![]() Started RotRL recently, and one of my players wanted to have the same character as he plays in another game. Not an anagram, not a similar character concept, but the exact same character, a Minotaur with dragon blood. Fighter, Greataxe specialisation. Same name, same background, same everything. I didn't understand it at all. Still don't. Why would you want to do something you've already done? But it's no skin off my nose, and it makes him happy. So why not? ![]()
![]() Bocklin wrote:
Er... we don't. iPlayer's free within the UK. Faithful Companion:
Spoiler: It's definitely Donna. The person that she's become over the course of the series dies.
Sure, the person she used to be is alive... but the Donna we love is no more. ![]()
![]() Verminlord wrote: If a group catch their breath after a fight and reorganize themselves then this is believable, but if somebody uses a encounter power and rest 5 minutes, use the encounter power and rest, ad infinitum, then it stretches the internal logic. So I like to know how you handle this. We read it as: any time you get to stop and catch your breath. So, yep, a minute, five minutes, an hour... as long as a fresh encounter doesn't come bang-on-the-heels of the last one. And you can keep using them ad infintitum as long as you get a chance to catch your breath. In my head, at least, you get your encounter powers back as soon as you've stopped panting. ![]()
![]() Verminlord wrote:
Ah, I see what you mean. The way we played an ambush was passive perception checks in the first instance - success means the battlemap comes out with the characters at the edge of the grid and knew something was wrong, while a failure meant the characters were in the middle of the grid and the monsters get a surprise round. ![]()
![]() You can roleplay it all you like; the grid only has to come out when your group actually start hitting monsters with sticks. Where the scenario assumes that your group will start hitting monsters with sticks, there's a grid. If the sticks come out somewhere else, you need to put your own grid together. ![]()
![]() I bought a 3E Realms hardback last year after picking up D&D again after a 12 year absence thinking "Ooh, one of the two official campaign settings, let's have a looky-loo", and while I thought some of the setting was interesting, it felt like the whole map had been filled in for me already. Not having spent thousands of dollars on books, the barrier to entry was too high. It felt like it was just aimed at people who already knew who Drizzt and Elminster and the rest were, and not for someone joining or rejoining the hobby for the first time. So I didn't like it. I felt left out and excluded. I hope that the new version won't leave me feeling that way. So I shall definitely be buying a copy. ![]()
![]() Amelia wrote:
Except that an Elite is worth two ordinary monsters of that level. So technic'ly your hypothetical NPC's level is actually level 24. ![]()
![]() Deussu wrote: There's very little do with diagonal movement. I can only think of dividing movement into "movement points", and one square would use 2, diagonal movement would use 3 per square. Using movement points could also make some move actions (such as opening a door) a mere movement point cost thingy. I found it always so stupid you have to stop your turn after moving 10 feet and opening a door. I like it, but it makes it difficult to use a 3.5 stat block as-is. S'pose you could say "double the footage to get movement points" and then you'd have a cost of 10pts per straight move and fifteen per diagonal. Still feels a bit clunky... ![]()
![]() I've houseruled in Eschew Materials straightaway (as mentioned by earlier posters) as it really seems to work with the sorcerer. One bloodline question that's been bugging me that hasn't turned up in a playtest yet (1st level, so...) is that some of the bloodlines hhave the ability to sprout wings at higher levels. How does that work with armour and clothes?
I'm not sure the added flavour you get from the wings makes up for the confusions listed above. Finally, the "One of Us" at 20th level for the Undead bloodline seems a bit enforced - I love the flavour of being ignored by undead, but feel that "and then the character starts to rot" should be optional. Cos that's a bit icky, really. ![]()
![]() I'm using racial bonuses in my playtest - It seems to work well. I have a mild concern that the frail races don't have anything to balance that out though - I mean, that's an extra 4hp at first level for a tough race vs a frail, which is almost an (average) level's worth of hp for a d8 class. Even more for one of the d6ers. Which kinda makes me think that the flat 6 extra might work better. ![]()
![]() Just started my PFRP playtest, and when I got the battlemat out for the first fight (Oh, those naughty Goblins!) I thought: You know, diagonal movement's a bit of a pain. 5' of movement, then 10', then 5', then 10'... So I decided for this playtest I'd try making a square of diagonal cost 5' of movement down the line. It made the fights much faster and more fun that in the 3.5 game I'm currently playing in. So: thoughts? Anyone else tried it? And if so, did you standardise on 5' or 10' per diagonal step? ![]()
![]() Please, no markers for what's changed and what hasn't. It'll make the Alpha 2 document nigh-on unreadable for those of us who start from scratch with Alpha 2. But by all means get someone techy to diff the files and have that as a separate download. I'd like to keep design notes, but a separate doc would work just as well as sidebars. ![]()
![]() I posted on the thread that originally snapped those camelly vertebrae saying that I wanted to see moderation engaged. I don't regret posting that, and (although I'm sorry that modding had to occur) I'm glad that it's now happening. This isn't because I'm a big fan of moderation. I'd rather we didn't need it. But it was becoming a big problem for me that I couldn't post anything, or even read anything, about 4E without someone in the thread being called a shill, or a troll, or an idiot. Some people have now said they're leaving the boards, and Paizo, because they can no longer express their dissatisfaction in any manner that they please. Fair enough. Everyone has to draw their own line. I'm hopeful that in the next week or so all this kerfuffle will settle down, we won't need moderation any more, and everyone can get back to having fun. I don't think I'm being unduly optimistic. ![]()
![]() Frank Trollman wrote:
<re-derail> I'm a Citizen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. I'm a Subject of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. </re-derail> ![]()
![]() Lisa Stevens wrote:
I, personally, would like to see moderation engaged on the 4E forums. You've tried waiting and seeing if it would calm down. You've tried asking for people to play nice. Neither of these things has worked. The decline of civilised discussion here recently upsets me and, yes, does make me less likely to continue buying Paizo products. Because this forum does reflect on the company. Six months ago I recommended these forums to my friends who were thinking about getting back into D&D as a fun place to hang out and read about the interesting things that were going on. I wouldn't make that recommendation today. ![]()
![]() Mostly a lurker, piping up: I'm with the OP on this one. I picked up D&D again after a long time away. Played 3.5 for the first time. Enjoyed hanging out on these very message boards. Then 4E news started coming out, and the civilised, polite, respectful conversations turned into "I hate 4E" and "What have they done with my game" and "But I've spent thousands of dollars and know it's all wasted" and "They'll pry my 3.5 books from my cold dead hands." The fact of the matter is that I have no particular attachment to 3.5. I know that many people do. Good for them. But all I hear is hatred of change. Not only has this made these messageboards a less fun place to be, it has made me more likely to switch to 4E because, frankly, the types of posting that have occurred by die-hard 3.5ers have made me want to not hang out with them any more. I'd like, just once, to read a thread in this section without any ragging on WOTC, or Hasbro, or bemoaning the fact that 3.5 support is going to dry up. Please. If you have nothing constructive to say, say nothing. ![]()
![]() Frank Trollman wrote:
OED gives Citizen as follows: a legally recognized subject or national of a state or commonwealth. So we are both citizens, and subjects. Just sayin'