Deep 6 FaWtL

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3 people marked this as a favorite.

Fairhands, a new healer's aide...

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Yes, they often stay naked.

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

The General let me ride her bike.

There is no going back now.

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73 degrees!!!!!!!!

Not anymore, but earlier.

It was beautiful.

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Who needs a Barbarian when you have two Kineticists with Interweave composite blast. 2d6+6 is pretty ridiculous at 1st level, even if it takes two people to do it.

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has Pea Bear throw bike at me as a precautionary measure, makes note to discuss her enthusiasm for it

Because I sprang the extra five bucks for ad free on Hulu, and we straight up just don't watch regular t.v. I have yet to see a single political ad this election. Not one.

It's beautiful, I highly recommend it.

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begins crafting statues of himself.

Looks like I'm the only one left.

changes into a silk bathrobe, smoothes out hair, puts Barry White on.

Guess it's up to me to repopulate FaWtL.

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By yourself?

Are you like an Ooze? Will you split into two when struck with a bludgeoning weapon?

Or will you get impregnated by the Spirit of FaWtL and give birth spontaneously?

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4 people marked this as a favorite.

Only nine days until opening night of Pea Bear's first play. :-)

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I also need to get myself a bike.

Cars are so primitive.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I will however resist the urge to get the Ray-Ban sunglasses and head to crotch spandex. :-)

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Looks like it's just you and me, Spalding.

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Looks at this week's weather report...

83 degrees!?!?!? It's supposed to hit EIGHTY-THREE on Wednesday?!?!?!

Gets out giant fan and points it in Captain Yesterday's direction...

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...notices he accidentally grabbed a Giants fan. Puts it gingerly and carefully back into its lair...

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We'll be lucky if we hit half that.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

70s highs and high 40s lows all week. My power bill is going to be wonderfully low this month, since I have absolutely no reason to not just leave it on fan constantly.

Going to be a nice spring.

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I'm hopeful we'll start warming up consistently. Except today, we should be above 40 the rest of the week, but not by much.

Yesterday's 74 degrees was wonderful and I yearn for more. :-)

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captain yesterday wrote:
I will however resist the urge to get the Ray-Ban sunglasses and head to crotch spandex. :-)

You say that...

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm going to run the faerie dragon from Hell's Rebels as kind of like Roger, the alien from American Dad. :-)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Inspiration for our Hell's Rebels game.
1) Hunger Games
2) Burn Notice
3) Star Wars
4) Archer

Inspiration for the parents Hell's Vengeance game.
1) Goodfellas
2) The Godfather
3) It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
4) Pulp Fiction.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

I also need to get myself a bike.

Cars are so primitive.

I will however resist the urge to get the Ray-Ban sunglasses and head to crotch spandex. :-)

By day, Mr. F.G. Yesterman is an otherwise normal-seeming professional stuffed animal & wombat cuddler. But, when there's two-wheeled mayhem, he becomes...!

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That awkward moment when, in the middle of your all-drow game, you're looking for some captured/imprisoned/defeated drow commoners for your highly empowered and genuinely great drow PC-heroes to rescue, and you realize that looking for the (entirely worthless searches) "chained drow" "oppressed drow" "drow prinsoners" "drow slaves" and so on, probably makes your search history look really racist.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

Have you tried using a friend's computer for that. :-)

(Basically trying to recreate this moment from Shadows of Undrentide, only with drow instead of, you know, humans. I just want my drow PCs to be heroes! That's all I want~!

8 people marked this as a favorite.

The General got her promotion. :-)

3 people marked this as a favorite.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
The General got her promotion. :-)

Congratulations to her! :D

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I don't care for bondage either.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

they're Drow. Only a handful were ever considered to be heroes. Even when they tried to change that, fans complained.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
I don't care for bondage either.

hey, the store doesn't accept returns. You're just going to have to get used to breathing through a zipper.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
I just want my drow PCs to be heroes! That's all I want~!

Are you sure you know what a drow is?

Look, I know the idea of the lone good guy drow is a cliche, entire party of snowflakes? Of the exact same kind of snowflake?

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That's okay, I'll just donate it to someone that will. :-)

I'm claustrophobic enough. :-)

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There are enough different snowflakes in the world, I see nothing wrong with it.

I'm curious tho, what search terms you're using.

Tacticslion wrote:

Okay, but, like, let's consider this for a moment. There is literally new drow art that appears in Google searches every day. I'm relatively certain that new art comes out each day by someone, a lot - and I mean a lot - of it really good.

There is definitely a large and steady stream of the stuff.

There is also a clearly huge selection of those same artists who have a keen interest in exploring all aspects of drow life. Like, all aspects of drow life. I mean, a Google image search for drow furniture does not come up empty - and it actually has drow furniture, too! That's insane.

Beyond that, it's clear that there are a lot of people who also recognize "Drow can, and do, sometimes experience bad things." Again, this is kind of obvious.

There are plenty - plenty! - of points at which the "everything" people can do non-pervy things, and the "suffer" people can do non-pervy things, and there are plenty of other places where the two overlap... but none in which the two overlap in non-pervy (or non-gory) ways.

The question I can't fathom, is why and how those two things exist together in a non-pervy fashion?

Like, sure, yeah, whatever floats your boat, if you're into that stuff: you do you.

But... in a slew of genuine drow art for non-explicit purposes (and there is a lot), you'd expect that there'd be art talking about one of the major tenets of their fictional culture. Heck, I even looked for "duergar slaves" or "duergar conquerors" or anything similar at all, that might get me a bunch of imprisoned drow commoners in rags without being sensuous in nature.


I got: two illithids eating a drow lady's head... a number of duergar fighting a number of well-equipped drow, and several pictures of non-ethnic* enslaved humans... and that's about it.

It's... it's just weird.

* I seriously can't tell a genuine ethnicity. Some kind of "white" - "southern European" in all likelihood, but it could also be north African, or Hispanic. Is this a general fantasy art thing? I both want to and fear looking into this. If so, it's a fascinating way of stepping around genuinely sensitive issues, which is fascinating.

captain yesterday wrote:

There are enough different snowflakes in the world, I see nothing wrong with it.

I'm curious tho, what search terms you're using.

I listed them!

thegreenteagamer wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
I just want my drow PCs to be heroes! That's all I want~!

Are you sure you know what a drow is?

Look, I know the idea of the lone good guy drow is a cliche, entire party of snowflakes? Of the exact same kind of snowflake?

They're not lone drow.

I'm quite aware of what drow are... but it seems you've missed some of my posts. :)

The short version is, in a world without alignment, under a different system, and with no conceptualization of the Underground versus the Above-ground; in a world where "demons" don't exist, and the various pantheons that are usually associated with drow don't exist; in a world in which the only way to allow any sort of civilization or non-savagery to exist among non-drow is to enslave and train them... the drow are "heroes" for their people.

Drow have wants and needs and goals, like any sentient - in fact, they are the only sentient creature they know of that doesn't automatically descend into savagery when left to their own devices. They are generally left with the choices: "enslave, kill, or die" and they usually take the the first one, unless it's untenable - in which case, like most all living creatures, they take route number two.

They don't have to be "good" guys to be "heroes" - but most of these are at least not villainous - the only requirements.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
thegreenteagamer wrote:
Look, I know the idea of the lone good guy drow is a cliche, entire party of snowflakes? Of the exact same kind of snowflake?
captain yesterday wrote:
There are enough different snowflakes in the world, I see nothing wrong with it.


3 people marked this as a favorite.

You're not my ice age supervisor!!!

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Our game, for the curious:
If you're curious, our game is set in the rigidly controlled Jade Empire - the "bread basket" of the world, and the most traditional and luxurious of the four drow nations.

They are a group of eight characters.

The group of eight have been tasked by the Pale Monarch (the current Jade Regent) to investigate a seemingly very-ordinary darcsen* barmaid and "her blood relatives" (which, since she was an orphan, wasn't really anyone, to her knowledge). This would have been fine and good, but the Pale Monarch effectively demoted all of them in some manner or another**, by placing them under the authority of the rather odious (and both ironically- and self-named) Boulya the Fair - an obnoxious, petty, cruel, and unpleasant priestess of Yoth who's only real skill was religious magic and just enough political and social cunning to avoid being executed or murdered***.

Now they've been sent across the empire, had their lives, social standing, finances, and loved ones put at stake, and fought the first thing that could genuinely be called a "demon" in the flesh to ever have been recorded as existing. (It was a brutal fight, and quite a number of their beloved slaves and servants were slaughtered outright, while one of them also actually died. She got better - also unheard of, in this setting.)

They have returned to the town they had previously left in order to get to the layer of said demon (where they kind of accidentally gave it its flesh in the first place), with a better understanding of what's at stake****, and more power and wealth to help make their jobs a reality.

It's like I can't write without asterisks:
... but it's still a job. Fortunately, all of them have devoted themselves to concepts that demand they try to save their society. Funny how that works out... ;D

* A drow with dark hair. These are invariably commoners among drow society. There are lots of these pictures on the internet, which is interesting as well.

** Some were merely inconvenienced, albeit heavily. But one was (effectively) banished from her own vassalage-queendom until a series of unknown tasks were completed and placed in the court of a hated rival (Boulya); one was effectively prevented from achieving the highest ranking in her church possible; one was exiled from the royal Forbidden City (an irrevocable penalty due to the nature of the city), where she was born and raised, which is tantamount to a combination of public shaming and dishonor as well as heavily implying that she's a criminal; and one was effectively exiled from her Family. And it was all at Boulya's request, so...

*** Well, had avoided. In a spate of pure awesome, when Boulya was bragging about how much power she had, I, as the GM, made a mistake - she exiled them from their Families and into her own, and tauntingly declared all sorts of things she could do, including, "And if I say, 'I declare you my heir' it's legally so!" and player immediately said, dead-level stare, "Who's she pointing at." No question. A demand. When it randomly turned out to be a PC, the two assassins simply nodded at each other, came to an understanding, and worked together to murder her while she gloated. Now a PC is heir to Boulya's entire family fortune... but also the one in charge of making sure the others fulfill their legal and social oaths. Given they all bonded over the murder of their appointed mistress (which may well have been the Pale Monarch's intent), they're all in it for the long haul.

**** Technically, they weren't supposed to get to this point, yet. Only some lenient playing on my part - mostly because the demon had no idea who they were, and was thus unprepared for them or their tactics - and a few really lucky rolls allowed them to survive at all, and all but three were entirely taken out of the fight and lay dying or insane by the end of the fight - and those three were pushed to their very limits (one hit would have ended them). It was pretty mythic. So now, of course, they are. At any rate, they may have beaten the "end boss" early, and may have more information than they "should" at this point, but they still have to claim all the stuff to make their social obligations run properly, as they aren't powerful enough to just overturn an empire. And even now, doing the stuff is going to take time and effort.

EDIT: For spoiler-tags and clarity.

Freehold DM wrote:
they're Drow. Only a handful were ever considered to be heroes. Even when they tried to change that, fans complained.

See... that's actually totally okay. I still would imagine that imprisoned drow being in rags and imprisoned would be an at least available piece of artwork, even if it's not terribly common.

I was just planning on using what I'd assumed to be normal artwork and turn it into "Here are the people you've rescued! They're super-grateful! (You can use that!)" or something similar.

I have to say, it... loses impact, somewhat, when you, instead, get tattooed nobles, a slew of hardcore warriors, some punks, happy people, hard core people, or a tender, loving family (with words printed over it).

The last one could be cool, but, uh, it's not as many as have already been described. Ah, well. I'll just forgo images.

Cheryl Tunt wrote:
You're not my ice age supervisor!!!

Now, I'm just throwin' this out there: are you sure?

2 people marked this as a favorite.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

That gives me chills~!

Grand Lodge

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Funny, our Reign of Winter campaign ends this Wednesday with that fight.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
That gives me chills~!

Sir, we're going to have to ask you to please stop.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
That gives me chills~!
Lt. Yesterday, Bad Pun Police wrote:
Sir, we're going to have to ask you to please stop.

Yes, officer, absolutely, officer, we understand, sir.

But, hey, I know how these things go, and, uh, you seem to be a discriminatin' officer o' th' law.

Perhaps we could all be... friends here. Help each other out. Fulfill each other's needs... you know?

I know a guy...

Have you considered that weird guy talkin' 'bout Pepe Lepew ideas stinkin'? Or maybe a certain registration system? Could go a long way for your career bustin' some o' those... you know?

* nudge-nudge, wink-wink *

EDIT: We could help ya out, if ya jus' look th' other' way...

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Why Shark Tracker?


Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Our game for the curious


That awkward moment when you and your wife plan to sit down for an epic game session, and instead you've fallen asleep putting your son to bed and your wife's done so while you do! Man, adulthood. Just... man!

(At least we got to watch a real ally funny GTLive. Veg'-out for the win!)

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