company (for example OZAIP) that published 4E material written by "Freelance" writters such as Eric Mona, James Jacobs etc. This could be sold as third party produced material through the Paizo site as WOTC material is. Would this have any legal impact on Paizo? I dont actually want any 4E stuff since I am a Pathfinder Thrall but I was just curious. Lawyers? Sebastian? Paizo staff? Elcian ![]()
![]() Mothman wrote:
Cool, Glad to know I'm not the only one with a slow moving group. I think I worked out at this pace it will take us 6-7 years to complete. Theres no hurry, we are enjoying the story and thats surely the point. Elcian ![]()
![]() Mothman wrote:
I completely agree, there are a few challenging chapter transitions etc but then thats half the fun and there is space to make the campaign your own. A few have mentioned that its a big adventure to start with and I agree but i is also my first real stab at Dming and so far so good. Like you (Kate) I had played for years before Dming. In my case I became a DM because I finally found a bunch of players and started a group. We have been playing for about a year and a half though since we can only get together about every four to six weeks the pace is slow. Mothman, how far have you got, I'm about to finish Flood season this Friday (if all goes well) Elcian ![]()
![]() Hagmans Noose is a great starting adventure to get a group together. Personally I ran a little short on time as we started late so it became a little railroady toward the end (more time than the module I think). If you were really clever you could combine Shackled city and this adventure. Either use the characters in the module and then have some relatives appear later as NPC's or change some names to relate them to the characters already in Shackled City (This needs a little more work as you will need to be familiar with the NPC's in Shackled city so as not to affect the plot line). Thak you guys for the agreement over Ravenloft.. I never managed to get the original adventure but I still love the feel of the later versions. My DM NPC in shackled city (party only has three players) comes from Borovia. Two of the group have never played before this campaign and the other has played longer than me (18yrs). I wish you could have seen the look on his face when the NPC was asked where she was from. Mixture of delight and fear. The plan is that at some point the mists will snatch the group away and they will face Straad to save the NPC's homeland. I will deliver them back moments after they left so no time will have past. I am also toying with the idea of using Tomb of Horrors as part of the thieves guild under cauldron (one of the players families was killed by an assassin who is part of the guild in my game, which is why he came to Cauldron). Elcian ![]()
![]() Hello and Welcome, I would have answered earlier but I'm UK based and I had to go to work. Lots of great advice already, heres my input. I think the small adventure might well be the sensible way to go, however, you have played for a while if I read right and so you are already familiar with the rules. I am currently running my group through the shackled city and would recommend it to any DM. Some pro's and Con's to consider though... Pro's 1) based in and around one city so you can control all aspects of the campaign and customise to your hearts content.
Con's 1) Your DM may be familiar with some of the story if he/she is a Paizo fan.
Alternatively, if you want something more nostalgic you could go for Expedition to Castle Ravenloft. Classic, and gives you the option of returning players to the same setting your current DM uses if thats important. Well there goes, have fun. Elcian ![]()
![]() Hi Fizz, I cant even comprehend what you must be going through emotionally so I will just say that my thoughts are wth you. What follows is not meant to be me telling you what to do as I suspect that when you think about it you know what advice is right its just difficult to see the point in following any of it right now. What I can tell you, for what its worth, is this.... I spent several years working for a pharma company promoting an antidepressant (which one is not important, neither is the fact I promoted it, what is is that it gave me access to various psychiatrists with various oppinions). From conversations I have had what your experiencing happens often. For some Drugs are the right answer to help rebalance neurotransmitter levels. For some talking therapy is the answer. The best clinical results are from both together. Either way there is a difference between the usual reaction to a major life trauma and a longer term depression. The key points of depression are that you feel down more days than not over the last week and that you have no interest or pleasure from the things you used to enjoy (assuming this is not accounted for by the close life trauma you have had and you are not going through an entirely natural grieving process). From what you have said you are on the rigt track, please stick with it and keep talking to people. The other thing to say is that this will not be a quick recovery so dont get down when you dont feel great in a month or two. I know that doesn't help but from what I've been told its true. Also, if you stay with the drugs, keep with them for a while after you feel fine if you stop too soon or too suddenly you will feel worse again. All that said, you can get through this (I agree with Lilith though, its always going to hurt) and enjoy things again. All the best Fizz.. Elcian