Scratch-N-Dent Adventures

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Grand Lodge

Looking at the Dragon issues that are currently on sale, can anyone help me in my selection? I'm looking for the issues of Dragon that contain adventures. I've got the list somewhere but can't seem to find it.


W E Ray wrote:
looking for the issues of Dragon that contain adventures

My collection begins with #61 (or 60, maybe) and continues solid through #114. By that time Dungeon was in full swing and so Dragon had stopped publishing adventures.

However ...

Here's What I Have:

061 - Quest for the Midas Orb - Old-school trap-filled dungeon crawl in search of a treasure at the end.

063 - Chagmat - Rescue captured maidens from the mountain caverns of the spider-monsters.

064 - Assassin's Run - A test of Rogue Skills for a solo thief or assassin managed by the local assassin’s guild in an underground dungeon and mock town.

067 - Fedifensor - Raid a Githyanki fortress to recover a stolen sword.

070 - Mechica - Cross mountains to investigate a new culture wherein were-jaguar priests wage war to capture prisoners to sacrifice to their deity.

073 - Forest of Doom - Drow living in a giant tree-fortress have turned a forest to evil and their marauding minions threaten civilized lands.

075 - Can Seapoint be Saved - A small band of pirates, secretly led by a mage and aided by a dragon turtle, threaten local shipping lanes.

078 - Citadel by the Sea - Investigate an ancient citadel recently reinhabited by orcs.

080 - Barnacus: City in Peril - Uncover a ring of spies selling information to raiders, pirates, and bandits plaguing the local trade routes.

081 - Ruins of Andril, The - Every two years the temple/monument of an ancient Egyptian-like culture rises from the desert sands and exposes its secrets for a few days before sinking once more into the sands.

083 - Dancing Hut, The - Enter the Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga and hope to escape it alive and sane.

084 - Twofold Talisman, The: Part I - Enter the trap-filled mansion of a powerful mage to recover the magical gemstone he was forced to leave behind when banished from the kingdom by evil merchant-princes.

085 - Twofold Talisman, The: Part II - Raid the fortified manor of the evil Guildmasters and recover the magical stone talisman of an exiled wizard.

090 - Aesirhamar - Journey to the Nordic Outer-Planes and recover a Dwarven Artifact Hammer stolen by evil Giants.

092 - Sword of Justice, The - Pursue an elven fugitive who has stolen the “Sword of Justice”, and perhaps learn the motives behind his strange crime.

093 - Gypsy Train, The - Encounter information on gypsies which the DM can insert into any campaign for various purposes.

095 - Into the Forgotten Realms - Old school dungeon crawl through the ruins of Myth Drannor’s School of Wizardry, facing its many traps, monsters, perils, and the lich at the end.

100 - City Beyond the Gate, The - Journey through a gate into an alternate realm to recover the missing Mace of St. Cuthbert, hidden in none other than the Victoria & Albert Museum of “modern” (80’s) London.

102 - Valley of the Earth Mother - Raid the fortress/dungeon temple of the “Earth Mother” ala Conan or 13th Warrior.

105 - Betrayed - Investigate the mountains north of the city to find a captive merchant-heir and evidence that firbolg and orc minions of a rival merchant house are responsible for the kidnapping and raids on caravans.

110 - House in the Frozen Lands, The - Journey to the northlands to a Lawful fortress-monastery to find it infiltrated by an evil cult.

111 - Death of an Arch-Mage - As members of the local police force, PCs investigate the murder of an arch-mage, who is the former mayor of their city, the morning after he holds a dinner party for the current mayor and two other dignitaries.



Grand Lodge

Thanks, Rez, I'll take a look at Dragon 80, 90 & 111 -- among the ones I don't already have,those sound interesting.

W E Ray wrote:
I'll take a look at Dragon 80, 90 & 111

It's been years since I read them, but as I recall ...

Barnacus has a pretty interesting medium-sized city map and could make a decent home-base for a campaign, or at least several levels.

Aesirhamar, as you might expect, is higher level. A lot of it involves getting transported to the Outer Planes of the Nordic pantheon and general descriptions of those regions. The "maps" are broad and general "regional" maps of these planes/dimensions and there is little in the way of tactical maps or for that matter plotted encounters. I remember being very disappointed, finding it "thin". I recall that it would require a lot of DM work to pull off, but in the right hands it could become an interesting concept ... perhaps the over-arcing story to a series of other adventures placed within this framework.

Arch-Mage is a straight-up who-done-it. The artwork, descriptions and tone have a certain Renaissance feel to them, so this is definitely not a Low Fantasy adventure. Makes an interesting murder-mystery that will not appeal to hack & slashers. Kinda like Clue-meets-D&D.

Anyway, these are my memories from when I last read them decades ago. Can't vouch for the accuracy of said memories or if my impressions would change today.



Also, Death of an Archmage is a tournament module (with pregenerated characters, details on scoring, etc.).

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