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2 people marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
Tasha the half-kender wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Yawn Good morning, everyone. Stares about in confusion. Huh? What? This thread has succumbed to silliness again, hasn't it? Goes back to sleep.

It's the power of Punniculus!

And soon you will all serve him!
He can try, but he'll only end up disappointed. As a GM, I'm immune to mental domination of any sort. Especially by NPCs.

Who says I'm an NPC?! I'm a freaking GOD (of sorts)! Therefore I reject your reality, and substitute one of my own! HA! Didn't see that coming, did'ya?

And, in this reality, I'm nekkid. Deal with it!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

My reality homebrew is just different from yours!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm so jealous.
I've been trying to substitute reality for a naked reality for centuries and it didn't work (it's paradox, I tell you)

I think I have got too much to learn from you (but don't try to get me into one of your costumes, no way I am going to get dressed!)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Marianna of Balador wrote:

I'm so jealous.

I've been trying to substitute reality for a naked reality for centuries and it didn't work (it's paradox, I tell you)

I think I have got too much to learn from you (but don't try to get me into one of your costumes, no way I am going to get dressed!)

I'm perfectly fine with you not getting dressed. (I would link some pictures, but I think that might get me in trouble with Paizo.)

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Zoltan Planeswalker wrote:
My reality homebrew is just different from yours!

I have to say, it looks like you might be able to do justice to the topless Thorin from earlier. Maybe you can at least try it out. Just, see how it feels.

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Happy birthday, TL!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

"You need to get her silk stockings."
"She already has silk stockings."
"You need to give her more silk stockings. More silk stockings makes her more happy because woman."

2 people marked this as a favorite.

It's Tactic's birthday?
So... do we all favorite his next post, or does he sit down and pick a random thread to go and favorite everything through?

more seriously though, Happy Birthday when you see it.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Punniculus wrote:
I have to say, it looks like you might be able to do justice to the topless Thorin from earlier. Maybe you can at least try it out. Just, see how it feels.

Comfortable. Not very different from some of the costumes I've had to wear. It's what happens when you are a wizard who qualifies for Power Attack...

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"You don't mind if I glitch back into my idle state, do you Manny? I'm just gonna stare and smoke. Stare...and...smoke."

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"The solution to the puzzle was we need to get panties..."
"PantyHOSE, not panties. There's a slight but crucial difference."

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Looks in on the thread...
opens mouth...
closes mouth...
Decides against any overt callouts, while hoping to the gods that the tread will devolve into a alias pillow-fight.

Edit: Happy b-day TL

Zoltan Planeswalker wrote:
Punniculus wrote:
I have to say, it looks like you might be able to do justice to the topless Thorin from earlier. Maybe you can at least try it out. Just, see how it feels.
Comfortable. Not very different from some of the costumes I've had to wear. It's what happens when you are a wizard who qualifies for Power Attack...

How do you feel about this option?

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*is reading twitter*

Um... this can't be true. Americans don't have egg cups?

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*sets up pile of pillows*

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:

*is reading twitter*

Um... this can't be true. Americans don't have egg cups?

Only the hoity-toity.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Had breakfast and coffee. Next, get dressed and take out trash for pickup. Then, continue making more half-chromatic dragon kobolds for my first ever attempt at PbP. Yawn

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Punniculus wrote:
How do you feel about this option?

I am a wizard, not AM BARBARIAN!

What about this?

My handler and his girlfriend made me wear it for a long time. They said it was better than Mage Armor, although I didn't notice any difference.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

A great to mess with your players: striped dragons.

"Before you you see a large chromatic dragon."
"What color is it?"
"It's green with red and black stripes."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Zoltan Planeswalker wrote:
Punniculus wrote:
How do you feel about this option?

I am a wizard, not AM BARBARIAN!

What about this?

My handler and his girlfriend made me wear it for a long time. They said it was better than Mage Armor, although I didn't notice any difference.

I like it. This way we can put you on a leash if we need to keep you from wandering off.

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*Looks to her rum*

*Looks to the striped dragon*

*Keeps drinking*

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:

A great to mess with your players: striped dragons.

"Before you you see a large chromatic dragon."
"What color is it?"
"It's green with red and black stripes."

Behold, the horrors that are the Polychromatic Dragons!

Edit: Maybe they're Scottish Dragons?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:

*is reading twitter*

Um... this can't be true. Americans don't have egg cups?

So you have egg cups?

Spaniards don't have egg cups either.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:

A great to mess with your players: striped dragons.

"Before you you see a large chromatic dragon."
"What color is it?"
"It's green with red and black stripes."

It was late at night and... I swear I thought she was black! She looked black!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Egg cups? Do you mean molds for frying eggs in particular shapes? Like for breakfast sandwiches? We have those.

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I am afraid I am a natural-born wanderer. Since I've discovered my planeshifting abilities I can't stay in the same place for too long.

Plus, in less than a week I have scheduled a planeshift to that strange world (Dirt? Ground? I am terribad with names) with "televisions" for the premiere of Game of Thrones.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I assume he means the little cups you stand boiled eggs up in.

Like these.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Zoltan Planeswalker wrote:

I am afraid I am a natural-born wanderer. Since I've discovered my planeshifting abilities I can't stay in the same place for too long.

Plus, in less than a week I have scheduled a planeshift to that strange world (Dirt? Ground? I am terribad with names) with "televisions" for the premiere of Game of Thrones.

Don't bother. That show sucks.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

A great to mess with your players: striped dragons.

"Before you you see a large chromatic dragon."
"What color is it?"
"It's green with red and black stripes."

Behold, the horrors that are the Polychromatic Dragons!

Edit: Maybe they're Scottish Dragons?

Tartan dragons could be interesting. Especially if they wear kilts, tams, and sporrans.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:

*is reading twitter*

Um... this can't be true. Americans don't have egg cups?

Egg cups are a little silly. They can be difficult to clean, and are just an extra dish to wash anyway, since the egg will lie perfectly in a bowl or on a plate anyway.

Edit: they do look nice, but... come on, they aren't really practical at all...

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My handler and his girlfriend draw many ideas from the shows they watch. I must be ready.

Plus, it's better than the "TV Comercials" one; I hate how it keeps interrupting another shows!

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Does anyone use Fantasy Grounds?
I was thinking of getting it, but unless I hear good reviews, I can't justify paying $150 bucks for something I may only use once a week.
Also, if anyone knows, how does it compare to Roll 20, which I've used, and is free.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kjeldorn wrote:

Looks in on the thread...

opens mouth...
closes mouth...
Decides against any overt callouts, while hoping to the gods that the tread will devolve into a alias pillow-fight.

Edit: Happy b-day TL

*Hits Kjeldorn with a dragon sized pillow*

Maybe wrong alias?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'll allow it.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Mohrlex the Reborn wrote:
Kjeldorn wrote:

Looks in on the thread...

opens mouth...
closes mouth...
Decides against any overt callouts, while hoping to the gods that the tread will devolve into a alias pillow-fight.

Edit: Happy b-day TL

*Hits Kjeldorn with a dragon sized pillow*

Maybe wrong alias?

Kjeldorn blasts off againnnnn!!!!

*Disappears into a twinkle in the sky*

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for all the well-wishes!

... er, well, most of them!

(By way of example: my wife would not want me to have a harpy birthday, for several reasons, including - but not limited to - disemboweling being a messy business, and if I messed around with harpies, it could go either way as to which would get to me first...)

But I appreciate all the sentiments!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

*Comes running before it's too late*

Happy birthday, Tacticslion!

Still on time! YES!!!

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

Thanks for all the well-wishes!

... er, well, most of them!

(By way of example: my wife would not want me to have a harpy birthday, for several reasons, including - but not limited to - disemboweling being a messy business, and if I messed around with harpies, it could go either way as to which would get to me first...)

But I appreciate all the sentiments!

Everybody fave this post to wish TL a happy birthday!!!

(His, not mine)

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My parents used "egg cups" to have their soft-boiled eggs every Monday morning (they were nothing if not regular in their routines), but I suspect they were just shot glasses converted for that use.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yes. I defy you to come up with a more practical solution for soft-boiled eggs. And why someone would eat hard boiled egg unless there's serious risk of salmonella is beyond me.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

And happy birthday Tacticslion.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Egg Salad, Macaroni Salad, Potato Salad, Salads in General, etc.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:
Yes. I defy you to come up with a more practical solution for soft-boiled eggs. And why someone would eat hard boiled egg unless there's serious risk of salmonella is beyond me.

depends how soft we are talking there... some are soft, but firm enough to sit on a plate, others are quite runny.

They aren't ate all that much here in the Ohio Valley, most Ohioans (not I) prefer overcooked food for some reason. That said, deviled-eggs are an eggscellent reason to eat hard-boiled eggs.
Edit: Also, for the really runny ones, a bowl, with the egg cracked into and a slice of bread, toasted with butter on both sides to soup up any of the leftover yolk sounds delicious and practical to me.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:

*is reading twitter*

Um... this can't be true. Americans don't have egg cups?


Most Americans like their eggs like I like my Japanese detective stories- HARD BOILED

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My kids love omelets, hard boiled eggs and scrambled or fried eggs.

Can't say i've ever soft boiled an egg before.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is why you're so messed up right now. You don't get a proper breakfast in you!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

French omelets are a proper breakfast!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Wife: "Why are you late?"

Husband: "There was a man outside looking for a $100 bill he dropped."
Wife: "Oh, and you helped him find it?"
Husband: "No. I was standing on it and had to wait for him to give up looking."

That was Johnny explaining why he was late to the school. And the bill value was much lower.

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Happy Birthday Tac!

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Really, that's just smart economics.

You gotta stand on the money to make the money.

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