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3 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Woran wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I usually make sure my characters have great perception, which is why I always roll a 1 or 2 on perception checks.
That is dice law.
Can we repeal it?

Drain the swamp! Drain the swamp!!!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Where did you even find that picture for that alias? it looks like a jacked baby mister fantastic.

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Happy revolution VE.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

The baby took vaccine boosters like a boss. Didn't even cry until the third one. It was like:

Shot 1: a grumpy sound and an angry look at the nurse.

Shot 2: about three seconds of annoyed. Very angry look at mom holding her and the nurse.

Shot 3: wailed like a siren for about five minutes - calmed down like nothing happened when passed to me. (She was all about me like she knew it was my birthday and so I purposefully proposed I be the "rescuer" for this event. It worked!)

Oral vaccine: chugged it like a freshman trying to get in a sorority.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Related: when I feed her with a bottle as opposed to her mama's boob tap...


Tala: What are you doing?!?

Vagrant: Encouraging her.

Tala: Give her to me!

Vagrant: but it's working!

I did this in the Fort Pierce free clinic to her chagrin yesterday. A random teenager laughed. Nobody else did.

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The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

What about just selling it to a junker? I got a hundred or two for that before.

It boggles the mind that the dealerships don't just do that themselves.

That's pretty much what the dealership I got my current car said they'd be doing with the old one. Since parts and scrap were all it was really good for now, and the parts part was questionable.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Vagrant EruDad wrote:
The baby took vaccine boosters like a boss. Didn't even cry until the third one.

Huzzah for vaccines!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

No, down with vaccines! Curse them! Scorn them!

No, stop laughing at me!!

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Back at work. Big meeting in a few minutes. Will try to keep my face calm.

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I have no meetings today, though at some point at least two drones will film the job site.

I'll probably find out when a drone is suddenly hovering three feet to my left or right.


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Don't mind us. Carry on as if we're not here.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

So, everyone was right. The economy in Florida is absolutely BOOMING. Where I couldn't get a single interview in Ohio, I'm getting call backs left and right.

The PROBLEM is that the rent here is absolutely astronomical, and finding an apartment that we can afford with what people pay is damnnear impossible, unless you've already lived here for half a decade and got through the monstrous waiting lists for affordable apartments.

We've looked two counties south and north, and now have to head west into the swamplands of Okeechobee and Indiantown (yes, a legit name) as we search for apartments. These places are even more hell than where our families live, because they at least have sea breezes, and as you head west from the coast into the middle of nowhere it gets EVEN MORE humid, and you're more likely to hear banjos and cries of "squeal like a pig".

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Of course, the problem with working by myself is it's a lot harder taking a full half hour for lunch when s$~&'s gots to get done.

Of course, I'm already waaay ahead of schedule (two days) and neither of the drone people are here. So no hurry.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I could go either way with vaccines.

I guess they're okay, as long as they're not the specific vaccines the government uses to insert mind control chips into people.

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{hisses at mere mention of vacuum-themed 'zines, stomps off to poop in someone's shoe}

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Hello, everyone.

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Good afternoon John. I hope that you have a good day today.

Silver Crusade

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NobodysHome wrote:

Bad Quote Night:

(We're going through Fallout 76 clearing a building, calling out the creatures so we're all aware of what's around)
GothBard: Two dogs, one corpse...
NobodysHome: Wasn't that a really famous, really foul internet meme video a few years ago?
GothBard: Shut. Up. NOW.

I didn’t know you played FO76. Are you on a console?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
Good afternoon John. I hope that you have a good day today.

Okay, so far.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Nylarthotep wrote:

Monopoly gets a bad rap because people don't actually play by the rules. As written, it is a highly entropic game that usually lasts less than 45 minutes (not the multi-hour slogs about which you see people complain).

I don't expect to change your mind, but do read the rules and see how many house rules you have.

Growing up, what always amazed me was how every other family had all these weird rules about all the games we played: Monopoly and Hearts come to mind. They'd say, "Oh, no! If a Chance card makes you pay a fine, that fine goes on Free Parking!"

"WTH? That's not a rule!"
"Yes it is! Look it up!"

And it always turned out that our family played by the rules, because my father was a pedantic physicist, and the other families didn't.

And yes, I really enjoyed both Monopoly and Hearts growing up, and the random rules that got thrown into the game (you can't lead a heart until someone has eaten one?!?!? What kind of pointless rule is that?!?!? Hearts is a dagger fight, not Nerf boxing!) just detracted from them.

At least Monopoly comes with rules (even if people don’t read them). I’ve always played Hearts where you can’t lead a heart until one has been played, and I am not sure how one would determine that is not a legit rule.

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Celestial Healer wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

And yes, I really enjoyed both Monopoly and Hearts growing up, and the random rules that got thrown into the game (you can't lead a heart until someone has eaten one?!?!? What kind of pointless rule is that?!?!? Hearts is a dagger fight, not Nerf boxing!) just detracted from them.
At least Monopoly comes with rules (even if people don’t read them). I’ve always played Hearts where you can’t lead a heart until one has been played, and I am not sure how one would determine that is not a legit rule.

I've never been in a game of Hearts where that wasn't the rule.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

And yes, I really enjoyed both Monopoly and Hearts growing up, and the random rules that got thrown into the game (you can't lead a heart until someone has eaten one?!?!? What kind of pointless rule is that?!?!? Hearts is a dagger fight, not Nerf boxing!) just detracted from them.
At least Monopoly comes with rules (even if people don’t read them). I’ve always played Hearts where you can’t lead a heart until one has been played, and I am not sure how one would determine that is not a legit rule.
I've never been in a game of Hearts where that wasn't the rule.

Additionally, the major authority on the rules of card games like Hearts or Spades or Pinnochle (however that one is spelled) is Hoyle. I can't look it up on my work computer.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

All I know is: Always start with Australia or South America in Risk!

Silver Crusade

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Tequila Sunrise wrote:
All I know is: Always start with Australia or South America in Risk!

CH’s unpopular opinion: Australia is a trap. 2 extra armies per turn, and you will use them defending Australia. Your offensive strategy is no better off for having it. South America is better.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

And yes, I really enjoyed both Monopoly and Hearts growing up, and the random rules that got thrown into the game (you can't lead a heart until someone has eaten one?!?!? What kind of pointless rule is that?!?!? Hearts is a dagger fight, not Nerf boxing!) just detracted from them.
At least Monopoly comes with rules (even if people don’t read them). I’ve always played Hearts where you can’t lead a heart until one has been played, and I am not sure how one would determine that is not a legit rule.
I've never been in a game of Hearts where that wasn't the rule.
Additionally, the major authority on the rules of card games like Hearts or Spades or Pinnochle (however that one is spelled) is Hoyle. I can't look it up on my work computer.

I love a good mystery!

I’ve checked a few resources online (none seem terribly authoritative) but every one I have found so far includes the rule about not leading hearts until they have broken.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
All I know is: Always start with Australia or South America in Risk!
CH’s unpopular opinion: Australia is a trap. 2 extra armies per turn, and you will use them defending Australia. Your offensive strategy is no better off for having it. South America is better.

Start wherever you want, I'll still crush you.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Bad Quote Night:

(We're going through Fallout 76 clearing a building, calling out the creatures so we're all aware of what's around)
GothBard: Two dogs, one corpse...
NobodysHome: Wasn't that a really famous, really foul internet meme video a few years ago?
GothBard: Shut. Up. NOW.

I didn’t know you played FO76. Are you on a console?

Lara Croft Guy plays on a console. The other three of us (Shiro, GothBard, and I) are on PCs.

The controls are apparently similarly atrocious for either.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Bad Quote Night:

(We're going through Fallout 76 clearing a building, calling out the creatures so we're all aware of what's around)
GothBard: Two dogs, one corpse...
NobodysHome: Wasn't that a really famous, really foul internet meme video a few years ago?
GothBard: Shut. Up. NOW.

I didn’t know you played FO76. Are you on a console?

Lara Croft Guy plays on a console. The other three of us (Shiro, GothBard, and I) are on PCs.

The controls are apparently similarly atrocious for either.

Right! I gotta figure out how to play with others. And also play the game more. Though probably not until the weekend.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Nylarthotep wrote:

Monopoly gets a bad rap because people don't actually play by the rules. As written, it is a highly entropic game that usually lasts less than 45 minutes (not the multi-hour slogs about which you see people complain).

I don't expect to change your mind, but do read the rules and see how many house rules you have.

Growing up, what always amazed me was how every other family had all these weird rules about all the games we played: Monopoly and Hearts come to mind. They'd say, "Oh, no! If a Chance card makes you pay a fine, that fine goes on Free Parking!"

"WTH? That's not a rule!"
"Yes it is! Look it up!"

And it always turned out that our family played by the rules, because my father was a pedantic physicist, and the other families didn't.

And yes, I really enjoyed both Monopoly and Hearts growing up, and the random rules that got thrown into the game (you can't lead a heart until someone has eaten one?!?!? What kind of pointless rule is that?!?!? Hearts is a dagger fight, not Nerf boxing!) just detracted from them.

At least Monopoly comes with rules (even if people don’t read them). I’ve always played Hearts where you can’t lead a heart until one has been played, and I am not sure how one would determine that is not a legit rule.

Wikipedia has a nice history on it.

I find it interesting that that article not only doesn't mention being unable to lead hearts early, but it even says that that is a fairly strong strategy (which it is, hence my hatred of the "no leading hearts" rule).

The "no leading hearts" rule does seem to be an eastern thing; I've never seen a native West Coaster try to use it.

It makes the game more polite. And Hearts was never intended to be a polite game.

EDIT: The official Bicycle rules also mention no such rule...

EDIT 2: On the other hand, Omar Sharif, notorious card nut, advocated in favor of the rule.

Ah, well, as I said, I personally despise it because it makes the game less mean, so if someone wants to play by it I simply suggest we play a different game.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I've got a bike, you can ride it if you like, it's got a basket, and a bow, and a lot of things to make it look good.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Wrist icicle,
Dick bicycle.

Woran wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I usually make sure my characters have great perception, which is why I always roll a 1 or 2 on perception checks.
That is dice law.

Which is why it's a good thing that you don't auto-fail skill checks!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

So, everyone was right. The economy in Florida is absolutely BOOMING. Where I couldn't get a single interview in Ohio, I'm getting call backs left and right.

The PROBLEM is that the rent here is absolutely astronomical, and finding an apartment that we can afford with what people pay is damnnear impossible, unless you've already lived here for half a decade and got through the monstrous waiting lists for affordable apartments.

We've looked two counties south and north, and now have to head west into the swamplands of Okeechobee and Indiantown (yes, a legit name) as we search for apartments. These places are even more hell than where our families live, because they at least have sea breezes, and as you head west from the coast into the middle of nowhere it gets EVEN MORE humid, and you're more likely to hear banjos and cries of "squeal like a pig".

I'm just sayin' kamehameha you could move even further west to Ocala, if you're already goin' that way...

(No, this is not a recommendation - I can't guess what the job opportunities are, here.)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pine Scented Nicki Minaj wrote:
Pinky Floyd, Unhinged Despot wrote:
I've got a bike, you can ride it if you like, it's got a basket, and a bow, and a lot of things to make it look good.

Wrist icicle,

Dick bicycle.

I feel like I should be contributing something here.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Me, I'm just a lawnmower
You can tell me by the way I walk

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Petyr Gabryl, Steampowered Bard wrote:

Me, I'm just a lawnmower

You can tell me by the way I walk

You wrote my sex theme song.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm just about done with my super awesome patio under the robot pergola.

Like every job I do the computer rendering the boss made over the winter doesn't even come close to what I actually installed.

All that's left is the homeowners possibly overthinking it and ruining the whole damn thing. But that's a problem for Tomorrow Me.

Tacticslion wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Oh, we watched the first episode of Norsemen last night.

Our best description? "Game of Thrones meets Sean of the Dead".

It was really just utterly charming and bizarre. It doesn't seem to have much of a plot, not much happened, and it's a lot like taking a bunch of modern-day, uber polite, uber laid back Swedes and saying, "Now you're vikings! This is what you do!" and having them say, "OK. Whatever," and not particularly changing their attitudes.

I mean yeah, it has a bunch of NSFW warnings because vikings, but some seriously laid-back, polite, "Sorry I scratched your Volvo" vikings.

If this is the one I’m thinking of this sounds like how I started with it.

I started out really liking it and kind of being intrigued and enjoying myself despite the NSFW-type contents. It slowly became a misery fest with terrible people who I didn’t like and I was glad to be finished by the end of the season so I didn’t have to watch it anymore.
I hope it’s more enjoyable for you from beginning to end!

It was, in fact, the one I was thinking of!

Sovereign Court

(Sometimes I forget which aliases I have.)

Petyr Gabryl, Steampowered Bard wrote:

Me, I'm just a lawnmower

You can tell me by the way I walk


7 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

So, everyone was right. The economy in Florida is absolutely BOOMING. Where I couldn't get a single interview in Ohio, I'm getting call backs left and right.

The PROBLEM is that the rent here is absolutely astronomical, and finding an apartment that we can afford with what people pay is damnnear impossible, unless you've already lived here for half a decade and got through the monstrous waiting lists for affordable apartments.

We've looked two counties south and north, and now have to head west into the swamplands of Okeechobee and Indiantown (yes, a legit name) as we search for apartments. These places are even more hell than where our families live, because they at least have sea breezes, and as you head west from the coast into the middle of nowhere it gets EVEN MORE humid, and you're more likely to hear banjos and cries of "squeal like a pig".

I'm just sayin' kamehameha you could move even further west to Ocala, if you're already goin' that way...

(No, this is not a recommendation - I can't guess what the job opportunities are, here.)

I'll be close enough to legit visit!

We saw one today that was rather nice, even if it was a mobile home. We're probably going with this one. It's the only one so far that was 1) in our price range, 2) allows dogs, and 3) actually is available

Bonus, it's even MORE in our price range, cause we just found out it includes utilities.

It's like ten miles from the Brighton reservation, so I put in a few applications at the casino. That's a damn good place to work (I hear). And it's a lot better than driving an hour one way to get to the coast for the job I currently am waiting to start.

Of course, all this is dependent on us actually getting this place, but Tala and I are hoping, as we miss our doggies, and it's kinda nice out there...very quiet location.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Best of luck!

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That's how hummingbirbs do.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

EDIT: The official Bicycle rules also mention no such rule...

Bicycle rules wrote:
Hearts may not be led until a heart or the queen of spades has been discarded.

Sure they do!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

About to go home. Good night, everyone.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

EDIT: The official Bicycle rules also mention no such rule...

Bicycle rules wrote:
Hearts may not be led until a heart or the queen of spades has been discarded.
Sure they do!

Geez... so much for skimming and searching. My bad! Apologies!

EDIT: I see the issue: The play is described in paragraph 2. The exception is in paragraph 3. Grr...

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Maintaining work productivity at home is difficult when it is so comfy.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Petyr Gabryl, Steampowered Bard wrote:

Me, I'm just a lawnmower

You can tell me by the way I walk

♫ Well you can tell by the way I hit that stalk ♫

♫ I'm a weed whacker, no time for chalk ♫
♫ Engine loud, the sun is warm, I've cursed aloud ♫
♫ Since I was formed ♫

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Earlier today my wife asked me what the odds were that there is a book about curing eating disorders through religion. I said "Slim to nun".

Richard "Hamster" Hammond wrote:

(Sometimes I forget which aliases I have.)

Petyr Gabryl, Steampowered Bard wrote:

Me, I'm just a lawnmower

You can tell me by the way I walk

No future for you in the fire escape trade, then.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I had an anxiety dream involving scenes from Final Fantasy 7 and people I know and don't know transposed instead of the main characters.

It was pretty weird, especially since it involved scenes I haven't gotten to yet in the remake.

The subconscious is a fascinating but scary place.

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