Jana Holdus

Cheryl Tunt's page

77 posts. Alias of captain yesterday.


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Just like the gypsy woman said!

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You're not my supervisor!!!

Scintillae wrote:


How have none of them ever written a thesis statement before. It's 11th grade.

Isn't that like Jesus, but with words...

Or you can just burn it down by calling everyone a&~*%&&s and comparing random people to historical dictators.

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You're not my airship supervisor!!!

You're not my supervisor!!!!

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Vic Wertz wrote:
Guy St-Amant wrote:

Might have found a potential cause: you have a specific hardware plugged to a specific outlet/socket, said outlet/socket is connected to a switch, maybe a lightswitch, and when the staff leave and turn off the lights...

Possible said switch is normally labeled to avoid the problem and/or only half of the outlet/socket is tied to the switch, and the hardware is plugged in that half.

It's funny you mention that, because there *is* actually a light switch in the server room that has a sticky note taped over it, keeping it in the on position; for added safety, the sticky note says "Do not turn off." But the outlet controlled by the switch (which is not actually in the server room) just has a laser printer attached to it.

Is your password "guest"

I'm seriously asking.

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Kileanna wrote:
Doctor Zoidberg, M.D. wrote:
Now remind me, your species has lungs on the outside, no?
You should use a mind flayer as an avatar for that one xD

You're not my supervisor!!!!

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First question: How dare you.

Follow up question: As if!

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Wait, you're My supervisor!!!.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

You're not my supervisor!!!!

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
It's a bear-no-ill-will party in here!

You're not my supervisor!!!

Did someone say "burn this s$~$hole to the f@%!ing ground"

I'm seriously asking.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Did someone say "start fires"

I seriously want to know.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Nefreet gets it, it's done to be that one special person that does it to be special.

You don't not get to make up random, baseless assertions about your follow gamers and you certainly don't get to get policy made about those random baseless assertions.

You're not my baseless assertion supervisor!!!

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I'm seriously asking.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

You're not my straitjacket supervisor!!!!

8 people marked this as a favorite.

You're not my turtleneck supervisor!!!!

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Blah! So boring!!!

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You're not my frog supervisor!!!!

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You're not my avatar supervisor!!!!

He's obviously never hung out with a 13th level Psychic.

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You're not my hole filling supervisor!!!

... I mean, I hope not, that would be awkward!

Is that like German Stockholm syndrome...

They're all made up words.

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You're not my butter supervisor!!!!

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What do you expect, it's a holiday!!!

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You're not his def poetry supervisor!!!!

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You're not my ice age supervisor!!!

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You're not my supervisor!!!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

You're not my supervisor!!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That's a made up word.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

You're not my supervisor!!!!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

She's not your supervisor!!!

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Lesson 17: You're not my supervisor!!!!

Those are all made up words.

Darth Draconis wrote:
Darth Yesterday wrote:


I get off work exactly when the Star Wars countdown clock hits zero.

It's a TRAP!!!

You always say that, of course it almost always is.

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Oh my god, she did!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Fallout Rampage Cap'n Yesterday wrote:

I was way off on Ulysses, He didn't want help.

However, I got jacked on jet and psycho and whatever else I had, got a few easy shots on him from the loading bay with a sniper rifle, then as soon as I got swarmed by the ghoul f%!!heads I switched to Annabelle and her 49 missiles and let slip the ducks of war, it was truly an epic rampage!

When it was all over I'd used 26 Stimpaks, a bunch more chems, just to be safe, some fixer to even things out, and 48 missiles.


So after everything was said and done there was one Courier left, with one missile...

*gasp* Just like the old gypsy woman said!

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If I hear one more mention of Trump, I will burn that thread to the ground and have choke sex on it's ashes.

Or, you know, huff some glue and start some fires.

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You're not my supervisor!!!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You're not my supervisor!!!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Kalindlara wrote:
Cheryl Tunt wrote:
captain_yesterday wrote:
Life Sized Cap'n Yesterday prop wrote:
Señor Vorpal Kickass'o wrote:
Incidentally, I call them "kwill-poth" usually, but I have done "klip-poth" too.

That's the great thing about made up words, everyone is right:-D

edit: i have a headache and work in the morning, so my alias fu is weak tonight :-(

Alias fu, huh? Does this make me Shang Tsung?
Those are made up words.
Technically, they're all made-up words.

Oh, Pamela, you read me like a book.

I'd been trying to set people up with that for months now, thank you! And impeccable timing! :-D

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captain_yesterday wrote:
Life Sized Cap'n Yesterday prop wrote:
Señor Vorpal Kickass'o wrote:
Incidentally, I call them "kwill-poth" usually, but I have done "klip-poth" too.

That's the great thing about made up words, everyone is right:-D

edit: i have a headache and work in the morning, so my alias fu is weak tonight :-(

Alias fu, huh? Does this make me Shang Tsung?

Those are made up words.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Thin Skinned wrote:
I was walking through the woods...in the dark when I happened upon an old cabin. Inside I found this book looks like it's made of skin or something

*gasp!* just like the old gypsy woman said!

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I'm going to work, so if someone doesn't elaborate on Terraformer Robots in the next 5 hours I will burn this thread to the ground.

Outlaw Country!!!!

Drejk wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I also tend to get my Halloween candy from Aldi. Much cheaper, and the chocolate bars are larger, which I imagine makes the kids happy. Sure the brands are weird and unfamiliar (and, if Thursday Next is to be trusted, potentially the products of an alternate timeline reality)
That mythic land of Europe?

That's a made up place.

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Hey! That's my job!!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I'm good, got a bad ass Dragon, for now...
Why would you want a dragon with flatulence, diarrhea, and prolapse?

You're not my Bathroom Supervisor!!!

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