Jeffrey Swank Contributor |
![Lascer, Lord of the Shadow Shoal](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/lascer_final_hires.jpg)
Again, with a document this size - I keep finding errors and miscalculations here and there...so if anyone play tests these or finds a misspelling or anything, please let me know. I redid the Leonal after play testing it and seeing I put its Roar ability at first level - had to smack my self in the head for that.
Silke |
RE: Thanks to everyone who worked on this. Zerzix and who else? Silke?
I provided input early on but this is zerzix's work and more recently with assistance on dragons from joesk. Tips hat to zerzix for the volume of creatures covered.
If you’re interested, listed in the Appendix of G3 download is my take on Savage Species style progression for selected monsters.
Jeffrey Swank Contributor |
![Lascer, Lord of the Shadow Shoal](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/lascer_final_hires.jpg)
Hello all, thanks for the bump. I have been working lately on editing mistakes, miscalculations and updating some of the graphs. A lot of double checking going on with a lot of monsters. Plus with a few friends having play tested some of them - changing some abilities as well.
Again, if anyone catches any mistakes - or has play tested any and have suggestions - please feel free to throw them in.
I'll try as soon as I can to pop up an updated version soon.
Jeffrey Swank Contributor |
![Lascer, Lord of the Shadow Shoal](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/lascer_final_hires.jpg)
Hmm, I haven't really looked into the Battle Dragon. I'll give it a peak. I'm still just tweaking the errors out of the current list. Wasn't sure if much interest would still be in this since the new Races Test play came out, but after looking at it – I kinda like this ‘savage species’ type break downs a little more so I’m really going to work to finish it.
I'll post a newer version tonight or tomorrow
Jeffrey Swank Contributor |
![Lascer, Lord of the Shadow Shoal](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/lascer_final_hires.jpg)
So..Im still working on Succubus, a few more dragons, demons and devils, Awakened Lions and tigers, Air, Earth and Fire Elementals, Medusa, Efreeti, werebear, wererat and the Kyton.
And, if anyone finds any misspellings or calculation errors - feel free to let me know =)
Wish I had a better way to post the PDF other than google doc's, but here ya go...
Go to Latest Sample
Jeffrey Swank Contributor |
![Lascer, Lord of the Shadow Shoal](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/lascer_final_hires.jpg)
Ah yes, the solar. I just recently made that one - wasn't too happy with the conversion. At first I had made it that its size grew through out its levels, but that made it start out small with wings and kept reminding me of a lil sprite. So in mid-conversion I switched to start it at medium size and have it kind look like a Aasimar but without wings. And have its mings be gained with levels and then later size increase.
For its ammunition, I might have it have a limited amount to begin with and only get the unlimited at its higher levels.
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![Depora Azrinae](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/drowlady_final.jpg)
Hey hey, got married - honeymoon and such so havent had much time to finish this. But am back on the case. =)
That's awesome. Congrats.
Unfortunately I have to disagree on the thri-kreen that's on the sample I looked at. A +10 competence bonus on Acrobatic jump checks? Firstly, why a competence bonus? It's racial. Second, why only +10? The original is +30.
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![Depora Azrinae](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/drowlady_final.jpg)
Nice catch! Yeah I meant to have that racial bonus still, but I did change it to only plus 10 - just felt plus 30 was a bit extreme? Think it should stay with +30?
I think it should, yes, but instead of making it +30 Acrobatics, what about +30 on Acrobatics based jump checks? Or, you could go +15 and have all of your bases covered.
Jeffrey Swank Contributor |
![Lascer, Lord of the Shadow Shoal](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/lascer_final_hires.jpg)
Sorry, this kinda got pushed to back burner...wasn't sure if any interest was still in it. I finished another update, but still alot of small mistakes I keep finding eachtime I re-read it. lol Hard to add new material when I keep going back over it and correcting old mistakes.
Here is the latest update Bestiary by Levels.
I will try my best to add one creature (been looking through the Bestiary 3 as well) and fully edit/correct a creature minimally each week.
Right now I have a player play testing the Emancipated Dryad, and it appears very balanced so far. Which I'm happy with, and only real debacle so far was with a play test of the medusa. lol
Leopold |
![Fiendish Baboon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/monkey1a.jpg)
Can someone help me understand the dragon growth charts?
I see this message and it puzzles my little brain:
"-2 Size bonus if gold consumed for growth"
Does this mean that any bonus' resulting in size increase before hand are reduced by 2 due to the fact the dragon ate gold in order to advance? If they did NOT eat gold and simply advanced on their own then what? This niggling line makes my head hurt.
Typo under the horse entry:
ability otherwise follows the rules for the Survival skill. When tracking by scent, hell hounds ignore the effects of surface conditions and poor visibility.
should be horse not hell hound
Leopold |
![Fiendish Baboon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/monkey1a.jpg)
Feat that doesn't exist anymore:
Improved Turn Resistance
You have a better than normal chance to resist turning.
Prerequisite: Undead type.
Benefit: You are less easily affected by clerics or paladins than you normally would be. When resolving a turn, rebuke, command, or bolster attempt, add +4 to your character level (monster Hit Dice plus class levels) to determine your Hit Dice for turn, rebuke, command, and bolster attempts. For example, a 4 HD wight with this feat is treated as an 8 HD undead for the purpose of turn, rebuke, command, and bolster attempts, even though it is a 4 HD creature for any other purpose. A vampire that already has +4 turn resistance adds an additional +4 with this feat, for a total of +8.
Jeffrey Swank Contributor |
![Lascer, Lord of the Shadow Shoal](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/lascer_final_hires.jpg)
Thanks Leopold for the interst AND the corrections (many are still lurking in there)!
In regard to the Feat that doesnt exsist anymore - I added it back in, since some people might be wanting to play an undead character (ghoul, vampire) and might actually need something like Improved resistanct to being destroyed or turned.
In reagrd to the dragon sizes..."-2 Size bonus if gold consumed for growth"
Is a bit confusiong, but what it is meant to say really is that "-2 Size bonus,(comma) if gold consumed for growth" The comma is missing and so it means that if a dragon consumes (gold value (magic item, gems, whatever) - doesnt have to be actual gold) that he can molt and increase his size. Most of the time when the line reads "-2 Size bonus if gold consumed for growth" is at a time that when the dragon is increasing from a small size to a larger size...in terms of game play they go from a +1 size bonus to a -2 size bonus to AC when they reach gargantuan.
If the dragon reaches that level but doesnt want to consume the valued amount he can take a level in a class (fighter, cleric, whatever) and wait the until he ages to increase his size....its up to the player
Leopold |
![Fiendish Baboon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/monkey1a.jpg)
That feat might want something like this:
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/3rd-party-feats/frog-god-games/monster-feats- --3pp---frog-god-games/resistance-to-positive-energy
Benefit: The creature gains resistance 5 to any damage-dealing/healing negative energy effect.
Special: This feat can be taken twice. The second time it is taken, the creature’s resistance rises to 10.
Since 'turning' is technically gone in PF and there's Positive/Negative energy now.
Dragon: So when the dragon consumes the gold he ups his size without penalty? Or does that mean he consumes the gold and ups his size, gets the size penalty for early upgrades and when he normally goes up in level he gets that size penalty removed?
I skimmed through the rest of this and if you feel like posting this material over at D20PFSRD.com we'd love to have it, sans the Non-OGL content of course ;)
Jeffrey Swank Contributor |
![Lascer, Lord of the Shadow Shoal](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/lascer_final_hires.jpg)
Feat: Ah, gotcha with the feat - hadn't even proofed the feats yet. Nice, thanks!
dragon: So when the dragon consumes the gold he ups his size without penalty? Or does that mean he consumes the gold and ups his size, gets the size penalty for early upgrades and when he normally goes up in level he gets that size penalty removed? I guess I could make it easier and just put "Once proper age has been reached or treasure value is consumed: increase size and take appropriate size bonus/penalty"
I'm a dragon and I have gained enough experience to level...its a level that has a size increase in it. I get all the benifits of that level EXCEPT the size increase until I have qualified for it. Which is to consume enough treasure to molt OR the proper age.
Regardless if I gain my size (lets say from medium to large) by consuming gems/magic items/gold or if I gain it the old fashion way (hoard my treasure) and wait it out years go by and I gain my size (Large which is -1 to AC) I still take the size bonus (whether its a + or -) its just a size bonus to AC.
Jeffrey Swank Contributor |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
![Lascer, Lord of the Shadow Shoal](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/lascer_final_hires.jpg)
Heres a newer version with the werebear in...wererat and others almost complete. Also added a few from bestiary 3 as well and corrected a few things from above.
Bestiary Levels Rough Draft.
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![Depora Azrinae](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/drowlady_final.jpg)
Just wanted to let you know a company is starting to do up a savage species thing as well.
Necromancers of the Northwest.
Theirs is a little different from yours.
Jeffrey Swank Contributor |
![Lascer, Lord of the Shadow Shoal](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/lascer_final_hires.jpg)
Thanks! Always cool to compare to what others are coming up with. Im sure a ton of people would do these vastly different in conversion. As per pathfinder they say to use the CR as a general level of play for a pc, but I thought was too low and so I went with using the creatures HD as level guide. Not sure as with Necro of the North, but a CR 7 Nymph being 20 levels might be correct? But I'm sure as a player I wouldnt want to take that that many levels in it.
Plus I always think a good litmus test is per level fighting a Fighter of equal level. Do you stand a chance? Do you roll over him too easy? I figure per level you should just fail or best him depending on the dice roll/not on overwhelming monster abilities.
But then again...what the hell do I know? lol
Leopold |
![Fiendish Baboon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/monkey1a.jpg)
Just wanted to let you know a company is starting to do up a savage species thing as well.
Necromancers of the Northwest.Theirs is a little different from yours.
That's over a year old. I don't think their project is that far along compared to what Zerzix is doing, which I LOVE by the way :)
Plus I always think a good litmus test is per level fighting a Fighter of equal level. Do you stand a chance? Do you roll over him too easy? I figure per level you should just fail or best him depending on the dice roll/not on overwhelming monster abilities.But then again...what the hell do I know? lol
When designing ELs, LAs and the like over at ENW with the Monster Conversion crew we all used the test of comparing the monster to it's Class Equivalent: Fighter for a D10, Barbarian for a D12, Cleric D8, Rogue D6, etc. If that seemed off we went with the most logical choice of who this monsters attacks compared to a Class Equivalent.
You are on the right path, wish I could help you more than proofread. I encourage you to post more and of other creatures that are on d20pfsrd.com especially the Tome of Horrors monsters. Those old school favorites are loved by many!
Keep up the good work!
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![Depora Azrinae](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/drowlady_final.jpg)
That's over a year old. I don't think their project is that far along compared to what Zerzix is doing, which I LOVE by the way :)
Well, if you're going to be picky about it, then I show the last one they did which was in December. They release one every two months.
SalamandarThe one I linked to explained the reasoning for everything that they were doing, and why it was the way it was. The rest of them assume you've read that particular article and just continue with all the other monsters without bringing you up to speed on the why it's being done this way.
@Zerzix -- The nymph has HD as well, so you weren't wrong in thinking the way you did. So 20 levels with 17 HD makes some sense.
Jeffrey Swank Contributor |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
![Lascer, Lord of the Shadow Shoal](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/lascer_final_hires.jpg)
So, I took the liberty of doing a small redesign. I have gone through most of the beasts spell like abilities and made sure they were all level appropriate. So instead of just limiting the number of uses per day I also took them down from say, cure serious wounds to cure light wounds at low levels.
I'll pop up a new version in a day or two. =)