
Nodnarb's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 311 posts (492 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters. 8 aliases.


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Liberty's Edge

Who are the poor sods you sent on that quest?

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I blame Cosmo for all these ">>Ask *Fill in the Blank* ALL your questions here!!<<" threads.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I blame Cosmo for me forgetting I changed my avatar and the surprise I felt from it.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I blame Cosmo, his mustache, and his weather machine for the unpredictability of Michigan weather.

Liberty's Edge

Bill the Cat wrote:
ANebulousMistress wrote:

You would have crashed it anyway.

Hello, sister...we meet again.





Am I late for the party?

Liberty's Edge

Daijin wrote:
He is Risen!

He is risen indeed! Hallelujah!

Liberty's Edge

Ah, I Resurrected The Happy East thread from last year before noticing this one.

Happy Easter!

Liberty's Edge

Happy Easter!

Liberty's Edge

This title has me wanting to say, "I wanna cast a spell!"

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

I. M. Flumph MD wrote:
Flumphs of Golarion!

Blood of the Chicken (or Birds of a Feather, or similar, but better title Featuring Tengu and the other feathered races of Golarion)

Blood of the sea (focusing on the various aquatic races. Gillmen, Merfolk, etc. Maybe even stats for PC Sahuagin or Malenti characters...)
Blood of the Beast (Focusing on Catfolk, Ratfolk, and such.)

That's all I have for now.

Liberty's Edge

Sailing the Starlit Sea Kickstarter wrote:

Greetings all,

It has been far too long since we have had a weekly update. I also want to note that this is the first publicly viewable update. This way, those who are interested in the project but were not a backer can keep an eye on how things are proceeding.

The text is almost finished. There are a few things that need to be wrapped up, but the book is pretty much written. Backers of Navigator and above will be hearing from me in the coming days to wrap up the final details on the design opportunities available to them. After that, the setting manuscript will be available for perusal to those backers who have access to it and I will be available for feedback. Of course, the editing process will also need to be completed before the text has reached a finished state.

Art is the big hurdle right now. Due to some challenges at home, the cover artist needed to step away. This is not a insurmountable problem and a new artist has agreed to do the work.

We are really far behind, but things continue to move forward. I apologize for the delays and I know it sometimes seems like things are moving at a snail's pace. But we are working towards completion and come closer every week.

In the coming weeks, you will start seeing a few new releases coming from CGP. These will be short books, each focusing on a new race for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. The key thing to note here is that backers will receive electronic versions of these books for free, but they will not count against their allotted total of free releases based on backing level.

If you have any questions, backers can still reach us via the project forums and non-backers should feel free to post on our Facebook page.

Thank you all and see you next week.

Thanks for the update. I definitely plan on purchasing this when it released.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote:
robot chris: paizo building is sekrit baba yaga hut


Liberty's Edge

This has me very excited.

Liberty's Edge

I have read issue three. I am really enjoying this comic.

Buy some Apples!:
I like how Sweetie Bell is , in fact, a Dictionary.

Liberty's Edge

Well, the 90 min episodes can easily be two 45 min episodes. A two parter is not unheard of when 45 minute episodes are involved in Sci-Fi. I also prefer the concept of two 45 minute episodes over 4 (or 5) 25 minute episodes.

Liberty's Edge

Let's see what JJ does with it.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The selection at my local Wal-Mart does indeed seem to suck. Then again, I've always found my local Wal-Mart's action figure selection to be extremely wanting.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've got a few of the LUG Trek books (and a few of the Decipher ones as well) Never really got a chance to play them yet... Gaming groups are a fickle thing.

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

Run, Just Run wrote:
happy new year from the U.S.A.

It isn't 2013 yet! We still have a few hours.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Been to the ocean plenty of times. Saw sand (not proper sand, mind you, just a whole lot of ground up shells pretending to be sand) and a lot of water (It was full of salt! WTF). Not to mention pelicans, gulls, jellyfish, horseshoe crabs, dolphins, and all kins of tasty tasty fish. But I live in Michigan, home of the Great Lakes (Practically freshwater seas in their own right), and I've seen gulls, and fish here as well. Can't say I've really seen anything interesting washed up on the shore, as I don't actually go to the lakes very often. Really not a big fan of driving half an hour to 45 minutes to spend some time in the water getting pestered by other people at the beach and gulls, all while getting a nasty sunburn. I can get the sunburn at my friend's pool without the other hassle. Also, I'm happier to be far away from that glowing orb of death that is the sun.

....This turned into far more of a rant than I intended... probably because it's 3:30 AM....

Liberty's Edge

Kthulhu wrote:
Last Night

Interesting... Very Timey Wimey

Liberty's Edge

Thanks you for the quick and detailed update. That's why I love these forums.

Liberty's Edge

I looked up "Last Night" om youtube, and cannot find it.

Liberty's Edge

I am amazed at the lack of discussion over the Christmas episode.

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

Well, It's pretty clear, seeing the stars and swirls on that book, that it's Star Swirl the Bearded's personal spell book. What that means for Twilight's "Next Level", we can only guess at this moment. But it does seem that all the mane six (and Scootaloo) are getting much closer to achieving their mane life goals.

Liberty's Edge

So.... The Clockwork Gnome website hasn't been updated since August. Could we get a status update on this, please?

Liberty's Edge

Liking this season so far. I also have to say, I actually enjoyed Lightning Dust's character, as predictably as she was.

Liberty's Edge

I'll have to look again. I seem to have missed Donald Sutherland pony.

Liberty's Edge

Read the first issue, and really enjoyed it. There's a lot in the for fans and new readers alike. And a full page with Derpy!

Liberty's Edge

I've enjoyed what I've read so far, and look forward to issue 3.

Liberty's Edge

Glad to see Paizo has responded to our suggestions. Now let's just hope the next idea they have is something we can also enjoy.

Liberty's Edge

Cosmo wrote:
Nodnarb wrote:

I also received a package with damaged comics. In this case it was water damage. A quarter of the shipping envelope was soaked and it seeped into all three comics therein.

Order # 2234732

Paizo Customer Service E-Mail wrote:

The following products are included in this shipment:

    1 x Pathfinder #2 (Standard Cover?Lucio Parillo)
    1 x Pathfinder #2 (Standard Cover?Erik Jones)
    1 x Pathfinder #2 ( Exclusive Cover)

I'll make sure replacements go out with your next subscription shipment.


PS: It's generally a better idea to create a new thread with a request, as we rarely go back and check a thread that we consider "answered". :)

Okay, thank you. I'll keep that in mind.

Liberty's Edge

I also received a package with damaged comics. In this case it was water damage. A quarter of the shipping envelope was soaked and it seeped into all three comics therein.

Order # 2234732

Paizo Customer Service E-Mail wrote:

The following products are included in this shipment:

    1 x Pathfinder #2 (Standard Cover?Lucio Parillo)
    1 x Pathfinder #2 (Standard Cover?Erik Jones)
    1 x Pathfinder #2 ( Exclusive Cover)

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
JMD031 wrote:
Apparently I'm the only one who remembers the TV show Dinosaurs that was on ABC.

Not the Momma! Not the Momma! Trust me, you're not the only one.

Oh, and "We're gonna need another Timmy!"

Liberty's Edge

I checked it. It's the normal subscription. Seems my tag hasn't changed, though. Hmmmm....

Liberty's Edge

*does so* Thanks Cosmo.

Liberty's Edge

Yup. Got the Appetizer in printed form at Gen Con. I'm sharing the link to the kickstarter all over the place. I want to see this become a reality.

Liberty's Edge

SO, I was just looking at "My Subscriptions" and reality roundhouse-kicked me in the face. The deluxe subscription is really a bit more than I should be spending on a monthly basis. Could I please downgrade that to the normal comic Subscription?

Liberty's Edge

To the Moon, Alice!

Liberty's Edge

Fantasy football, eh? Can I play? Are we using Pathfinder Rules? Can my football player be a Synthesist Summoner?

Liberty's Edge

Here's a picture of me.

Liberty's Edge

I enjoyed the first issue

Liberty's Edge


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